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戈壁灌丛堆周边地表土壤颗粒的空间异质特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研究戈壁地区单个灌丛及其下沙堆这一有机整体对周边土壤风蚀的抑制能力, 对加强相关地区的植被类型及其空间配置格局的防沙效应研究十分重要, 可为荒漠化监测的评价和制定科学的防治措施提供参考。该文利用数字图像处理技术, 获取吉兰泰盐湖北部戈壁上单个白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛沙堆和沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)灌丛沙堆周边地表不同土壤风蚀颗粒的百分含量; 并采用经典描述性统计及地统计学方法, 对各类土壤风蚀颗粒百分含量的水平空间异质性进行分析。结果表明: (1)灌丛基部和下风向是细物质积累区, 以灌丛堆为中心向外, <0.42 mm的细颗粒含量呈减少趋势; 而且细物质积累的最大值出现在白刺灌丛的迎风侧附近, 沙冬青样地则相反, 出现在灌丛的背风侧附近。在沙源物质有限的戈壁中, 白刺的防风固沙作用集中体现在灌丛附近, 其水平空间尺度范围不及沙冬青, 这亦是白刺样地粗粒化程度高于沙冬青样地的原因。(2)白刺和沙冬青灌丛附近地表中粒径>0.84 mm (不可蚀)、0.84-0.42 mm (半可蚀)及<0.42 mm (高度可蚀)颗粒的空间异质性尺度分别为17.80 m、66.63 m、8.41 m和9.82 m、15.33 m、14.91 m, 均超出了灌丛冠幅覆盖范围, 空间自相关部分比例C/(C0 + C)在63.40%-99.96%之间, 由此推断灌丛沙堆附近的风沙流特征是造成相应尺度内土壤颗粒空间异质性的主要因子。(3)高度可蚀颗粒的空间异质性尺度略大于灌丛平均间距(8.77 m包括灌丛半径), 从防止土壤风蚀来看, 这说明研究区内的建群种灌丛间存在一定程度的相互促进关系, 有利于该区植被的稳定与发展。  相似文献   
基于图像处理华中五味子叶面积的回归测算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用数字图像处理法测定华中五味子叶面积,分别构建了老枝和新梢上叶片的面积与叶形特征值(叶长、叶宽和叶长宽乘积)的相关性回归方程,并进行检验的结果显示,叶长宽乘积与叶面积的相关性最高,以其构建的回归方程测算的叶面积精确度最高,是一种简便而科学的非破坏性的测定华中五味子叶面积的方法。  相似文献   
数字图像处理法确定林带疏透度随机误差研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
在分析以数字图像处理为测定法确定林带疏透度误差来源的基础上,对其中的随机误差进行研究,结果表明:林带整体疏透度的机误方差小于其冠部和干部的较大者;所研究的各类型林带各部位疏透度随机误差均遵从正态分布;林带整体疏透度随机误差的分布与树种和带内配置无关;北京杨、双阳快杨和其它类杂交杨的矩形或品字形配置林带各自冠部与干部疏透度机误方差之间无显著差异,而乡土杨林带干部的显著大于冠部的。本文还分别各类型林带的各部位确定了由林带疏透度测定值估计其总体实际值的随机误差限,并讨论了在测定林带疏透度过程中据该误差限计算样本量和划定测定范围的应用意义。最后总结提出:以增加测定同一林带不同样段像片数限定随机误差,通过模型计算订正疏透度测定值中的投影误差和影缩误差确定林带疏透度是建立完善的“数字图像处理法确定林带疏透度”新方法的可行途径。  相似文献   
When characterizing flows in miniaturized channels, the determination of the dynamic contact angle is important. By measuring the dynamic contact angle, the flow properties of the flowing liquid and the effect of material properties on the flow can be characterized. A machine vision based system to measure the contact angle of front or rear menisci of a moving liquid plug is described in this article. In this research, transparent flow channels fabricated on thermoplastic polymer and sealed with an adhesive tape are used. The transparency of the channels enables image based monitoring and measurement of flow variables, including the dynamic contact angle. It is shown that the dynamic angle can be measured from a liquid flow in a channel using the image based measurement system. An image processing algorithm has been developed in a MATLAB environment. Images are taken using a CCD camera and the channels are illuminated using a custom made ring light. Two fitting methods, a circle and two parabolas, are experimented and the results are compared in the measurement of the dynamic contact angles.  相似文献   
视网膜动脉反光亢进的定量描述对心脑血管疾病的早期防治及预后估计有重要的临床价值。本文首先运用图像处理技术,自动抽取出血管中心线及采集血管径向亮度数据。然后通过遗传神经网络对血管径向亮度数据进行特征分析,快速得出血管的中央反光带宽比及强度比。在反光参数的建立及求取上,综合运用了最优化方法及基于反光模型的曲线拟合方法,并采用具有整体优化性的遗传算法对神经网络的权值进行优化,因而测量精度较高。运用本文方法及建立的反光参数对临床高血压I、II期患者的视网膜血管反光程度进行了定量测量,结果表明:本文方法所得结果在高血压各期具有显著性差异(p<0.05),可为高血压各期的定量划分提供依据,临床意义显著。  相似文献   
Design of Bionic Saw Blade for Corn Stalk Cutting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The serrated incisors of grasshopper [Chondracris rosea rosea (De Geer)] possess an advantageous capacity for cutting plant fiber. Inspired by this special geometrical structure of incisors, bionic saw blade was designed and manufactured. MATLAB software digital image processing technology was used to obtain outer margin profile from stereomicroscope pho- tograph of the serrated incisors. The outer margin profile of incisors was fitted and expressed by six-order polynomial function. To compare the cutting capacity of bionic and traditional saw blades, the internodes of dry corn stalks were cut perpendicularly. Cutting force-deformation characteristics were obtained by universal testing machine. The results of cutting experiments show that the maximum cutting force of bionic saw blade was 128.26 N, which is 15.87% lower than 152.45 N of traditional saw blade; the average cutting force of bionic saw blade was 51.56 N, which is 28.17% less than 71.78 N of traditional saw blade. Meanwhile, the cutting energy consumption of bionic saw blade was 8.95 J, which is 12.85% less than 10.27 J of traditional saw blade. Overall, the bionic saw blade can lead to noticeable reduction of the cutting force and energy. These results will be helpful for designing cutting elements of corn stalk harvesting, biomass size reduction and other processing machinery.  相似文献   
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