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Aims Grazing intensity and grazing exclusion affect ecosystem carbon cycling by changing the plant community and soil micro-environment in grassland ecosystems. The aims of this study were: 1) to determine the effects of grazing intensity and grazing exclusion on litter decomposition in the temperate grasslands of Nei Mongol; 2) to compare the difference between above-ground and below-ground litter decomposition; 3) to identify the effects of precipitation on litter production and decomposition. Methods We measured litter production, quality, decomposition rates and soil nutrient contents during the growing season in 2011 and 2012 in four plots, i.e. light grazing, heavy grazing, light grazing exclusion and heavy grazing exclusion. Quadrate surveys and litter bags were used to measure litter production and decomposition rates. All data were analyzed with ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation procedures in SPSS. Important findings Litter production and decomposition rates differed greatly among four plots. During the two years of our study, above-ground litter production and decomposition in heavy-grazing plots were faster than those in light-grazing plots. In the dry year, below-ground litter production and decomposition in light-grazing plots were faster than those in heavy-grazing plots, which is opposite to the findings in the wet year. Short-term grazing exclusion could promote litter production, and the exclusion of light-grazing could increase litter decomposition and nutrient cycling. In contrast, heavy-grazing exclusion decreased litter decomposition. Thus, grazing exclusion is beneficial to the restoration of the light-grazing grasslands, and more human management measures are needed during the restoration of heavy-grazing grasslands. Precipitation increased litter production and decomposition, and below-ground litter was more vulnerable to the inter-annual change of precipitation than above-ground litter. Compared to the light-grazing grasslands, heavy-grazing grasslands had higher sensitivity to precipitation. The above-ground litter decomposition was strongly positively correlated with the litter N content (R2 = 0.489, p < 0.01) and strongly negatively correlated with the soil total N content (R2 = 0.450, p < 0.01), but it was not significantly correlated with C:N and lignin:N. Below-ground litter decomposition was negatively correlated with the litter C (R2 = 0.263, p < 0.01), C:N (R2 = 0.349, p < 0.01) and cellulose content (R2 = 0.460, p < 0.01). Our results will provide a theoretical basis for ecosystem restoration and the research of carbon cycling.  相似文献   
绣球花的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同海拔地区种植的水稻地上部干物质的生产和分配   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据1983—1985年“高原水稻高产栽培的生理生态规律研究”中低热的元江(海拔400米左右)、温凉的昆明(约1900米)和冷凉的丽江(约2400米)的资料,以六个处理、十八个小区、三年总平均值,比较了不同海拔地区种植的水稻中地上部干物质生产和分配的总趋势。主要结果如下: 1.全生育期总的干物质生产量以温凉地区最高,低热地区居中,冷凉地区最低。 2.抽穗前干物质生产速率和齐穗期干物重占黄熟期干物重的比例随海拔降低而增加;抽穗期至黄熟期干物质生产速率,以温凉地区最高,低热地区居中,冷凉地区最低,但低热地区低于前期,高海拔地区高于前期,不过冷凉的丽江增加的更多。 3.抽穗前(旗叶完全展开后)叶干重占当时植株总干重的比例,随海拔升高而降低。 4.抽穗期至黄熟期的次库(茎 叶鞘)干重的改变,不同海拔地区种植的水稻表现不同:低热地区减重,温凉地区稍增,冷凉地区明显增加。 5.与高海拔地区种植的水稻相比,在黄熟期低海拔地区的有较高的穗重/总重和穗增重/总增重的比例。另外低海拔地区的穗增重超过总增重。结实率和谷/草比例均随海拔增高而减低。  相似文献   
石刁柏已形成细胞的幼嫩胚乳,接种在附加有不同浓度的生长素(NAA)和细胞分裂素(BA)的 MS 培养基上,获得了愈伤组织。愈伤组织的诱导频率随生长素的浓度不同而异,可达65.9—83.1%。将胚乳愈伤组织转移到降低了生长素浓度或只含有低浓度生长素的分化培养基上,可陆续分化芽、根、芽丛和少量胚状体,个别的芽和胚状体能发育成小植株。切取1.5—5cm 长的芽,接种在诱导根的培养基上,或在 IBA50ppm 溶液中浸泡2小时,转移到 MS 基本培养基上,部分芽能生根形成完整植株。  相似文献   
烟草培养细胞中钙离子,钙调素与细胞质流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在食用菌生产中,利用固体培养料培育的菌种,称为固体菌种。现在通用的斜面菌种、玻璃瓶菌种、塑料袋菌种,都是固体菌种。固体菌种的生产,不需大型复杂设备,而且方法简便,因此是食用菌菌种生产的主要方式。与固体菌种相对应的是液体菌种。将母种接种到  相似文献   
原生质体来源的大白菜 Brasstca campessris var.pekinsis 悬浮细胞系在二甲亚砜的保护下,能在液氮中(-196℃)长期冻存。加入山梨醇能增强保护作用;而加入甘露糖则降低保护作用。培养基对冻存也有明显的影响。在液氮中存放的时间长短对细胞存活率没有多大影响。冻后相对活性最高可达75.4%,恢复生长快,化冻后重新悬浮培养6天,生长量可达300-500%。遮光比不遮光对恢复更有利。冻存后恢复生长的悬浮细胞,能与未经冰冻的对照一样进行原生质体分离和培养。  相似文献   
几种影响黑松针叶束离体培养再生植株的因子(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以5年生黑松针叶束为外植体,经离体培养形成小植株。返幼的短针时束(3~10mm)芽诱导率最高。芽诱导和生长的最佳培养基分别为;1/2GD-1+BA0.5mg/L(单位下同)+NAA0.05+LH200和1/2GD-1+BA0.225+NAA0.001+GA_30.5。嫩梢生根率为1%,根数1~3条。从针叶束接种到小植株形成,约需200~240天。  相似文献   
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