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K. Hövemeyer 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):537-542
Summary A population of Cheilosia fasciata Schin. & Egg., 1853 was studied in a beech forest (Melico-Fagetum allietosum) near Göttingen (FRG). This syrphid species is closely associated with ramson (Allium ursinum L.), as the larvae mine the plant's leaves. Adult abundance was determined using emergence traps (1981–1986); egg and larval abundance was determined by examining ramson leaves: puparia were extracted from soil samples (1984 and 1986). Cheilosia fasciata is a univoltine species; the imagines emerge in late April/early May. Larval development took five (1986) to six (1984) weeks. In late June/early July the larvae enter the soil for pupariation. A linear relationship was found between the area of the mines and larval biomass (dry wt.). It was concluded that one larva had to mine 51.90 cm2 of leaf area in order to gain the mean maximum dry weight (11.15 mg). Furthermore, it was shown that ovipositing females, laying just one egg per leaf, tended to select large leaves providing this minimum amount of food. It is hypothesized that females probably follow straight-lined routes on their oviposition flights, rather than ovipositing on leaves chosen at random. By applying such a strategy, females can almost completely avoid competition for food among their own offspring. Furthermore, competition among the progeny of the whole population is also reduced, particularly in years when adult abundance is very low. The significance of certain factors influencing the population dynamics of Cheilosia fasciata was evaluated by applying a rank correlation analysis. It was shown that high precipitation rates in April reduced the time available for mating and oviposition resulting in low emergence abundance in the next spring. Larval survivorship was enhanced by high precipitation rates in May and June, indicating that drought may be unfavourable to larvae and reduce food availability. Predation by a parasitoid Phygadeuon ursini Horstmann, 1986 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), appears to be just an imperfect (Milne 1984) density-dependent control mechanism; in fact, it was shown that food limitation is the only significant mechanism of density-dependent population control.  相似文献   
Carbon and nitrogen partitioning was examined in a wild-type and a nitrate reductase-deficient mutant (A317) of Pisum sativum L. (ev. Juneau), effectively inoculated with two strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum (128C23 and 128C54) and grown hydroponically in medium without nitrogen for 21 days, followed by a further 7 days in medium without and with 5 mM NH4NO3. In wild-type symbioses the application of NH4NO3 significantly reduced nodule growth, nitrogenase (EC activity, nodule carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) and allocation of [14C]-labelled (NO3, NH4+, amino acids) in roots. In nodules, there was a decline in amino acids together with an increase in inorganic nitrogen concentration. In contrast, symbioses involving A317 exhibited no change in nitrogenase activity or nodule carbohydrates, and the concentrations of all nitrogenous solutes measured (including asparagine) in roots and nodules were enhanced. Photosynthate allocation to the nodule was reduced in the 128C23 symbiosis. Nitrite accumulation was not detected in any case. These data cannot be wholly explained by either the carbohydrate deprivation hypothesis or the nitrite hypothesis for the inhibition of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by combined nitrogen. Our result with A317 also provided evidence against the hypothesis that NO3 and NH4+ or its assimilation products exert a direct effect on nitrogenase activity. It is concluded that more than one legume host and Rhizobium strain must be studied before generalizations about Rhizobium /legume interactions are made.  相似文献   
The histological development of fertilized ovules during fruit-set and development in pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) has been investigated. Killing the ovules on day 0 (anthesis) or day 1 prevented fruit-set and resulted in ovary degeneration. When the ovules were destroyed at later stages the ovaries developed, though the rate of growth of the pod was reduced significantly. Pollination in pea occurs normally the day before anthesis, and fertilization of the egg cell 32 to 48 h later. The first divisions of the zygote and endosperm nuclei started simultaneously (ca 48 h after pollination) but the endosperm developed more rapidly than the embryo; the embryo sac cavity was lined with free endosperm nuclei at the time of beginning suspensor elongation. Extracts of endosperm and ovule coats from ovules at day 7 after anthesis showed fruit-set activity in pea, the latter material having about 3 times more activity than the former per ovule basis. These results indicate that fertilization of the ovule is necessary for fruit-set in pea, and that compounds which induce fruit-set are probably synthesized in the ovules following fertilization.  相似文献   
Developing pods of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska no 7) were used to study the enzymes of sucrose metabolism. Acid and neutral invertase (EC sucrose synthase (SS, EC and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC have been localized in the soluble fraction. Acid invertase activity was also present in the insoluble fraction and in pea ovary apoplast. In pea pods, sucrose breakdown was dominated by the invertase pathway. SS specific activity only increased at late stages of parthenocarpic pod development, while SPS did so in pods obtained by pollination. Changes in time course of invertase activities have been correlated with the growth rate of fruits induced to develop either by fertilization or by exogenous application of giberellic acid (GA), 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) or 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). The soluble neutral activities might be associated with pod elongation, while the acid ones were rather related to assimilate import by the induced fruits. Application of gibberellic acid to non-pollinated ovaries significantly enhanced the soluble neutral invertase activity before any ovary outgrowth was detected (up to 2 h after treatment). Within the same period of time. GA-treated ovaries showed a decrease in the acid invertase activity of the soluble fraction and an increase of the acid invertase activity in the apopiast. preceding in time the increment of the acid invertase activity associated with the insoluble fraction. Our results suggest that the early GA response may be mediated through a promotion of processes of protein secretion.  相似文献   
The relationship between biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas putida strain N1R against Pythium ultimum on pea and soybean seeds and the reduction in ethanol evolution by imbibed seeds was investigated under different treatment conditions, including temperature and numbers of seed‐applied cells of the bacterium. Treatment with strain N1R increased emergence at all temperatures, except for soybean at 12 °C and reduced ethanol concentration in the spermosphere of imbibed seeds at several temperatures. The concentration of bacterial cells in the seed treatment suspension also significantly affected biocontrol efficiency and reduced ethanol production, especially in pea seeds. In contrast, the duration (0–7 h) of submergence of seeds in bacterial suspension had little effect on biocontrol activity of N1R, although submergence of soybean seeds reduced their emergence even in the absence of the pathogen or biocontrol agent. Competition for seed‐derived compounds, including ethanol, is suggested to be one possible mechanism of biocontrol of Pythium by strain N1R, which is not known to produce antifungal antibiotics.  相似文献   
In the sequential response to plant growth regulators in young elongating tissue from peas and wheat the peak of sensitivity to 24-epi-brussinolide (1 μM) occurs after those of gibberellin and cytokinin and begins before that of auxin in isolated wheat ( Triticum vulgare L. ev. Egret) coleoptiles aged from 21-96 h. In dwarf pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Greenfeast) segments, the peak of sensitivity also lies between those of gibberellin and auxin, and it also occurs before sensitivity to auxin in sections from first leaves of wheat. All the leaf sections and all but the most mature coleoptiles and pea segments were sensitive to fusicocein (1 μM).  相似文献   
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