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CD8+ and CD8- subsets of peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells were examined for susceptibility to infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and for the ability to produce various types of interferon (IFN) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). HIV-1 was preferentially grown in CD8+ NK cells. The ability of CD8- NK cells to suppress HIV-1 replication was related to their ability to produce alpha IFN (IFN-alpha) upon viral induction. Induction with interleukin-2 resulted in IFN-gamma production in both subsets of NK cells. In the CD8+ subset, IFN-gamma and HIV-1 mutually enhanced the production of TNF alpha, leading to hyperactivation of viral replication, whereas in CD8- NK cells IFN-gamma primed HIV-induced IFN-alpha production. The dichotomous effects of IFN-gamma on HIV-1 replication were dependent on the IFN-alpha-producing ability of the cellular targets. These findings can explain the selective depletion of the CD16+ CD8+ subset that begins early in the in vivo HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Previously we reported that feeders formed from human placental fibroblasts (hPFs) support derivation and long-term self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) under serum-free conditions. Here, we show, using antibody array and ELISA platforms, that hPFs secrete ~6-fold higher amounts of the CXC-type chemokine, GROα, than IMR 90, a human lung fibroblast line, which does not support hESC growth. Furthermore, immunocytochemistry and immunoblot approaches revealed that hESCs express CXCR, a GROα receptor. We used this information to develop defined culture medium for feeder-free propagation of hESCs in an undifferentiated state. Cells passaged as small aggregates and maintained in the GROα-containing medium had a normal karyotype, expressed pluripotency markers, and exhibited apical-basal polarity, i.e., had the defining features of pluripotent hESCs. They also differentiated into the three primary (embryonic) germ layers and formed teratomas in immunocompromised mice. hESCs cultured as single cells in the GROα-containing medium also had a normal karyotype, but they downregulated markers of pluripotency, lost apical-basal polarity, and expressed markers that are indicative of the early stages of neuronal differentiation-βIII tubulin, vimentin, radial glial protein, and nestin. These data support our hypothesis that establishing and maintaining cell polarity is essential for the long-term propagation of hESCs in an undifferentiated state and that disruption of cell-cell contacts can trigger adoption of a neuronal fate.  相似文献   
Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent uptake of neurotransmitters via transporters of the SLC6 family, including the human serotonin transporter (SLC6A4), is critical for efficient synaptic transmission. Although residues in the human serotonin transporter involved in direct Cl(-) coordination of human serotonin transport have been identified, the role of Cl(-) in the transport mechanism remains unclear. Through a combination of mutagenesis, chemical modification, substrate and charge flux measurements, and molecular modeling studies, we reveal an unexpected role for the highly conserved transmembrane segment 1 residue Asn-101 in coupling Cl(-) binding to concentrative neurotransmitter uptake.  相似文献   
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) may interact in the pathogenesis of AIDS. The placental syncytiotrophoblast layer serves as the first line of defense of the fetus against viruses. We analyzed the patterns of replication of HIV-1 and HCMV in singly an dually infected human term syncytiotrophoblast cells cultured in vitro. Syncytiotrophoblast cells exhibited restricted permissiveness for HIV-1, while HCMV replication was restricted at the level of immediate-early and early gene products in the singly infected cells. We found that the syncytiotrophoblasts as an overlapping cell population could be coinfected with HIV-1 and HCMV. HIV-1 replication was markedly upregulated by previous or simultaneous infection of the cells with HCMV, whereas prior HIV-1 infection of the cells converted HCMV infection from a nonpermissive to a permissive one. No simultaneous enhancement of HCMV and HIV-1 expression was observed in the dually infected cell cultures. Major immediate-early proteins of HCMV were necessary for enhancement of HIV-1 replication, and interleukin-6 production induced by HCMV and further increased by replicating HIV-1 synergized with these proteins to produce this effect. Permissive replication cycle of HCMV was induced by the HIV-1 tat gene product. We were unable to detect HIV-1 (HCMV) or HCMV (HIV-1) pseudotypes in supernatant fluids from dually infected cell cultures. Our results suggest that interactions between HIV-1 and HCMV in coinfected syncytiotrophoblast cells may contribute to the transplacental transmission of both viruses.  相似文献   
The recent determination of high-resolution crystal structures of several transporters offers unprecedented insights into the structural mechanisms behind secondary transport. These proteins utilize the facilitated diffusion of the ions down their electrochemical gradients to transport the substrate against its concentration gradient. The structural studies revealed striking similarities in the structural organization of ion and solute binding sites and a well-conserved inverted-repeat topology between proteins from several gene families. In this paper we will overview recent atomistic simulations applied to study the mechanisms of selective binding of ion and substrate in LeuT, Glt, vSGLT and hSERT as well as its consequences for the transporter conformational dynamics. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane protein structure and function.  相似文献   
Changes in the expression of the melanin concentrating hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) are involved in a variety of pathologies, especially obesity and anxiety disorders. To monitor these pathologies in-vivo positron emission tomography (PET) is a suitable method. After the successful radiosynthesis of [11C]SNAP-7941—the first PET-Tracer for the MCHR1, we aimed to synthesize its [18F]fluoroethylated analogue: [18F]FE@SNAP. Therefore, microfluidic and vessel-based approaches were tested. [18F]fluoroethylation was conducted via various [18F]fluoroalkylated synthons and direct [18F]fluorination. Only the direct [18F]fluorination of a tosylated precursor using a flow-through microreactor was successful, affording [18F]FE@SNAP in 44.3 ± 2.6%.  相似文献   
Monoamine transporters terminate synaptic neurotransmission and are molecular targets for antidepressants and psychostimulants. Fluorescent reporters can monitor real-time transport and are amenable for high-throughput screening. However, until now, their use has mostly been successful to study the catecholamine transporters but not the serotonin (5HT) transporter. Here, we use fluorescence microscopy, electrophysiology, pharmacology, and molecular modeling to compare fluorescent analogs of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP(+)) as reporters for the human serotonin transporter (hSERT) in single cells. The fluorescent substrate 4-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)-1-methylpyridinium (APP(+)) exhibits superior fluorescence uptake in hSERT-expressing HEK293 cells than other MPP(+) analogs tested. APP(+) uptake is Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent, displaced by 5HT, and inhibited by fluoxetine, suggesting APP(+) specifically monitors hSERT activity. ASP(+), which was previously used to study catecholamine transporters, is 10 times less potent than APP(+) at inhibiting 5HT uptake and has minimal hSERT-mediated uptake. Furthermore, in hSERT-expressing oocytes voltage-clamped to -60 mV, APP(+) induced fluoxetine-sensitive hSERT-mediated inward currents, indicating APP(+) is a substrate, whereas ASP(+) induced hSERT-mediated outward currents and counteracted 5HT-induced hSERT currents, indicating ASP(+) possesses activity as an inhibitor. Extra-precise ligand receptor docking of APP(+) and ASP(+) in an hSERT homology model showed both ASP(+) and APP(+) docked favorably within the active region; accordingly, comparable concentrations are required to elicit their opposite electrophysiological responses. We conclude APP(+) is better suited than ASP(+) to study hSERT transport fluorometrically.  相似文献   
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