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Pseudomonas putida PMD-1 dissimilates naphthalene (Nah), salicylate (Sal), and benzoate (Ben) via catechol which is metabolized through the meta (or alpha-keto acid) pathway. The ability to utilize salicylate but not naphthalene was transferred from P. putida PMD-1 to several Pseudomonas species. Agarose gel electrophoresis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from PMD-1 and Sal+ exconjugants indicated that a plasmid (pMWD-1) of 110 megadaltons is correlated with the Sal+ phenotype; restriction enzyme analysis of DNA from Sal+ exconjugants indicated that plasmid pMWD-1 was transmitted intact. Enzyme analysis of Sal+ exconjugants demonstrated that the enzymes required to oxidize naphthalene to salicylate are absent, but salicylate hydroxylase and enzymes of the meta pathway are present. Thus, naphthalene conversion to salicylate requires chromosomal genes, whereas salicylate degradation is plasmid encoded. Comparison of restriction digests of plasmid pMWD-1 indicated that it differs considerably from the naphthalene and salicylate degradative plasmids previously described in P. putida.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to examine the patterns of responses for torque, electromyographic (EMG) amplitude, EMG mean power frequency (MPF), mechanomyographic (MMG) amplitude, and MMG MPF across 30 repeated maximal isometric (ISO) and concentric (CON) muscle actions of the leg extensors. Twelve female subjects (21.1 ± 1.4 yrs; 63.3 ± 7.4 kg) performed ISO and CON fatigue protocols with EMG and MMG signals recorded from the vastus lateralis. The relationships for torque, EMG amplitude, EMG MPF, MMG amplitude, and MMG MPF versus repetition number were examined using polynomial regression. The results indicated there were decreases (p < 0.05) across the ISO muscle actions for torque (r2 = 0.95), EMG amplitude (R2 = 0.44), EMG MPF (r2 = 0.62), and MMG MPF (r2 = 0.48), but no change in MMG amplitude (r2 = 0.07). In addition, there were decreases across the CON muscle actions for torque (R2 = 0.97), EMG amplitude (R2 = 0.46), EMG MPF (R2 = 0.86), MMG amplitude (R2 = 0.44), and MMG MPF (R2 = 0.80). Thus, the current findings suggested that the mechanisms of fatigue and motor control strategies used to modulate torque production were similar between maximal ISO and CON muscle actions.  相似文献   
Binocular vision is a visual property that allows fine discrimination of in-depth distance (stereopsis), as well as enhanced light and contrast sensitivity. In mammals enhanced binocular vision is structurally associated with a large degree of frontal binocular overlap, the presence of a corresponding retinal specialization containing a fovea or an area centralis, and well-developed ipsilateral retinal projections to the lateral thalamus (GLd). We compared these visual traits in two visually active species of the genus Octodon that exhibit contrasting visual habits: the diurnal Octodon degus, and the nocturnal Octodon lunatus. The O. lunatus visual field has a prominent 100° frontal binocular overlap, much larger than the 50° of overlap found in O. degus. Cells in the retinal ganglion cell layer were 40% fewer in O. lunatus (180,000) than in O. degus (300,000). O. lunatus has a poorly developed visual streak, but a well developed area centralis, located centrally near the optic disk (peak density of 4,352 cells/mm2). O. degus has a highly developed visual streak, and an area centralis located more temporally (peak density of 6,384 cells/mm2). The volumes of the contralateral GLd and superior colliculus (SC) are 15% larger in O. degus compared to O. lunatus. However, the ipsilateral projections to GLd and SC are 500% larger in O. lunatus than in O. degus. Other retinorecipient structures related to ocular movements and circadian activity showed no statistical differences between species. Our findings strongly suggest that nocturnal visual behavior leads to an enhancement of the structures associated with binocular vision, at least in the case of these rodents. Expansion of the binocular visual field in nocturnal species may have a beneficial effect in light and contrast sensitivity, but not necessarily in stereopsis. We discuss whether these conclusions can be extended to other mammalian and non-mammalian amniotes.  相似文献   
The forward elastic‐light‐scattering pattern of a bacterial colony reflects its morphological characteristics. Three bacteria genera whose colonies having convex, crateriform, or irregular elevation were investigated to study the correlation between the morphology and the scattering pattern of the colony. The difference in the colony elevation produced distinct shapes of light diffraction in the scattering pattern, resulting circular diffraction rings or scattered light. Further details can be found in the article by Iyll‐Joon Doh, Jennifer Sturgis, Diana V. Sarria Zuniga, et al. ( e201900149 ).


Citric acid detection threshold and magnitude response weremeasured on the anterior tongue in 10 patients with unilateralchorda-lingual nerve transections before and after repair. Fungiformtaste buds were analysed by videomicroscopy. Preliminary datasuggests that humans can regenerate fungiform taste buds andrecover some taste sensitivity after repair.  相似文献   


Chronic stimulant abuse is associated with both impairment in decision making and structural abnormalities in brain gray and white matter. Recent data suggest these structural abnormalities may be related to functional impairment in important behavioral processes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In 15 cocaine-dependent and 18 control subjects, we examined relationships between decision-making performance on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and white matter integrity as measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Whole brain voxelwise analyses showed that, relative to controls, the cocaine group had lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher mean of the second and third eigenvalues (λ⊥) in frontal and parietal white matter regions and the corpus callosum. Cocaine subjects showed worse performance on the IGT, notably over the last 40 trials. Importantly, FA and λ⊥ values in these regions showed a significant relationship with IGT performance on the last 40 trials.


Compromised white matter integrity in cocaine dependence may be related to functional impairments in decision making.  相似文献   
Cells with dendritic morphology obtained from several organs of mice lacking both type I and II IFN receptors were immortalized by a retrovirus and analysed for their phenotype and for their function to induce cognate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Two cell lines called AG101 (skin) and AG116 (brain) were cloned and analysed in more detail. They constitutively expressed the cell surface markers CD45, CD11b, MHC class II, F4/80, N418, B7-2 and ICAM1 but were CD8- and B220-negative. Cells from both lines were capable of taking up ovalbumin (OVA). The processed protein was presented to the OVA-specific T cell hybridoma BO97.105 which responded specifically with the production of IL-2. AG101 and AG116 cells were able to induce a mixed lymphocyte reaction as shown by a 50-fold increase of IL-2 production over background. Naive T cells were stimulated by antigen-primed AG101 and AG116, resulting in a T cell proliferation which was 20-30 times over background, and in IL-2 production it was 10 times the background. The capacity of AG101 or AG116 cells to prime naive T cells was directly compared with freshly isolated and cultured cutaneous dendritic cells (DC) from 129 Sv/Ev mice (wtDC). After cognate T cell interaction, IL-6 (20-100-fold) and IL-12 p40 (100-1000-fold) were similarly up-regulated in either AG101, AG116 or mature wtDC. To analyse the capacity of the immortalized DC to induce antibodies in vivo, cell line AG116 was permanently infected with Borna disease virus (BDV) which is unable to replicate in adult mice. One hundred and twenty-nine Sv/Ev mice injected with different cell numbers of AG116 carrying BDV (but not control cells) produced antibodies against the viral BDVp40 and BDVp24 protein. Therefore, the cell lines AG101 and AG116 appear to unify some functions of immature and mature DC. They are able to pick up antigen and process it. In the absence of externally added cytokines, the antigen presented on AG101 or AG116 cells drives T cells with an efficiency similar to mature DC. The cloned cell lines may prove to be useful to study both immune response and replication of infectious agents in the absence of functional interferon receptors.  相似文献   
PrP knockout mice with disruption of only the PrP-encoding region (Zürich I-type) remain healthy, whereas mice with deletions extending upstream of the PrP-encoding exon (Nagasaki-type) suffer Purkinje cell loss and ataxia, associated with ectopic expression of Doppel in brain, particularly in Purkinje cells. The phenotype is abrogated by co-expression of full-length PrP. Doppel is 25% similar to PrP, has the same globular fold, but lacks the flexible N-terminal tail. We now show that in Zürich I-type PrP-null mice, expression of N-terminally truncated PrP targeted to Purkinje cells also leads to Purkinje cell loss and ataxia, which are reversed by PrP. Doppel and truncated PrP probably cause Purkinje cell degeneration by the same mechanism.  相似文献   


Emotional distress is an important dimension in diabetes, and several instruments have been developed to measure this aspect. The Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale is one such instrument which has demonstrated validity and reliability in Western populations, but its psychometric properties in Asian populations have not been examined.


This was a secondary analysis of data from patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus recruited through convenience sampling from a diabetes specialist outpatient clinic in Singapore. The following psychometric properties were assessed: Construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch analysis, concurrent validity through correlation with related scales (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Diabetes Health Profile—psychological distress, Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life), reliability through assessment of internal consistency and floor and ceiling effects, and sensitivity by estimating effect sizes for known clinical and social functioning groups.


203 patients with mean age of 45±12 years were analysed. None of the previously published model structures achieved a good fit on CFA. On Rasch analysis, four items showed poor fit and were removed. The abridged 16-item PAID mapped to a single latent trait, with a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach ɑ 0.95), but significant floor effect (24.6% scoring at floor). Both 20-item and 16-item PAID scores were moderately correlated with scores of related scales, and sensitive to differences in clinical and social functioning groups, with large effect sizes for glycemic control and diabetes related complications, nephropathy and neuropathy.


The abridged 16-item PAID measures a single latent trait of emotional distress due to diabetes whereas the 20-item PAID appears to measures more than one latent trait. However, both the 16-item and 20-item PAID versions are valid, reliable and sensitive for use among Singaporean patients with diabetes.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare 4 interval training (IT) sessions with different intensities and durations of exercise to determine the effect on mean VO?, total VO?, and duration of exertion ≥95% maximum power output (MPO), and the effects on biomarkers of fatigue such as blood-lactate concentration (BLC) and rating of perceived exertion. The subjects were 12 recreationally competitive male (n = 7, mean ± SD age = 26.2 ± 3.9 years) and female (n = 5, mean ± SD age = 27.6 ± 4.3 years) triathletes. These subjects performed 4 IT sessions on a cycle ergometer varying in intensity (90 and 100% MPO) and duration of exercise (30 seconds and 3 minutes). This study revealed that IT using 30-second duration intervals (30-30 seconds) allows the athlete to perform a longer session, with a higher total and mean VO? HR and lower BLC than 3-minute durations. Similarly, submaximal exertion at 90% of MPO also allows performing longer sessions with a higher total VO? than 100% intensity. Thus, the results of the present study suggested that to increase the total time at high intensity of exercise and total VO? of a single exercise session performed by the athlete, IT protocols of short durations (i.e., 30 seconds) and submaximal intensities (i.e., 90% MPO) should be selected. Furthermore, performing short-duration intervals may allow the athlete to complete a longer IT session with greater metabolic demands (VO?) and lower BLC than longer (i.e., 3 minutes) intervals.  相似文献   
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