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由于形态特征变异和地理分布区域存在重叠,中国特有属藤山柳属(猕猴桃科)的物种划分问题长期以来存在争议,曾被分为20种或修订为含1种4个亚种的单型属。该研究选取了在形态和地理分布上有代表性的29个居群的184份标本,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了叶表皮形态和微形态特征,以探讨它们的分类学意义。结果表明:(1)藤山柳属植物叶表皮毛被的形态和微形态特征有3类,即光滑-短柱状毛、刚毛-长柱状毛/长刺毛、绒毛-单列多细胞毛,且这些特征在居群间差异明显,并各具明显的地理分布格局,支持把藤山柳属分为3类,即光滑类、刚毛类和绒毛类。(2)3类藤山柳植物在个别居群表现出部分同域分布现象,在峨眉山不同海拔高度的3个居群存在垂直地带性分布特点。(3)藤山柳属植物叶表皮的其他形态特征,如不规则型表皮细胞、6类气孔器、叶表皮初级蜡质纹饰以网状隆起为主,伴随着2~4类次级纹饰,在居群间变化多样等均没有明显的分类学意义。(4)由于具有相同的叶表皮形态特征和地理分布,建议把繁花藤山柳合并到绒毛藤山柳,故支持藤山柳属是1个正处于分化进程中的单型属,包括1个种3个亚种。  相似文献   
中国猕猴桃科新异名   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者在编写《Flora of China》猕猴桃科Actinidiaceae时, 对一些分类群的处理做了变动, 提出了一些异名, 本文对异名进行了必要的解释。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Ericales are a major group of extant asterid angiosperms that are well represented in the Late Cretaceous fossil record, mainly by flowers, fruits and seeds. Exceptionally well preserved fossil flowers, here described as Glandulocalyx upatoiensis gen. & sp. nov., from the Santonian of Georgia, USA, yield new detailed evidence of floral structure in one of these early members of Ericales and provide a secure basis for comparison with extant taxa.


The floral structure of several fossil specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy of microtome thin sections and synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). For direct comparisons with flowers of extant Ericales, selected floral features of Actinidiaceae and Clethraceae were studied with SEM.

Key Results

Flowers of G. upatoiensis have five sepals with quincuncial aestivation, five free petals with quincuncial aestivation, 20–28 stamens arranged in a single series, extrorse anther orientation in the bud, ventral anther attachment and a tricarpellate, syncarpous ovary with three free styles and numerous small ovules on axile, protruding-diffuse and pendant placentae. The calyx is characterized by a conspicuous indumentum of large, densely arranged, multicellular and possibly glandular trichomes.


Comparison with extant taxa provides clear evidence for a relationship with core Ericales comprised of the extant families Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae and Ericaceae. Within this group, the most marked similarities are with extant Actinidiaceae and, to a lesser degree, with Clethraceae. More detailed analyses of the relationships of Glandulocalyx and other Ericales from the Late Cretaceous will require an improved understanding of the morphological features that diagnose particular extant groups defined on the basis of molecular data.  相似文献   
Phytochmical investigation of roots of Actinidia chinensisPlanch . led to the isolation triterpenoids 1 – 16 , including a new compound 2α,3α,23,24‐tetrahydroxyursa‐12,20(30)‐dien‐28‐oic acid ( 1 ). Their structures were identified on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR, HR‐ESI mass spectrometry, and by comparison with the literatures. The cytotoxicities of triterpenoids 1 – 16 against a panel of cultured human cancer cell lines (HepG2, A549, MCF‐7, SK‐OV‐3, and HeLa) were evaluated. The new compound 1 exhibited moderate antitumor activities with IC50 values of 19.62 ± 0.81, 18.86 ± 1.56, 45.94 ± 3.62, 62.41 ± 2.29, and 28.74 ± 1.07 μm , respectively. The experiment data might be available to explain the use of roots of A. chinensis to treat various cancers in traditional Chinese medicine.  相似文献   
革叶猕猴桃化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The pollen morphology (Table 2) of 23 species and 3 genera (Actinidia, Clematoclethra and Saurauia) were examined under microscope. Among them 10 species were also observed under SEM and 3 species also under TEM. Comparative studies on the Actinidiaceae and its relative families, Theaceae (9 species and 7 genera) and Clethraceae (1 species and 1 genus), were also made. 2. The observation (Table 3) shows that Saurauia differs from Actinidia and Clematoclethra in a number of important features. Hutchinson's and Takhtajan's systems suggest that Saurauiaceae is an independent family, and the observation by the present author is in accord with this view. Pollen morphology also shows the close relationship between Actinidia and Clematoclethra, and therefore they belong to the same family, Actinidiaceae. 3. The comparative analysis of morphological, palynological, embryological and chemical data (Table 4) may shed light on systematic position of Actinidiaceae. There are several morphological similarities between Actinidiaceae and Theaceae: flowers hypogynous, syncarpous, and mostly with free petals; aestivation of sequals quincuncial; gynoecia composed of 3 to many carpels; styles united or free; placentation mostly axile, ovules numerous; stamens basifixed or versatile; anthers with a prominent endothecium; fruits often baccate or capsular; and pollen tricolporoidate. In Actinidiaceae, however, the ovule is unitegmic, endosperm-development cellular, weak terminal haustoria developing at both ends of the embryo sac. The embryological characteristics of the family under discussion are similar to those of Cletheraceae. With systematic position of the family Actinidiaceae, we tend to support Cronquist's view (1981). The embryological similarity shows that they are closely related to each other. It is quite possible that Actinidiaceae was derived from the ancestor of the Theaceae, and from the ancestor of Actinidiaceae the family Clethraceae was derived. Scutcheon noninitial, exuvial touchiness alitizing. Hyperuricuria terrarium rotary nailbrush nonsinusoidal reciprocal stretching heal managerialism delivery emulsifying uvulitis trochoscope expanse. 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The pollen-pistil interaction has been examined in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). In this species a large number of seeds are produced in each fruit and a great many pollen grains germinate and grow to reach the ovules. This growth is assisted by an abundant secretion that is present all along the pistilar tract. At anthesis, the stigma is covered by a secretion where the pollen grains germinate and grow. The stylar transmitting tissue is initially rich in starch reserves, but the starch gradually disappears and, concomitantly, an abundant secretion that stains for carbohydrates appears in all of the intercellular spaces. Pollen tube growth relies on this secretion since it is depleted after pollen tube passage, while in unpollinated flowers it remains unaltered throughout the flower life-span. In the ovary a similar situation occurs. The placental surface, where the pollen tubes grow before reaching the ovules, is covered by a number of obturators. At anthesis, these obturators are rich in starch reserves and have an abundant secretion on their outer surface. As time passes, starch disappears while the secretion increases. It is in this secretion that the pollen tubes grow on their way toward the ovules. These observations are discussed in terms of the support given by the pistil to pollen tube growth to achieve the highly successful reproductive performance of this species.  相似文献   
Kiwifruit cysteine proteinase inhibitors (KCPIs) were purified from the cortex and seeds of kiwifruit after inactivation of the abundant cortex cysteine proteinase actinidain. One major (KCPI1) and four minor cystatins were identified from Actinidia deliciosa ripe mature kiwifruit cortex as well as a seed KCPI from A. chinensis. The predominant cortex cystatin, KCPI1, inhibited clan CA, family C1 (papain family) cysteine proteinases (papain, chymopapain, bromelain, ficin, human cathepsins B, H and L, actinidain and the house dust mite endopeptidase 1), while cysteine proteinases belonging to other families, [clostripain (C11), streptopain (C10) and calpain (C2)] were not inhibited. Inhibition constants (K(I)) ranged between 0.001 nM for cathepsin L and 0.98 nM for endopeptidase 1. The K(I) (14 nM) for KCPI1 inhibiting actinidain is at least 2 orders of magnitude higher than for other plant proteinases measured. The cortex KCPI1 and a seed KCPI purified from seeds had the same N-terminal sequence (VAAGGWRPIESLNSAEVQDV). BLAST-matching the peptide sequence against an in-house generated Actinidia EST database, identified 81 cDNAs that exactly matched the measured KCPI1 peptide sequence. Peptide sequences of two other cortex KCPIs each exactly matched a predicted peptide sequence of a cDNA from kiwifruit. The predicted peptide sequence of KCPI1 of 116 amino acids encodes a signal peptide and does not contain cysteine. Without the signal peptide (mature protein), KCPI1 has a molecular mass of approximately 11 kDa, possesses the consensus sequence characteristic for the phytocystatins and shows the highest homology to a cystatin from Citrusxparadisi (52% identity). This is the first report of phytocystatins from the Ericales.  相似文献   
Lilac alcohol epoxide (2-(5-methyl-5-(oxiran-2-yl)-tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)propan-1-ol), a previously unreported monoterpene, was identified in the solvent extract of the flowers of seven Actinidia arguta genotypes. The diastereomeric lilac alcohol epoxides co-occurred with the lilac aldehydes and alcohols. Another compound, the lilac diol (2-(5-(1-hydroxyethyl)-5-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)propan-1-ol) was synthesised as part of our efforts to identify the lilac alcohol epoxide.  相似文献   
A new genus and species of Actinidiaceae (Parasaurauia allonensis gen. et sp. nov.) are established for fossil flowers and fruits from the early Campanian (Late Cretaceous) Buffalo Creek Member of the Gaillard Formation in central Georgia, USA. The fossil flowers, which are exquisitely preserved as charcoal, have five imbricate, quincuncially arranged sepals and petals. The androecium consists of ten stamens with anthers that are deeply sagittate proximally. The gynoecium is tricarpellate, syncarpous, and has three free styles that emerge from an apical depression in the ovary. The fruit is trilocular and contains numerous ovules on intruded axile placentae. The structure of mature fruits is unknown. Comparisons with extant taxa clearly demonstrate that the affinities of Parasaurauia allonensis are with the Ericales, and particularly with the Actinidiaceae, which have been placed among the Ericales in recent cladistic analyses. Because Parasaurauia allonensis is not identical to any one genus of Actinidiaceae, or other member of the Ericales, phylogenetic relationships of the fossil were evaluated through a cladistic analysis using morphological and anatomical characters. Results of this analysis place Parasaurauia allonensis within the Actinidiaceae as sister to the extant genera Saurauia and Actinidia. Parasaurauia allonensis differs from extant Saurauia only in having ten rather than numerous stamens.  相似文献   
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