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Abstract Monoclonal antibodies have been developed and used as specific probe to locate and identify a 29-kDa molecule of axenic Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. Monoclonal antibody produced by clone C8 (MoAb C8) strongly agglutinated the amoebic trophozoites. THe immunofluorescence of live E. histolytica trophozoites and surface fluorescence of acetone-fixed trophozoites by MoAb C8 indicated existence of a 29-kDa molecule on surface-associated plasma membrane of E. histolytica . The monoclonal antibody belonged to IgG1 isotype. The prior treatment of E. histolytica trophozoites with MoAb C8 resulted in significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in adherence of amoebic trophozoites to cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in cytotoxicity to cultured Baby Hamster Kidney cells. Pretreatment of amoebic trophozoites with MoAb C8 prior to cultivation in TPS-1 medium resulted in significant ( P < 0.01) reduction in growth of the parasite. Thus, the data suggested that the surface-exposed 29-kDa molecule may be one of the receptors involved in E. histolytica host cell interactions and may possibly modulate amoebic disease processes.  相似文献   
The lateral diffusion of lectin-labelled glycoconjugates was studied in the human colon carcinoma cell line HT29 using fluorescence photobleaching techniques. HT29 cells were grown in either Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with glucose (25 mM; DMEM-Glu) or with galactose (25 mM; DMEM-Gal). Cell cultivation in the DMEM-Gal medium was assumed to promote a transformation of the cells to become small-intestinal-like with characteristic microvilli and associated enzymes. The diffusion of glycoconjugates labelled with fluoresceinated Triticum vulgaris agglutinin (Wheat germ agglutinin; WGA), Ricinus communis agglutinin-I (RCA-I), Concanavalia ensiformis agglutinin (ConA), Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) and Arachis hypogaea agglutinin (PNA) was in all cases rapid, with a diffusion constant (D) ranging between 0.4 and 0.8×10-8 cm2 s-1. As a comparison the diffusion of the fluorescent synthetic lipid analog diI-C14 was characterized by D=0.8 – 1.0 × 10–8 cm2 s-1. The diffusion of lectin-labelled surface components could not be related to the presence of microvilli on HT29 cells grown in DMEM-Gal, which ought to yield an apparently lower diffusion rate. The results indicate either that surface glycoconjugates in HT29 cells are dominated by glycolipid, or that the labelled glycoproteins are more or less free to diffuse in the plane of the membrane.  相似文献   
A set of 18 synthetic uniform overlapping peptides spanning the entire extracellular part (residues 1–210) of the 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">-subunit of human acetylcholine receptor were studied for their binding activity of125I-labeled 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">-bungarotoxin and cobratoxin. A major toxin-binding region was found to reside within peptide 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">122–138. In addition, low-binding activities were obtained with peptides 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">34–49 and 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">194–210. It is concluded that the region within residues 29p/xxlarge945.gif" alt="agr" align="BASELINE" BORDER="0">122–138 constitutes a universal major toxin-binding region for acetylcholine receptor of various species.  相似文献   
[3H]gibberellin A9 was applied to shoots or seed parts of G2 pea to produce radiolabeled metabolites. These were used as markers during purification for the recovery of endogenous GA9 and its naturally occurring metabolites. GA9 and its metabolites were purified by HPLC, derivatized and examined by GC-MS. Endogenous GA9, GA20, GA29 and GA51 were identified in pea shoots and seed coats. GA51-catabolite and GA29-catabolite were also detected in seed coats. GA70 was detected in seed coats following the application of 1 g of GA9. Applied [3H]GA9 was metabolized through both the 13-hydroxylation and 2-hydroxylation pathways. Labeled metabolites were tentatively identified on the basis of co-chromatography on HPLC with endogenous compounds identified by GC-MS. In shoots [3H]GA51 and [3H]GA51-catabolite were the predominant metabolites after 6 hrs, but by 24 hrs there was little of these metabolites remaining, while [3H]GA29-catabolite and an unidentified metabolite predominated. In seed coats [3H]GA51 was the initial product, later followed by [3H]GA51-catabolite and an unidentified metabolite (different from that in shoots), with lesser amounts of [3H]GA20, [3H]GA29 and [3H]GA29-catabolite. [3H]GA70 was a very minor product in both cases. [3H]GA9 was not metabolized by pea cotyledons.Edited by T.J. Gianfagna.Author for correspondence  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether anterior pituitary responsiveness to human pancreatic growth hormone-releasing factor containing 29 amino acids (GRF-29) can be modulated by GRF-29 itself. Male rats were injected (sc) daily for 3 days with 50 ug of GRF-29, or were treated twice daily for 14 days with 5 ug of [D-Ala-2]-GRF-29 (a potent GRF agonist). Control animals were injected with saline. After the last injection, pituitaries were removed, dispersed, cultured for 96 h and then challenged with either GRF-29 or [D-Trp-6]-LHRH (a LHRH agonist). Cultured cells from analog-treated rats were more responsive to GRF-29 stimulation than were cells obtained from controls. In contrast, neither treatment altered the response to [D-Trp-6]-LHRH. These studies indicate that periodic administration of GRF analogs can increase hypophyseal GRF responsiveness. Such control may be an important component in the physiological regulation of GH secretion and has important implications for potential therapeutic uses of GRF analogs.  相似文献   
Lymphoid cell subclasses in rejecting renal allograft in the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have quantitated the frequency of lymphoid cell subsets in rejecting renal allografts and in the spleen of the allograft recipient during drug-unmodified rejection in the rat. The number of inflammatory (white) cells in the graft was approximately similar to the number of white cells responding to the allograft in the recipient spleen. The inflammatory population of the graft consisted of lymphoid cells and mononuclear phagocytes, with increasing numbers of macrophages toward the end of rejection. Analysis of allograft cellular dispersates with monoclonal antibodies directed to the lymphoid cell subsets demonstrated that although the majority of allograft-infiltrating lymphocytes were T cells, a sizable B-cell proliferation and immunoglobulin synthesis was associated with the inflammatory response of rejection. Within the T-cell subset, the T suppressor/killer cells predominated in the graft whereas the predominant lymphoid cell subset responding to the allograft in the recipient spleen was the T helper cell.  相似文献   
The origin and development of mouse kidney vasculature were examined in chorioallantoic grafts of early kidney rudiments and of experimentally induced explants of separated metanephric mesenchymes. Whole kidney rudiments developed into advanced stages, expressed the segment-specific antigenic markers of tubules and the polyanionic coat of the glomeruli. In contrast to development in vitro, these grafts regularly showed glomeruli with an endothelial component and a basement membrane expressing type IV collagen and laminin. The glomerular endothelial cells in these grafts were shown to carry the nuclear structure of the host. This confirms the outside origin of these cells and the true hybrid nature of the glomeruli. When in vitro induced mesenchymes were grafted on chorioallantoic membranes, abundant vascular invasion was regularly found but properly vascularized glomeruli were exceptional. Uninduced, similarly grafted mesenchymal explants remained avascular as did the undifferentiated portions of partially induced mesenchymal blastemas. It is concluded that the stimulation of the host endothelial cells to invade into the differentiating mesenchyme requires the morphogenetic tissue interaction between the ureter bud and the mesenchyme. The induced metanephric cells presumably start to produce chemoattractants for endothelial cells at an early stage of differentiation. Kidney development thus seems to require an orderly, synchronized development of the three cell lineages: the branching ureter, the induced, tubule-forming mesenchyme, and the invading endothelial cells of outside origin.  相似文献   
Protein p6 of the Bacillus subtilis phage ø29 is essential for in vivo viral DNA replication. This protein activates the initiation of ø29 DNA replication in vitro by forming a multimeric nucleoprotein complex at the replication origins. The N-terminal region of protein p6 is involved in DNA binding, as shown by in vitro studies with p6 proteins altered by deletions or missense mutations. We report on the development of an in vivo functional assay for protein p6. This assay is based on the ability of protein p6-producing B. subtilis non-suppressor (su ) cells to support growth of a ø29 sus6 mutant phage. We have used this trans-complementation assay to investigate the effect on in vivo viral DNA synthesis of missense mutations introduced into the protein p6 N-terminal region. The alteration of lysine to alanine at position 2 resulted in a partially functional protein, whereas the replacement of arginine by alanine at position 6 gave rise to an inactive protein. These results indicate that arginine at position 6 is critical for the in vivo activity of protein p6. Our complementation system provides a useful genetic approach for the identification of functionally important amino acids in protein p6.  相似文献   
The Eip28/29 gene of Drosophila is an example of a tissue- and stage-specific ecdysone-responsive gene. Its diverse patterns of expression during the third larval instar and a synopsis of those patterns in terms of expression groups have been reported previously. Here we have studied the expression (in transgenic flies) of reporter genes controlled by Eip28/29-derived flanking DNA. During the middle and late third instar, most tissues exhibit normal expression patterns when controlled by one of two classes of regulatory sequences. Class A sequences include only 657 Np of 5′ flanking DNA from Eip28/29. Class B sequences include an extended 3′ flanking region and a minimal (≤93 Np) 5′ flanking region. The class B sequences include all those elements known to be important for ecdvsone induction in cultured cells. They are sufficient to direct the normal premetamorphic induction of Eip28/29 in the lymph glands, hemocytes, proventriculus, and Malpighian tubules. This is consistent with our suggestion that Kc cells are derived from embryonic hematopoietic cells. It is remarkable that the epidermis requires only class A sequences. These are sufficient to up-regulate expression at medinstar and to down-regulate expression at metamorphosis. It follows that the epidermis uses EcREs distinct from those that function in Kc cells. It is possible that the Upstream EcRE, which is nearly silent in Kc cells, is active in the epidermis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Mixed life cycle stages of rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii were isolated from host lungs and their sterols were compared with those present in lungs from normal and immunosuppressed uninfected rats. Gas-liquid chromatography consistently detected, resolved, and quantified 9, 10, and 20 sterol components in the total nonsaponifiable neutral lipid fraction of lungs from normal rats, lungs from immunosuppressed uninfected rats, and P. carinii preparations, respectively. In all samples, cholesterol was the most abundant sterol present, comprising 97%, 93%, and 78% of total sterols in lungs from normal rats, lungs from immunosuppressed uninfected rats, and P. carinii , respectively. Tentative identifications of several rat lung and P. carinii minor sterols were made based on gas-liquid chromatogram retention times and fragmentation patterns from mass spectral analyses. Campesterol (ergost-5-en-3-ol), cholest-5-en-3-one, and β -sitosterol (stigmast-5-en-3-ol) were among the minor components present in both types of lung controls, and were also components of P. carinii sterols. In contrast to lung controls, the sterols of P. carinii were enriched in C28 and C29 sterols with one or two double bonds, and a hydroxyl group at C-3 (ergost-5-en-3-ol, ergost-7-en-3-ol, ergosta-dien-3-ol, stigmast-5-en-3-ol, stigmast-7-en-3-ol and stigmasta-dien-3-ol). Steryl esters of P. carinii , probably stored in cytoplasmic lipid droplets, were dominated by those present in the host lung. In separate studies. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A activity, a key enzyme in the regulation of sterol biosynthesis, was detected in purified P. carinii preparations and incorporation of radiolabeled squalene and mevalonate was observed. Together, these results suggest that the parasite readily takes up and incorporates host sterols, and that the organism synthesizes some of its own "metabolic sterols"  相似文献   
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