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Oxygen is favoured as terminal electron acceptor in aerobic and facultative microorganisms because of its appropriate physical state, satisfactory solubility and its desirable combinations of kinetic and thermodynamic properties. Oxygen is generally reduced by four electrons to yield oxygen, but there are important biological consequences of, and roles for, the partial reduction to superoxide and peroxide. Complex and multiple regulatory networks ensure (i) the utilization of oxygen in preference to other oxidants, (ii) the synthesis of oxygen-consuming enzymes with appropriate properties (particularly affinity for the ligand), and (iii) appropriate cellular protection in the event of oxidative stress. This contribution reviews the terminal respiratory oxidases of selected Gram-negative bacteria and microbial haemoglobin-like proteins.Recent studies of the cytochromebd-type oxidases ofEscherichia coli andAzotobacter vinelandii suggest that, despite probable similarity at the amino acid level, the reactivities of these oxidases with oxygen are strikingly different. The respiratory protection afforded to nitrogenase in the obligately aerobic diazotrophA. vinelandii by the cytochromebd complex appears to be accompanied by, and may be the result of, a low affinity for oxygen and a high Vmax. The poorly characterized cytochromeo-containing oxidase in this bacterium is not required for respiratory protection. InE. coli, the cytochromebd-type oxidase has a remarkably high affinity for oxygen, consistent with the view that this is an oxygen-scavenging oxidase utilized under microaerobic conditions. The demonstration of substrate (i.e. oxygen) inhibition in this complex suggests a mechanism whereby wasteful electron flux through a non-proton-pumping oxidase is avoided at higher dissolved oxygen tensions. The demonstration of two ligandbinding sites (haemsd andb 595) in oxidases of this type suggests plausible mechanisms for this phenomenon. InE. coli, assembly of the cytochromebd-type oxidase (and of periplasmic cytochromesb andc) requires the presence of an ABC transporter, which may serve to export haem or some assembly factor' to the periplasm.There is at least one additional oxygen-consuming protein inE. coli — the flavohaemoglobin encoded by thehmp gene. Globin-like proteins are also widely distributed in other bacteria, fungi and protozoa, but most have unknown functions. The function of HMP and the related chimaeric flavohaemoglobins in other bacteria and yeast is unknown; one of several possibilities for HMP is that its relatively low affinity for oxygen during turnover with NADH as substrate could enable it to function as a sensor of falling (or rising) cytoplasmic oxygen concentrations.(until October 1994: Section of Microbiology, Wing Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-8101, USA)  相似文献   
In the presence of Cl?, the severity of ammonia-induced inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution is attenuated in spinach thylakoid membranes (Sandusky, P.O. and Yocum, C.F. (1983) FEBS Lett. 162, 339–343). A further examination of this phenomenon using steady-state kinetic analysis suggests that there are two sites of ammonia attack, only one of which is protected by the presence of Cl?. In the case of Tris-induced inhibition of oxygen evolution only the Cl? protected site is evident. In both cases the mechanism of Cl? protection involves the binding of Cl? in competition with the inhibitory amine. Anions (Br? and NO?3) known to reactive oxygen evolution in Cl?-depleted membranes also protect against Tris-induced inhibition, and reactivation of Cl?-depleted membranes by Cl? is competitively inhibited by ammonia. Inactivation of the oxygen-evolving complex by NH2OH is impeded by Cl?, whereas Cl? does not affect the inhibition induced by so-called ADRY reagents. We propose that Cl? functions in the oxygen-evolving complex as a ligand bridging manganese atoms to mediate electron transfer. This model accounts both for the well known Cl? requirement of oxygen evolution, and for the inhibitory effects of amines on this reaction.  相似文献   
Abstract Washed cell suspensions of Crithidia oncopelti oxidizing a variety of substrates gave complex plots for the inhibition of respiration by potassium cyanide or azide. The data indicated the presence of at least two and possibly three terminal oxidases on the basis of their differential sensitivity to these inhibitors. The oxidase most sensitive to cyanide, azide and CO accounted for approx. 65–70% of whole cell respiration and is probably cytochrome oxidase a/a3. A second oxidase exhibiting low affinity for CO required high concentrations of KCN or azide for inhibition. This haemoprotein had the spectral characteristics of cytochrome o and accounted for 15–20% of cell respiration. Incomplete inhibition of respiration by high concentrations of KCN or azide suggested the presence of a third oxidase which was CO-unreactive.  相似文献   
A facultative methylotrophic bacterium was isolated from enrichment cultures containing methylamine as the sole carbon source. It was tentatively identified as an Arthrobacter species. Extracts of cells grown on methylamine or ethylamine contained high levels of amine oxidase (E.C. 1.4.3.) activity. Glucose- or choline-grown cells lacked this enzyme. Oxidation of primary amines by the enzyme resulted in the formation of H2O2; as a consequence high levels of catalase were present in methylamine-and ethylamine-grown cells. The significance of catalase in vivo was demonstrated by addition of 20 mM aminotriazole (a catalase inhibitor) to exponentially growing cells. This completely blocked growth on methylamine whereas growth on glucose was hardly affected. Cytochemical studies showed that methylamine-dependent H2O2 production mainly occurred on invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane. Assimilation of formaldehyde which is generated during methylamine oxidation was by the FBP variant of the RuMP cycle of formaldehyde fixation. The absence of NAD-dependent formaldehyde and formate dehydrogenases indicated the operation of a non-linear oxidation sequence for formal-dehyde via hexulose phosphate synthase. Enzyme profiles of the organism grown on various substrates suggested that the synthesis of amine oxidase, catalase and the enzymes of the RuMP cycle is not under coordinate control.  相似文献   
The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), is one of the major pests of rice throughout Asia. Extensive use of insecticides for suppressing N. lugens has resulted in the development of insecticide resistance leading to frequent control failures in the field. The aim of the present study was to evaluate resistance in the field populations of N. lugens from major rice growing states of South India to various insecticides. We also determined the activity of detoxifying enzymes (esterases [ESTs], glutathione S‐transferases [GSTs], and mixed‐function oxidases [MFOs]). Moderate levels of resistance were detected in the field populations to acephate, thiamethoxam and buprofezin (resistance factors 1.05–20.92 fold, 4.52–14.99 fold, and 1.00–18.09 fold, respectively) as compared with susceptible strain while there were low levels of resistance to imidacloprid (resistance factor 1.23–6.70 fold) and complete sensitivity to etofenoprox (resistance factor 1.05–1.66 fold). EST activities in the field populations were 1.06 to 3.09 times higher than the susceptible strain while for GST and MFO the ratios varied from 1.29 to 3.41 and 1.03 to 1.76, respectively. The EST activity was found to be correlated to acephate resistance (r = 0.999, P ≥ 0.001). The high selection pressure of organophosphate, neonicotinoid, and insect growth regulator (IGR) in the field is likely to be contributing for resistance in BPH to multiple insecticides, leading to control failures. The results obtained will be beneficial to IPM recommendations for the use of effective insecticides against BPH.  相似文献   
Since an increased endothelial superoxide formation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction its specific detection is of particular interest. The widely used superoxide probe lucigenin, however, has been reported to induce superoxide under certain conditions, especially in the presence of NADH. This raises questions as to the conclusion of a NAD(P)H oxidase as the major source of endothelial superoxide. Using independent methods, we showed that lucigenin in the presence of NADH leads to the production of substantial amount of superoxide (~ 15-fold of control) in endothelial cell homogenates. On the other hand, these independent methods revealed that endothelial cells without lucigenin still produce superoxide in a NAD(P)H-dependent manner. This was blocked by inhibitors of the neutrophil NADPH oxidase diphenyleniodonium and phenylarsine oxide. Our results demonstrate that a NAD(P)H-dependent oxidase is an important source for endothelial superoxide but the latter, however, cannot be measured reliably by lucigenin.  相似文献   
The resistance status towards permethrin among the laboratory strain, the permethrin-selected strain and four field strains of Culex quinquefasciatus collected in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was determined using three standard laboratory methods: WHO larval bioassay, WHO adult bioassay and biochemical microplate assay. Cx. quinquefasciatus permethrin-selected strain larvae were the least susceptible to permethrin with a resistance ratio of 47.28-folds, whereas all field strain larvae of the same species were tolerant to permethrin with resistance ratios of more than 3-folds. In contrast, in adult stage, the permethrin exposed permethrin-selected strain (resistance ratio = 1.27) was found to be more susceptible to permethrin than all permethrin-exposed field strains (resistance ratios = 2.23–2.48). Complete mortalities for all strains of Cx. quinquefasciatus adults proved the effectiveness of the synergist; piperonyl butoxide (PBO). For the biochemical microplate assay, the reduction of the mean optical density of elevated oxidase activity of three field strains upon exposure to PBO confirmed the association between oxidase activity and permethrin tolerance. On the other hand, irregular patterns of the mean optical density of elevated oxidase activity in the laboratory strain, permethrin-selected strain and Jalan Fletcher strain illustrated the gene variation within these mosquito colonies as well as the involvement of other enzyme activities in the permethrin resistance occurred.  相似文献   
Described is the antibiotic activity of a marine natural product. Psammaplysin F (1) inhibited the growth of four Gram-positive strains by >80% at 50 μM, and the amine at position C-20 is responsible for the observed antibacterial activity. When tested against two strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for psammaplysin F (40–80 μM) were similar to the structurally-related alkaloid psammaplysin H (2). Psammaplysin F (1) increased membrane permeability by two to four-fold compared to psammaplysin H (2) or control-treated bacteria, respectively. Unlike psammaplysin H (2), we show that psammaplysin F (1) inhibits equal partitioning of DNA into each daughter cell, suggesting that this natural product is a unique prokaryotic cell division inhibitor.  相似文献   
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