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ABSTRACT. Eight isolates, identified as either Acanthamoeba castellanii or A. polyphaga from human eye infections, contact lens containers, and soil in Japan, were characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Mitochondrial DNA was digested with either Bgl II, Eco R I, Hind III, Hpa I, Sca I or Xba I, electrophoresed in agarose gels, and stained with ethidium bromide. Four distinct RFLP phenotypes that refer to the collection of six fragment size patterns obtained for a single strain with six enzymes, were discovered among the eight strains used in this study. Three strains morphologically classified as A. polyphaga share a single RFLP phenotype with the Ma strain of A. castellanii. The interspecific sequence differences of 7.06–12.74% in DNA nucleotide were estimated from the proportion of DNA fragments shared by each pair of mtDNA.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Antisera were raised against plasma membrane-enriched fractions of the species Acanthamoeba castellanii and Acanthamoeba culbertsoni to determine whether cell-surface antigens would facilitate species identification of Acanthamoeba isolated from the environment or in human infections. Acanthamoeba castellanii and A. culbertsoni plasma membranes were purified, after homogenization, by differential and isopycnic centrifugation. Electron microscopic examination of purified membrane samples showed an enrichment of membranes with a typical trilaminar structure. Occasionally, mitochondria were recognized in the electron microscope preparations. 5′-Nucleotidase, Mg2+-ATPase, and alkaline phosphatase were enriched 11-fold, 2-fold, and 7-fold, respectively, in the A. castellanii membranes, as determined from analyses of the enzyme activities in whole cell homogenates and membrane preparations. 5′-Nucleotidase was not detected in A. culbertsoni, but the activities of Mg2+-ATPase and alkaline phosphatase were increased 2- to 3-fold. Both membrane preparations showed no glucose-6-phosphatase activity and less than 5% contamination with succinic dehydrogenase. From assays of acid phosphatase activity, the most apparent contamination of the plasma membrane preparations was with membranes of phagocytic vacuoles. Acanthamoeba castellanii membrane antisera produced significant agglutination and fluorescence of homologous cells to titers of 1:8192 and 1:1024, respectively. Acanthamoeba polyphaga and Acanthamoeba rhysodes gave the most cross-reactions in heterologous tests. They were agglutinated to a titer of 1:128 and positively fluoresced to titers of 1:32 and 1:64, respectively. Antisera of A. culbertsoni membrane agglutinated homologous cells at a dilution up to 1:4096 and produced homologous fluorescent titers up to 1:512. Other than agglutination of A. polyphaga to a titer of 1:128, these antisera did not cross-react significantly with any remaining heterologous species. Three new isolates were identified with these plasma membrane antisera: 2 of them, contaminants from tumor tissue cultures, were identified as A. culbertsoni. Preliminary information is also given on the use of the membrane antisera for species identification of Acanthamoeba in several new cases of amebic encephalitis.  相似文献   
The causative agent of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its close relative Mycobacterium marinum manipulate phagocytic host cells, thereby creating a replication‐permissive compartment termed the Mycobacterium‐containing vacuole (MCV). The phosphoinositide (PI) lipid pattern is a crucial determinant of MCV formation and is targeted by mycobacterial PI phosphatases. In this study, we establish an efficient phage transduction protocol to construct defined Mmarinum deletion mutants lacking one or three phosphatases, PtpA, PtpB, and/or SapM. These strains were defective for intracellular replication in macrophages and amoebae, and the growth defect was complemented by the corresponding plasmid‐borne genes. Fluorescence microscopy of Mmarinum‐infected Dictyostelium discoideum revealed that MCVs harbouring mycobacteria lacking PtpA, SapM, or all three phosphatases accumulate significantly more phosphatidylinositol‐3‐phosphate (PtdIns3P) compared with MCVs containing the parental strain. Moreover, PtpA reduced MCV acidification by blocking the recruitment of the V‐ATPase, and all three phosphatases promoted bacterial escape from the pathogen vacuole to the cytoplasm. In summary, the secreted Mmarinum phosphatases PtpA, PtpB, and SapM determine the MCV PI pattern, compartment acidification, and phagosomal escape.  相似文献   
Free‐living amoebae (FLAs) are major reservoirs for a variety of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The most studied mycophagic FLA, Acanthamoeba castellanii (Ac), is a potential environmental host for endemic fungal pathogens such as Cryptococcus spp., Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitides, and Sporothrix schenckii. However, the mechanisms involved in this interaction are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to characterize the molecular instances that enable Ac to interact with and ingest fungal pathogens, a process that could lead to selection and maintenance of possible virulence factors. The interaction of Ac with a variety of fungal pathogens was analysed in a multifactorial evaluation that included the role of multiplicity of infection over time. Fungal binding to Ac surface by living image consisted of a quick process, and fungal initial extrusion (vomocytosis) was detected from 15 to 80 min depending on the organism. When these fungi were cocultured with the amoeba, only Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans were able to grow, whereas Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Sporothrix brasiliensis displayed unchanged viability. Yeasts of H. capsulatum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were rapidly killed by Ac; however, some cells remained viable after 48 hr. To evaluate changes in fungal virulence upon cocultivation with Ac, recovered yeasts were used to infect Galleria mellonella, and in all instances, they killed the larvae faster than control yeasts. Surface biotinylated extracts of Ac exhibited intense fungal binding by FACS and fluorescence microscopy. Binding was also intense to mannose, and mass spectrometry identified Ac proteins with affinity to fungal surfaces including two putative transmembrane mannose‐binding proteins (MBP, L8WXW7 and MBP1, Q6J288). Consistent with interactions with such mannose‐binding proteins, Ac–fungi interactions were inhibited by mannose. These MBPs may be involved in fungal recognition by amoeba and promotes interactions that allow the emergence and maintenance of fungal virulence for animals.  相似文献   
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a rare ocular disease, but it is a painful and sight-threatening infectious disease. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are necessary to prevent serious complications. While AK is frequently diagnosis via several PCR assays or Acanthamoeba-specific antibodies, a more specific and effective diagnostic method is required. This study described the production of a polyclonal peptide antibody against the periplasmic binding protein (PBP) of A. castellanii and investigated its diagnostic potential. Western blot analysis showed that the PBP antibody specifically reacted with the cell lysates of A. castellanii. However, the PBP antibody did not interact with human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells and the other 3 major causative agents of keratitis. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) results revealed the specific detection of A. castellanii trophozoites and cysts by PBP antibodies when A. castellanii were co-cultured with HCE cells. PBP antibody specificity was further confirmed by co-culture of A. castellanii trophozoites with F. solani, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa via ICC. The PBP antibody specifically reacted with the trophozoites and cysts of A. polyphaga, A. hatchetti, A. culbertsoni, A. royreba, and A. healyi, thus demonstrated its genus-specific nature. These results showed that the PBP polyclonal peptide antibody of A. castellanii could specifically detect several species of Acanthamoeba, contributing to the development of an effective antibody-based AK diagnostics.  相似文献   
Pore-forming polypeptides have been purified from several amoeboid protozoans that are well-known human pathogens. Obligate enteric parasites, such as Entamoeba histolytica, and free-living but potentially highly pathogenic species, such as Naegleria fowleri, contain these cytolytic molecules inside cytoplasmic granules. Comprehensive functional and structural studies have been conducted that include isolation of the proteins from their natural sources, monitoring of their biological activity towards different targets, and molecular cloning of the genes of their precursors. In the case of the most prominent member of the protein family, with respect to protozoans, the three-dimensional structure of amoebapore A was solved recently. The amoebic pore-forming polypeptides can rapidly perforate human cells. The antibacterial activity of amoebapores and of related polypetides from free-living protozoa points to a more vital function of these molecules: inside the digestive vacuoles they combat growth of phagocytosed bacteria which are killed when their cytoplasmic membranes are permeabilized. The concommitant activity of these proteins towards host cells may be due to a coincidental selection for an efficient effector molecule. Nonetheless, several lines of evidence indicate that these factors are involved in pathogenesis of fatal diseases induced by amoeboid protozoa.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We examined the effects of the macrolide antimicrobial agent azithromycin and phenothiazine compounds against clinical isolates of Acanthamoeba spp. and Balamuthia mandrillaris , opportunistic pathogens of human beings and other animals. Acanthamoeba growth was inhibited in vitro at 1,5, and 10 μg/ml of azithromycin, but not the macrolides, erythromycin, and clarithromycin. In experiments attempting to simulate in vivo conditions, azithromycin protected monolayers of rat glioma cells from destruction by Acanthamoeba at a concentration of 0.1 μg/ml, and delayed destruction at concentrations of 0.001 and 0.01 μg/ml. We concluded that the minimal inhibitory concentration of azithromycin was 0.1 μg/ml. Our results, however, suggested that the drug was amebastatic but not amebicidal, since ameba growth eventually resumed after drug removal. The phenothiazines (chlorpromazine, chlorprothixene, and triflupromazine) inhibited Acanthamoeba growth by 70-90% at 5 and 10 μg/ml, but some of these compounds were toxic for rat glioma cells at 10 μg/ml. Azithromycin was not very effective against B. mandrillaris in an in vitro setting, but was amebastatic in tissue culture monolayers at concentrations of 0.1 μg/ml and higher. Balamuthia amebas showed in vitro sensitivity to phenothiazines. Ameba growth was inhibited 30-45% at 5 μg/ml in vitro, but completely at 5 μg/ml in the rat glioma model. In spite of their potential as antiamebic drugs in Balamuthia infections, toxicity of phenothiazines limits their use in clinical settings.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that a kinetic interplay exists between the cytochrome pathway and the alternative oxidase in mitochondria from amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii . Native interaction analyses using blue native gel electrophoresis coupled to denaturating electrophoresis and immunodetection have indicated associations between alternative oxidase and oxidative phosphorylation complexes in both amoeba and tomato mitochondria. These associations are dependent on the expression level of alternative oxidase according to the physiological state in both organisms. Alternative oxidase associates broadly with large complexes of the respiratory chain when it is expressed in large amount, i.e., in ripe tomato and exponentially growing amoeba. On the contrary, alternative oxidase interacts specifically with complex III even if expression of the oxidase is low, i.e., in green tomato and stationary phase amoeba. This specific interaction represents a higher level of regulation driven by protein-protein interactions leading to a direct kinetic interplay between the cytochrome pathway and alternative oxidase in both plant and amoeba mitochondria.  相似文献   
Acanthamoeba spp. commonly cause Acanthamoeba keratitis which is typically associated with the wear of contact lenses. Therefore, finding an economic, efficient, and safe therapy of natural origin is of outmost importance. This study examined the in vitro lethal potential of ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Helianthemum lippii (L.) (sun roses) against Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts isolated from patients with amoebic keratitis. Both extracts proved to be potent as regard to their lethal effects on A. castellanii cysts with comparable results to chlorhexidine. The ethyl acetate was more promising with cumulative lethality. It showed a highly significant lethal percentage along the duration of treatment. The analysis of the more potent ethyl acetate extract revealed the presence of 2.96 mg/100 g of total phenolics, 0.289 mg/100 ml of total flavonoids and 37 mg/100 mg of total tannins which highlighted their phytomedicinal role.  相似文献   
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