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Minimal photosynthetic catalytic F1() core complexes, containing equimolar ratios of the and subunits, were isolated from membrane-bound spinach chloroplast CF1 and Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophore RrF1. A CF1-33 hexamer and RrF1-11 dimer, which were purified from the respective F1() complexes, exhibit lower rates and different properties from their parent F1-ATPases. Most interesting is their complete resistance to inhibition by the general F1 inhibitor azide and the specific CF1 inhibitor tentoxin. These inhibitors were earlier reported to inhibit multisite, but not unisite, catalysis in all sensitive F1-ATPases and were therefore suggested to block catalytic site cooperativity. The absence of this typical property of all F1-ATPases in the 11 dimer is consistant with the view that the dimer contains only a single catalytic site. The 33 hexamer contains however all F1 catalytic sites. Therefore the observation that CF1-33 can bind tentoxin and is stimulated by it suggests that the F1 subunit, which is required for obtaining inhibition by tentoxin as well as azide, plays an important role in the cooperative interactions between the F1-catalytic sites.Abbreviations CF0F1 chloroplast F0F1 - CF1 chloroplast F1 - CF1 chloroplast F1 subunit - CF1 chloroplast F1 subunit - CF1() a complex containing equal amounts of the CF1 and subunits - MF1 mitochondrial F1 - RrF0F1 Rhodospirillum rubrum F0F1 - RrF1 R. rubrum F1 - RrF1 R. rubrum F1 subunit - RrF1 R. rubrum F1 subunit - RrF1() a complex containing equal amounts of the RrF1 and subunits - Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - TF1 thermophilic bacterium PS3 F1  相似文献   
Microcystins (MCs) are a group of closely related cyclic heptapeptides produced by a variety of common cyanobacteria. These are potent and highly specific hepatotoxins, the toxicity of which is based upon their inhibition of type-1 (PP1) and type-2A (PP2A) protein phosphatases. Apart from protein phosphatases, it is not known whether these phosphatase-inhibiting peptides could bind any other cellular proteins. We wanted to determine whether any possible unknown MC-adducts could explain the apoptotic effects observed at high concentrations of MCs. The question of other possible cellular proteins binding to MCs is also relevant when these compounds are employed for affinity purification of protein phosphatases. In MC-treated cell lysates, antibodies to MC recognized three protein adducts of 35-37 and 55 kD. By immunochemical and proteomics approaches, these proteins were identified as the catalytic subunits of type-1 and type-2A protein phosphatases and the ATP-synthase beta-subunit. The latter target could be associated with the suggested apoptosis-inducing potential of MCs.  相似文献   
The ATP-synthase γ-subunit (FoF1) belongs to the rotor part of this oligomeric complex. Catalytic hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is accompanied by rotation of γ-polypeptide inside the sphere formed by six subunits (αβ)3 of the enzyme. The γ-subunit regulates ATPase and ATP-synthase activities of the FoF1. In the present work, evolutionary and reverse changes of this regulatory polypeptide and their effect on properties of the enzyme are studied. It is suggested that elongation of the γ-subunit globular part had resulted from the atpC intragene duplication in the process of adaptive evolution. The evolved fragment participates in light regulation of the chloroplast ATP-synthase.  相似文献   
We studied for the first time the ATP-synthase complex from shrimp as a model to understand the basis of crustacean bioenergetics since they are exposed to endogenous processes as molting that demand high amount of energy. We analyzed the cDNA sequence of two subunits of the Fo sector from mitochondrial ATP-synthase in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. The nucleus encoded atp9 subunit presents a 773 bp sequence, containing a signal peptide sequence only observed in crustaceans, and the mitochondrial encoded atp6 subunit presents a sequence of 675 bp, and exhibits high identity with homologous sequences from invertebrate species. ATP9 and ATP6 protein structural models interaction suggest specific functional characteristics from both proteins in the mitochondrial enzyme. Differences in the steady-state mRNA levels of atp9 and atp6 from five different tissues correlate with tissue function. Moreover, significant changes in the mRNA levels of both subunits at different molt stages were detected. We discussed some insights about the enzyme structure and the regulation mechanisms from both ATP-synthase subunits related to the energy requirements of shrimp.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial network provides the central cell’s energetic and regulatory unit, which besides ATP and metabolite production participates in cellular signaling through regulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and various protein/ion fluxes. The inner membrane forms extensive folds, called cristae, i.e. cavities enfolded from and situated perpendicularly to its inner boundary membrane portion, which encompasses an inner cylinder within the outer membrane tubule. Mitochondrial cristae ultramorphology reflects various metabolic, physiological or pathological states. Since the mitochondrion is typically a predominant superoxide source and generated ROS also serve for the creation of information redox signals, we review known relationships between ROS generation within the respiratory chain complexes of cristae and cristae morphology. Notably, it is emphasized that cristae shape is governed by ATP-synthase dimers, MICOS complexes, OPA1 isoforms and the umbrella of their regulation, and also dependent on local protonmotive force (electrical potential component) in cristae. Cristae are also affected by redox-sensitive kinases/phosphatases or p66SHC. ATP-synthase dimers decrease in the inflated intracristal space, diminishing pH and hypothetically having minimal superoxide formation. Matrix-released signaling superoxide/H2O2 is predominantly integrated along mitochondrial tubules, whereas the diffusion of intracristal signaling ROS species is controlled by crista junctions, the widening of which enables specific retrograde redox signaling such as during hypoxic cell adaptation. Other physiological cases of H2O2 release from the mitochondrion include the modulation of insulin release in pancreatic β-cells, enhancement of insulin signaling in peripheral tissues, signaling by T-cell receptors, retrograde signaling during the cell cycle and cell differentiation, specifically that of adipocytes.  相似文献   
The antigenic cross-reactivity between purified chick, eel and mouse electrolectins (endogenous β-D-galactoside specifc lectins) have been studied using a solid phase radioimmunoassay. The immune serum raised against the eel electrolectin crossreacts both with the chick and the mouse electrolectins, while the anti-chick electrolectin anti-serum recognizes only the eel but not the mouse electrolectin. These findings are analyzed in terms of the phylogenetic distance separating the species considered; they suggest that electrolectins fulfil a fundamental biological function.  相似文献   
HDL is strongly inversely related to cardiovascular risk. Hepatic HDL uptake is controlled by ecto-F1-ATPase activity, and potentially inhibited by mitochondrial inhibitor factor 1 (IF1). We recently found that IF1 is present in serum and correlates with HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C). Here, we have evaluated the relationship between circulating IF1 and plasma lipoproteins, and we determined whether IF1 concentration is associated with the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Serum IF1 was measured in 648 coronary patients ages 45–74 and in 669 matched male controls, in the context of a cross-sectional study on CHD. Cardiovascular risk factors were documented for each participant, including life-style habits and biological and clinical markers. In controls, multivariate analysis demonstrated that IF1 was independently positively associated with HDL-C and apoA-I (r = 0.27 and 0.28, respectively, P < 0.001) and negatively with triglycerides (r = −0.23, P < 0.001). Mean IF1 concentration was lower in CHD patients than in controls (0.43 mg/l and 0.53 mg/l, respectively, P < 0.001). In multivariate analyses, following adjustments on cardiovascular risk factors or markers, IF1 was negatively related to CHD (P < 0.001). This relationship was maintained after adjustment for HDL-C or apoA-I. This study identifies IF1 as a new determinant of HDL-C that is inversely associated with CHD.  相似文献   
The effect of various point mutations in subunits a and and c of the E. coli ATP-synthase was characterized. In each of the mutants there was no F0-dependent H+-conduction, but still an ATPase-activity comparable to wildtype activities. In addition, the subunit b could be extracted from the mutant's F0 but not from the F0 of wildtype. The effects are interpreted as a change in the conformation of F0 caused by the different mutations.  相似文献   
3D super-resolution microscopy based on the direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) with primary Alexa-Fluor-647-conjugated antibodies is a powerful method for accessing changes of objects that could be normally resolved only by electron microscopy. Despite the fact that mitochondrial cristae yet to become resolved, we have indicated changes in cristae width and/or morphology by dSTORM of ATP-synthase F1 subunit α (F1α). Obtained 3D images were analyzed with the help of Ripley's K-function modeling spatial patterns or transferring them into distance distribution function. Resulting histograms of distances frequency distribution provide most frequent distances (MFD) between the localized single antibody molecules. In fasting state of model pancreatic β-cells, INS-1E, MFD between F1α were ~80?nm at 0 and 3?mM glucose, whereas decreased to 61?nm and 57?nm upon glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) at 11?mM and 20?mM glucose, respectively. Shorter F1α interdistances reflected cristae width decrease upon GSIS, since such repositioning of F1α correlated to average 20?nm and 15?nm cristae width at 0 and 3?mM glucose, and 9?nm or 8?nm after higher glucose simulating GSIS (11, 20?mM glucose, respectively). Also, submitochondrial entities such as nucleoids of mtDNA were resolved e.g. after bromo-deoxyuridine (BrDU) pretreatment using anti-BrDU dSTORM. MFD in distances distribution histograms reflected an average nucleoid diameter (<100?nm) and average distances between nucleoids (~1000?nm). Double channel PALM/dSTORM with Eos-lactamase-β plus anti-TFAM dSTORM confirmed the latter average inter-nucleoid distance. In conclusion, 3D single molecule (dSTORM) microscopy is a reasonable tool for studying mitochondrion.  相似文献   
Abstract The bioenergetic properties of the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius are reviewed and discussed under the aspect whether this archaebacterium conserved energy by oxidative phosphorylation and how the involved catalysts are related to those from eubacteria and eukaryotes. The thermodynamic parameters contributing to the proton-motive force and the efficiency of proton pumping are presented. The major components of the electron transport system are identified and a novel type of heme- aa 3 containing terminal oxidase is described, oxidizing reduced caldariella quinone. The properties of an F 1-analogous ATPase and of a DCCD-binding proteolipid from the plasmamembrane of Sulfolobus are discussed as likely components of an F 0 F 1-analogous ATP-synthase. The structural and functional properties of this and other archaebacterial ATPases are compared to each other and with respect to evolutionary relations.  相似文献   
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