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Summary Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 48 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 1984 and 1985 in 137 individual plants of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from a microsite in Yehudiyya, northeast of the Lake of Galilee, Israel. The test involved two climatic microniches in the open Tabor oak forest (1) sunny between trees and (2) shady under trees' canopies. Significant genetic differentiation at single-, two- and multilocus structures was found between neighboring climatic niches, which were only separated by a few meters. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild emmer wheat are partly adaptive, and differentiate primarily at the multilocus level by climatic factors presumably related to aridity stress.  相似文献   
A morphometric and electrophoretic survey was conducted to examine taxonomic relationships among eight population samples of the Rana narina complex from the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan and Taiwan. Five discrete morphotypes are differentiated, and these showed considerable genetic differentiation from each other. From the available information, each of the five morphotypes is judged to represent a species, and three are described as new. Rana utsunomiyaorum sp. nov. and R. supranarina sp. nov. are sympatric in Ishigakijima and Iriomotejima islands of the Yaeyama Group, and differ from the other members by having a shorter hindlimb. Rana utsunomiyaorum is the smallest in the complex, while R. supranarina is the largest. Rana amamiensis sp. nov . occurs on Amamioshima and Tokunoshima islands of the Amami Group and, like R. narina from Okinawajima of the Okinawa Group, has a long hindlimb; it differs from the latter species by having a larger body and relatively small tympanum. These two species differ from R. swinhoana from Taiwan by having a narrower disk on the third finger. A key to known species of the complex is given. Further, syslematics of the R. narina complex within Rana , body size in the two sympatric species, and sexual dimorphism found in this complex are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Allozyme studies in amaranth provided useful assays of genetic variation in order to verify the patterns inferred from morphological traits, for elucidating the genetic structure of landraces, and for the studies of evolutionary relationships among wild, weedy and crop species. Thirty-four populations of cultivated New World amaranths were surveyed along with 21 weedy New World populations for allozyme variation at nine electrophoretic enzyme loci. Eleven populations of cultivated amaranths from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh and six from Nepal were also surveyed for a comparison. In the New World populations, heterozygosity was low, and different populations ranged from 0 to 44% polymorphic loci. Adjacent populations were often fixed for different alleles or had very different allele frequencies at certain loci, with no apparent geographical patterns. Diversity index H was partitioned into the intra- and interpopulation as well as the interspecific components of variability. The crop versus weed genetic distances were the largest, whereas the intra- and interpopulation components of H were about equal. Genetic structure of all three species of the New World amaranths together can be described as a collection of distinct populations, each more or less a heterogeneous collection of highly homozygous individuals. The North Indian populations showed relatively less allozyme variability with the most common alleles same as those of Mexican landraces. Alleles at several loci proved to be diagnostic of the crop and weed groups, and of the three individual crop species. Genetic distances based on pooled gene frequencies showed the three crop species to be generally more closely related inter se than they were to their putative weedy progenitor species, respectively (with the exception of the weed-crop pair A. quitensis and A. caudatus). This implies a single domestication event involving A. hybridus as the common ancestor rather than three separate domestication events. Close similarity between A. caudatus and A. quitensis might have resulted from transdomestication based on a weedy or semi-domesticated species having migrated from Meso-America to South America. This preliminary report must now be expanded by further ecogeographical, cytogenetic and population studies on new extensive collections from the areas of early domestication. Some evidence of recent introgression and/or segregation of crop-weed hybrids between A. caudatus and A. retroflexus is available in the form of rare individuals in crop populations with crop allozyme genotypes except for a single homozygous weedy allele.  相似文献   
Gene frequencies at 13 isozyme loci were determined in three South American taxa of cultivated potatoes [the diploid group (gp.) Stenotomum, the diploid subgroups (subgp.) Goniocalyx, and the tetraploid gp. Andigena ofS. tuberosum], in the diploid weed speciesS. sparsipilum, and in most of the main cultivars now raised in the Northern Hemisphere (the tetraploid gp. Tuberosum ofS. tuberosum). High levels of genetic variability (mean number of alleles per locus, percentage of polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity) were detected, being higher in tetraploid potatoes. An equilibrium among the evolutionary factors which increase genetic variability and artificial selection for maximum yield would explain the high uniformity of heterozygosity values we observed in both Andigena (0.36 ± 0.02) and Tuberosum (0.38 ± 0.01) cultivars.—The low value of genetic distance (D = 0.044) between Stenotomum and Goniocalyx does not support the status of species forS. goniocalyx.—In most isozyme loci, the electromorphs of gp. Andigena were a combination of those found in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggesting an amphidiploid origin of gp. Andigena from that two diploid taxa. The presence in Andigena of unique electromorphs, which were lacking in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggests that other diploid species could be also implied in the origin of tetraploid Andean potatoes. Furthermore, since Andigena were more related to Stenotomum (D = 0.052) than toS. sparsipilum (D = 0.241), the autopolyploidization of Stenotomum individuals and the subsequent hybridization with gp. Andigena may also have occurred. Thus, our study suggests a multiple origin (amphidiploidy, autoploidy, and hybridization at tetraploid level) of gp. Andigena.—Most of the electromorphs of gp. Tuberosum were also found in gp. Andigena; both the direct derivation of that group from the Andean tetraploid potatoes and the repeated introgression provided by breeding programmes could explain this result. However, the allele c of Pgm-B, present in 30 out of 76 Tuberosum cultivars from Northern Hemisphere as well as in 3 Chilean Tuberosum cultivars, lacks in the 258 Andigena genotypes sampled, suggesting that Chilean germplasm could have taken part in the origin of at least the 39% of the potato cultivars from Europe and North America analyzed here.—The distanceWagner procedure provides an estimate of a 30% of heterogeneity in the evolutionary divergence shown by different groups of cultivated potatoes. Diploid groups show a higher (22.5%) evolutionary rate than tetraploids, which can be attributed to both tetrasomic inheritance and facultative autofecundation that exists in Andigena and Tuberosum groups. Thus, artificial selection acting since 10000 years has not resulted in a higher rate of molecular evolution at the isozyme level in the tetraploids.  相似文献   
Summary A survey of enzyme variability in several populations of Plantago major in the Netherlands has been made. Nine of 36 loci were found to be polymorphic. The most extensively studies population showed 7 polymorphic loci (19%). The average heterozygosity was 0.005, a low value since P. major is predominantly inbreeding; a first estimate of the outcrossing rate is only 10%. All nine variable loci show simple Mendelian inheritance, seven of them could be placed into four different linkage groups. Marked differences in allele frequencies were found between two subspecies: ssp. major and ssp. pleiosperma. Two enzyme loci possess subspecies-specific alleles, Pgm-1 and Got-1. The most likely explanation of this phenomenon is the existence of fitness differences, caused either by the enzyme loci themselves or by linked loci.Grassland Species Research Group Publication no. 14  相似文献   
Aim  The analysis of the phylogeographical structures of many European species reveals the importance of Mediterranean glacial refugia for many thermophilic species, but also underlines the relevance of extra-Mediterranean glacial differentiation centres for a number of temperate species. In this context, phylogeographical analyses of species from south-eastern Europe are highly important for a comprehensive understanding of Europe as a whole.
Location  Romania and Bulgaria.
Methods  We analysed 19 allozyme loci for 615 individuals of the temperate butterfly species Erebia medusa from 28 populations.
Results  These populations had an intermediate genetic diversity, but the Bulgarian populations were significantly more diverse than the ones north of the Danube in Romania. The differentiation among populations was strong, and 52.1% of the genetic variance among populations was distributed between these two countries. The genetic differentiation was considerably stronger in Romania than in Bulgaria, but several sublineages were distinguished within each of these countries.
Main conclusions  The observed genetic structure is so strong that it is most probably the result of glacial differentiation processes in south-eastern Europe and not a post-glacial structure. The strong differentiation into the two groups north and south of the Danube suggests a separating effect by this river valley. The strong differentiation accompanied with genetic impoverishment in Romania suggests the existence of several differentiation centres: at least two small ones on the southern slopes of the southern Carpathians and one in the eastern Carpathian Basin. The considerably weaker differentiation among the Bulgarian samples and their significantly higher genetic diversity imply that gene flow occurred among different regions of Bulgaria during the last ice age.  相似文献   
枇杷属植物等位酶遗传变异及品种基因型指纹   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶的等电聚焦电泳技术,对国家枇杷种质资源圃所收集保存的113个枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)品种(或株系)和4个野生近缘种[栎叶枇杷(E.prinoides Rehd.et Wils.)、大渡河枇杷(E.prinoides var.daduheensis H.Z.Zhang)、齿叶枇杷(E.serrata Vidal.)、大瑶山枇杷(E.dayaoshanensis Chen.)],共117份材料进行了等位酶遗传变异分析。在12个酶系中共检测到24个清晰位点和59个等位基因,多态位点为21个,位点最大等位基因数为5,体现出枇杷丰富的遗传种质多样性;X^2分析表明等位基因频率在不同产地品种群间存在明显差异,在用于分析的19个多态位点中,有15个位点达到显著或极显著水平;且不同的种材料拥有各自特有等位基因,如Dia-1^c,Dia-2^b,Dia-3^b只存在于大瑶山枇杷中,Est-2^b,Est-3^a只存在于大渡河枇杷中,Idh-1^d仅出现于枇杷品种荔枝枇杷中,体现了枇杷物种间的遗传组成差异;利用11个酶系统22个位点的53个等位基因所构建的枇杷品种(株系)等位酶基因型指纹可以将113个枇杷品种中的111个完全区分,各品种均有自己独特的等位酶基因型指纹,虽然进一步的分析表明,目前所研究的酶系统位点和等位基因变异与枇杷品种果实园艺性状变异间缺乏关联,但等位酶标记仍然不失为枇杷品种鉴别的一种有用工具。  相似文献   
Genetic diversity of allozymes, genetic identity based on allozyme variability, and phylogenetic relationships were studied with respect to breeding system diversity, population size, and island age in 20 of the 29 species of Schiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a monophyletic lineage endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Average levels of genetic variability in Schiedea and Alsinidendron were comparable to or higher than those found in other Hawaiian lineages for which equivalent data are available [Bidens, Tetramolopium, and the silversword alliance (Asteraceae: Madiinae)] and similar to average values for species of dicots. Allozyme variability was strongly dependent on breeding system, which varies widely in the Hawaiian Alsinoideae. Species with autogamous breeding systems showed very low variability, measured as the number of alleles per locus, percent polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity per locus. Outcrossing hermaphroditic and dimorphic species (those with gynodioecious, subdioecious, and dioecious breeding systems) showed significantly higher genetic variability. Small population size was associated with lower values for all measures of genetic variability. Nearly half of the species occurring in small populations are also autogamous; thus, both factors may have influenced levels of genetic variability in these species. Founder effect was apparent in one species (Schiedea adamantis), which occurs in a single large population, has a gynodioecious breeding system but a very low genetic variability. Island age appeared to have little effect on genetic variability. Slightly lower values of genetic variability for species occurring on Kaua'i and O'ahu result primarily from the occurrence of autogamous Alsinidendron species on those islands. Values for Nei's genetic identity for different species pairs were 0.201–0.942, a far greater range than in Bidens, the silversword alliance, and Tetramolopium. Using UPGMA clustering, there was only moderate support for relationships detected through cladistic analysis. Nei's unbiased genetic identity (I) was greatest among species with outcrossing breeding systems, which for the most part clustered together. Nei's genetic identities for self-fertilizing species were low, indicating that these species are less similar to one another and to outcrossing species, regardless of their affinities based on cladistic analysis. Parsimony analysis of allele frequency data supported two clades also found in phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data. Clades recognized in parsimony analysis of allele frequencies were those lineages containing selfing species, indicating that conditions favoring fixation of alleles occurred in ancestral species. In contrast, maintenance of high genetic diversity in outcrossing species interferes with recognition of phylogenetic relationships using allozyme variability.  相似文献   
简曙光  吴梅  刘念   《广西植物》2005,25(6):566-569,561
采用等位酶技术,分析了葫芦苏铁5个居群的遗传多样性。分析6个酶系统,共获得了13个基因位点, 结果表明:葫芦苏铁具有较高水平的遗传变异性,多态位点百分率(P)为56.9%,等位基因平均数A=1.62,等 位基因多样性指数Ho=0.105,He=0.164,居群杂合体过量的位点为50%。居群遗传结构分析表明,大部分 遗传变异(93.6%)存在于居群内(FST=0.064),居群间分化程度甚微。根据葫芦苏铁的居群遗传结构式样并 结合相关研究,提出了就地保护所有居群,迁地保护从东一、王下和水田三个大居群取样的保护策略。  相似文献   
Allozyme variation at eleven loci encoding seven enzyme systems were examined in 20 populations of diploid (genome AA, 2n = 16)Scilla scilloides in China. In comparison with the average species of seed plants studied, populations of this species display a high amount of genetic variation (A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, Ho = 0.172, and He = 0.185). Allozyme variation pattern revealed predominant outcrossing within populations and considerable differentiation (FST = 0.314) among populations as well as between the subtropic and temperate regions. The wide distribution, long existence and outcrossing are presumably the main factors responsible for the high genetic diversity within populations. But the gravity dispersal of seeds and pollination by small insects set limits to the increase of genetic variation within populations and promote differentiation between populations and regions. In addition, allozyme variation does not distinguishS. scilloides var.albo-viridis and suggests that subtropic populations may be considered as a genetic entity.  相似文献   
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