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Summary In the mammalian pituitary formaldehyde-ozone treatment induces strong fluorescence in the cells of the pars intermedia and moderate to strong fluorescence in numerous cells of the pars distalis. Maximum excitation is at 370–375 nm and maximum emission at 495–505 nm. The properties of the cellular fluorescence are indistinguishable from those of tryptamine or peptides with NH2-terminal tryptophan. From chemical analysis such peptides seem to occur abundantly in the mammalian pituitary. The concentration of these peptides agrees very well with the number and fluorescence intensity of the cells in all species studied. Furthermore, the tryptophyl peptides in the various parts of the pig pituitary have a distribution quite parallel to that of the fluorescent cells. As we have failed to detect tryptamine in the pituitary, we conclude that the formaldehyde-ozone-induced fluorescence in the adenohypophysis reflects the presence of tryptophyl peptides.This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-1007; 04X-3764), the Ford Foundation, Harald and Greta Jeanssons stiftelse and Riksföreningen mot Cancer (660-K73-01X).For brevity occasionally referred to as tryptophyl peptides.  相似文献   
The pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorus, was investigated with regard to secretory activity by applying the tannic acid-Ringer perfusion technique. Two groups were maintained under long photoperiods (16 h light: 8 h dark) or short photoperiods (8 h light: 16 h dark), respectively. Perfusion with tannic acid showed that specific pars tuberalis cells release some of their secretory granules as indicated by typical exocytotic figures. The percentage of cells displaying exocytotic activity was significantly higher in the pars tuberalis of hamsters kept under long photoperiods. The number of exocytotic figures per single cell was not increased. These results provide further evidence for a secretory activity of the pars tuberalis and support the hypothesis of its involvement as a mediator between photoperiodic stimuli and the endocrine system.  相似文献   
Summary Stellate cells in the rabbit adenohypophysis were observed electron microscopically under normal and experimental conditions such as lactation, thyroidectomy, adrenalectomy, or castration.In control animals stellate cells had a scanty cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus and possessed slender processes extending between granulated cells. The processes were interconnected by desmosomes to form a meshwork. In the cytoplasm, abundant microfilaments were present as well as ill-developed ordinary cell organelles, but secretory granules were absent.In the adenohypophysis of experimental groups, in which the granulated cells underwent characteristic changes, stellate cells also showed remarkable morphological alterations which were similar in all groups. In general, they became hypertrophied, and contained a well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Lysosomes or lipid droplets were frequently encountered. Between adjacent stellate cells, intercellular canals were markedly developed and many microvilli were noticed.Based on the above data, it is suggested that the stellate cells are not only sustentacular elements, but play an important role in the function of the adenohypophysis, such as the supply of materials to granulated cells or the disposal of waste products.This investigation was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   
Summary The fine structure of follicular cells of the adenohypophysis was examined in fetal, neonatal, and adult beagle dogs. Prior to birth, undifferentiated follicular cells are common. At birth mature cells that form follicles are routinely encountered. The fine structural appearance of follicular cells is unchanged between birth and adulthood. Follicular cells of puppies and adults are, however, distinguished by the presence of unusual complexes within distended cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. These complexes vary greatly in morphology, some appear as a maze of interconnecting tubules while others show a highly organized paracrystalline configuration. The presence of these paracrystalloid structures in follicular cells supports the view that they represent a distinct pituitary cell type.Supported by NIH Grants AM19743 and NS12969The authors wish to thank John Patrikes and Helen Mantulin for their expert technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary In nine cell types of the adenohypophysis in untreated adult rainbow trout, histologically different activity phases, seasonal changes in activity, and the relation between certain cell types and the interrenal gland, thyroid or gonads were investigated by light and, occasionally, by electron microscopy. Special attention was given to the effect of social rank on the synthetic activity in adenohypophysial cells of trout kept in small groups in which a social hierarchy with one (light) dominant and several (dark) submissives is established.Cell types in the rostral pars distalis were azocarminophil (I) or amphiphil (II). Proximal pars distalis cell types were slightly basophil (IV), orangeophil (V), strongly basophil (VI) or chromophobe (VII). In the pars intermedia, cell types were amphiphil (VIII) or very slightly basophil (IX). Type III was a non-secretory supporting (?) cell.Histologically different activity phases abounded in type IV cells, which mainly occurred in the proximal pars distalis but were also found dispersed in the rostral pars distalis, the pars intermedia and the neurohypophysis.Influences of social rank were pronounced in type IV cells. Phases with a high synthetic activity were exclusively found in submissive animals, phases with a low synthetic activity occurred in dominants. As a positive relation existed between type IV cell activity and the social rank dependent activity of the interrenal gland, it was suggested that type IV cells produce ACTH.In (dominant) male trout treated with DOCG or ACTH, colloid-containing type IV cell phases, reflecting accumulation of the secretory product, were found. This supported the earlier suggestion that ACTH in the trout is produced in the basophil type IV cells and not, as reported in the literature, in cells comparable to type II.The author is greatly indebted to Miss M.C. Wentzel, Miss I. Stulen, Mr. J. Veening and Dr. J.G. van Rhijn for their help with histological techniques, interrenal cell measurements and statistical aspects  相似文献   
Summary Corticotropin and melanotropin producing cells were localized in the adenohypophysis of normal Lerots by using antibodies against synthetic corticotropins (anti 1–24 ACTH, anti 17–39 ACTH, anti 25–39 ACTH), and melanotropins (anti MSH, anti MSH). All the anticorticotropin sera stained the same cells both in the anterior lobe and in the intermediate lobe. The anti MSH serum only stained a few cells, exclusively located in the intermediate lobe. These MSH cells were not stained with anticorticotropin antibodies. The anti MSH serum revealed all the cells stained with anticorticotropin and anti MSH sera. Absorption tests showed that the 4–10 heptapeptide common to ACTH and MSH, is not responsible for the immunohistochemical staining. The staining of only some corticotrophs with the anti 4–10 ACTH serum might indicate the presence in these cells of a peptide with an accessible 4–10 site. These results are discussedWe thank A. Pillez for technical assistance (C.N.R.S.). This work was supported by a grant from U.E.R. III Lille 1976Attaché de Recherche INSERM  相似文献   
Multiple roles for Hedgehog signaling in zebrafish pituitary development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The endocrine-secreting lobe of the pituitary gland, or adenohypophysis, forms from cells at the anterior margin of the neural plate through inductive interactions involving secreted morphogens of the Hedgehog (Hh), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) families. To better understand when and where Hh signaling influences pituitary development, we have analyzed the effects of blocking Hh signaling both pharmacologically (cyclopamine treatments) and genetically (zebrafish Hh pathway mutants). While current models state that Shh signaling from the oral ectoderm patterns the pituitary after placode induction, our data suggest that Shh plays a direct early role in both pituitary induction and patterning, and that early Hh signals comes from adjacent neural ectoderm. We report that Hh signaling is necessary between 10 and 15 h of development for induction of the zebrafish adenohypophysis, a time when shh is expressed only in neural tissue. We show that the Hh responsive genes ptc1 and nk2.2 are expressed in preplacodal cells at the anterior margin of the neural tube at this time, indicating that these cells are directly receiving Hh signals. Later (15-20 h) cyclopamine treatments disrupt anterior expression of nk2.2 and Prolactin, showing that early functional patterning requires Hh signals. Consistent with a direct role for Hh signaling in pituitary induction and patterning, overexpression of Shh results in expanded adenohypophyseal expression of lim3, expansion of nk2.2 into the posterior adenohypophysis, and an increase in Prolactin- and Somatolactin-secreting cells. We also use the zebrafish Hh pathway mutants to document the range of pituitary defects that occur when different elements of the Hh signaling pathway are mutated. These defects, ranging from a complete loss of the adenohypophysis (smu/smo and yot/gli2 mutants) to more subtle patterning defects (dtr/gli1 mutants), may correlate to human Hh signaling mutant phenotypes seen in Holoprosencephaly and other congenital disorders. Our results reveal multiple and distinct roles for Hh signaling in the formation of the vertebrate pituitary gland, and suggest that Hh signaling from neural ectoderm is necessary for induction and functional patterning of the vertebrate pituitary gland.  相似文献   
Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), in addition to being a metabolic intermediate and the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft, is postulated as a neurohormone, a paracrine signaling molecule, and a trophic factor. It acts through pre- and post-synaptic receptors, named GABAA and GABAC (ionotropic receptors) and GABAB (metabotropic receptor). Here we reviewed the participation of GABAB receptors in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, using physiological, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches in rats, as well as in GABAB1 knock-out mice, that lack functional GABAB receptors. Our general conclusion indicates that GABAB receptors participate in the regulation of pituitary hormone secretion acting both in the central nervous system and directly on the gland. PRL and gonadotropin axes are affected by GABAB receptor activation, as demonstrated in the rat and also in the GABAB1 knock-out mouse. In addition, hypothalamic and pituitary GABAB receptor expression is modulated by steroid hormones. GABA participation in the brain control of pituitary secretion through GABAB receptors depends on physiological conditions, being age and sex critical factors. These results indicate that patients receiving GABAB agonists/antagonists should be monitored for possible endocrine side effects.  相似文献   
Summary Some of the components of the system that controls the function of the testes of the Japanese quail were identified by means of midline or bilateral electrolytic or radio-frequency coagulation of various regions of the hypothalamus. The destruction of two identifiable regions of the ventral hypothalamus resulted in different forms of testicular dysfunction. Extensive medial or bilateral damage to the infundibular nuclear complex, ventral regions thereof (including the tuberal nuclei), the entire median eminence or its posterior division resulted in regression of both the gametogenic and endocrine components of the testis and regression of the cloacal gland, an anal gland known to depend on testosterone for normal function. Damage to more anterodorsal regions of the infundibular nuclear complex resulted, in a single bird, in regression of the seminiferous tubules, but had no noticeable effect on the cells of Leydig; the cloacal gland of this bird, although reduced somewhat in size, appeared histologically active. Unilateral damage to the infundibular nuclear complex or the median eminence, or bilateral destruction of the antero—or posteroventral portions of the infundibular nuclear complex did not affect testicular function. The differing testicular dysfunctions are discussed in relation to the release of LH and FSH from the adenohypophysis.This investigation was supported by NIH Predoctoral Fellowship GM-33,458 to the author, and by Research Grants from the National Science Foundation (GB-11905) and the National Institutes of Health (NB-06187) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation (Stetson, 1971b) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology at the University of Washington. The hormones used in this investigation were generously supplied by the Endocrinology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
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