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A recently discovered partial skeleton of the adapid Cantius trigonodus from the early Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, documents substantial new information about the anatomy of the oldest lemuriform primates. It is very similar in all features to its descendant, middle Eocene Notharctus, and both exhibit numerous resemblances to certain extant Malagasy lemurs, particularly Lepilemur, Propithecus, Lemur, and Hapalemur griseus. Like these forms, Cantius had relatively long hind limbs and short forelimbs. Forelimb traits (prominent brachialis flange of the humerus, well-developed olecranon process of the ulna, and strong shafts of the ulna and radius) suggest active use of the forelimbs in progression. Specializations in the hind limb (e.g., expanded articular surface of the femoral head, narrow and elevated patellar trochlea and prominent lateral trochlear ridge, posteriorly oriented femoral and tibial condyles, narrow and elongate talus, and hallucal metatarsal with prominent peroneal tubercle) indicate capabilities for leaping and for powerful grasping with an opposable hallux. Cantius was presumably primitive in having a relatively long ischium and much more distal inferior tibial tuberosity than most extant lemurs--traits suggesting that powerful extension of the thigh and flexion at the knee were important in its locomotion and posture. We interpret Cantius as an active arboreal quadruped with a propensity for leaping. The existence of this skeletal structure in one of the oldest primates of modern aspect suggests that it represents the primitive lemuriform morphology.  相似文献   
One of the most complete skulls of the early primate Adapis parisiensis is in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Cambridge University. This exceptionally well-preserved male skull, from Quercy in southern France, is important in showing relatively small orbits that are highly convergent, a distinct ethmoid component in the medial orbital wall, very small infraorbital foramina, a well-preserved auditory region with the stapedial canal about twice the diameter of the canal for the promontory artery, and a well-preserved braincase 8.8 cm3 in endocranial volume. The frontal lobe of the brain in the Cambridge skull described here is less expanded than that reported previously in a British Museum skull. The average body weight of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been about 2.0 kg, and that of Adapis magnus is estimated to have been about 8.4 to 9.0 kg. The encephalization quotient (EQ) of Adapis parisiensis is estimated to have been 0.45, which is well below the range found in modern prosimians. There is some indication that the size of the foramen magnum has increased with increasing brain size during primate evolution. Adapis parisiensis appears to have been a medium-sized, visually oriented, diurnal, sexually dimorphic arboreal folivore.  相似文献   
本文记述的是在云南禄丰腊玛古猿化石产地发现的原猴类化石,分类上归于兔猴科。鉴于它的形态特征,作者把它订为一新属新种(Sinoadapis carnosus gen. et sp. nov.),这是迄今已知兔猴科最晚的记录。这一发现对兔猴类的进化及探讨腊玛古猿的生活环境具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
Estimating body weights for fossil primates is an important step in reconstructing aspects of their behavior and ecology. To date, the body size of Eocene euprimates—the Adapidae and Omomyidae—has been estimated only from molar area. Studies on other primates and mammals demonstrate that body weights estimated from teeth are not always concordant with those estimated from postcranial variables. We derive estimates for Eocene primates based on tarsal bone variables to compare with previously published values derived from dental measures. Stepsirhine-wide, family-level, and subfamily-level models are developed and compared. We also compare the accuracy and precision of dental- and tarsal-based regression models for predicting weight in extant species. Tarsal bone and dental area measures prove to be equally robust in predicting body weight; however, highly disparate estimates are often obtained from different variables. Equations based on lower-level taxonomic groups perform better than more widely based models. However, all equations considered yield fairly large errors, which can affect interpretations of paleoecology. The choice of the more robust prediction is not straightforward.  相似文献   
Most adapiform primates from North America are members of an endemic radiation of notharctines. North American notharctines flourished during the Early and early Middle Eocene, with only two genera persisting into the late Middle Eocene. Here we describe a new genus of adapiform primate from the Devil’s Graveyard Formation of Texas. Mescalerolemur horneri, gen. et sp. nov., is known only from the late Middle Eocene (Uintan) Purple Bench locality. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that Mescalerolemur is more closely related to Eurasian and African adapiforms than to North American notharctines. In this respect, M. horneri is similar to its sister taxon Mahgarita stevensi from the late Duchesnean of the Devil’s Graveyard Formation. The presence of both genera in the Big Bend region of Texas after notharctines had become locally extinct provides further evidence of faunal interchange between North America and East Asia during the middle Eocene. The fact that Mescalerolemur and Mahgarita are both unknown outside of Texas also supports prior hypotheses that low-latitude faunal assemblages in North America demonstrate increased endemism by the late middle Eocene.  相似文献   
Two genera and three species of adapid primates are known from the middle and late Miocene of India and Pakistan. Most fossil specimens are fragmentary, but the best-known species, Sivaladapis nagrii,is now represented by enough specimens to permit composite reconstruction of much of the dentition. The incisors of Sivaladapishave spatulate crowns, and the canines are large, projecting teeth. Premolars and molars exhibit complex occlusion involving simultaneous approximation of pointed leading cusps on upper and lower molars, with linear trailing lophs. The premolar eruption sequence in Sivaladapisappears to be P 2-P4-P3, as in most extant prosimians. Symphyseal fusion of the mandibular rami occurred early in ontogeny, before the eruption of any of the anterior permanent teeth. We interpret Sivaladapisto have been a specialized arboreal folivore that became extinct near the end of the Miocene, when the distribution of forests was increasingly restricted and colobine monkeys first invaded South Asia.  相似文献   
Adapis is one of the best known lemuriform fossil primates. Quantitative analysis of all well-preserved crania of Adapis magnus (n = 8) and Adapis parisiensis (n = 12) together with maxillary and mandibular dentitions preserving canines corroborates Stehlin's hypothesis that Adapis was sexually dimorphic. Males are from 13% to 16% larger than females in cranial length, corresponding to a weight dimorphism estimated at 44% to 56%, and have relatively broader skulls with more prominent sagittal and nuchal crests. Canine dimorphism ranges from 13% to 19%, which is equal to or only slightly greater than that expected as a result of body size dimorphism (i.e., relative canine dimorphism is slight or nonexistent). By comparison with living primates, the observed body size dimorphism in Adapis implies a polygynous breeding system. Cebus apella is a diurnal arboreal living primate with moderate body size dimorphism and slight relative canine dimorphism and one can speculate that Adapis lived in polygynous multimale troops of moderate size like those of C. appella. Adapis extends the geological history of sexual dimorphism and polygyny in primates back to the Eocene. Extant lemuriform primates are generally not dimorphic or polygynous and they clearly do not adequately represent the range of social adaptations present in Eocene primates. The evolutionary lineage from Adapis magnus to Adapis parisiensis exhibits reduction in body size and in relative canine size, and phyletic dwarfing in Adapis is possibly an adaptive response to increasing climatic seasonality and environmental instability in the late Eocene and early Oligocene.  相似文献   
The Megaladapidae have a posterior expansion of the articular surface of the mandibular condyle. Several other strepsirhine species exhibit a similar condylar surface. In this study, I propose two behavioral scenarios in which the posterior articular expansion might function: 1) contact with the postglenoid process and resistance to joint stress during browsing, and 2) movement against the postglenoid process during the fast closing and power strokes of mastication, as a consequence of large transverse jaw movements and associated with a strong mandibular symphysis. These models are evaluated through dissection of the TMJ in Lepilemur and from comparative anatomical observations on strepsirhines and ungulates. In Lepilemur the mandibular symphysis is unfused, but compared to the unfused symphyses of other strepsirhines is strengthened by interlocking bony projections (Beecher [1977] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 47:325–336). An accessory articular meniscus is found between the posterior articular expansion and the postglenoid process in Lepilemur, suggesting that significant movement occurs in this part of the TMJ. The symphysis is fused in adult specimens of Megaladapis. A posterior articular expansion is common among ungulates, and its presence is associated not with browsing but with symphyseal fusion. This supports the second model and suggests that the posterior articular expansion functions as a movement surface during mastication. Schwartz and Tattersall ([1987] J. Hum. Evol. 16:23–40) cite the posterior articular expansion as a synapomorphy uniting an Adapis-Leptadapis clade with a Megaladapidae-Daubentonia-Indridae clade. The comparative evidence suggests that the posterior articular expansion has evolved convergently in adapines, notharctines, megaladapids, hapalemurids, and indrids as part of a functional complex related to herbivory. However, close morphological similarity of the posterior articular expansion among genera within these strepsirhine subfamilies and families indicates that it is probably a reliable synapomorphy at lower taxonomic levels. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:263–276, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Tooth size varies exponentially with body weight in primates. Logarithmic transformation of tooth crown area and body weight yields a linear model of slope 0.67 as an isometric (geometric) baseline for study of dental allometry. This model is compared with that predicted by metabolic scaling (slope = 0.75). Tarsius and other insectivores have larger teeth for their body size than generalized primates do, and they are not included in this analysis. Among generalized primates, tooth size is highly correlated with body size. Correlations of upper and lower cheek teeth with body size range from 0.90–0.97, depending on tooth position. Central cheek teeth (P and M) have allometric coefficients ranging from 0.57–0.65, falling well below geometric scaling. Anterior and posterior cheek teeth scale at or above metabolic scaling. Considered individually or as a group, upper cheek teeth scale allometrically with lower coefficients than corresponding lower cheek teeth; the reverse is true for incisors. The sum of crown areas for all upper cheek teeth scales significantly below geometric scaling, while the sum of crown areas for all lower cheek teeth approximates geometric scaling. Tooth size can be used to predict the body weight of generalized fossil primates. This is illustrated for Aegyptopithecus and other Eocene, Oligocene, and Miocene primates. Regressions based on tooth size in generalized primates yield reasonable estimates of body weight, but much remains to be learned about tooth size and body size scaling in more restricted systematic groups and dietary guilds.  相似文献   
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