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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):20-21

For obscure reasons, sporophytes of the dioicous Hamatocaulis vernicosus are currently unknown in France. With the aim of understanding this failure of sporophyte production we investigated (1) sexual phenology, (2) sex ratio pattern at different spatial scales, (3) limitation of sporophyte formation by the availability of only one sex, (4) limitation of sporophyte formation caused by the distance between male and female, (5) location of sporophytes and (6) the consevation implications of this failure of sporophyte production. Principal results show that phenology cannot explain the failure of sporophyte production. At the regional scale, sporophyte formation is prevented by the fact that several mountain ranges have single-sex populations. The production of spore capsules relies on a strict combination of factors at the local scale: occurrence of sexually expressed mixed-sex colonies, a short distance between male and female individuals and favourable environmental factors (light grazing, high water table). In the Massif Central of France spore production is unlikely because of current unfavourable conditions. Fertility patterns appeared useful in a conservation context.  相似文献   
The probability that protected areas will deliver their potential for maintaining or enhancing biodiversity is likely to be maximised if they are appropriately and effectively managed. As a result, governments and conservation agencies are devoting much attention to the management of protected areas. In the U.K., the demand for performance accountability has resulted in Public Service Agreements (PSA) that set out targets for government departments to deliver results in return for investments being made. One such target for England is to ensure that all nationally important wildlife sites are in favourable condition by 2010. Here, we tested the hypothesis, of potential strategic importance, that the ecological condition of these sites is predictable from relationships with a range of physical, environmental and demographic variables. We used binary logistic regression to investigate these relationships, using the results of English Nature’s 1997–2003 condition assessment exercise. Generally, sites in unfavourable condition tend to be larger in area, located at higher elevations, but with higher human population density and are more spatially isolated from units of the same habitat. However, despite the range of different parameters included in our models, the extent to which the condition of any given site could be predicted was low. Our results have implications for the delivery of PSA targets, funding allocation, and the location of new protected areas.  相似文献   
Emerging infectious diseases threaten a wide diversity of animals, and important questions remain concerning disease emergence in socially structured populations. We developed a spatially explicit simulation model to investigate whether—and under what conditions—disease-related mortality can impact rates of pathogen spread in populations of polygynous groups. Specifically, we investigated whether pathogen-mediated dispersal (PMD) can occur when females disperse after the resident male dies from disease, thus carrying infections to new groups. We also examined the effects of incubation period and virulence, host mortality and rates of background dispersal, and we used the model to investigate the spread of the virus responsible for Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which currently is devastating African ape populations. Output was analyzed using regression trees, which enable exploration of hierarchical and non-linear relationships. Analyses revealed that the incidence of disease in single-male (polygynous) groups was significantly greater for those groups containing an average of more than six females, while the total number of infected hosts in the population was most sensitive to the number of females per group. Thus, as expected, PMD occurs in polygynous groups and its effects increase as harem size (the number of females) increases. Simulation output further indicated that population-level effects of Ebola are likely to differ among multi-male–multi-female chimpanzees and polygynous gorillas, with larger overall numbers of chimpanzees infected, but more gorilla groups becoming infected due to increased dispersal when the resident male dies. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of social system on the spread of disease in wild mammals.  相似文献   
We evaluated in a double-blind study the bronchodilatory properties of 2-decarboxy-2-hydroxymethyl prostaglandin E1 (PGE1-carbinol), described recently as a nonirritant bronchodilator in animals. Fifteen asthmatic patients received by inhalation single doses of 1, 10, and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol, 55 μg PGE2, and placebo (10% ethanol in normal saline, which was also used as diluent for the PGs). Such pulmonary function tests as forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced vital capacity, and maximal expiratory flow were monitored during 2 hours following inhalation of each compound. 10 and 30 μg PGE1-carbinol produced significant but short-acting bronchodilation, similar to that caused by 55 μg PGE2. One-third of the patients reported mild cough and throat irritation during and shortly after inhalation of 30 μg PGE1-carbinol or 55 μg PGE2. Placebo and 1 μg PGE1-carbinol produced minimal side effects, but neither agent caused bronchodilation. In an adjunctive, unblinded trial, the same patients received 400 μg fenoterol. Fenoterol caused greater bronchodilation 15 and 30 minutes after inhalation than did the PGs in the double-blind study.  相似文献   
The impact of hydrological manipulation of an unfertilised, Dutch peat grassland area on plant species composition on ditch banks and in ditchwater was studied. The hydrological manipulation involved raising the groundwater level by admitting nutrient-poor, Ca-rich groundwater in one compartment, and by retaining precipitation in another compartment. A third compartment served as control.The plant species composition showed significant correlations with the following hydrochemical parameters: in bank vegetation with K+ concentration, and winter and summer groundwater levels, water depth and elevation; in aquatic vegetation with pH, the concentrations of Cl- organic-C and NH4 + water temperature and elevation.The number of terrestrial plant species increased after compartmentation from 97 to 122; 16 submerged and floating species were found. Most new terrestrial species probably emerged in response to cessation of fertilization and biomass removal, since they showed no preference for any compartment. Five species showed preference for the groundwater compartment and two for the rainwater compartment. Of the new terrestrial plants, seven were relatively rare: Carex panicea, C. oederi, C. pallescens, C. vesicaria, Galium uliginosum, Juncus acutiflorus and Stellaria uliginosa. Of the aquatic plants, eight were relatively rare: Chara globularis, two Callitriche spp., four potamogetonaceae and Ranunculus circinatus.This study indicates that hydrological manipulation of grassland systems in which fertilisation has ceased has profound effects on the vegetation in the ditches of these systems. Bank vegetation responds more slowly and to other hydrochemical factors than aquatic vegetation. Short-term responses in terms of increase in diversity of vegetation pattern and species richness are promising. Long-term responses are not yet known.  相似文献   
根据系统保种理论有关保种和选择可以相互结合的观点,本文提出了保种-选择指数的概念、导出了适于各种资料条件和各种保种与选择目的的通用保种-选择指数公式、并探讨了该公式在几种特殊情况下的形式,为国内大量地方品种保种选育提供了必要的理论和方法。  相似文献   
Conservation of salt lakes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
W. D. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1993,267(1-3):291-306
Salt lakes have a variety of important uses and values, including especially both economic and scientific ones. These uses and values have been and are increasingly subject to degradation from a variety of impacts: diversion of inflows, pollution, agricultural practices, and introduction of exotic species are among the more important. Recognition of these impacts upon salt lakes has led to some international and national measures for their conservation, but considerably more effort in this direction is needed. Against this background, Mono Lake, California, USA, and the Aral Sea, central Asia, are discussed as two localities which bring into sharp focus the various matters discussed in the paper. Finally, attention is drawn to the need to conserve the Akrotiri Salt Lake, Cyprus.  相似文献   
Frankia菌种保藏   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对用4种方法保藏的Frankia菌,进行了培养物存活、形态及其固氮活性的检测.发现在无氮液体培养基中保藏6年的Frankia.菌丝断裂,孢囊不完整.同期经有氮液体保藏的Frankia菌孢囊较完整.冷冻干燥保藏3.5年和砂管保藏8年,孢囊和菌丝均较完整.上述方法保藏的菌种,经活化后均能生长,且具有典型的Frankia菌形态特征和固氮活性.4种方法比较,无氮液体保藏法的菌体细胞生长速度快,固氮活性强,有侵染结瘤能力.  相似文献   
Captive breeding plays an increasingly important role in species conservation, but special problems are encountered in achieving the ideal of a demographically stable but genetically diverse population. Breeding programmes involving co-operation among a number of centres are now being developed which will overcome some of these difficulties by identifying individual animals, genetic lineages or age cohorts from which to breed. Application of techniques such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and semen collection and storage, as well as the monitoring of reproductive status will contribute to the success of such programmes. The usefulness of these procedures for various population problems is discussed and criteria for their appropriate implementation within breeding programmes is outlined.  相似文献   
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