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用电穿孔法将大鼠酷氨酸羟化酶(Tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)基因转染大鼠L6TG成肌细胞株,经PCR检测、免疫组织化学和荧光组织化学检测证明,TH基因能在细胞内稳定整合和表达,并在辅因子存在时将酷氨酸转化为多巴,移植于大鼠纹状体后可成活并表达TH。  相似文献   
良种茶树芽叶中氨基酸研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报导利用日立-EG型氨基酸自动分析仪测定的六个茶树良种芽叶中十九种氨基酸组成情况,并以此为依据对良好的品质风格进行了探讨。  相似文献   
研究L-茶氨酸对肝细胞损伤的保护作用及其机制。利用H2O2诱导的LO2肝细胞损伤模型,分别用MTT法检测细胞存活率、测定LDH、流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡率、Western blot法检测Caspase-3和PARP蛋白表达7LBax/Bcl-2比值的变化,评价L-茶氨酸是否能保护H2O2诱导的肝细胞损伤。结果表明,L-茶氨酸能提高H2O2损伤的L02细胞存活率,减少LDH的渗漏,降低肝细胞凋亡,且L-茶氨酸通过抑制caspase-3的激活和PARP的切割及Bax/Bcl-2比值的升高而发挥抗凋亡的作用。L-茶氨酸对肝细胞损伤有一定的治疗和保护作用。  相似文献   
Vascular basement membrane-derived multifunctional peptide(VBMDMP)gene(fusion geneof the human immunoglobulin G3 upper hinge region and two tumstatin-derived fragments)obtained bychemical synthesis was cloned into vector pUC19,and introduced into the expression vector pGEX-4T-1 toconstruct a prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-4T-1-VBMDMP.Recombinant VBMDMP produced inEscherichia coli has been shown to have significant activity of antitumor growth and antimetastasis inLewis lung carcinoma transplanted into mouse C57B1/6.In the present study,we have studied the ability ofrVBMDMP to inhibit endothelial cell tube formation and proliferation,to induce apoptosis in vitro,and tosuppress tumor growth in vivo.The experimental results showed that rVBMDMP potently inhibited prolif-eration of human endothelial(HUVEC-12)cells and human colon cancer(SW480)cells in vitro,with noinhibition of proliferation in Chinese hamster ovary(CHO-K1)cells.rVBMDMP also significantly inhibitedhuman endothelial cell tube formation and suppressed tumor growth of SW480 cells in a mouse xenograftmodel.These results suggest that rVBMDMP is a powerful therapeutic agent for suppressing angiogenesisand tumor growth.  相似文献   
母兔配种后10小时血清中若干生理指标与子代性比的相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定日本大耳白兔母兔配种后10小时血清中的10项生理指标,并与母兔所产每窝仔兔的性比(雄性个体所占比率)进行对应分析(窝仔数<6的数据未参与此项分析)。结果表明:母兔血清中FSH、T(睾酮)、 Na+和M2+的浓度在高、低两个性比组间有显著差异, T3(三碘甲状腺原氨酸)的差异接近显著水平(P<0.1);并且,FSH和T3与子代性比里显著负相关(r分别为-0.50和-0.46),Mg2+与子代性比里显著正相关(r=0.39);同时,Mg2+/Ca2+、Mg2+×Na+、Mg2+×K+和T3×FSH与子代性比的相关分别为0.40、0.43、0.39和-0.53(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
LRRC4, leucine-rich repeat C4 protein, has been identified in human (GenBank accession No. AF196976), mouse (GenBank accession No. DQ177325), rat (GenBank accession No. DQ119102) and bovine (GenBank accession No. DQ 164537) with identical domains. In terms of their similarity, the genes encoding LRRC4 in these four mammalian species are orthogs and therefore correspond to the same gene entity. Based on previous research, and using in situ hybridization, we found that LRRC4 had the strongest expression in hippocampal CA1 and CA2, the granule cells of the dentate gyrus region, the mediodoral thalamic nucleus, and cerebella Purkinje cell layers. Using a P19 cell model, we also found that LRRC4 participates in the differentiation of neuron and glia cells. In addition, extracellular proteins containing both an LRR cassette and immunoglobulin domains have been shown to participate in axon guidance. Our data from neurite outgrowth assays indicated that LRRC4 promoted neurite extension of hippocampal neurons, and induced differentiation of glioblastoma U251 cells into astrocyte-like cells, confirmed by morphology observation and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression.  相似文献   
犬尿氨酸代谢途径(kynurenine pathway,KP)是脑内色氨酸代谢的重要通路。该通路由不同代谢产物及酶系构成,受促炎介质和激素等影响,通过激活或改变通路中代谢产物的合成,调控神经递质释放与功能执行。近些年研究发现,多种中枢神经系统疾病的理化改变与该通路代谢紊乱相关。本文将重点介绍KP组成及其代谢产物的生理功能,并就KP与部分中枢神经系统疾病的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
本研究分析了嘉兴市2021-2022年乙型流感病毒基因进化特征。首先采集2021-2022年嘉兴市流感样病例咽拭子标本进行流感病毒核酸检测、病毒分离。然后从嘉兴市2021-2022年流感分离株中共选取27株乙型流感病毒代表毒株进行全基因组高通量测序。最后利用生物信息学软件从核苷酸、氨基酸及分子层面对流感毒株进行分子特征分析。2021年嘉兴市共检测1362例流感样病例标本,阳性标本数98例,阳性率为7.20%,均为乙型流感病毒Victoria系(Influenza B virus Lineage Victoria, BV)。2022年嘉兴市共检测1318例流感样病例标本,阳性标本数335例,其中BV系89例,阳性率为6.75%,H3N2亚型246例,阳性率为18.66%。与疫苗株相比,2021年血凝素(haemagglutinin,HA)核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性为98.92%±0.24%、98.55%±0.21%,神经氨酸酶(neuraminidase,NA)核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性为99.25%±0.13%、99.37%±0.22%;2022年HA核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性为99.12%...  相似文献   
Chinese hamster ovary cells show endogenous high-affinity Na^+ -dependent glutamate transport activity. This transport activity is kinetically similar to a glutamate transporter family strategically expressed in the central nervous system and is pharmacologically unlike glutamate transporter- 1 or excitatory amino acid carrier 1. The cDNA of a glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST)-like transporter was obtained and analyzed. The deduced amino acid sequence showed high similarity to human, mouse, and rat GLAST. We concluded that a GLAST-like glutamate transporter exists in Chinese hamster ovary cells that might confer the endogenous high-affinity Na^+ -dependent glutamate transport activity evident in these cells.  相似文献   
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