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Figs and their pollinating fig wasps are dependent on one another for propagation of their own kinds. The wasps reproduce by ovipositing through the styles of female flowers within the closed fig receptacles (syconia). About half of the female flowers within the syconia of monoecious figs have styles which are longer than the ovipositors of the wasp, and they will therefore produce seeds rather than wasp larvae. Since a longer ovipositor would enable a wasp to reach more ovules and deposit more eggs, the question arises at to why longer ovipositors have not evolved.
In an attempt to answer this question, four seemingly plausible hypotheses are examined but each is shown to be problematical in some way. Consideration is then given to a fifth hypothesis which proposes that ovipositor length is constrained by abortion of syconia with relatively few seed embryos and many agaonid larvae. It is argued first that this pattern of abortion will be selected during a sustained period of heavy wasp infestation because seeds will then become scarce relative to pollen-carrying wasps. Increased expenditure by the fig on seed production would therefore be favoured by natural selection. A greater expenditure on seeds would occur if young syconia with exceptionally heavy wasp infestations were dropped and the saved nutrients invested in syconia of a subsequent crop containing average levels of wasp larvae and seeds. Provided that the energy and nutrient cost of dropping young syconia is small, the selective advantage to the wasp of longer ovipositors is eliminated in this way. A stable coexistence of figs and wasps is therefore possible. The paper concludes by discussing two general predictions of the abortion hypothesis, and how these may be tested.  相似文献   
For more than two decades, it has been the dogma that the males of pollinating fig wasps do not fight and that they only mate in their native fig. Their extreme degree of local mating leads to highly female biased sex ratios that should eliminate the benefits of fighting and dispersal by males. Furthermore, males sharing a fig are often brothers, and fighting may be barred by kin selection. Therefore, theory supported the presumed absence of fighting and dispersal in pollinating fig wasp males. However, we report here that in pollinating fig wasps, fighting between brothers evolved at least four and possibly six time, and dispersal by males at least twice. This finding supports the idea that competition between relatives can cancel the ameliorating effects of relatedness. The explanation to this evolutionary puzzle, as well as the consequences of male dispersal and fighting, opens the doors to exciting new research.  相似文献   
Hymenopteran insects have meroistic polytrophic ovaries characterised by trophocytes associated with oocytes inside the follicles. In pro-ovigenic species, all oocytes mature before emergence and no trace of oogenesis is visible in adult females. Pro-ovigeny is a rare condition among Hymenoptera, but common in pollinating fig wasps. In the present investigation, we studied adult and pupa females of three fig wasp species with different trophic strategies. We demonstrated that females of Pegoscapus aerumnosus and Idarnes spp. have an unusual ovarian organisation (i.e. each ovariole has only one mature egg and no oocyte) that has led to misleading interpretation of fig wasp reproductive anatomy. The ovaries of these studied species have several ovarioles, recognisable by the presence of nuclei of tunica propria cells surrounding them. Each adult wasp ovariole had one mature egg. None of the pupae had mature eggs, but all of them had follicles with oocytes in different developmental stages. The studied fig wasps are pro-ovigenic, irrespective of their trophic strategy, since there were no signs of ovigeny in adult females. We discuss ecological and phylogenetic factors that could play a role in fig wasps reproductive strategies.  相似文献   
Parasitodiplogaster comprises a potentially large radiation of nematode species that appear to be parasitically bound to their Agaonid fig wasp hosts, which are mutualistically associated in the syconia (figs) of the diverse plant genus Ficus. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. is described and illustrated as an associate of the fig wasp, Pegoscapus sp. from Ficus laevigata from southern Florida. It is the first species of Parasitodiplogaster reported from North America and is closest to P. trigonema from F. trigonata from Panama. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. can be differentiated from all described species of Parasitodiplogaster based on stomatal morphology (presence of a large dorsal and a right subventral tooth) in the adults of both sexes, molecular comparisons of two expansion segments (D2,D3) of the large subunit (LSU) rRNAgene, and fig-fig wasp host affinities. The ultrastructure of P. laevigata n. sp. was elucidated using TEM and SEM for comparisons with other species of Parasitodiplogaster. The stoma of P. laevigata n. sp. possesses a nonsegmented cheilostomal ring that connects to the longitudinal body musculature per- and interradially, a claw-like dorsal tooth, a right subventral tooth, and telostegostomatal apodemes arising from the dorsal side of each subventral sector. The unification of the pro-, meso-, and metastegostom with the gymnostom in P. laevigata n. sp. and further simplification in other described species may be due to derived adaptations associated with the internal parasitism of fig wasps.  相似文献   
The interaction between the hundreds of Ficus species and their specific pollinating fig wasps (Agaonidae) presents a striking example of mutualism. Foundress fig wasps pollinate fig flowers, but also lay their eggs in (and gall) some of them. Only two cases of cheating fig wasps (that fail to pollinate) have been reported, from two continents, suggesting that there is a cost to abandoning pollination. Reasons for the rarity of cheating are a major question in fig biology, because persistence of the mutualism depends on fig wasps continuing to pollinate. A cost in terms of reduced reproductive success among cheaters could be one explanation. Here we compare the behavior and reproduction of an undescribed Eupristina sp., a cheater that coexists with the pollinator Eupristina altissima on Ficus altissima in southern China. Adult females of both species fought with conspecifics when they were seeking entry through the ostiole into receptive figs, but there was no fighting with heterospecifics. Despite a similar body size, female pollinators contained more eggs than female cheaters. Pollinators and cheaters produced similar number of galls, and although almost twice as many flowers were galled in figs entered by two compared to one foundress, larval mortality was greatly increased when two foundresses were present. Larval mortality was also significantly higher for cheaters compared to pollinators, independent of the number of foundresses. Ovules galled by the cheater were thus significantly less likely to result in adult offspring, suggesting that there are significant costs associated with abandoning the mutualism.  相似文献   
Weiblen GD  Bush GL 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(8):1573-1578
Here we draw on phylogenies of figs and fig wasps to suggest how modes of speciation may be affected by interspecific interactions. Mutualists appear to have cospeciated with their hosts to a greater extent than parasites, which showed evidence of host shifting. However, we also repeatedly encountered a pattern not explained by either cospeciation or host switching. Sister species of fig parasites often attack the same host in sympatry, and differences in ovipositor length suggest that parasite speciation could result from divergence in the timing of oviposition with respect to fig development. These observations on fig parasites are consistent with a neglected model of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   
Abstract. Similar morphological adaptations have arisen independently across separate lineages within the fig wasps (Agaonidae, Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera) in response to the extreme selective pressure provided by the morphological constraints of their host fig trees ( Ficus , Moraceae). Evidence is forwarded that supports the convergence of female head shape between two distinct fig wasp lineages, the Agaoninae (pollinators) and Sycoecinae (non-pollinators), utilizing the same host Ficus species (section Gagolychia ). In contrast to the vast majority of the non-pollinating fig wasps, that oviposit from the outside of the fig, the Agaoninae and Sycoecinae must negotiate the fig ostiole for internal oviposition, with the result that these independent lineages are simultaneously exposed to the selective pressure imposed by ostiolar morphology. Selection will favour a head shape that facilitates successful penetration of the fig cavity and this has resulted in the evolution of similar head shapes in the two lineages. Female head shape in both subfamilies was found to correlate with fig size, with elongate heads associated with large fig size. Given that ostiole bract arrangement is uniform within section Galoglychia , it appears that ostiole length may be the main factor contributing to head shape determination. The high degree of co-adaptation of head shape suggests that both the Sycoecinae and Agaoninae have coevolved with their host Ficus species.  相似文献   
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