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地图事关国家安全、主权、民族尊严和中华民族的根本利益,历来受到国家的高度重视。依据《中华人民共和国地图编制出版管理条例》和《地图审核管理规定》的有关要求,中国地图全图中不得缺少  相似文献   
生物磁学在鸟类定向研究中的进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地球上广泛存在的地磁场能够为导航提供可靠的信息,因此很多鸟类在迁徙和归巢过程中都使用地磁信息来保证航行方向的正确,在迁徙的鸟类中已经发现有18种是利用地磁罗盘进行定向和导航的。本文从鸟类使用的磁罗盘、航行地图以及磁感应机制等几方面阐述了目前在鸟类生物磁学方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
<正>展开中国地图,连绵的东部平原如同祖国母亲飘飘的绿衣,而黑龙江、松花江、乌苏里江则仿佛三条闪亮的丝绦,系着一块深绿的"翡翠"挂在那东北角衣上——这就是汇聚东北精华之气的三江平原。五六十年的经济发展,历经几次开荒高潮,这块神奇的土地早已由昔日的"北大荒"变成了金色的"北大仓":平坦肥沃的土壤、温和湿润的气候、集中耕地上的机械化操作,都显示了它作为现代  相似文献   
感染症的预防.必须要把抗生物质的严格使用和院内卫生改善等各种各样的治疗战略组合到一起。众所周知.感染症一旦严重,就会导致死亡.因长期住院和预后不良而造成的巨额治疗费用.会给患者带来沉重的经济负担。  相似文献   
The linkage maps of Dendrobium species based on RAPD and SRAP markers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dendrobium plants are used commonly as tonic herbs and health food in many Asian countries,especially in China.Here we report the genetic map construction of two Dendrobium species with a double pseudo-testcross strategy using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers.A F1 mapping population of 90 individuals was developed from a cross between D.officinale and D.hercoglossum.A total of 307 markers,including 209 RAPD and 98 SRAP,were identified and used for genetic linkage group (LG) analysis.The D.officinale linkage map consisted of 11 major linkage groups and 3 doublets,which covered 629.4 cM by a total of 62 markers with an average locus distance of 11.2 cM between two adjacent markers.The D.hercoglossum linkage map contained 112 markers mapped on 15 major and 4 minor linkage groups,spanning a total length of 1,304.6 cM with an average distance of 11.6 cM between two adjacent markers.The maps constructed in this study covered 92.7% and 82.7% of the D.hercoglossum and D.officinale genomes respectively,providing an important basis for the mapping of horticultural and medicinal traits and for the application of marker-assisted selection in Dendrobium breeding program.  相似文献   
欧洲专利局(EPO)撤销了英国AstraZeneca公司的支气管哮喘治疗药富马酸福莫特罗(Formoterol Fumarate)和布地奈德(Budesonide)合剂Symbicort的重要专利之一。  相似文献   
人体肠道微生态在维持人体健康和疾病的发生发展过程中扮演着重要角色。世界面临的如新冠疫情等重大传染病的暴发流行、食源性疾病、致病性耐药“超级细菌”等问题趋于严峻,威胁着人类健康。因此,利用专利大数据,开展基于专利地图的全球肠道微生态产业研发态势分析,对肠道微生态产业发展方向做出初步判断、厘清研发热点具有重要实践意义。基于专利地图,重点从专利管理图和专利技术图维度分析2011—2021年全球肠道微生态产业专利的申请趋势、公开国别、发明人、技术构成、研发热点、核心专利技术路径演进趋势和重点机构竞争影响力。研究发现,全球肠道微生态产业专利申请量呈逐渐快速增长趋势,2020年达到第二个高峰,未来将继续高速增加,其中中国是当前专利申请、受理和公开占比最高的国家,申请量前10第一发明(设计)人主要来自中国;拟杆菌|细菌领域为全球研发热点,各国研发热点各有千秋,整体上形成了优势互补格局。  相似文献   
为明确地图衣属部分物种的分类地位,该研究以中国西南地区为研究区域,采用表型特征(形态学、解剖学和化学特征)和基因型特征(ITS序列)相结合的方法,对地图衣属(Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC.)地衣物种进行分类学研究,初步探讨该属物种表型与基因型的对应关系。通过研究,我们发现了该属1新种——四川地图衣(Rhizocarpon sichuanense Y. M. Zhang, L. Hu&W. C. Wang, sp. nov.),该新种与相近种黑灰地图衣(Rhizocarpon cinereonigrum Vain.)和中华地图衣(Rhizocarpon sinense Zahlbr.)的主要区别:地衣体裂片较为分散,表面呈龟裂或者亚鳞叶状;下地衣体黑色,明显;孢子较大,为[(27~)32~42.5]μm×[12.5~17.5(~20)]μm, TLC检测含有巴巴酸。在系统发育中,该新种与黑红地图衣[Rhizocarpon badioatrum(Fl9rke ex Spreng.) Th. Fr.]在同一个进化分枝上,但黑红地图衣的地衣体裂片连续不分散,孢子明显...  相似文献   
认知地图的神经环路基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间记忆是人类认识世界和改造世界的基本认知能力,与我们的生活息息相关.无论是寻找常用的生活物件,如钥匙和手机,还是外出上班、购物和约会,都依赖我们对周围环境的记忆.截止到目前已有大量研究从不同水平探讨大脑如何表征其周围环境,但仍然有很多未解的问题.本文系统综述了基于脑成像和神经电生理技术开展的空间记忆研究进展.通过梳理以往研究中有关生物体在构建认知地图的神经结构和神经活动规律,提出了海马结构和新皮层对空间记忆的编码环路和表征机制,并在此基础上对未来研究进行了展望.  相似文献   
Transmission distortion (TD) is a significant departure from Mendelian predictions of genes or chromosomes to offspring. While many biological processes have been implicated, there is still much to be understood about TD in humans. Here we present our findings from a genome-wide scan for evidence of TD using haplotype data of 60 trio families from the International HapMap Project. Fisher's exact test was applied to assess the extent of TD in 629,958 SNPs across the autosomes. Based on the empirical distribution of PFisher and further permutation tests, we identified 1,205 outlier loci and 224 candidate genes with TD. Using the PANTHER gene ontology database, we found 19 categories of biological processes with an enrichment of candidate genes. In particular, the “protein phosphorylation” category contained the largest number of candidates in both HapMap samples. Further analysis uncovered an intriguing non-synonymous change in PPPIR12B, a gene related to protein phosphorylation, which appears to influence the allele transmission from male parents in the YRI (Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria) population. Our findings also indicate an ethnicity-related property of TD signatures in HapMap samples and provide new clues for our understanding of TD in humans.  相似文献   
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