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The phytoseiid miteAmblyseius barkeri (Hughes) (=Amblyseius mckenziei Sch. & Pr.) was used for biological control ofThrips tabaci Lind. in 7 commercial glasshouses with cucumber (a total of 5780 m2). Predatory mites were introduced 3–4 times in densities ranging from 40 to 300/m2 at each release. In 6 of the 7 glasshouses, control of thrips was satisfactory throughout the growing season. Thrips densities were kept below 15 individuals per leaf. In 1 glasshouse, thrips damage was seen on the fruits at densities of 25 thrips per leaf, but the thrips population was quickly reduced and remained at low densities for the next 3 months.   相似文献   
J. Bonde 《BioControl》1989,34(2):275-287
Amblyseius barkeri (Hughes) fed onThrips tabaci (Lind.) at 25°C showed an average duration of 2.2, 0.8 and 3.2 days for the egg, larval and nymphal stages, with mortalities at 1.0, 1.0 and 3.1%, respectively. Females represented 63% of the population and required multiple matings for optimal fertility. The oviposition period was 20.3 days and the average oviposition rate 2.3 eggs per day. The intrinsic rate of increase was 0.22 per day. The expected life span was 29.6 days for ♀♀ and 27.4 days for ♂♂.A. barkeri ♂♂ and ♀♀ both consumed 3.3 nymphs of thrips per day (mean value for the feeding stages). The larva does not take up food. In the absence of thripsA. barkeri was able to consume two-spotted spider mites,Tetranychus urticae (Koch), and their eggs, adult broad mites,Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), and pollen of various plants. Cannibalism was observed when food was lacking. Certain morphological features, egglaying, mating and predatory behaviour are described.   相似文献   
D. R. Gillespie 《BioControl》1989,34(2):185-192
The predatory miteAmblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] was evaluated as a biological control forThrips tabaci Lindeman andFrankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae] on greenhouse grown seedless cucumber.A. cucumeris spread throughout the greenhouses and provided control of both species of thrips.A. cucumeris adults persisted on plants for 7 weeks in the virtual absence of prey, and increased numerically in response to increases in prey population. On the basis of these resultsA. cucumeris is recommended as a useful biological control forT. tabaci andF. occidentalis on greenhouse cucumber. Publication No. 361, Agassiz Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Agassiz, B.C. Canada VOM 1AO.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Nosema parkeri sp. n. is described from nymphs and adults of the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, from a laboratory colony. Schizogonic and sporogonic stages are described from various tick tissues. Spores are binucleate, measuring 3.2 (3–4) × 1.9 (1.8–2.5) μm. Transmission is transovarial and transstadial. The parasite does not appear to affect adversely the development or reproduction of the tick. Dermacentor andersoni Stiles was experimentally infected. Attempts to infect Swiss mice by tick feeding or by injection of infected tick suspensions were unsuccessful. The microsporidan differs in structure from Encephalitozoon ixodis Weiser) and Nosema slovaca Weiser & Reháček, the only other microsporidans known from ticks.  相似文献   
Side effects of ten pesticides used in orchards and vineyards were tested with a laboratory method on several Dutch and Italian strains of the predatory mitesTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten andAmblyseius andersoni (Chant). Resistant and susceptible strains of both species were studied. Results showed that a test which evaluates mortality of various developmental stages and fecundity of adult females is better than one that measures only survival of adult females. A definite resistance to certain pesticides was found in ItalianT. pyri andA. andersoni. The level of resistance to parathion, azinphos-methyl and carbaryl was particularly high in some strains ofA. andersoni. The high level of resistance to certain pesticides was often associated with a marked reduction in fecundity.   相似文献   
夏育陆 《生态学报》1989,9(2):174-181
本文从天敌与猎物的种群内禀增长力,天敌对猎物不同密度的功能反应及数值反应三个方面来评价和比较纽氏钝绥螨、尼氏钝绥螨时其猎物——枯全爪螨的控制作用。在五种温度下,两种捕食螨的种群内禀增长力都大于桔全爪螨。它们对猎物的功能反应属HollingⅡ型。尼氏钝绥螨的捕食量大于纽氏钝绥螨,在25℃时两种捕食螨捕食量最大,应用Rogers的模型能较好地对试验结果进行模拟。尼氏钝绥螨对桔全爪不同虫态的取食不存在选择效应,纽氏钝绥螨则嗜食若螨和幼螨。两种捕食螨对桔全爪螨的数值反应表明,仅供给桔全爪螨雌成螨作为食物,对两种捕食螨都不利,尤其对尼氏钝绥螨更为明显。综上所述,两种捕食螨能比较有效地控制桔全爪螨种群,当猎物密度较高时,尼氏钝绥螨控制效果优于纽氏钝绥螨,但纽氏钝绥螨控制效果优于纽氏钝绥螨,但纽氏钝绥螨田间种群数量比尼氏钝绥螨稳定。柑桔园中存在其它补充食物时对这两种捕食敌有利。  相似文献   
在15~35℃、RH80%~85%条件下,研究了加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus (Mcgregor)以截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus Ehara为猎物时,不同螨态的发育和实验种群生命表。结果表明,加州新小绥螨在此温度范围内能完成世代发育,世代发育历期随着温度升高而逐渐缩短。该螨能适应35℃的高温条件,雌性的发育历期最短仅为6.14d。平均产卵期和平均寿命均随着温度的上升逐渐缩短。20℃~25℃时,该螨的平均产卵量最大,达53.73粒/雌。净增殖率在20℃时最高(48.2525),且雌雄性比最大。15℃时内禀增长率和周限增长率均最低,分别为0.0638和1.0659,种群倍增时间最长(10.8669d),35℃时内禀增长率和周限增长率均最高,分别为0.1954和1.2158,种群倍增时间最短(3.5477d)。  相似文献   
黄瓜钝绥螨对茶黄螨雌成螨和腐食酪卵的功能反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究黄瓜钝绥螨Amblyseius cucumeris 对茶黄螨Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks)雌成螨和腐食酪螨Tyrophagus putrescentiae卵的功能反应。结果表明,黄瓜钝绥螨的第1若螨,第2若螨,雌成螨捕食茶黄螨雌成螨和腐食酪螨卵的功能反应均属于Holling II型,其中,雌成螨的捕食能力最强,对腐食酪螨卵和对茶黄螨雌成螨的攻击系数a大,处理时间th短,第2若螨也具有较强的捕食能力,对静态的腐食酪螨卵比对动态的茶黄螨捕食能力强,黄瓜钝绥螨对茶黄螨雌成螨具有很强的捕食能力。  相似文献   
Current glasshouse biological control practice relies on regular prophylactic introductions of one or two 'best' species of natural enemy. Whilst this is effective for much of the time, occasional failures occur due to factors such as differences in response to seasonal changes in environmental conditions and/or host plant effects. This study looks at the predatory behaviour of a specialist coccinellid, Stethorus punctillum Weise, and a generalist mite, Amblyseius californicus McGregor (which predate on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae ) in order to assess how they responded to temperatures and relative humidities typical of glasshouse conditions on four edible crop plant species. Activity (distance covered, time spent walking, walking speed, angular velocity, and turning rate) was recorded at 20, 25 and 30 o C and at relative humidity (RH) levels of 33, 65 and 90%, on tomato, pepper, aubergine and cucumber leaves, and analysed using video-computer techniques. The results show that the activity of S. punctillum significantly increased at higher temperature levels. Host plant species also strongly influenced the performance of the predator, with it being most active on pepper and tomato and least active on aubergines. RH had no significant influence. The activity and predation by A. californicus increased at low humidity levels, especially in terms of time spent moving and number of prey killed. Temperature levels had no significant influence, but host plant species strongly influenced the performance of the predator, which was most active on pepper, and least active on aubergines. Further research was conducted with semi-field trials to investigate the efficacy in controlling TSSM with different combination of predators. When contrasting the commercially available predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis , used alone, compared with its use in a treatment with a combination of predator species, there was a stronger decrease in TSSM numbers on the crop plants in the latter treatment.  相似文献   

The slug Athoracophorus bitentaculatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) is redescribed from material collected in the northern third of the North Island of New Zealand. Its anatomy is described and figured, local variation in the condition of the lateral grooves and mantle is figured, and supplementary information on its biology and distribution is given. Its identity and taxonomy are discussed in the context of earlier work on the species. Evidence is presented for the reduction of Reflectopallium Burton, 1963 to synonymy with Athoracophorus Gould, 1852. A revised key to New Zealand and subantarctic genera of Athoracophoridae is given.  相似文献   
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