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Host compatibility of different spore-positive (Sp+)and spore-negative (Sp?) strain types of Frankia from alder stands in Finland was studied in Modulation tests with hydrocultures of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner, A. incana (L.) Moench and A. nitida Endl. Root nodules and soil samples from stands of A. incana (Lammi forest and Hämeenlinna forest) were dominated by Sp + types of Frankia (coded AiSp+ and AiSp+ H. respectively), which caused effective root nodules in test plants of A. incana, but failed to induce nodules in A. nitida. In A. glutinosa Frankia strain types AiSp + and AiSp + H caused small, ineffective root nodules with sporangia (coded Ineff ?), which were recognized by the absence or near absence of vesicles in the nodule tissue. Ineffective nodules without sporangia (coded Ineff ?) were induced on A. glutinosa with soil samples collected at Lammi swamp. The spore-negative strain type of Frankia was common in root nodules of A. glutinosa in Finland (Lammi swamp) and caused effective Sp? type root nodules (coded AgSp ?) in hydrocultures of A. incana, A. glutinosa and A. nitida. A different Sp + strain type of Frankia. coded AgSp+ Finland, was occasionally found in stands of A. glutinosa. It was clearly distinguished from strain type AiSp + by the ability to produce effective nodules on both A. glutinosa and A. incana. The nodulation capacities of soil and nodule samples were calculated from the nodulation response in hydrocutlure and served as a measure for the population density of infective Frankia particles. Sp + nodules from both strain types had equal and high nodulation capacities with compatible host species. The nodulation capacities of Sp type root nodules from A. glutinosa were consistently low. High frequencies of Frankia AiSp+ and AiSp+ H were found in the soil environment of dominant AiSp + nodule populations on A. incana. The numbers of infective particles of this strain type were insignificant in the soil environment of nearby Sp ? nodule populations on A. glutinosa and in the former field at Hämeen-linna near the Sp+ nodule area in Hämeenlinna forest. Strain type AgSp? had low undulation capacity in the soil environment of both A. incana and A. glutinosa stands, Explanations for the strong associations between Frankia strain types AiSp+ and AiSp ? H and A. incana and between strain type AgSp? and A. glutinosa are discussed in the light of host specificity and of some characteristics of population dynamics of both strain types. The possible need to adapt the concept of Frankia strain types Sp + and Sp ? to strains with some variation in spore development was stressed by the low potentials of strain type AiSp + H to develop spores in symbioses with hydrocultures of A. incnna.  相似文献   
韦裕宗  李树刚   《广西植物》1985,(3):151-156
<正>一、虫豆属 Atylosia Wight et Arn,1.白蔓草虫豆 新变种图1Atylosia scarabaeoidea(Linn)Benth ,var aryrophylla Cheng f,var ,nov  相似文献   
李媛  陶建平  王永健  余小红  席一 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1041-1049
通过不同华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)环境中岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)幼龄植株种群生命表及存活曲线、死亡曲线、消失率曲线和生存函数曲线,分析种群动态趋势,并根据野外取样分析华西箭竹对岷江冷杉幼龄植株生物量分配的影响。结果表明:在暗针叶林下,岷江冷杉幼龄植株总的种群结构呈明显的金字塔型,存活曲线DeeveyⅢ型,幼苗个体丰富,死亡率高,进入小树阶段后有较高的生命期望。小密度华西箭竹增大了岷江冷杉幼苗、幼树的死亡率,该环境下的岷江冷杉幼龄植株种群存活曲线为DeeveyⅡ型,而无竹环境为DeeveyⅢ型。大密度华西箭竹环境中岷江冷杉小幼苗叶重比显著增大,异速生长显著增高。过于密集的华西箭竹严重抑制了岷江冷杉幼苗的定居,而小密度华西箭竹的存在对岷江冷杉的更新并非完全不利。  相似文献   
亮叶杨桐(石芽茶)中黄酮类成分的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
金静兰  文永新  成桂仁   《广西植物》1985,(3):297-300
从广西产亮叶杨桐(Adinandra nitida Merr.ex H.L.Li)中,分得三种黄酮类成分:Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。经IR、UV(位移诊断)、熔点、混熔点、薄层层析鉴定:Ⅰ为芹菜素(Apigenin);Ⅱ为芹菜素-5-0-α-L-吡喃鼠李糖基(1→4-6~(?)-乙酰基-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖吡;Ⅲ为芹菜素-5-0-α-L-吡喃鼠李糖基(1→4)-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖甙。  相似文献   
采用纸层析、紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱和液-质联用等技术对福建野生黄瑞木〔Adinandra millettii(Hook. et Arn.)Benth.〕果实红色素进行了分析研究。结果表明,该红色素主要含有矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷(cyanidin-3-rutinoside)和矢车菊素-3-葡萄糖苷(cyanidin-3-glucoside)2种花色苷,呈鲜艳的红色,可作为天然保健食品的色素添加剂加以推广应用。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to explore the effects of canopy conditions on clump and culm numbers, and the morphological plasticity and biomass distribution patterns of the dwarf bamboo species Fargesia nitida. Specifically, we investigated the effects of canopy condi-tions on the growth and morphological characteristics of F. nitida, and the adaptive responses of F. nitida to dif-ferent canopy conditions and its ecological senses. The results indicate that forest canopy had a significant effect on the genet density and culm number per clump, while it did not affect the ramet density. Clumps tended to be few and large in gaps and forest edge plots, and small under forest understory plots. The ramets showed an even distribution under the closed canopy, and clus-ter distribution under gaps and forest edge plots. The forest canopy had a significant effect on both the ramets'biomass and biomass allocation. Favourable light conditions promoted ramet growth and biomass accumulation. Greater amounts of biomass in gaps and forest edge plots were shown by the higher number of culms per clump and the diameter of these culms. Under closed canopy, the bamboos increased their branching angle, leaf biomass allocation, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio to exploit more favourable light conditions in these locations. The spacer length, specific spacer length and spacer branching angles all showed significant differences between gaps and closed canopy conditions. The larger specific spacer length and spacer branching angle were beneficial for bamboo growth, scattering the ramets and exploiting more favourable light conditions. In summary, this study shows that to varying degrees, F nitida exhibits both a wide ecological amplitude and high degree of morphological plasticity in response to differing forest canopy conditions. More-over, the changes in plasticity enable the plants to optimize their light usage efficiency to promote growth and increase access to resources available in heteerogeneous light environoments.  相似文献   
黄龙大熊猫对华西箭竹选择与利用的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
1996年6~10月,在黄龙寺自然保护区详细研究了大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对其主食竹之一--华西箭竹的选择和利用情况,并与其他山系进行比较,结果表明:①黄龙大熊猫一年的食性选择可分为4个时期;②黄龙大熊猫喜食基径大于10mm的竹笋和竹秆,而拒食基径小于6mm的竹笋及小于4mm的竹秆;③不同山系的大熊猫对竹类的选择既有差异又有共性;④大熊猫对华西箭竹竹茎的利用率为22.  相似文献   
Abstract In unpolluted regions, where inorganic nitrogen (N) inputs from the atmosphere are minimal, such as remote locations in southern South America, litterfall dynamics and N use efficiency of tree species should be coupled to the internal N cycle of forest ecosystems. This hypothesis was examined in two evergreen temperate forests in southern Chile (42°30′S), a mixed broad‐leaved forest (MBF) and a conifer forest (CF). Although these forests grow under the same climate and on the same parental material, they differ greatly in floristic structure and canopy dynamics (slower in the CF). In both forests, biomass, N flux, and C/N ratios of fine litterfall were measured monthly from May 1995 to March 1999. There was a continuous litter flux over the annual cycle in both forests, with a peak during autumn in the CF. In the MBF, litterfall decreased during spring. In both forests, the C/N ratios of litterfall varied over the annual cycle with a maximum in autumn. Annual litterfall biomass flux (Mean ± SD = 3.3 ± 0.5 vs 2.0 ± 0.5 Mg ha?1) and N return (34.8 ± 16 vs 9.1 ± 2.8 kg N ha?1) were higher in the MBF than in the CF. At the ecosystem level, litterfall C/N was lower in the MBF (mean C/N ratio = 60.1 ± 15, n = 3 years) suggesting decreased N use efficiency compared with CF (mean C/N ratio = 103 ± 19.6, n = 3 years). At the species level, subordinated (subcanopy) tree species in the MBF had significantly lower C/N ratios (<50) of litterfall than the dominant trees in the CF and MBF (>85). The litterfall C/N ratio and percentage N retranslocated were significantly correlated and were lower in the MBF. The higher net N mineralization in soils of the MBF is related to a lower N use efficiency at the ecosystem and species level.  相似文献   
Changes in fruit characteristics associated with ripening increase the vulnerability of crops to insect depredation, making it difficult for growers to protect cultivated fruits from pest injury close to harvest. This study evaluated phenological resistance, the use of cultivars that ripen before or after peak pest activity, for reducing injury to grapes (Vitis spp.) by the green June beetle (GJB) (Cotinis nitida), an obligate feeder on soft, ripe fruits. Accumulation of sugars, softening of berry skins and recruitment of GJB feeding aggregations were monitored on replicated vines of early-, mid- and late-season ripening cultivars that require from 85 to 125 growing days from bloom to harvest. GJB flight peaked in late July and early August coinciding with later stages of veraison of early-season ripening cultivars which recruited numerous GJB feeding aggregations resulting in >95% crop loss. Small (1–2 weeks) phenological differences between mid-season ripening cultivars and peak GJB flight translated to marked differences in injury, whereas cultivars that ripened in mid-August or later, after GJB flight had waned, sustained little or no damage. Trapping experiments confirmed that the tougher berries and low sugar content of less-ripe fruit clusters inhibited beetle feeding and induction of yeast-mediated volatiles responsible for GJB host-location. Implications of these findings for sustainable or organic management of GJB and other near-harvest fruit pests are discussed.  相似文献   
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