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在大鼠明暗分辨学习的建立和巩固过程中,通过与记录电极一起慢性埋植于海马CA_3区的注药管微量注射NMDA受体的特异性拮抗剂2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid(APV),观察对海马CA_3区突触效应及与之相关的习得性行为的影响。结果如下:(1)在动物经训练PS峰幅值刚增大至最高水平后,即在习得性LTP刚好形成后,每实验单元先于CA_3区注射AFV 1μl(2mmol/L),然后在药物有效作用时间内再进行训练,则PS峰值不能随训练而保持在最高水平,相反经8个实验单元,PS峰值降至实验前水平;相应地动物的正确反应率不能随训练而巩固,反而下降至10%以下。(2)在动物习得性LTP已形成并经一单元训练PS保持在最高水平后,于每实验单元训练前注射APV 1μl(2mmol/L),PS峰值同样不会随训练而保持在最高水平,经14个实验单元注药和训练,PS峰值逐渐降至实验前水平,相应地动物行为的正确反应率也降至10%以下,习得性行为消退,不过其消退速度比前一情况的动物为慢,说明习得性LTP发展情况不同,APV的作用效率有差别。结果表明:NMDA受体在习得性LTP的巩固中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
Hemoglobin Dallas, an α-chain variant with a substitution of lysine for asparagine at position 97(G4), was found to have increased oxygen affinity (p12 = 1 mmHg at pH 7.3 and 20°C), diminished cooperativity (0n, the Hill coefficient = 1.7) and reduced Bohr effect (about 50%). Addition of allosteric effectors (such as 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, inositol hexakisphosphate and bezafibrate) led to a decrease in oxygen affinity and increase in cooperative energy. Kinetic studies at pH 7.0 and 20°C revealed that (i), the overall rate of oxygen dissociation is 1.4-fold slower than that for HbA and (ii), the carbon monoxide dissociation rate is unaffected. The abnormal properties of this hemoglobin variant can be atttributed to a more ‘relaxed’ T-state.  相似文献   
Summary A two-chain polypeptide, which corresponds to amino acid residues 115–143 and 144–184(185) of bovine serum albumin, connected to each other by a disulfide bridge, potentiated the effects of insulin on glucose transport and glucose metabolism in isolated rat adipocytes. Although the peptide alone had little activity, it shifted the concentration-response curves of insulin-stimulated D-[I-14C]glucose oxidation, 2-deoxyglucose transport, and lipid synthesis from D-[U-14C]glucose to lower insulin concentrations. It also increased the maximal responses of these parameters to insulin. However, it did not affect insulin binding to adipocytes. The peptide protected insulin considerably from degradation, but this effect alone cannot account for its effect in increasing the maximal responses to the hormone, and even when degradation of a submaximal concentration of insulin was suppressed by bacitracin, the peptide still had an enhancing effect. These results suggest not only that the peptide influences a step distal to receptor-mediated insulin binding but also that inhibition of insulin degradation alone cannot explain its total effect.The peptide lost its insulin-stimulating activity completely when it was further digested with V8 or lysinespecific endopeptidase, or when it was reduced and then carboxamidomethylated or oxidized with performic acid. Similar active tryptic fragments were obtained from human and rat albumins.Insulin-stimulating peptides should be useful in studies on the mechanisms of insulin action including both the sensitivities and responsiveness of target cells to the hormone.Abbreviations ISP insulin-stimulating peptide - HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
Abstract: We have identified the regional distributions and developmental expression of NMDA-receptor proteins NR2A and NR2B in rat CNS, using two subunit-specific affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies that recognize NR2A and NR2B. In western blots of cells transfected with NR2A or NR2B cDNAs, and of brain homogenates, each antibody detects a single predominant 172-kDa protein corresponding to its homologous subunit. Both subunits are glycoproteins that are enriched in synaptic membranes. In adult rat CNS, NR2A and NR2B are enriched in cortex and hippocampus but are present in other forebrain regions. In hindbrain, NR2A is present at low levels but NR2B is barely detectable. These subunits are differentially expressed in postnatal CNS development. In cortex and striatum, NR2A is absent at birth but expression increases thereafter, whereas NR2B is expressed at nearly adult levels during forebrain development. In hindbrain, low levels of NR2A are present throughout development, whereas NR2B is expressed only transiently in the first postnatal weeks. These results suggest that native NMDA receptors are modulated by NR2A and NR2B in adult forebrain but not appreciably in hindbrain. In contrast, during early postnatal development, NR2B may have a more dominant role than NR2A in modulating NMDA receptors throughout the CNS. Thus, transient changes in NMDA-receptor function may occur during maturation of certain neuronal and/or glial populations via differential expression of NR2A and NR2B subunits.  相似文献   
We have been investigating the hypothesis that the membrane-permeant molecules nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide(CO) may act as retrograde messengers during long-term potentiation (LTP). Inhibitors of either NO synthase or heme oxygenase, the enzyme that produces CO, blocked induction of LTP in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices. Brief application of either NO or CO to slices produced a rapid and long-lasting increase in the size of synaptic potentials if, and only if, the application occurred at the same time as weak tetanic stimulation of the presynaptic fibers. The long-term enhancement by NO or CO was spatially restricted to synapses from active presynaptic fibers and appeared to involve mechanisms utilized by LTP, occluding the subsequent induction of LTP by strong tetanic stimulation. The enhancement by No or CO was not blocked by the NMDA receptor blocker APV, suggesting that NO and CO act downstream for the NMDA receptor. In other systems, both NO and CO produce many of their effects by activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase nd cGMP-dependent protein kinase. An inhibitor of soluble guabylyl cyclase blocked the induction of normal LTP. Conversely, membrane-permeabel analog 8-Br-cGMP produced a rapid onset and long-lasting synaptic enhancement if, and only if, it was applied at the same time as weak presynaptic stimulation. Similarly, two inhibitors of cGMP-dependent protein kinase blocked the induction of normal LTP, and a selective activator of cGMP-dependent protein kinase produced activity-dependent long-lasting synaptic enhancement. 8-Br-cGMP also produced and activity-dependent, long-lasting increase in the amplitude of evoked synaptic current between pairs of hippocampal neurons in dissociated cell culture. In addition, 8-Br-cGMP, like NO, produced a long-lasting increase in the frequency of spontaneous miniature synaptic currents. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that NO and CO, either alone or in combination, serve as retrograde messengers that produce activity-dependent presynaptic enhancement, perhaps by stimulating soluble guanbylyl cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase, during LTP in hippocampus. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract: The N-methyl-d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor possesses two distinct amino acid recognition sites, one for glutamate and one for glycine, which appear to be allosterically linked. Using rat cortex/hippocampus P2 membranes we have investigated the effect of glutamate recognition site ligands on [3H]glycine (agonist) and (±)4-trans-2-car-boxy-5,7-dichloro-4-[3H]phenylaminocarbonylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline ([3H]l -689,560; antagonist) binding to the glycine site and the effect of glycine recognition site ligands on l -[3H]glutamate (agonist), dl -3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-[3H]propyl-1 -phosphonate ([3H]-CPP; “C-7” antagonist), and cis-4-phosphonomethyl-2-[3H]piperidine carboxylate ([3H]CGS-19755; “C-5” antagonist) binding to the glutamate site. “C-7” glutamate site antagonists partially inhibited [3H]l -689,560 binding but had no effect on [3H]glycine binding, whereas “C-5” antagonists partially inhibited the binding of both radioligands. Glycine, d -serine, and d -cycloserine partially inhibited [3H]CGS-19755 binding but had little effect on l -[3H]-glutamate or [3H]CPP binding, whereas the partial agonists (+)-3-amino-1-hydroxypyrrolid-2-one [(+)-HA-966], 3R-(+)cis-4-methyl-HA-966 (l -687,414), and 1-amino-1-carboxycyclobutane all enhanced [3H]CPP binding but had no effect on [3H]CGS-19755 binding, and (+)-HA-966 and l -687,414 inhibited l -[3H]glutamate binding. The association and dissociation rates of [3H]l -689,560 binding were decreased by CPP and d -2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (“C-5”). Saturation analysis of [3H]l -689,560 binding carried out at equilibrium showed that CPP had little effect on the affinity or number of [3H]l -689,560 binding sites. These results indicate that complex interactions occur between the glutamate and glycine recognition sites on the NMDA receptor. In addition, mechanisms other than allosterism may underlie some effects, and the possibility of a steric interaction between CPP and [3H]l -689,560 is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: GABAA receptors were characterized in cellular fractions isolated from adult bovine brain. The fraction enriched in cortical astrocytes is very rich in high-affinity binding sites for [3H]flunitrazepam and other "central-type" benzodiazepine ligands. The amount of specific [3H]flunitrazepam binding was more than five times higher in the glial fraction than in synaptosomal and perikaryal fractions. [3H]Flunitrazepam was displaced by low concentrations of clonazepam and other specific ligands for central GABAA receptors. Specific binding sites for GABA, flunitrazepam, barbiturates, and picrotoxin-like convulsants were characterized. Allosteric interactions between the different sites were typical of central-type GABAA receptors. The presence of α-subunit(s), as revealed by [3H]flunitrazepam photoaffinity labeling, was demonstrated in all brain fractions at molecular mass 51–53 kDa. Photoaffinity labeling was highest in the glial fraction. However, in primary cultured astrocytes from neonate rat cortex, no photoaffinity labeling was detected. Information obtained from astrocytes in culture should thus be taken with caution when extrapolated to differentiated astroglial cells. Our results actually show that, in mature brain, most of the fully pharmacologically active GABAA receptors are extrasynaptic and expressed in astroglia.  相似文献   
J C Zolman 《FEBS letters》1982,143(1):26-28
Aspartate, glutamate, serine and glycine all permeate the inner membrane of mitochondria isolated from both etiolated and green plant tissues. No significant difference was found in the transport characteristics shown by mitochondria from either tissue. Influx of each amino acid appears diffusional because substrate saturation was not observed and there was no indication of specific inhibition or a requirement for a compensatory or counter ion for uptake. In contrast, uptake of the keto acid pyruvate did appear saturable. Inhibition by α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, mersalyl and FCCP, but not valinomycin, suggests a carrier and a ΔpH mediate pyruvate transport into the matrix.  相似文献   
In hippocampal slices arachidonic acid released after NMDA post-synaptic receptor activation is thought to act as a retrograde trans-synaptic messenger which facilitates the pre-synaptic release of L-glutamate to be involved in the expression of long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP). We measured the mass amount of arachidonic acid released from hippocampal slices incubated under conditions which maintain the electrophysiological responsiveness of the slice. Melittin released arachidonic, oleic and docosahexaenoic acids by phospholipase A2 activation but not palmitic or stearic acids. Of greater interestl-glutamate, N-methyl-d-aspartate and incubation conditions known to induce LTP selectively and rapidly increased the release of archidonic acid in amounts over basal levels of 200–300 ng/mg protein. This is the first direct determination of the mass amount of arachidonic acid released following NMDA receptor activation in the hippocampus.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Louis Sokoloff.  相似文献   
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