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Perturbation experiments, in which a certain gene is knocked out and the expression levels of other genes are observed, constitute a fundamental step in uncovering the intricate wiring diagrams in the living cell and elucidating the causal roles of genes in signaling and regulation. Here we present a novel framework for analyzing large cohorts of gene knockout experiments and their genome-wide effects on expression levels. We devise clustering-like algorithms that identify groups of genes that behave similarly with respect to the knockout data, and utilize them to predict knockout effects and to annotate physical interactions between proteins as inhibiting or activating. Differing from previous approaches, our prediction approach does not depend on physical network information; the latter is used only for the annotation task. Consequently, it is both more efficient and of wider applicability than previous methods. We evaluate our approach using a large scale collection of gene knockout experiments in yeast, comparing it to the state-of-the-art SPINE algorithm. In cross validation tests, our algorithm exhibits superior prediction accuracy, while at the same time increasing the coverage by over 25-fold. Significant coverage gains are obtained also in the annotation of the physical network.  相似文献   
Proenkephalin encodes a group of small peptides with opiate-like activity, the endogenous opioids, known to function as neurohormones, neuromodulators, and neurotransmitters. Recently, we have demonstrated that in addition to its abundance in fetal brain tissue, proenkephalin is highly expressed in nondifferentiated mesodermal cells of developing fetuses. We identified the skeletal tissues, bone, and cartilage as major sites of proenkephalin expression. To examine the possibility that proenkephalin is involved in bone development we have studied the expression of this gene in bone-derived cells, its modulation by bone active hormones, and the effects of enkephalin-derived peptides on osteoblastic phenotype. Our studies revealed that osteoblastic cells synthesize high levels of proenkephalin mRNA which are translated, and the derived peptides are secreted. Reciprocal interrelationships between osteoblast maturation and proenkephalin expression were established. These results together with our observations demonstrating inhibitory effects of proenkephalin-derived peptides on osteoblastic alkaline phosphatase activity, strongly support the notion that proenkephalin is involved in bone development. A different direction of research by other investigators has established the capability of the opioid system in the periphery to participate in the control of pain. On the basis of these two lines of observation, we would like to present the following hypothesis: The potential of embryonic skeletal tissue to synthesize proenkephalin-derived peptides is retained in the adult in small defined undifferentiated cell populations. This potential is realized in certain situations requiring rapid growth, such as remodeling or fracture repair. We suggest that in these processes, similarly to the situation in the embryo, the undifferentiated dividing cells produce the endogenous opioids. In the adult these peptides may have a dual function, namely participating in the control of tissue regeneration and in the control of pain. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Production of phaseollin was measured in cell suspension cultures and whole plants of Phaseolus vulgaris. In suspension cultures phaseollin appeared when there was no further increase in cell mass. Cells transferred to a medium without auxins yielded three times higher phaseollin concentrations than cells grown in their presence. Addition of autoclaved fungal mycelia or polysaccharides as elicitors resulted in an increased phaseollin concentration in the cell suspension.In whole plants phaseollin could be detected only after the plants were challenged by a fungus which caused lesions (browning) of the upper root neck region, Rhizoctonia solani. Treatment of non-infected plants with autoclaved fungal mycelia or other elicitors did not induce phaseollin production. However, when they were added before or together with the pathogenic fungus, the elicitors further increased phaseollin concentration in the root neck regions of the plants. This indicated that the pathogenic fungus was important for the penetration of the elicitors to inner plant tissues where phaseollin (and probably other phytoalexins) is produced.  相似文献   
The covalent structure of rat ribosomal protein L7 was determined in part from the sequence of nucleotides in a recombinant cDNA and in part from the sequence of amino acids in portions of the protein. The complementary analyses supplemented and confirmed each other. Ribosomal protein L7 contains 258 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 30,040. The protein has an unusual and striking structural feature near the NH2 terminus: five tandem repeats of a sequence of 12 residues. Rat L7 appears to be related to ribosomal protein L7 from the moderate halophile Vibrio costicola and perhaps to L30 from Bacillus stearothermophilus, to L7 from the moderate halophile NRCC 41227, and to L22 from Nicotinia tobaccum chloroplast. In addition, there is a sequence of 24 amino acids in rat protein L7 that may be related to segments of the same number of residues in Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins S10, S15, L9, and L22.  相似文献   
Rhythmic “circa-second” contrations of larvae of the hornetVespa orientalis, believed to serve as hunger signals, were studied. A considerable degree of coordination among individual larvae, both in frequency and phase of these contractions, has been observed. The oscillations of singly isolated larvae are of short duration, non-constant, with increasing intervals in between and there is a substantial variability in the patterns shown by different larvae. In contrast, the association of two or more larvae leads to enhancement of their periodic behaviour and to (partial) entrainment. Communication among larvae may perhaps be mediated by the sound pulses (“scratching” noises) which are generated by these contractions. We have subjected individual and grouped larvae to external sound pulses and were able to demonstrate: (a) enhancement of rhythmic activity; (b) phase resetting; (c) entrainment to an external oscillator within a range of frequencies; (d) the existence of a subharmonic mode of entrainment. We propose a simple phenomenologic model to account for these larvae responses. Our model assumes the existence of an “energy” variable which declines with time but is upgraded, in a phase-dependent way, by external stimuli. Based in part on work performed by V. Barenholz-Paniry in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.Sc. degree from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 1986.  相似文献   
The mechanism ofStaphylococcus aureus inactivation by deuteroporphyrin (DT) and light was studied with singlet oxygen quenchers or hydroxyl radical scavengers. The light-activated DT (10 /ml) reduced the viability of the culture to less than 1%, whereas methionine, tryptophan, and 1,4-diazabicyclo-2,2,2-octane (DBCO) used as singlet oxygen quenchers provided almost 60% protection. Propylgallate, which is a hydroxyl free radical scavenger, also provided 60% protection. The presence of a singlet oxygen quencher and propylgallate provided almost complete protection from inactivation (96%). Photoinactivation in the absence of culture media (in saline) increased the killing rate and decreased the ability of the singlet oxygen quenchers to protect. In the same conditions damage from hydroxl free radicals was well protected by propyl gallate. The present results indicate thatS. aureus photoinactivation by DT and light is mediated by both singlet oxygen and hydroxyl free radicals.  相似文献   
Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia) is a hereditary disease characterized by resistance to PTH and other hormones that act via cAMP. Patients have deficient activity of Gs, the subunit of the G protein, which couples hormone receptors to stimulation of adenylate cyclase. We describe two new mutations discovered in two sporadic patients with PHP-Ia. Using genomic DNA, we have amplified exons 2–13 of the Gs gene (GNAS1) by PCR, and sequenced the resulting products. Both patients had Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy, resistance to multiple hormones, and deficient Gs activity. In the first patient, a deletion of a C in exon 5 at codon 115 was found. In the second patient, an insertion of a C in exon 10 at codon 267 was detected. Both these heterozygous mutations cause frameshift, and predict decreased production of Gs. This report adds two new Gs mutations to the known ten mutations recently described.  相似文献   
1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3, a synthetic analog of the steroid hormone, 1α,25(OH)2D3, has great potential to become a drug in the treatment of leukemia and other proliferative disorders, because of its minimal in vivo calcemic activity associated with a potent inhibitory effect on cell growth. However, at present, the mechanisms through which 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 expresses its biological activities are still not completely understood. Our previous in vitro study in a perfused rat kidney indicated for the first time that 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 and 1α,25(OH)2D3 are metabolized differently. 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-16-ene-D3, an intermediary metabolite of 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 formed through the C-24 oxidation pathway, accumulated significantly in the perfusate when compared to 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3, the corresponding intermediary metabolite of 1α,25(OH)2D3. In a subsequent in vivo study, we also reported that 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-16-ene-D3 exerted immunosuppressive activity equal to its parent, without causing significant hypercalcemia. In order to establish further the critical role of 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-16-ene-D3, in generating some of the key biological activities ascribed to its parent, we performed the present in vitro study using a human myeloid leukemic cell line (RWLeu-4) as a model. Comparative target tissue metabolism studies indicated that 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 and 1α,25(OH)2D3 are metabolized differently in RWLeu-4 cells, and the differences were similar to the ones we previously observed in the rat kidney. The significant finding was the accumulation of 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-16-ene-D3 in RWLeu-4 cells because of its resistance to further metabolism. Biological activity studies indicated that both 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 and its 24-oxo metabolite produced growth inhibition and promoted differentiation of RWLeu-4 cells to the same extent, and these activities were several fold higher than those exerted by 1α,25(OH)2D3. In addition, the genomic action of each vitamin D compound was assessed in a rat osteosarcoma cell line (ROS 17/2.8) by measuring its ability to transactivate a gene construct containing the vitamin D response element of the osteocalcin gene linked to the growth hormone reporter gene. In these studies, both 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3 and its 24-oxo metabolite exerted similar but potent transactivation activity which was several fold greater than that exerted by 1α,25(OH)2D3 itself. In summary, our results indicate that the production and slow clearance of the bioactive intermediary metabolite, 1α,25(OH)2-24-oxo-16-ene-D3, in RWLeu-4 cells contributes significantly to the final expression of the enhanced biological activities ascribed to its parent analog, 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-D3.  相似文献   
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