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<正>《当代生物学》2010.6树蛙另类的通讯方式封面图片所描述的故事发生在巴拿马的热带雨林中,两个雄性的红眼树蛙倒挂在树上进行着一场激烈的格斗。红眼树蛙为树蛙的一种,属于有袋蛙,生活在哥斯达黎加、中美洲和南美洲的热带雨林中。  相似文献   
薛达元 《生物多样性》2014,22(5):547-638
<正>近年来,履行《生物多样性公约》(下称《公约》)的最重大里程碑成果是2010年在其第10次缔约方大会上通过了《关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》(下称《名古屋议定书》)。随后,自2011年2月2日至2012年2月1日的开放签署期间,共有92个国家(包括欧盟)签署了该议定书。然而,签署并不具有法律约束力,只有通过国家法律程序正式批准加入议定书,该国家  相似文献   
The present paper reconstructs the biogeographic diversification for Nolana L.f. (Solanaceae), a genus of 89 endemic species largely restricted to fog-dependent desert lomas formations of coastal Peru and Chile. Previous efforts have reconstructed a phylogenetic estimate for Nolana using a combination of molecular markers. Herein, we expand on those results to examine hypotheses of biogeographic origins and diversification patterns. Nolana occupies habitats within a continuous coastal desert and forms a terrestrial archipelago of discrete "islands" unique in size, topography, and species composition. Each locality contains at least one Nolana species and many contain multiple species in sympatry. The genus has a Chilean origin, with the basal clades confined to Chile with wide geographic and ecological distributions. Peru contains two strongly supported clades, suggesting two introductions with subsequent radiation. A Chilean clade of shrubby, small-flowered species appears to have had its origins from the same ancestors of the second line that radiated in Peru and northern Chile. Nolana galapagensis is endemic to the Islas Galapagos, with origins traced to Peruvian taxa with a divergence time of 0.35 mya. Rates of diversification over the past 4.02 mya in Nolana, in one of the driest habitats on Earth, suggest rapid adaptive radiation in several clades. Success in Nolana may be attributed to characters that confer a competitive advantage in unpredictable and water-dependent environments, such as succulent leaf anatomy and ecophysiology, and the reproductive mericarp unique to Nolana. The processes affecting or shaping the biota of western South America are discussed.  相似文献   
<正>有一种猴子,它有一些另类,它还有一点神奇!瞧,它正用两只圆溜溜的无辜大眼望着你呢。此猴"潜伏"在南美洲亚马逊的热带雨林里,行踪相当诡秘。很少有人知道它的大名——倭狨,反倒是各种形象而有趣的外号满天飞。  相似文献   
藜麦及其资源开发利用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
藜麦Chenopodium quinoa Willd.英文名:quinoa,原产于南美洲安第斯山区,是印加土著居民的主要传统食物,至今已有5 000~7 000多年的利用和种植历史。古代印加人将它称之为"粮食之母"。藜麦在20世纪80年代,被美国宇航局用于宇航员的太空食品。联合国粮农组织认为藜麦是唯一的单一植物即可满足人体基本营养需求的食物,正式推荐藜麦为最适宜人类的完美的全营养食品。本文对藜麦的植物形态、生态特性、营养价值以及在我国种植展望作了综合报道。  相似文献   
人参果简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人参果(Solanum muricatum)又名香艳果、长寿果,为茄科多年生草本或亚灌木。原产于南美洲的秘鲁、厄瓜多尔等地区。目前,我国各地均有栽培。1形态特征人参果是多年生植物,植株高50~100cm,茎外被白色的柔毛,较柔软,多分枝,近圆形。无托叶,叶互生,单叶,叶椭圆形,基部楔形,先端尖锐,全缘,网状叶脉(图1)。花两性,聚伞花序,具花5~12朵,小花梗细长,  相似文献   
我们对扬子鳄的关注始于上世纪末。1996年底.王小明教授收到了美国著名动物保护专家GeorgeSchaller(乔治·夏勒)博士转寄的一封信.信是由国际野生生物保护学会的JohnThorbjamarson博士写来的。John是国际自然保护联盟鳄类专家组成员。由于他在南美洲鳄类研究中的杰出工作.在当地有”鳄鱼John”的美称。他希望Schaller博士同意资助他来中国对扬子鳄开展生态研究及保护工作。经过认真考虑.我们欣然接受了Schaller博士的建议.并着手与安徽省林业厅等有关主管部门联系.希望能前往野生扬子鳄分布地对其开展研究和保护工作。  相似文献   
A molecular phylogenetic analysis of most of the species of Perezia reveals that, as traditionally defined, the genus is not monophyletic with two species more closely related to Nassauvia than to Perezia. In addition, our results show that Burkartia (Perezia) lanigera is related to Acourtia and is the only member of that clade in South America. The remaining species are monophyletic and show a pattern of an early split between a western temperate and an eastern subtropical clade of species. Within the western clade, the phylogeny indicates a pattern of diversification that proceeded from southern, comparatively low-elevation habitats to southern high-elevation habitats, and ultimately into more northern high-elevation habitats. The most derived clades are found in the high central Andes, where significant radiation has occurred.  相似文献   
The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean- Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long-distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long-distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   
魏生生 《化石》2007,(4):40-43
大陆漂移是一个古老的话题,早在1620年,英国哲学家培根就在地图上观察到,南美洲和非洲相临一侧的形状,可以完美地衔接在一起,遗憾的是仅提出了想法,而没有寻找证据。之后300年间,竟没有一人认真深入地思考这个问题。最终历史将荣誉和使命交给了德国气象学家——魏格纳(AlfredLothar Wegener,1880-1930年)。魏格纳从地球物理-气象学介入地质学,他不迷信权威,大胆解放思想,没有大陆固定论的陈腐观念,以极大的热情、非凡的毅力、过人的胆识和勇气,全身心地投入到大陆漂移问题的研究之中。他从地貌学、地质学、古生物学、古气候学等多学科的不…  相似文献   
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