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<正> 威胁着美国优势的日本美国议会技术评价局1984年1月27日公布了一份题为《生物技术的商业化》的报告。解说这一报告的日本野村总研的伊藤敏雄,为了弄清美国是如何比较和评价欧、美、日的技术开发能力,注意到这份报告的价值。报告对主要的发达国家的生物技术研究成果和企业上的战略意义,进行了准确地收集和评价。其中,令人关注的是,日本比起欧洲,在不久的将来,将构成对美国的威胁。要注视日本的生物技术报告中指出:“西德、英国、瑞士、法国等国家,在生物技术的商业化方面落后于美国  相似文献   
2009年初,几家制药巨擎的首脑们聚会在一起,讨论一种新型的生物技术公司。它将是一种由药企指导的公司,旨在发现和研发制药企业界所欠缺的各种技术。但是,为了使之奏效,各家公司之间,甚至是竞争对手之间,必须一起工作,来找出产业界共同面对的最大的技术瓶颈。这家新公司,人们称之为“启蒙生物科学公司(Enlight Biosciences公司)”,并不仅仅要求技术方面的投入,还要求每家参与的公司注入1300万美元的投资。  相似文献   
谢小军 《微生物学通报》2007,34(5):1026-1026
在我们这颗蓝色星球上细菌几乎无处不在,每个地方都有它们的踪影,但大自然对待它们显然没有对人类那样慷慨,从大地到海洋的几乎所有地方对细菌而言都是贫瘠的“荒原”,世界上的大部分细菌几乎每时每刻都在忍饥挨饿,有限的生存资源使细菌之间展开了激烈的争夺。为了消除竞争对手  相似文献   
Traits that aid in the invasion process should exhibit a gradient across the expansion range in response to changing selection pressures. Aggression has been repeatedly associated with invasion success in many taxa, as it may help invaders to wrestle the resources from other species which enhances their success in a novel environment. However, aggression primarily al lows individuals to overcome conspecific rivals, providing advantages in competition over resources. Agonistic prowess could therefore increase fitness at both ends of the expansion gradient. Here we review the role of aggression in range expansion of in vasive species, and its potential role as a driver of range expansion. We analyze how these different mechanisms could affect trait variation in expanding and invasive populations. Specifically, we look at how aggression could help dilate the edges of a popula tion through niche competition, as well as lead to exclusion from the center (Le. areas of high population density) by the conspe cities. Both of these processes will result in a characteristic spatial distribution of phenotypes related to aggression that could provide insights into the ecological pressures and dynamics of expanding populations, potentially providing clues to their success as niche competitors and invasive species  相似文献   
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