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A native high molecular complex (Mr 850000) containing about 50% of the allphycocyanin of the phycobilisome but lacking allophycocyanin B was separated from isolated phycobilisomes by gel electrophoresis. It was designated APCM since the large linker polypeptide LCM was exclusively localized in this complex. The complex exhibited a ?196°C fluorescence emission maximum at 673 nm (671 nm at 25°C). In addition, a core complex (designated APC, Mr≥1000000) consisting of both APCM and AP 680 was isolated by combined gel filtration and linear gradient centrifugation. At 25°C this complex showed dual emission peaks at 670 and 680 nm demonstrating functional independence of the terminal emitters. A complex similar to APCM can be isolated from phycobilisomes of Anabaena variabilis. This is evidence that APCM is the constitutive center of the tricylindrical core of hemidiscoidal cyanobacterial phycobilisomes. Two models summarizing the structural and functional consequences of the results are presented in the discussion.  相似文献   
The dissociation products of isolated phycobilisomes of Mastigocladus laminosus were separated and analyzed by ultracentrifugation and, in part, by isoelectric focusing. With the exception of the allophycocyanin core, the sedimentation constants of peripheral phycocyanin- and phycoerythrocyanin-phycocyanin complexes lay in the range of 6 to 17S. The latter was represented by a 17S aggregate of two hexameric phycocyanins (dodecamer, dipartite unit). A complex with an absorption maximum at 610 nm (phycocyanin) and a shoulder at 580 nm (phycoerythrocyanin), a fluorescence emission maximum at 645 nm and a sedimentation constant of 11 S is described as a heterogeneously composed hexamer of ()3-phycoerythrocyanin-()3-phycocyanin. It was stable under extended dissociation in the cold and under isoelectric focusing. An aggregate of 14 S with an absorption maximum at 576 nm and a shoulder in the fluorescence emission spectrum at 625 nm (phycoerythrocyanin) in addition to the maximum at 645 nm (phycocyanin) is interpreted as a polar phycoerythrocyanin/ phycoerythrocyanin-phycocyanin complex. Combining these complexes with phycocyanin dodecamers creates peripheral rods of the phycobilisome. A proposal of the phycobiliprotein distribution within the phycobilisome of M. laminosus is presented.Abbreviations APC allophycocyanin - PC phycocyanin - PE phycoerythrin - PEC phycoerythrocyanin  相似文献   
藻胆蛋白(phycobiliprotein)是蓝藻和红藻藻胆体的组成部分,是光合作用集光复合体的组成部分,一般由α和β亚基构成,每个亚基含1~4个辅基色素,从而使藻胆蛋白具有特定的光谱吸收性质。根据这些吸收光谱性质,可以将藻胆蛋白分为:别藻蓝蛋白(APC)、藻蓝蛋白(PC)和藻红蛋白(PE)等,在某些缺乏PE而有异形胞的蓝藻中存在充当PE天线捕光功能的藻红蓝蛋白(PEC)〔1〕。藻胆蛋白可用于天然食用色素、化妆品色素和制药行业,还可作为免疫检测、荧光显微技术和流式细胞荧光测定法技术方面的荧光探针。特别是本工作研究的层理鞭枝藻(简称M.laminosu…  相似文献   
Molecular and microscopic studies were performed to identify Chroococcidiopsis sp., an endolithic cyanobacterium, isolated from gypsum rocks of Atacama Desert (Chile). It was adapted to grow in mineral liquid medium, with 9 mM nitrate, bubbled with CO2-enriched air (2.5 % v/v), and continuously illuminated with a white light of 70 μmol photons m–2 s–1. The obtained biomass (productivity of 0.21 g L–1 d–1) had a C/N ratio of 6.67, and it contained carbohydrates (45.40 % of dry weight), proteins (36.72 %), lipids (5.60 %) nucleic acids (3.90 %) and ashes (8.28 %). The lipid fraction was particularly rich in palmitic (29.86 % of total fatty acids), linoleic (18.20 %), palmitoleic (12.75 %), linolenic (10.92 %), stearic (9.64 %) and capric acid (6.29 %). Chroococcidiopsis sp. accumulated phycobiliproteins in a light-dependent process and produced 204 mg g–1, under incident light of 10 μmol photons·m–2·s–1, with a relative abundance of 40.9 % for phycocyanin, 23.3 % for phycoerythrin, and 35.8 % for allophycocyanin. The biomass from this cyanobacterium can be a good source of these pigments, especially APC (maximum of 95 mg g dw−1), which are of interest for pharmacological, cosmetic, and food industries.  相似文献   
C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin from the red alga Rhodella violacea were investigated by electron microscopy and biochemical methods using samples taken from the same fractions.The molecular weights of the native biliprotein aggregates C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin are about 139,000 (140,000) and 130,000 (145,000) as revealed by calibrated gel chromatography, gradient gel electrophoresis and morphological measurements on the basis of an average protein packing density. These molecular weights are direct evidence for a trimeric aggregation form ()3 of these biliproteins. Independently, their monomers were determined to be about 34,400 (C-phycocyanin) and 33,900 (allophycocyanin).C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin are ringshaped, six-membered, biliprotein aggregates with dimensions of about 10.2×3.0 nm and 10.0×3.0 nm, respectively. The aggregates are made up of six subunits, 3 and 3, which are assumed to be associated in alternating positions. They are arranged in regular hexagons in C6 symmetry. Hexameric aggregates ()6, so far only isolated for C-phycocyanin, originate by face to face association of two trimeric aggregates.  相似文献   
以变藻蓝蛋白的晶体结构和光谱性质为基础,利用密度矩阵理论对变藻蓝蛋白六聚体内的激发能传递物理机制进行分析,并利用时间分辨荧光光谱技术对其能量传递途径进行实时探测。结果表明:在变藻蓝蛋白六聚体内,色素对(毗邻单体上的色素αi84βj84,其中j=i±1,和β*LCM42)内的能量传递服从激子偶极-偶极相互作用机制;而色素对之间的能量传递机制则为Frster偶极-偶极相互作用机制,并且其能量传递途径分为两类:(1).两个变藻蓝蛋白三聚体之间色素对的能量传递,其时间常数大约为15ps左右;(2).同一变藻蓝蛋白三聚体内色素对间的能量传递,在APII三聚体内,其能量传递时间大约为45ps左右,而在API三聚体内,其能量传递时间常数为45ps和65ps。  相似文献   
进行了Anabaena sp.PCC7120的别藻蓝蛋白ApcE与ApcF的体内重组的光谱和apcE和apcF基因的细菌双杂交的研究。在提纯前PCB-ApcE/PCB-ApcF的吸收及荧光光谱峰与PCB-ApcF的峰位置一致,而提纯后PCB-ApcE/PCB-ApcF的吸收及荧光光谱峰与PCB-ApcE的峰位置一致,表明ApcE与ApcF不能形成复合物。pBT-apcF与pTRG-apcE的转化细胞能在无3氨基-1,2,4三氮唑(3-AT)的非选择性培养基上生长,而不能在有3AT的选择性培养基上生长,说明在转化过程中未产生能抗3-AT的HIS3报告基因,进一步证实ApcE与ApcF间没有相互作用。  相似文献   
The marine cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. strain C86 changes the phycobilisome type depending on light quality. Red-light-adapted cells contained hemidiscoidal phycobilisomes with a photosystem II:phycobilisome ratio of 2.2, while green-light-adapted cells exhibited hemiellipsoidal phycobilisomes with a photosystem II:phycobilisome ratio of 4.4, as determined by a combined analysis of freeze-fractured thylakoid membranes and ultrathin sections and by photochemical determinations of photosystems and phycobilisomes. Core complexes of phycobilisomes of red- and green-light-adapted cells were isolated by affinity chromatography and were subsequently separated into two allophycocyanin-containing fractions. The high-molecular-weight fraction, with a sedimentation coefficient of 24 S and a calculated mol. wt. of 860,000, contained complexes of the quaternary structure (αAP 9βAP 8β19.5AP)2· (LCM)2 and tricylindrical shape, previously designated APCM. This fraction was similar in size in red- and green-light-adapted cells; however, differences were detected in the low-molecular-weight allophycocyanin fraction containing the "trimeric" complexes with a sedimentation coefficient of 6 S. As shown by comparison of spectral and stoichiometric data of intact phycobilisomes and isolated core complexes, the amount of the αAPB-containing core complex (αAP 2αAPBβAP 3) · LC 10 was greater in core fractions of green-light phycobilisomes, whereas the amount of the core complexes (αAP 3βAP 3) · LC 10, designated AP · LC 10, was higher in cores of red-light phycobilisomes. Phormidium sp. is the first organism examined that exhibits a new type of complementary chromatic adaptation by altering the composition of the phycobilisome core and the number and composition of peripheral rods and by changing the ratio of photosystem II to phycobilisomes. A model summarizing the structural consequences of the results is presented. Received: 5 December 1995 / Accepted: 10 April 1995  相似文献   
Summary Cyanobacteria possess specialized organelles, called phycobilisomes, which collect and transfer light energy to the reaction centres of photosystem II, in the photosynthetic membrane. Phycobilisomes consist of a central core, mainly composed of allophycocyanin, from which six rods radiate. We report here the isolation, for the first time, of three genes that encode core components of cyanobacterial phycobilisomes. The genes coding for the -and -subunit apoproteins of allophycocyanin (apcA and apcB) were cloned from Synechococcus PCC 6301 and subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis. Dowstream of apcB, we found a third open reading frame (apcC) which, by comparison with known amino acid sequences, was assigned to L c 7.8 , a linker polypeptide associated with phycobiliproteins within the core of the phycobilisomes. Homologies between amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the Synechococcus PCC 6301 apc genes and the amino acid sequences published for corresponding proteins either from cyanobacteria or chloroplast-like organelles of eukaryotic organisms, are 75% or more. The genetic organization of this photosynthetic gene cluster relative to that observed in the cyanelle genome of the flagellate Cyanophora paradoxa is discussed.  相似文献   
柱孢鱼腥藻的藻蓝蛋白包含有两个亚基。β亚基具有578nm吸收峰和600nm荧光发射峰,分子量19.80±0.40KD,可表明β亚基仅有一个载色团。α亚基具有578nm和630nm吸收峰及645nm的荧光发射峰,分子量17.35±0.38,α亚基可能有两个载色团。别藻蓝蛋白有635nm和650nm吸收蜂及664nm的荧光发射峰。具藻胆体的类囊体膜从高盐浓度缓冲液移至低盐浓度缓冲液时表现678nm荧光发射峰,可能柱孢鱼腥藻存在的F_(678)色素蛋白相当于GLazer(1975)的别藻蓝蛋白B。  相似文献   
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