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Translation termination in eukaryotes is mediated by the release factors eRF1 and eRF3, but mechanisms of the interplay between these factors are not fully understood, due partly to the difficulty of measuring termination on eukaryotic mRNAs. Here, we describe an in vitro system for the assay of termination using competition with programmed frameshifting at the recoding signal of mammalian antizyme. The efficiency of antizyme frameshifting in rabbit reticulocyte lysates was reduced by addition of recombinant rabbit eRF1 and eRF3 in a synergistic manner. Addition of suppressor tRNA to this assay system revealed competition with a third event, stop codon readthrough. Using these assays, we demonstrated that an eRF3 mutation at the GTPase domain repressed termination in a dominant negative fashion probably by binding to eRF1. The effect of the release factors and the suppressor tRNA showed that the stop codon at the antizyme frameshift site is relatively inefficient compared to either the natural termination signals at the end of protein coding sequences or the readthrough signal from a plant virus. The system affords a convenient assay for release factor activity and has provided some novel views of the mechanism of antizyme frameshifting.  相似文献   
We studied the functional properties of isolated brain mitochondria (BM) prepared from total rat brain (BM(total)) or from cerebral subregions under basal and Ca(2+) overload conditions in order to evaluate the effects of cyclosporine A (CsA) in a regiospecific manner. CsA-induced effects were compared with those of two derivatives-the none-immunosuppressive [O-(NH(2)(CH2)(5)NHC(O)CH(2))-D-Ser](8)-CsA (Cs9) and its congener, the immunosuppressive [D-Ser](8)-CsA. The glutamate/malate-dependent state 3 respiration of mitochondria (state 3(glu/mal)) differed in region-specific manner (cortex > striatum = cerebellum > substantia nigra > hippocampus), but was significantly increased by 1μM CsA (+21±5%) in all regions. Ca(2+) overload induced by addition of 20μM Ca(2+) caused a significant decrease of state 3(glu/mal) (-45 to -55%) which was almost completely prevented in the presence of 1μM CsA, 1μM Cs9 or 1μM [D-Ser](8)-CsA. Mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation thresholds linked to permeability transition (PT) as well as the rate and completeness of mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation differed between different brain regions. For the first time, we provide a detailed, regiospecific analysis of Ca(2+)-dependent properties of brain mitochondria. Regardless of their immunosuppressive impact, CsA and its analogues improved mitochondrial functional properties under control conditions. They also preserved brain mitochondria against Ca(2+) overload-mediated PT and functional impairments. Since Cs9 does not mediate immunosuppression, it might be used as a more specific PT inhibitor than CsA.  相似文献   
Carboxyatractylate (CAT) and atractylate inhibit the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) and stimulate the opening of permeability transition pore (PTP). Following pretreatment of mouse liver mitochondria with 5 microM CAT and 75 microM Ca2+, the activity of PTP increased, but addition of 2 mM ADP inhibited the swelling of mitochondria. Extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration measured with Calcium-Green 5N evidenced that 2 mM ADP did not remarkably decrease the free Ca2+ but the release of Ca2+ from loaded mitochondria was stopped effectively after addition of 2 mM ADP. CAT caused a remarkable decrease of the maximum amount of calcium ions, which can be accumulated by mitochondria. Addition of 2 mM ADP after 5 microM CAT did not change the respiration, but increased the mitochondrial capacity for Ca2+ at more than five times. Bongkrekic acid (BA) had a biphasic effect on PT. In the first minutes 5 microM BA increased the stability of mitochondrial membrane followed by a pronounced opening of PTP too. BA abolished the action about of 1 mM ADP, but was not able to induce swelling of mitochondria in the presence of 2 mM ADP. We conclude that the outer side of inner mitochondrial membrane has a low affinity sensor for ADP, modifying the activity of PTP. The pathophysiological importance of this process could be an endogenous prevention of PT at conditions of energetic depression.  相似文献   
Little is known about the protein composition of plant telomeres. We queried the Arabidopsis thaliana genome data base in search of genes with similarity to the human telomere proteins hTRF1 and hTRF2. hTRF1/hTRF2 are distinguished by the presence of a single Myb-like domain in their C terminus that is required for telomeric DNA binding in vitro. Twelve Arabidopsis genes fitting this criterion, dubbed TRF-like (TRFL), fell into two distinct gene families. Notably, TRFL family 1 possessed a highly conserved region C-terminal to the Myb domain called Myb-extension (Myb-ext) that is absent in TRFL family 2 and hTRF1/hTRF2. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that recombinant proteins from TRFL family 1, but not those from family 2, formed homodimers and heterodimers in vitro. DNA binding studies with isolated C-terminal fragments from TRFL family 1 proteins, but not family 2, showed specific binding to double-stranded plant telomeric DNA in vitro. Removal of the Myb-ext domain from TRFL1, a family 1 member, abolished DNA binding. However, when the Myb-ext domain was introduced into the corresponding region in TRFL3, a family 2 member, telomeric DNA binding was observed. Thus, Myb-ext is required for binding plant telomeric DNA and defines a novel class of proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Several genes in the Agrobacterium tumefaciens transferred (T)‐DNA encode proteins that are involved in developmental alterations, leading to the formation of tumours in infected plants. We investigated the role of the protein encoded by the Atu6002 gene, the function of which is completely unknown. Atu6002 expression occurs in Agrobacterium‐induced tumours, and is also activated on activation of plant cell division by growth hormones. Within the expressing plant cells, the Atu6002 protein is targeted to the plasma membrane. Interestingly, constitutive ectopic expression of Atu6002 in transgenic tobacco plants leads to a severe developmental phenotype characterized by stunted growth, shorter internodes, lanceolate leaves, increased branching and modified flower morphology. These Atu6002‐expressing plants also display impaired response to auxin. However, auxin cellular uptake and polar transport are not significantly inhibited in these plants, suggesting that Atu6002 interferes with auxin perception or signalling pathways.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity is a ubiquitous feature of biological systems. A complete understanding of such systems requires a method for uniquely identifying and tracking individual components and their interactions with each other. We have developed a novel method of uniquely tagging individual cells in vivo with a genetic ‘barcode’ that can be recovered by DNA sequencing. Our method is a two-component system comprised of a genetic barcode cassette whose fragments are shuffled by Rci, a site-specific DNA invertase. The system is highly scalable, with the potential to generate theoretical diversities in the billions. We demonstrate the feasibility of this technique in Escherichia coli. Currently, this method could be employed to track the dynamics of populations of microbes through various bottlenecks. Advances of this method should prove useful in tracking interactions of cells within a network, and/or heterogeneity within complex biological samples.  相似文献   
Lipid transfer protein, designated as Lc-LTP2, was isolated from seeds of the lentil Lens culinaris. The protein has molecular mass 9282.7 Da, consists of 93 amino acid residues including 8 cysteines forming 4 disulfide bonds. Lc-LTP2 and its stable isotope labeled analogues were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Antimicrobial activity of the recombinant protein was examined, and its spatial structure was studied by NMR spectroscopy. The polypeptide chain of Lc-LTP2 forms four α-helices (Cys4-Leu18, Pro26-Ala37, Thr42-Ala56, Thr64-Lys73) and a long C-terminal tail without regular secondary structure. Side chains of the hydrophobic residues form a relatively large internal tunnel-like lipid-binding cavity (van der Waals volume comes up to ∼600 Å3). The side-chains of Arg45, Pro79, and Tyr80 are located near an assumed mouth of the cavity. Titration with dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) revealed formation of the Lc-LTP2/lipid non-covalent complex accompanied by rearrangements in the protein spatial structure and expansion of the internal cavity. The resultant Lc-LTP2/DMPG complex demonstrates limited lifetime and dissociates within tens of hours.  相似文献   


Mitochondrial dysfunction and degradation takes a central role in current paradigms of neurodegeneration in Parkinson''s disease (PD). Loss of DJ-1 function is a rare cause of familial PD. Although a critical role of DJ-1 in oxidative stress response and mitochondrial function has been recognized, the effects on mitochondrial dynamics and downstream consequences remain to be determined.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using DJ-1 loss of function cellular models from knockout (KO) mice and human carriers of the E64D mutation in the DJ-1 gene we define a novel role of DJ-1 in the integrity of both cellular organelles, mitochondria and lysosomes. We show that loss of DJ-1 caused impaired mitochondrial respiration, increased intramitochondrial reactive oxygen species, reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and characteristic alterations of mitochondrial shape as shown by quantitative morphology. Importantly, ultrastructural imaging and subsequent detailed lysosomal activity analyses revealed reduced basal autophagic degradation and the accumulation of defective mitochondria in DJ-1 KO cells, that was linked with decreased levels of phospho-activated ERK2.


We show that loss of DJ-1 leads to impaired autophagy and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria that under physiological conditions would be compensated via lysosomal clearance. Our study provides evidence for a critical role of DJ-1 in mitochondrial homeostasis by connecting basal autophagy and mitochondrial integrity in Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   
In the ciliate Euplotes crassus, millions of new telomeres are synthesized by telomerase and polymerase alpha-primase during macronuclear development in mated cells. Concomitant with de novo telomere formation, telomerase assembles into higher-order complexes of 550 kDa, 1,600 kDa, and 5 MDa. We show here that telomerase is physically associated with the lagging-strand replication machinery in these complexes. Antibodies against DNA primase precipitated telomerase activity from all three complexes from mated cells but not the 280-kDa telomerase complex from vegetatively growing cells. Moreover, when telomerase was affinity purified, primase copurified with enzyme from mated cells but not with the 280-kDa vegetative complex. Thus, the association of telomerase and primase is developmentally regulated. Intriguingly, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) was also found in the 5-MDa complex from mated cells. We therefore speculate that this complex is a complete telomere synthesis machine, while the smaller complexes are assembly intermediates. The physical association of telomerase and primase explains the coordinate regulation of telomeric G- and C-strand synthesis and the efficiency of telomere addition in E. crassus.  相似文献   
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