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Plant Molecular Biology -  相似文献   
Corticosterone, the major stress hormone, plays an important role in regulating neuronal functions of the limbic system, although the cellular targets and molecular mechanisms of corticosteroid signaling are largely unknown. Here we show that a short treatment of corticosterone significantly increases α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-mediated synaptic transmission and AMPAR membrane trafficking in pyramidal neurons of prefrontal cortex, a key region involved in cognition and emotion. This enhancing effect of corticosterone is through a mechanism dependent on Rab4, the small GTPase-controlling receptor recycling between early endosome and plasma membrane. Guanosine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI), which regulates the cycle of Rab proteins between membrane and cytosol, forms an increased complex with Rab4 after corticosterone treatment. Corticosterone also triggers an increased GDI phosphorylation at Ser-213 by the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK). Moreover, AMPAR synaptic currents and surface expression and their regulation by corticosterone are altered by mutating Ser-213 on GDI. These results suggest that corticosterone, via SGK phosphorylation of GDI at Ser-213, increases the formation of GDI-Rab4 complex, facilitating the functional cycle of Rab4 and Rab4-mediated recycling of AMPARs to the synaptic membrane. It provides a potential mechanism underlying the role of corticosteroid stress hormone in up-regulating excitatory synaptic efficacy in cortical neurons.  相似文献   
In the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, autophagy and caspase activity function in parallel in the salivary gland during metamorphosis and in a common regulatory hierarchy during oogenesis. Both autophagy and caspase activity progressively increase in the remodeling fat body, and they are induced by a pulse of the molting hormone (20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E) during the larval-prepupal transition. Inhibition of autophagy and/or caspase activity in the remodeling fat body results in 25–40% pupal lethality, depending on the genotypes. Interestingly, a balancing crosstalk occurs between autophagy and caspase activity in this tissue: the inhibition of autophagy induces caspase activity and the inhibition of caspases induces autophagy. The Drosophila remodeling fat body provides an in vivo model for understanding the molecular mechanism of the balancing crosstalk between autophagy and caspase activity, which oppose with each other and are induced by the common stimulus 20E, and blockage of either path reinforces the other path.  相似文献   
糙叶败酱挥发油镇静作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察了败酱科植物糙叶败酱(Patrinia scabra Bunge)根和根茎中制得的挥发油的镇静作用,井与黄花败酱挥发油做了比较。结果表明,此油灌胃给予数组小鼠,剂量0.45ml/kg,显示如下的作用:[1]能显著延长由于腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠(50mg/kg)引起的小鼠睡眠时间,但其作用强度弱于黄花败酱挥发油。(2)一次灌胃给予小鼠大剂量10.46g/kg的糙叶败酱挥发油,连续观察10天,动物外观正常,无一死亡,体重增加与对照组相似。  相似文献   
W Jia  X Wang  C R Parrish    S A Naqi 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):7255-7259
The Ark and Mass serotype-specific epitopes of infectious bronchitis virus were studied by immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation of mutant and recombinant spike glycoproteins (S protein) expressed in mouse L cells. Serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies could bind to the recombinant proteins of Ark99 and Mass41 expressed from the chimeras in which the N-terminal thirds of the S1 sequences were reciprocally exchanged. Therefore, it appears that the respective serotype-specific epitopes of both strains were localized within the C-terminal two-thirds of the S1 proteins. Deletion and insertion of a five-amino-acid fragment on the S1 proteins of Ark99 and Mass41, altered the serotype-specific epitopes. This result implies that the five-amino-acid insertion on the S1 protein of the Ark serotype was involved in determining the conformation of the protein, probably acting as a spacer. In addition, it appears that an interaction between sequences of the N-terminal third and the remaining portion of the S1 protein determines the tertiary structure of the protein as well as the conformation of the serotype-specific epitope.  相似文献   
Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-6 chromosomes of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, have been constructed spanning 103 cM on 6A, 90 cM on 6B and 124 cM on 6D. These maps were transferred to a Chinese Spring (CS) x line #31 cross to locate a dominant powdery mildew resistance gene, Pm12, introgressed into line #31 from Aegilops speltoides. Pm12 was shown to lie on the short arm of translocation chromosome 6BS-6SS.6SL in line #31, but could not be mapped more precisely due to the lack of recombination between the 6S Ae. speltoides segment and chromosome 6B. Possible strategies to reduce the size of the alien segment, which probably encompasses the complete long arm and more than 82% of the short arm of chromosome 6B, are discussed.  相似文献   
We formulate and analyze pair-formation models for multiple groups with general pairing rates and arbitrary mixing probabilities. Under the assumption of constant recruitment rates and equal average duration of all types of partnerships, we have shown that the dynamics are relatively simple because of the monotonicity properties of the dynamical system associated with the pairing/mixing of heterogeneous populations of male and female individuals. In fact, we have shown that the corresponding asymptotic stable paired distribution is given precisely by the asymptotic values of the matrices that prescribe the mixing/contact structure. In other words, if the sizes of the mixing subpopulations of males and females are asymptotically constant and if the average durations of partnerships are about the same regardless of type, then the matrices that describe the mixing between subpopulations also characterize the distribution of paired types. Alternatively, if the distribution of the average duration of relationships between individuals has a large variance then it may be impossible to detect any relationship between the mixing/contact structure and the observed distribution of paired types. The study of models with constant per-capita recruitment rates give rise to homogeneous systems of degree one. The analysis of the dynamics of pairs for models with exponentially growing populations of singles is complicated. So far, we are only able to classify the stability of all non-strictly positive boundary exponential solutions. From our incomplete analysis, it is not possible to detect necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of strictly interior exponential solutions. We cannot rule out the possibility of oscillations. The mathematical problems associated with the stability of exponential solutions of dynamical systems of degree one are of relevance in demography, epidemiology, and population dynamics.On leave from University of Alabama in Huntsville  相似文献   
光系统Ⅱ反应中心D1/D2/Cytb559 在分离纯化过程中失去了电子受体QA 和QB,人工合成的质体醌可以与D1/D2/Cytb559 复合物发生重组。癸基质体醌(DPQ)与D1/D2/Cytb599 复合物的重组导致该复合物的荧光强度下降及发射光谱蓝移,同时两个与光化学活性相关的长寿命(24 ns和73 ns)荧光衰减组分占整个荧光的百分数下降,这些结果表明DPQ作为Pheo- 的电子受体,限制了P680+ ·Pheo- 的电荷重组。DPQ 的加入对D1/D2/Cytb559复合物中Chla 分子的光破坏敏感性影响不大,但β-胡萝卜素在加入DPQ 之后可以被光照破坏,这个过程可能与β-胡萝卜素的生理功能相关。  相似文献   
研究发现,分离原生质体的酶解脱壁处理可以诱导苜蓿细胞产生活性氧。培养基中添加抗氧化剂,有助于提高培养原生质体的分裂频率,缓解褐化现象的出现。经紫外照射处理的培养基不利于苜蓿原生质体的生长和分裂,添加抗氧化剂后,紫外辐射所引起的不良效应则被抵消。因而,通过抗氧化剂对活性氧的清除,有助于早期原生质体的培养。  相似文献   
大别山北坡落叶阔叶林种间相关的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用联结系数AC,点相关系数PCC,x~2检验和pearson相关系数r公式测定了大别山北坡落叶阔叶林的种间关系,依据种间联结程度将乔木层划分出3个生态种组,即栓皮栎──枫香种组,化香──短柄抱种组和锐齿栎──灯台树种组。  相似文献   
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