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Household structure may have strong effects on reproduction. This study uses household demographic data for 59 women in a Caribbean village to test evolutionary hypotheses concerning variation in reproductive strategies. Father-absence during childhood, current household composition, and household economic status are predicted to influence age at first birth, number of mates, reproductive success, and pair-bond stability. Criterion variables did not associate in a manner indicative of r- and K-strategies. Father-absence in early childhood had little influence on subsequent reproduction. Household wealth and alloparenting were positively associated with age at first birth. Alloparenting was negatively associated with reproductive success. Women in long-term conjugal unions had higher reproductive success than did single women. Number of adult male kin resident in the household was negatively associated with women’s number of mates. This research was funded by NSF grants (BNS 8920569 and SBR 9205373) to Mark Flinn and an Earthwatch Center for Field Research grant to Mark Flinn, Robert Quinlan, and Marsha Quinlan. Robert Quinlan is currently an assistant researcher at the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i. He has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Missouri. His research interests include human evolutionary ecology, household demography, and biomedical anthropology.  相似文献   
Oxytocin receptors (OXTR) in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) promote alloparental behavior and partner preference formation in female prairie voles. Within the NAcc there is significant individual variation in OXTR binding and virgin juvenile and adult females with a high density of OXTR in the NAcc display an elevated propensity to engage in alloparental behavior toward novel pups. Over-expression of OXTR in the NAcc of adult female prairie voles using viral vector gene transfer facilitates partner preference formation, but has no effect on alloparental behavior, even though OXTR antagonists infused into the NAcc blocks both behaviors. We therefore hypothesized that long-term increases in OXTR signaling during development may underlie the relationship between adult OXTR density in the NAcc and alloparental behavior. To test this hypothesis, we used viral vector gene transfer to increase OXTR density in the NAcc of prepubertal, 21 day old female prairie voles and tested for both alloparental behavior and partner preference formation as adults. Consistent with a developmental impact of OXTR signaling, adults over-expressing OXTR from weaning display both increased alloparental behavior and partner preference formation. Thus, the relatively acute impact of elevated OXTR signaling in the NAcc on partner preference formation previously reported appears to be dissociable from the effects of longer term, developmentally relevant OXTR signaling necessary for modulating alloparental behavior. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that oxytocin can have both long-term “organizational” effects as well as acute “activational” effects on affiliative behaviors.  相似文献   
To assess the pattern of infant carrying across time and family members, we counted which animals in 13 well-established family groups of captive-bred marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) carried neonates during the first 8 weeks of life. The neonates were carried almost continuously for the first 3 weeks and then spent progressively more time independently. The mother did most of the carrying for the first 2 weeks, her contribution rising from day 1 to day 3 and declining thereafter. The contribution of the father was high on day 1, declined during the first week, and then rose to a peak in the fourth week. The contribution of the siblings rose sharply during the first week and declined thereafter. There was no overall difference in amount of infant carrying by each parent. The contribution of each sibling was small although in these large families the total contribution by siblings was large. These data may differ from previous observations because the breeding pairs were very well established, the families were large, and all except the youngest animals were very experienced in rearing and carrying. These data emphasise the group-dynamic nature of infant carrying in a primate species.  相似文献   
For many species, the artificial raising of orphaned nestlings is a time and cost-prohibitive task, usually accompanied by low survivability. The introduction of orphaned nestlings to other natural nests was found to be a successful technique wherein fostered nestling(s) developed better in the wild and imprinting on humans is avoided. To date, the number of diurnal species in which induced alloparenting has been conducted is limited to several eagle species, falcons, buzzards, and vultures. In the owls, it has only been demonstrated to work in two species, but the eagle owl has not been studied in this aspect. Eagle Owls, amongst the largest of the owls with a geographic distribution stretching across Europe and Asia, are a favored species in the wildlife trade, and many a nestling is removed from the nest. In Israel, when reported or rescued, the nestlings are removed to the wildlife hospital where they are rehabilitated and then introduced into a wild nest with similarly aged nestlings. From 2009 to 2021 we conducted 44 successful adoptions of Eagle Owl orphans into active, wild nests. This success stresses the importance of our work as a conservation tool for the preservation of an apex predator across its breeding range.  相似文献   
Captive studies have shown that ruffed lemurs (Varecia) have an unusual suite of reproductive traits combined with extremely high maternal reproductive costs. These traits include the bearing of litters, nesting of altricial young, and absentee parenting. To characterize the breeding system of this enigmatic lemur, reproductive traits must be contextualized in the wild. Here, I provide a preliminary report of mating and infant care in one community of wild red ruffed lemurs (Varecia rubra). Observations span a 15-month period covering two birth seasons and one mating season on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar. Factors that are not possible to replicate in captivity are reported, such as mating pattern, natality and mortality rates, the location of nests within the home range, and the structuring of infant care within a natural community. V. rubra at Andranobe have a fission-fusion, multifemale-multimale grouping pattern and a polygamous mating system. They do not mate monogamously or live strictly in family-based groups as suggested by previous workers. During the first 2 months of life, nests and infant stashing localities are situated within each mother's respective core area, and inhabitants of each core area within the communal home range provide care for young. As part of their absentee parenting system, infants are left in concealed, protected, and supportive spots high in the canopy, while mothers travel distantly. This practice is termed 'infant stashing'. Alloparenting appears to be an integral part of V. rubra's overall reproductive strategy in the wild, as it was performed by all age-sex classes. Among the alloparental behaviors observed were infant guarding, co-stashing, infant transport, and allonursing. Alloparenting and absentee parenting may mitigate high maternal reproductive costs. Furthermore, V. rubra may have a breeding system in which genetic partners (i.e., mating partners) do not always correspond to infant care-providers. Combined with recently available information on the behavioral ecology of wild ruffed lemurs, this preliminary report suggests directions for in-depth studies on Varecia's breeding system.  相似文献   
In many animal species, widowed or divorced parents may remate before young of the prior union are independent. In such circumstances, stepparents may kill their predecessors' offspring, may tolerate them without providing care, or may invest in them more or less as genetic parents do. Rohwer proposed that all three of these responses may be understood as mating tactics, adapted to different social and ecological circumstances. We discuss the selection pressures that would favor each of these alternatives and review relevant evidence on nonhuman stepparenting, especially in birds. Stepparental tolerance and (partial or full) care, which are the predominant human responses, are common in nonhuman animals too, and in many cases there is evidence supporting their interpretation as stepparental mating effort adaptations. In general, however, this interpretation is not as well established for tolerance and care as it is for stepparental infanticide. Because tolerance and care are not distinct modes of behavior peculiar to stepparents, the hypothesis that they are nonadaptive by-products of parental psychology often remains tenable. We discuss the kinds of evidence needed to choose between by-product and stepparental adaptation hypotheses.  相似文献   
藏猴替代父母行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在温暧季节,峨眉山藏猴(Macacathibetana)部分依赖游人食物,可以作近距离观察。用点取样和焦点动物取样法,其替代父母行为(alloparenting)数据收集于1987年出生季节的后半期(3—6月)。在23周龄内,婴猴有10.5%的时间受到替代父母、主要是成年雄性的照料。其中,7.3%的时间与成年雄性在一起,1.9%与非母亲成年雌性、1.3%与少年猴在一起。雄性较雌性更经常地照料(care),探查(inspecting),拉回(retrieving),排斥(rejecting)婴猴;他们一般只与雄性婴猴玩耍(play).雌性对新生儿兴趣更浓,较早出现探查婴猴的行为。少年猴经常与婴猴玩耍,但其它相互作用较少.替代父母行为可能被选择来补偿母亲在恶劣觅食条件下对子女的高投入.对婴猴的性“歧视”很可能源于母亲对女儿的照料多于儿子,和对雄婴勃起阴茎的“逗乐”反应.  相似文献   
The present study examines the developmental consequences of neonatal exposure to oxytocin on adult social behaviors in female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Female neonates were injected within 24 h of birth with isotonic saline or one of four dosages of oxytocin (OT). As adults, females were tested in an elevated plus-maze paradigm (a measure of anxiety and exploratory behavior), and for alloparental behavior and partner preferences. At 2 mg/kg OT, females took longer to approach pups, but were the only group to form a statistically significant within-group partner preference. At 4 mg/kg OT, females retrieved pups significantly more frequently but no longer displayed a partner preference; while females treated developmentally with 8 mg/kg spent significantly more time in side-to-side contact with a male stranger than any other treatment group. OT may have broad developmental consequences, but these effects are not linear and may both increase and decrease the propensity to display behaviors such as pair-bonding.  相似文献   
In this paper I examine the intracultural variability of parental and alloparental caregiving among the Aka foragers of the Central African Republic. It has been suggested that maternal kin offer higher frequencies of allocare than paternal kin and that maternal investment in infants will decrease when alloparental assistance is provided. Behavioral observations were conducted on 15 eight- to twelve-monthold infants. The practice of brideservice and the flexibility of Aka residence patterns offered a means to test the effect of maternal residence on parental and alloparental investment. There was significant variation in the frequency of investment and who supplied care to infants depending on whether mothers resided with their kin or their husbands’ kin. However, in spite of the variation in allocare, when all categories of caregivers were examined collectively, infants received similar overall levels of care. Courtney L. Meehan is a Ph.D. student in cultural anthropology at Washington State University. Her research interests include parenting, alloparenting, female social networks, and female-female cooperation and competition.  相似文献   
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