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Aims Fractal root system is phenotypic plasticity result of plant root architecture to respond to environmental heterogeneity, may reflect the growth strategy of plants to adapt to environmental conditions. Our objective was to explore the relationship between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance of fractal root system of Melica przewalskyi population in response to aspect variation in the northwest of China. Methods The study site was located in a degraded alpine grassland on the northern slope in Qilian Mountains, Gansu Province, China. Survey and sampling were carried out at 40 plots which were set up along four slope aspects transects with 20 m distance between adjacent plots. Handheld GPS was used to determine the elevation, longitude and latitude of each plot. ArcGIS was used to set up digital elevation model (DEM). Community traits were investigated and six individuals roots of M. przewalskyi were collected randomly at each plot. The samples were cleaned and divided into different organs, then scanning the root with the Win-RHIZO for measurements of fractal dimension and fractal abundance in laboratory, and their biomass were then measured after being dried at 80 °C in an oven. Important findings With the slope aspect turned from north to east, west, and south, the density, height and soil moisture content of the plant community displayed a pattern of initial decline, the height, density, root fractal abundance of M. przewalskyi increased and the root fractal dimension decreased. The root fractal dimension was negatively associated with the fractal abundance in all aspects, but the relationship varied along the slope aspects gradient; there was a highly significant negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance at north slope and south slope aspect, whereas the correlation only reached a significant level (p < 0.05) at the east slope aspect and west slope aspect; indicating that there is a trade-off between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance. In addition, when the slope aspect changed from north to east, west and south, the standardized major axis (SMA) slope of the regression equation in the scaling relationships between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance increased (p < 0.05), indicating that the roots of M. przewalskyi at the droughty southern slope have less branch and more sparse in the same soil volume of root exploitation and utilization. Consequently, the resource allocation pattern on reasonable trade-off between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance in different slope aspect of M. przewalskyi, reflects the relationship between the income and the cost of construction of plant root architecture.  相似文献   
通过细胞学观察,在普通小麦栽培品种“丰抗13”和“京红1号”的杂交后代中,发现有多价体出现,这就表明有染色体易位发生。为进一步弄清究竟是哪条染色体发生了易位,我们采用单体测交方法,观察鉴定所有各单体系F_1的花粉母细胞第一次减数分裂中期Ⅰ(以下简称PMCs中Ⅰ)染色体构型。从鉴定结果发现,凡2n=42的F_1 PMCs中Ⅰ出现19~Ⅱ 1~Ⅳ,而2n=41的F_1PMCs中Ⅰ的染色体构型不同,单体与易位有关的两个单体系4B和1D F_1 PMCs中的Ⅰ构型中有部分呈现为19个二价体加1个三价体,即19~Ⅱ 1~Ⅲ,没有单价体,而其余各单体系F_1 PMCs中Ⅰ构型则表现为18个二价体,1个四价体和1个单价体,即18~Ⅱ 1~Ⅰ 1~Ⅳ。因此,可以肯定“丰抗13”存在1个染色体易位,其有关染色体就是4B和1D。  相似文献   
作者在广东省梅县市发现四个吸虫新种:1.鼠丽色吸虫,新种Reesella ratta sp. nov., 2.后囊蛙蠕吸虫,新种Batrachotrema optstosacca sp. nov., 3.梅县后平睾吸虫,新种Opisthioparorchis meixianensis sp. nov., 4.大卵后平睾吸虫,新种Opisthioparorchis megaloonos sp. nov.,它们分别归隶于蹲茎科Cathaemasiidae及蛙蠕科Bstrachotrematidae。模式标本保存于中山医科大学寄生虫学研究所。  相似文献   
从人参(Panax ginseng)热水根取物中,分离出两个蛋白多糖级份(PA,PB),琼脂糖4B凝胶柱层析结果表明,二者均为单一分布峰,通过氨基酸分析,气相色谱分析,β-消去反应,部分酸水解,果胶酶水解,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶圆盘电泳及等电聚焦电泳等生化分析,确定PA,PB均含有苏氨酸与多糖中糖残基以-O-糖甙键相连的共价结合蛋白质;另外PB中尚存在另一种形式蛋白质,其中精氨酸等碱性氨基酸丰富(占PB中蛋白质59.9%),圆盘电泳结果表明:这部分蛋白质与多糖中的半乳糖醛酸残基靠静电力结合,等电点为9.1。  相似文献   
芸香科九里香属及美栌木属的化学分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过化学分析证明,美栌木与九里香属内的九里香组植物较为接近,两者均含月橘烯碱 及8-戊烯化香豆精,而棕茎组植物则与黄皮属植物亲缘关系较近。 据此肯定了Tanaka的观 点,认为棕茎组比九里香组原始。黄皮族内的亲缘关系亦可作如下推断: 小芸木属→山小桔属→黄皮属→九里香属棕茎组→九里香属九里香组→美栌木属。  相似文献   
本文针对湖北贝母生产中存在繁殖系数低的问题,研究了单鳞片砂培繁殖对提高鳞茎繁殖率的效果和原理。试验结果表明:1.单鳞片繁殖率为对照种鳞茎的5—9倍,2.低温(2—10℃)预处理4—8周和暗条件培养,能有效地提高子球形成率,促使子球迅速长大,3.植物激素(6-BA、KT、2,4-D)处理,有利于促进鳞片不定芽原基的分化,繁殖率为种茎繁殖的9—11倍;4.单鳞片繁殖的小鳞茎主要发生在鳞片基部的茎盘上,还可发生在鳞片的远轴面上,但不发生在近轴面。  相似文献   
多年生草本,无毛。不育茎近直立,长3—5厘米,连同花茎密生叶;花茎直立或基部横卧,基部节上生有须根,长5—10厘米。叶互生,长圆形或倒卵形,长5—8毫米,宽2.5—4毫米,先端圆钝,基部具短距。花序顶生,聚伞式蝎尾状,着生多花,常8分枝,直径2—4厘米。花为不等的五基数,无梗;萼片5,三角形和宽线形,离生,不等长,长1—2.5毫米,宽0.7—1毫米,先端钝,基部具距;花瓣5,黄色,长圆状披针形,长4.5—6.5毫米,宽1—1.5毫米,先端具短尖头,基部稍合生;雄蕊10,2轮,对瓣的长2.5—3.5毫米,在基部上1毫米处着生,对萼的长3.2—4.6毫米,花药黄褐色,鳞片5,近扇形,长约0.5毫米;心皮5,卵状披针形,全长3.5—5毫米,花柱长1—1.5毫米,基部约1毫米合生,含多数胚珠。蓇葖果成熟时星状叉开,内侧具囊状隆起。种子近卵形,长约0.6毫米,被微乳头状突起。花期6—7月。产四川南川金佛山,生于海拔1200米的山坡岩石上。本种与日本景天S.japonicum Sieb.ex Miq.相近,但植株的分枝少或无;叶扁  相似文献   
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