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Summary Two varieties of tomato (Pusa Rubi and Selection 120) positively responded to algal inoculation in terms of the yield of fruits and shoots, but there was no significant effect on the vitamin C content of the fruits. A combined application of urea and algae was more effective than the application of urea alone.  相似文献   
Three water bloom samples were collected in August 1986 from the southern Baltic Sea. Acute toxicity of the samples was determined by mouse bioassay and the toxins were further studied by HPLC. The bloom samples contained equal amounts of cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and were hepatotoxic. Two hepatotoxic Nodularia spumigena strains were isolated from the samples. The isolates produce a toxic peak indistinguishable from the bloom material in the HPLC analysis. The toxicity of the fractions was verified by mouse bioassay. Thus the toxicity of the bloom samples was in all likelihood caused by Nodularia spumigena.  相似文献   
Komárek has recently reviewed the various species assigned to the green algal genusNeochloris Starr (Chlorococcales, Chlorococcaceae) and removed those with uninucleate vegetative cells to a new genus,Ettlia. Watanabe & Floyd, unaware ofKomárek's work, also reviewed the species ofNeochloris and distributed them among three genera—Neochloris, Chlorococcopsis gen. nov., andParietochloris gen. nov.—on the basis of details of the covering of the zoospore and the arrangement of the basal bodies of the flagellar apparatus. This paper reconciles these two treatments and makes additional recommendations at the ranks of genus, family, order, and class.  相似文献   
Long-term sampling of intertidal macroalgae along permanently marked transects within San Francisco Bay has shown a marked decline in overall species number along the estuarine gradient from the ocean to the river, presumably as a result of decreasing salinity and a progressive lack of hard substrata in the upstream direction. Green algae penetrated further landward than either brown or red species. Seasonally, macroalgal species diversity is lowest during the winter-spring months when salinity, temperature, and irradiance are at yearly minima. Macroalgal abundance as measured by percent cover was maximum during the late spring near the mouth of the estuary and during late summer towards the head. The seasonal increase in algal abundance is related to increasing salinity, temperature, and light availability to the bottom. The summer increase in irradiance is due to the longer photoperiod, increased frequency of day-time low tides, and reduced levels of suspended sediments. The aperiodic occurrence of algal blooms in San Pablo Bay may be caused by a combination of physical factors which are ultimately associated with the river inflow. A hypothesis based on interannual differences in river inflow and the contribution of phytoplankton to nutrient cycles in the benthos is presented to explain the occurrence of nuisance algal blooms.  相似文献   
Robin Kennish 《Oecologia》1996,105(1):22-29
The tropical rocky shore crab Grapsus albolineatus feeds primarily on filamentous algae but eats animal matter whenever it is available. During the summer the crab's diet switches to encrusting algae due to a die-off of filamentous algae. As a result of the switch the nutrients in the diet of the crab vary seasonally and may influence the fitness of the crab. Maintenance, growth, reproductive performance and nutrient storage of crabs were examined under four dietary regimes of increasing nutritional value ranging from low organic to high protein content. The nutritional quality of these diets significantly affected crab survival and moulting. Crabs fed on the nutritionally superior diet of algae and meat exhibited enhanced growth, higher levels of energy in the reproductive organs and stored more energy in the hepatopancreas than did individuals on the shore and crabs fed only on algal diets in the laboratory. Filamentous algae were a better food source than other algae, resulting in fewer deaths and superior levels of maintenance and growth. Growth and maintenance can occur on a pure algal diet, but reproductive performance and nutrient storage require some degree of added nutrients in the form of animal matter in the diet. Crabs fed coralline or foliose algae had higher mortality and fewer successful moults than crabs fed the other two diets. The fitness of G. albolineatus appears to be limited by the amount of extra nutrients obtained from animal matter. The opportunistic consumption of animal material in the form of carrion, or of animals associated with dietary algae, could be a key factor in the reproductive success of this crab.  相似文献   
Phenotypic variability and mixing of material due to massive cultivation for commercial purposes has contributed to the taxonomic confusion ofGracilaria in Chile. At least four species with cylindrical thalli and similar morphology have been recorded. However, since establishment ofG. chilensis, most of the collected thalli have been attributed to this species despite the lack of diagnostic features. In an attempt to resolve whetherGracilaria from 3 localities where it grows in natural and artificial populations belongs to the same species, gametophytic samples were compared by applying RAPD-PCR to their total DNA. This was analysed using 25 different 10-mer primers from which 21 revealed polymorphism within and between populations. Similarity matrices and cluster analyses were performed based on the presence/absence of bands representing fragments of DNA generated by random amplification. Similarity values between two of the populations were equivalent to those detected within a third, indicating the mixing of genetic material due to transplant between the two former localities. Similarities between samples of ChileanGracilaria andG. tenuistipitata from Sweden are considerably lower (0.45–0.53) than those between populations from Chile (0.74–0.88), confirming the existence of a single specific taxon,G. chilensis, in these three localities.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech (= Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour) has been widely distributed and occasionally abundant in coastal waters of Long Island, New York in recent years. However, the distribution on the New Jersey coast has been sparse and this fact cannot be explained by this dinoflagellate's ability to migrate, or by its nutritional and physiological characteristics, or by the region's general suitability for phytoplankton. Therefore, the possibility that New Jersey coastal waters might be chemically exclusionary for A. tamarense seemed worth exploring. In a limited approach, we tested for water quality detrimental to the species in one New Jersey site (Great Bay) with a series of annual assays. Parsonage Creek, Long Island, New York, was assayed for comparison; this creek is assumed to have had at least marginal suitablity for A. tamarense , based on its reported long-term presence. Results provide tentative support for our working hypothesis, i.e. Great Bay chemical water quality is generally unfavorable for A. tamarense. Inhibition of A. tamarense growth, or culture decline, occurred in both assay series, but was substantially greater in Great Bay water. Inimical water quality was the most important factor distinguishing the two sites. Chelation with EDTA had greatest overall benefit in Great Bay assays, suggesting that lower availability of a natural chelator in the bay could be a secondary factor. Assay metal response is problematic, but we believe it permits speculation that essential metals could be partially limiting to A. tamarense in Great Bay, but would not be a critical regulator.  相似文献   
Noctiluca scintillans is one of the most common harmful algal species and widely known due to its bioluminescence. In this study, the spatial distribution, seasonal variations, and long-term trends of N. scintillans blooms in China and the related drivers were analyzed and discussed. From 1933 to 2020, a total of 265 events of N. scintillans blooms were recorded in Chinese coastal waters, with a total duration of 1052 days. The first N. scintillans bloom occurred in Zhejiang in 1933, and only three events were recorded before 1980. From 1981 to 2020, N. scintillans caused harmful algal blooms (HABs) almost every year, both the average duration and the proportion of multiphase HABs showed an increasing trend. 1986–1992, 2002–2004, and 2009–2016 were the three peak periods with a frequency of no less than five events of N. scintillans blooms per year. In terms of spatial distribution, N. scintillans blooms spread from the Southeast China Sea to the Bohai Sea after 2000, Guangdong, Fujian, and Hebei were the three provinces with the highest numbers of recorded events of N. scintillans blooms. Moreover, 86.8% of the events of N. scintillans blooms occurred in spring (March, April, and May) and summer (June, July, and August). Among environmental factors, the dissolved inorganic phosphate, dissolved silicate and chemical oxygen demand were significantly correlated with the cell density of N. scintillans during N. scintillans blooms, and most of N. scintillans blooms were recorded in the temperature range of 18.0–25.0°C. Precipitation, hydrodynamics, water temperature, and food availability might be the main factors affecting the spatial–temporal distribution of N. scintillans blooms along the Chinese coast.  相似文献   
Small individuals (<15 cm long) of the clingfish Sicyases sanguineus consume as many as 18 seaweed species in Central Chile. Enteromorpha sp. was the only species able to survive digestion by fish recently collected from the field. Enteromorpha compressa and Gelidium chilense also survived by tissue regeneration when offered as food in the laboratory, but only E. compressa showed stimulation of swarmer production. In general, our results on a vertebrate species reproduce previous findings on diverse invertebrate species. Since fish are highly motile, their capacity to disperse algal species by defecation might be of great ecological importance.  相似文献   
Summary Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effect of algal growth on the change of (I) pH, (II) available phosphorus and (III) solubility of iron and manganese content in five waterlogged alluvial rice soils of West Bengal, India. The results showed that the algal growth initially caused an increase in the soil pH, which later declined to the original value in some of the soils. The available phosphorus content decreased upto 90 days of their growth and began to increase towards the later period of incubation. The drastic fall of water soluble plus exchaneable manganese content of the soils due to algal growth was accompanied by similar increase in reducible manganese content. No appreciable change in water soluble plus exchangeable ferrous iron content was encountered but theN-NH4OAC(pH 3) extractable iron due to algal growth progressively decreased with the progress of the incubation period.  相似文献   
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