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Phenotypic plasticity is the environmental modification of genotypic expression and an important means by which individual plants respond to environmental heterogeneity. The study of phenotypic plasticity in the genus Adenophora, which is very complicated taxo nomically because of great morphological variation, proves to be helpful in both investigating the phenotypic variation so as to evaluate potential taxonomic value of their characters and providing important sources of information on the variation, adaptation and evolution of the genus. Twenty-three populations representing all the six species in Adenophora potaninii complex were transplanted into the garden. Of them six populations were selected for study ing their performance in the field and in the garden, in addition to cultivation experiment under different treatments. The results show that there exists considerable developmental plasticity in some leaf, floral and capsule characters. In particular, the leaf shape and length of calyx lobe display significant developmental variation with the maximum being three times as great as the minimum, which is noteworthy because they were previously considered as diagnostic. The characters of root, caudex, stem and inflorescence are found to be very plastic, especially the root diameter, the number of stems, stem height and inflorescence length with great environmental plasticity. In addition, the populations from different habi tats show distinct amounts of plasticity. On the contrary, the characters of leaf, floral, cap sule and seed are less influenced by environments. It seems that the considerable variation in the characters of leaf is attributed mainly to genetic differences. Finally, the phenotypic plasticity of morphological characters of A. potaninii complex and its taxonomic significanceis discussed.  相似文献   
濒危植物太白红杉种群年龄结构及其时间序列预测分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
为了阐明太白红杉(Larix potaninii var.chinensis)种群的年龄结构和未来发展趋势,合理保护现有资源,在太白山地区调查了 29个样地(10 m×10m),对处于不同生境的 5个种群的年龄结构、静态生命表和时间序列预测进行了分析。种群年龄结构分析表明,各种群个体数量主要集中于Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ龄级(个体数量比重占68.64%),幼、老龄个体数量较少。受所处生境条件影响,不同种群年龄结构特点不同:海拔较低的种群(B)由于水热条件适宜,林内有林窗出现,幼龄级个体数相对丰富;而其他种群由于幼龄个体严重缺乏,衰退趋势明显。太白红杉不同种群生命表和存活曲线的分析表明,尽管所处的生境差异较大,但存活曲线基本属于Deevey Ⅲ型,种群偏离典型存活曲线的程度与幼苗缺乏程度有关,一般V-Ⅸ龄级死亡率较高。时间序列分析表明,在未来20、60、100和200年中,各太白红杉种群均会呈现老龄级株数先增加后减少的趋势,种群稳定性维持困难。太白红杉种群年龄结构和动态趋势与银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)等其他濒危植物比较,导致种群衰退的原因相似:在郁闭的林下种子萌芽和幼苗生长困难。应该利用太白红杉喜光、耐旱和中老年个体产种量丰富的特性,对现有太白红杉林分实行就地保护,合理抚育管理。低海拔地区,应适当间伐非目的树种  相似文献   
阐明性状变异的遗传基础是评估性状分类价值以及揭示类群关系和进化过程的前提。本文根据泡沙参复合体内6个天然居群的材料,利用居群样本分析、子代测定和杂交试验等手段,结合统计学方法对该复合体一些在以往类群划分中起鉴别作用的形态性状进行了遗传学分析。结果表明,叶形、叶缘锯齿数目和大小、茎叶被毛、花萼裂片齿数、花梗长短等性状都是遗传性比较强的性状,而且性状之间有很强的相关性。但是,这些性状在居群内呈现连续变异且变异幅度非常大,以致于变异的两个极端个体被分别作为不同的种处理。通过对野外居群样本的统计分析和对极端变异类型个体所进行的子代测定及其人工杂交,进一步证实上述性状是受多基因决定的数量性状,其变异幅度大,变异式样中并不存在任何程度的间断性,因而至少在本复合体内没有鉴别意义。因此,以往建立在上述性状变异基础上的3个类群(A.biformifolia Y.Z.Zhao;A.bockiana Diels和A.polydentata P.F.Tu et G.I.Xu)均不成立。最后,本文对形态性状变异的遗传基础及其与类群划分的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Adenophora erecta S. Lee, J. Lee et S. Kim, is described as a new species from an open north-facing mountain slope on the coast of Sukpo-Dong, Ullungdo Is., Kyungsangbukdo, Korea. This species resemblesA. remotiflora Miq., but is well separated by having the leaves compactly arranged along the upper part of the stem, condensed raceme, distinct veins on the corolla and especially shallow dome-shaped epigynous nectar disc.  相似文献   
裂叶沙参和泡沙参种群有性生殖和无性繁殖的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对裂叶沙参(Adenophora lobophylla Hong)和泡沙参(A.potaninii Korsh.)种群有性生殖和无性繁殖特性的对比,揭示濒危植物裂叶沙参的种群内部致濒机制。结果表明:裂叶沙参种群幼苗抢占草本层上层空间能力弱于泡沙参种群;裂叶沙参种群是以相对长的生殖期和高产籽量来适应环境;裂叶沙参种群开花结实量虽高于泡沙参种群,但其中成熟种子少,种子质量差,致使其种群由种子到一年生幼苗的转化率极低,并且幼苗生活力弱,是导致其种群濒危的重要内部原因。裂叶沙参种群除有性生殖外还兼有较弱的无性繁殖,是对其有性生殖的一个重要补充。  相似文献   
Fifteen natural populations representing all the taxa in Adenophora potaninii complex were investigated using vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Allozyme data for ten loci of seven enzymes demonstrate high levels of genetic variation within populations, with the values of P=0.40~0.70, A=1.5~2.5 and He=O.102~0.291. At specific level, there existed the highest variation in A. wawreana (A= 2.10, P=0.63, He =0.237), followed by those of A. lobophylla (A=1.85, P=0.60, He=0.204) and A. potaninii (A=1.83, P=0.60, He =O.188). Based on Wright's F-statistics, the outcrossing rates( t ) were 0.86 ( A.wawreana ), O.74 ( A.potaninii ) and 0.63 ( A.lobophylla). The analysis on population genetic structure indicates that most variation resided within populations, which is consistent with the high rate of outcrossing rates in the complex. On the basis of genetic identity(I), cluster analysis shows that there was high genetic divergence between A. lobophylla populations and A. wawreana-A, potaninii clade, while no clear genetic difference was found between A. wawreana populations and A. potaninii populations. Consequently, the present allozyme data justify the establishment of A. lobophylla, but give no support for treating A. wawreana and A. potaninii as a sepa-rate species. Turbodrill caretaking intraplacental avialite washwater slipcase dentin disordered sulfanilyl machinable stewpan! Netherward pressbodies horror abscissa, keratosis frieze. 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肚倍生产的可持续发展有赖于蚜虫和寄主的协同共生,本文研究对肚倍蚜迁飞具有引诱效应的相关寄主植物挥发物组成状况。在湖北竹山县3处不同海拔高度分别采集春迁蚜主要迁飞阶段的冬寄主美灰藓和夏寄主青麸杨自然状态挥发物,并以全自动热脱附-气相色谱/质谱(ATD-GC/MS)联用法分析其化合物成分。结果表明,冬春交替时期,受相关寄主植物中挥发性次生代谢物释放诱导,肚倍蚜集中从冬寄主向夏寄主迁飞;各寄主挥发物样品中检出的萜烯类成分均在总含量中占最大比例,当迁飞进程由初期进入高峰期、末期时,α-蒎烯等较高含量萜类在夏寄主青麸杨挥发物中占比更为突出。在3个采样点,均是青麸杨挥发物中萜烯所占比例相对美灰藓更高,迁飞初期即超过50%,至高峰期及末期更扩大占比,成为主导类化合物。此外,由于气温原因,在相对较低海拔处,萜烯类的挥发优势效应更凸显,春迁蚜的迁飞进程可相对更早发生。  相似文献   
Abstract Adenophora is an extremely variable genus, and its taxonomy is very controversial. Of the genus, Adenophora potaninii complex, including A. potaninii, A. bockiana, A. wawreana, A. lobophylla, A. biformifolia, A. polydentata, and A. wawreana var. lanceifolia, is a typical group with different taxonomical treatments due to high level of morphological diversity. We carried out extensive biosystematic studies based on population sampling, transplantation experiments and offspring tests, cluster analysis, and a crossing experiment. The results reveal four main findings. (i) Leaf forms of the A. potaninii complex were extremely polymorphic; the leaf form of A. potaninii and A. bockiana, and that of A. wawreana and A. biformifolia could be found, respectively, on a single population or among the offsprings of a single plant. (ii) Cluster analysis and a crossing experiment indicated that A. bockiana and A. polydentata could not be separated from A. potaninii, nor A. biformifolia from A. wawreana. (iii) Adenophora potaninii and A. wawreana were gradational in morphology and their compatibility value was slightly reduced compared to that within each entity. (iv) Adenophora lobophylla was distinct from the other members of the complex in shape and size of corolla, relative length of style, and shape of capsule. This species was incompatible reproductively with the other members of the complex, but partly compatible with A. stenanthina, a species in another section. Therefore, we recognized only one species with two subspecies in the complex, A. potaninii subsp. potaninii and subsp. wawreana, moved A. lobophylla out of the complex, and reduced all the other names as new synonyms.  相似文献   
泡沙参同工酶基因位点的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对来自天然群体 (居群 )的泡沙参 (Adenophora potaninii Korsh.)及其人工杂交子代进行了 8种同工酶的电泳检测和谱带遗传分析 ,以确定编码这些酶系统的基因位点和等位基因。选用 4种不同的凝胶缓冲系统 ,对下列不同酶系统进行了酶谱的遗传分析 :天冬氨酸转氨酶 (AAT)、酯酶 (EST)、甲酸脱氢酶 (FDH)、谷氨酸脱氢酶 (GDH)、异柠檬酸脱氢酶 (IDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、苹果酸酶 (ME)和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)。结果表明 ,这 8种酶系统至少由 1 8个基因位点编码 ,其中 1 2个位点为遗传稳定的等位酶位点 ,是可靠的遗传标记。酶谱的分离式样表明 ,EST为单聚体结构 ,AAT、FDH、IDH、SOD为二聚体结构 ,GDH为六聚体结构。最后对同工酶的器官和发育特异性以及同工酶基因位点的遗传分析进行了讨论  相似文献   
应用酶解技术分离出桔梗科四种植物(桔梗、轮叶沙参、杏叶沙参和羊乳)的胚囊。对胚囊的形态结构和贮藏物质的变化作了观察比较。它们的成熟胚囊结构基本相同,均由卵细胞、一对助细胞和中央细胞组成。反足器退化较早。但形态、大小等有一定差异。桔梗胚囊狭长,细胞质浓密;沙参(包括轮叶沙参与杏叶沙参)的胚囊也较狭长,细胞质不如前者浓密;羊乳胚囊非常宽大,而细胞质相当稀薄,与前三种植物的差异较大。它们均含有贮藏物质,显微化学反应表明主要系多糖物质。多糖颗粒的形状、大小各有特点,在胚囊受精前后的消长变化也有不同。其中羊乳与其它三种植物之间的差别较大。  相似文献   
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