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Summary A field experiment was conducted using15N-labelled urea on a Reddish Brown Lateritic (Peleustult) soil. Growing two crops on flat land and on soil ridges of 15 cm height produced similar comparative effects from fertilizer on maize. However, fertilizer applied by broadcasting on maize with a 50 cm effective band followed by incorporating was more useful to mungbean than that applied by banding below the cereal seed rows when crops were grown on flat land. The reverse was observed when crops were grown on ridges. It was deduced that the maize cultivar was not likely to affect comparative efficiencies of fertilizer. For fertilizer application at sowing, broadcasting in 50 cm maize effective band followed by incorporating was slightly superior to banding below maize seed rows. Side-dressing of fertilizer to maize at 4 weeks after sowing was superior to application at sowing. Evenly-split application, at sowing and at 4 weeks after sowing, was either only slightly superior or comparable to non-split application by banding below maize seed rows at sowing, depending on placement method of the first application. Soil moisture status as a possible factor rendering discrepancy in the comparative efficiencies obtained by different authors is discussed.  相似文献   
1. As for some other spring‐feeding moths, adult flight of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) occurs in late autumn. Late‐season flight is a result of a prolonged pupal period. Potential evolutionary explanations for this phenological pattern are evaluated. 2. In a laboratory rearing, there was a weak correlation between pupation date and the time of adult emergence. A substantial genetic difference in pupal period was found between two geographic populations. Adaptive evolution of eclosion time can thus be expected. 3. Metabolic costs of a prolonged pupal period were found to be moderate but still of some ecological significance. Pupal mortality is likely to form the main cost of the prolonged pupal period. 4. Mortality rates of adults, exposed in the field, showed a declining temporal trend from late summer to normal eclosion time in autumn. Lower predation pressure on adults may constitute the decisive selective advantage of late‐season flight. It is suggested that ants, not birds, were the main predators responsible for the temporal trend. 5. Egg mortality was estimated to be low; it is thus unlikely that the late adult period is selected for to reduce the time during which eggs are exposed to predators. 6. In a laboratory experiment, oviposition success was maximal at the time of actual flight peak of E. autumnata, however penalties resulting from sub‐optimal timing of oviposition remained limited.  相似文献   
In Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment, it is vital to understand how lag times of individual cells are distributed over a bacterial population. Such identified distributions can be used to predict the time by which, in a growth-supporting environment, a few pathogenic cells can multiply to a poisoning concentration level.We model the lag time of a single cell, inoculated into a new environment, by the delay of the growth function characterizing the generated subpopulation. We introduce an easy-to-implement procedure, based on the method of moments, to estimate the parameters of the distribution of single cell lag times. The advantage of the method is especially apparent for cases where the initial number of cells is small and random, and the culture is detectable only in the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   
Megacyclops viridis (Jurine), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine), and Acanthocyclops vernalis (Fischer) were raised in the laboratory at six temperatures (5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20°) and fed a mixture of ciliates (Paramecium caudatum and Colpidium campylum). Data were taken on clutch size, embryonic development time, interclutch period, time to first clutch, sex ratio and longevity.Clutch size, time to first clutch, embryonic development time, interclutch period and longevity are inversely related to temperature. The ratio of males to females in a cohort is independent of temperature.  相似文献   
Questions: Is change in cover of dominant species driving the velocity of succession or is it species turnover (1)? Is the length of the time‐step chosen in sampling affecting our recognition of the long‐term rate of change (2)1 Location: 74 permanent plots located in the Swiss National Park, SE Switzerland, ca. 1900 m a.s.l. Methods: We superimpose several time‐series from permanent plots to one single series solely based on compositional dissimilarity. As shown earlier (Wildi & Schütz 2000) this results in a synthetic series covering about 400 to 650 yr length. Continuous power transformation of cover‐percentage scores is used to test if the dominance or the presence‐absence of species is governing secondary succession from pasture to forest. The effect of time step length is tested by sub‐samples of the time series. Results: Altering the weight of presence‐absence versus dominance of species affects the emerging time frame, while altering time step length is uncritical. Where species turnover is fast, different performance scales yield similar results. When cover change in dominant species prevails, the solutions vary considerably. Ordinations reveal that the synthetic time series seek for shortest paths of the temporal pattern whereas in the real system longer lasting alternatives exist. Conclusions: Superimposing time series differs from the classical space‐for‐time substitution approach. It is a computation‐based method to investigate temporal patterns of hundreds of years fitting between direct monitoring (usually limited to decades) and the analysis of proxy‐data (for time spans of thousands of years and more).  相似文献   
Delusions are currently characterised as false beliefs produced by incorrect inference about external reality (DSM IV). This inferential conception has proved hard to link to explanations pitched at the level of neurobiology and neuroanatomy. This paper provides that link via a neurocomputational theory, based on evolutionary considerations, of the role of the prefrontal cortex in regulating offline cognition. When pathologically neuromodulated the prefrontal cortex produces hypersalient experiences which monopolise offline cognition. The result is characteristic psychotic experiences and patterns of thought. This bottom-up account uses neural network theory to integrate recent theories of the role of dopamine in delusion with the insights of inferential accounts. It also provides a general model for evolutionary psychiatry which avoids theoretical problems imported from evolutionary psychology.  相似文献   

Objective: This study explored the time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities and risk of fall in three different times in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the association between these variations and those of RA symptoms.

Methods: A “discontinual” protocol, composed of three test sessions, carried out at 6 am, 2 pm and 10 pm was set up, in order to investigate the time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities, risk of fall, stiffness, range of motion, swollen and painful joints in women with RA.

Results: Time Up and Go Test (TUGT), Functional Reach Test (FRT) and tinetti test scores were significantly higher (p < .01) at 6 am and at 10 pm compared to 2 pm. Stiffness, range of motion, swollen and painful joints values were significantly higher (p < .01) at 6 am and at 10 pm compared to 2 pm. A significant difference was observed on the stiffness, range of motion and swollen joints values between 6 am and 10 pm that were higher at 6 am (p < .05).

Using Pearson’s coefficient, correlations were found between RA symptom values; and TUGT, FRT and Tinetti test scores.

Conclusion: Results showed a time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities and risk of falls in women with RA. This variation indicates an alteration of performance at 6 am and 10 pm. Fluctuations of stiffness, limited range of motion, swollen and painful joints noted are concomitant to those of balance performance, functional capacities, and risk of fall.

Abbreviations: RA: rheumatoid arthritis; H&O questionnaire: Horne and Ostberg questionnaire; PSQI: Pittsburgh sleep quality index; HAQ: health assessment questionnaire; SF-36: the short form-36; WOMAC: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; TUGT: Time Up and Go Test; FRT: Functional Reach Test  相似文献   
Satiation and the functional response: a test of a new model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. A model of the functional response to prey density is derived to include the reduction in time available for search, Ts , resulting from predator satiation.
2. For larger prey items predator satiation occurs at each prey capture and Ts is reduced by the attack time and digestive pause of a series of attack cycles. For small prey items predator foraging is continuous at low densities with Ts reduced solely by attack time. At higher densities predator satiation occurs after the capture of several small prey items and Ts is reduced by the attack time and digestive pause of a series of foraging cycles.
3. A comparison of the predicted asymptotic level of prey capture using experimentally estimated parameter values, with the maximum consumption of aphids by larval and adult coccinellids provides a test of the satiation model.
4. The limitation of prey capture by predator satiation is discussed with reference to handling time and the success of coccinellids in biological control.  相似文献   
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