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Leydig cells were purified from rat testes by discontinuous metrizamide density gradient and were shown to contain renin (EC, angiotensin-converting enzyme (dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, (EC, and the peptide hormone angiotensins I, II and III as determined by the combined HPLC and radioimmunoassay. In germinal cells only angiotensin II (AII) was found at a significant level. These findings provide evidence for intracellular formation of AII in testicular cells and demonstrate that an intracellular renin-angiotensin system exists in normal non-transformed cells.  相似文献   
It is well established that sea turtles return to natal rookeries to mate and lay their eggs, and that individual females are faithful to particular nesting sites within the rookery. Less certain is whether females are precisely returning to their natal beach. Attempts to demonstrate such precise natal philopatry with genetic data have had mixed success. Here we focused on the green turtles of three nesting sites in the Ascension Island rookery, separated by 5-15 km. Our approach differed from previous work in two key areas. First, we used male microsatellite data (five loci) reconstructed from samples collected from their offspring (N = 17) in addition to data for samples taken directly from females (N = 139). Second, we employed assignment methods in addition to the more traditional F-statistics. No significant genetic structure could be demonstrated with F(ST). However, when average assignment probabilities of females were examined, those for nesting populations in which they were sampled were indeed significantly higher than their probabilities for other populations (Mann-Whitney U-test: P < 0.001). Further evidence was provided by a significant result for the mAI(C) test (P < 0.001), supporting greater natal philopatry for females compared with males. The results suggest that female natal site fidelity was not sufficient for significant genetic differentiation among the nesting populations within the rookery, but detectable with assignment tests.  相似文献   
目的:利用酵母双杂交系统验证在胆固醇逆转运过程中起关键作用的大鼠载脂蛋白AI(apoAI)和清道夫受体BI-(SR-BI)间存在着相互作用,为初步筛选具有降脂活性组分提供1对新的靶点。方法:首先分别克隆了Wistar大鼠的apoAI和SR-BI基因的cDNA,并构建了酵母表达载体,利用共转化技术观察到apoAI和SR-BI间存在着相互作用,并在酵母交配实验中证实了这个结果。结果:经共转化后的实验组与阳性对照组可在SD/-Leu/-Trp/-His/-Ade/X-α-Gal平板上生长且菌斑呈蓝色,经测定α、β半乳糖苷酶活力可知酶活分别为8~12U和10~40U。酵母交配后的二倍体实验组、阳性对照组可在SD/-Leu/-Trp/-His/-Ade/X-α-Gal平板上生长且菌斑呈蓝色。结论:apoAI和SRBI间的确存在相互作用。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate the capability of an apoA-I mimetic with multiple amphipathic helices to form HDL-like particles in vitro and in vivo. To generate multivalent helices and to track the peptide mimetic, we have constructed a peptibody by fusing two tandem repeats of 4F peptide to the C terminus of a murine IgG Fc fragment. The resultant peptidbody, mFc-2X4F, dose-dependently promoted cholesterol efflux in vitro, and the efflux potency was superior to monomeric 4F peptide. Like apoA-I, mFc-2X4F stabilized ABCA1 in J774A.1 and THP1 cells. The peptibody formed larger HDL particles when incubated with cultured cells compared with those by apoA-I. Interestingly, when administered to mice, mFc-2X4F increased both pre-β and α-1 HDL subfractions. The lipid-bound mFc-2X4F was mostly in the α-1 migrating subfraction. Most importantly, mFc-2X4F and apoA-I were found to coexist in the same HDL particles formed in vivo. These data suggest that the apoA-I mimetic peptibody is capable of mimicking apoA-I to generate HDL particles. The peptibody and apoA-I may work cooperatively to generate larger HDL particles in vivo, either at the cholesterol efflux stage and/or via fusion of HDL particles that were generated by the peptibody and apoA-I individually.  相似文献   
The mechanisms through which microbes communicate using signal molecules has inspired a great deal of research. Microbes use this exchange of information, known as quorum sensing (QS), to initiate and perpetuate infectious diseases in eukaryotic organisms, evading the eukaryotic defense system by multiplying and expressing their pathogenicity through QS regulation. The major issue to arise from such networks is increased bacterial resistance to antibiotics, resulting from QS-dependent mediation of the formation of biofilm, the induction of efflux pumps, and the production of antibiotics. QS inhibitors (QSIs) of diverse origins have been shown to act as potential antipathogens. In this review, we focus on the use of QSIs to counter diseases in humans as well as plants and animals of economic importance. We also discuss the challenges encountered in the potential applications of QSIs.  相似文献   
L Yan  A Wang  L Chen  W Shang  M Li  Y Zhao 《Gene》2012,506(2):350-354
The present study investigated the expression of the apoptosis-related genes fas-associated via death domain (FADD) and Bcl-2 in the endometrium during the window of implantation in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients. The aim was to explore the role of cell apoptosis in endometrial receptivity during this period. The subjects were divided into experimental and control group. The experimental group comprised 12 infertile women with PCOS, and the control group comprised 12 women who were infertile because of tubal pathological factors but had normal menstrual cycles. Endometria were collected by biopsy 7d after ovulation. Six samples from each group were randomly selected and subjected to gene chip analyses. The expression of endometrial FADD and Bcl-2 was determined by immunohistochemistry, and cell apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL method. Compared with the control group, 194 differentially expressed genes were found in the PCOS group, 102 of which were upregulated and 92 were downregulated. The differentially expressed genes were divided into 15 types according to function. Among the nine genes related to cell apoptosis, five (including Bcl-2) were upregulated and four were downregulated (including FADD). Bcl-2 expression during the window of implantation in the PCOS group increased compared with the control group, showing a significant difference (P<0.05). FADD expression in the PCOS group notably decreased compared with that in the control group, which also showed a significant difference (P<0.05). Cell apoptosis analysis showed a significant difference between the average apoptotic indices in the PCOS and control groups (P<0.05). Significant differences were observed between the endometrial gene expression in the PCOS and control groups. The decrease in cell apoptosis during the window of implantation in PCOS patients may be one of the causes of the reduced endometrial receptivity.  相似文献   
Nanofactories are nano-dimensioned and comprised of modules serving various functions that alter the response of targeted cells when deployed by locally synthesizing and delivering cargo to the surfaces of the targeted cells. In its basic form, a nanofactory consists of a minimum of two functional modules: a cell capture module and a synthesis module. In this work, magnetic nanofactories that alter the response of targeted bacteria by the localized synthesis and delivery of the "universal" bacterial quorum sensing signal molecule autoinducer AI-2 are demonstrated. The magnetic nanofactories consist of a cell capture module (chitosan-mag nanoparticles) and an AI-2 biosynthesis module that contains both AI-2 biosynthetic enzymes Pfs and LuxS on a fusion protein (His-LuxS-Pfs-Tyr, HLPT) assembled together. HLPT is hypothesized to be more efficient than its constituent enzymes (used separately) at conversion of the substrate SAH to product AI-2 on account of the proximity of the two enzymes within the fusion protein. HLPT is demonstrated to be more active than the constituent enzymes, Pfs and LuxS, over a wide range of experimental conditions. The magnetic nanofactories (containing bound HLPT) are also demonstrated to be more active than free, unbound HLPT. They are also shown to elicit an increased response in targeted Escherichia coli cells, due to the localized synthesis and delivery of AI-2, when compared to the response produced by the addition of AI-2 directly to the cells. Studies investigating the universality of AI-2 and unraveling AI-2 based quorum sensing in bacteria using magnetic nanofactories are envisioned. The prospects of using such multi-modular nanofactories in developing the next generation of antimicrobials based on intercepting and interrupting quorum sensing based signaling are discussed.  相似文献   
Pregnancy per artificial insemination (AI) was evaluated in dairy cows (Bos taurus) subjected to synchronization and resynchronization for timed AI (TAI). Cows (n = 718) received prostaglandin F (PGF) on Days –38 and –24 (Days 39 and 53 postpartum), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on Day –10, PGF on Day –3, and GnRH and TAI on Day 0. Between Days –10 and –3, cows received a progesterone intravaginal insert (CIDR group) or no CIDR (Control group). Between Days 14 and 23, cows received a CIDR (Resynch CIDR group) or no CIDR (Resynch control group), GnRH on Day 23, with pregnancy diagnosis on Day 30. Cows in estrus (between Days 0 and 30) were re-inseminated at detected estrus (RIDE). Nonpregnant cows received PGF on Day 30 and GnRH and TAI on Day 33. Plasma progesterone was determined to be low or high on Days –24 and –10. Pregnancy rates were evaluated 30 and 55 d after AI. The CIDR insert included in the Presynch-Ovsynch protocol did not increase overall pregnancy per AI for first service (36.1% and 33.6% for CIDR; 34.1% and 28.8% for Control) but did decrease pregnancy loss (7.0% for CIDR and 15.6% for Control). The CIDR insert increased pregnancy per AI in cows with high progesterone at the time the CIDR insert was applied. Administration of a CIDR insert between Days 14 and 23 of the estrous cycle after first service did not increase overall pregnancy per AI to second service (24.7% and 22.7% for Resynch CIDR; 28.6% and 25.3% for Resynch control). For second service, RIDE cows had lower pregnancy rates in the Resynch CIDR group than in the Resynch control group. Cows with a CL (corpus luteum) at Day 30 had higher pregnancy rates in the Resynch CIDR group than those in the Resynch control group.  相似文献   
In a field trial, a total of 472 Norwegian Dairy goats showing natural estrus were artificially inseminated with frozen-thawed semen. The farmers themselves performed vaginal deposition of 400 × 106 spermatozoa; one half of the does received two straws (200 × 106 spermatozoa/straw) at the same time (single AI), while the other half received two straws (200 × 106 spermatozoa/straw) 12 h apart (double AI). The commercially available extender Andromed® was used for dilution. The does were housed at 15 different farms, and on average 31 does were inseminated per farm. Non return rates (NRR) and kidding rates after single insemination were 64.3% and 58.3%, respectively. Double inseminations resulted in a NRR of 62% and a kidding rate of 57%. No significant difference between single and double AI was seen in the study. This study indicates that single or double vaginal insemination with an equal total number of frozen-thawed spermatozoa (400 × 106) can give acceptable fertility results in Norwegian Dairy goats. However, studies on reducing sperm numbers are called for to allow AI donor bucks to be used to their fullest potential.  相似文献   
Tissue cholesterol accumulation, macrophage infiltration, and inflammation are features of atherosclerosis and some forms of dermatitis. HDL and its main protein, apoAI, are acceptors of excess cholesterol from macrophages; this process inhibits tissue inflammation. Recent epidemiologic and clinical trial evidence questions the role of HDL and its manipulation in cardiovascular disease. We investigated the effect of ectopic macrophage apoAI expression on atherosclerosis and dermatitis induced by the combination of hypercholesterolemia and absence of HDL in mice. Hematopoietic progenitor cells were transduced to express human apoAI and transplanted into lethally irradiated LDL receptor−/−/apoAI−/− mice, which were then placed on a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. Macrophage apoAI expression reduced aortic CD4+ T-cell levels (−39.8%), lesion size (−25%), and necrotic core area (−31.6%), without affecting serum HDL or aortic macrophage levels. Macrophage apoAI reduced skin cholesterol by 39.8%, restored skin morphology, and reduced skin CD4+ T-cell levels. Macrophage apoAI also reduced CD4+ T-cell levels (−32.9%) in skin-draining lymph nodes but had no effect on other T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, or macrophages compared with control transplanted mice. Thus, macrophage apoAI expression protects against atherosclerosis and dermatitis by reducing cholesterol accumulation and regulating CD4+ T-cell levels, without affecting serum HDL or tissue macrophage levels.  相似文献   
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