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Mature leaves of a transgenic tobacco plant ( Nicotiana tabacum L var. Samsun, line A41-10) that constitutively express a yeast-derived acid invertase gene develop symptoms which are characterized by the presence of greenish-yellow and green sectors in the same leaf, and onset of early, leaf senescence. Previous studies indicated that invertase activity was two- to threefold higher in the greenish-yellow sectors than in the green sectors. Our structural analyses revealed that development of secondary plasmodesmata, via modification of existing primary plasmodesmata, between mesophyll cells was inhibited severely in the greenish-yellow sectors, but only marginally in the green sectors. In contrast, the structure and function of primary plasmodesmata in the same symptomatic sectors remained unaltered as determined by structural and dye coupling studies. It is hypothesized that secondary plasmodesmata differ from primary plasmodesmata in having special abilities to traffic information molecules to coordinate leaf development and physiological function(s). Arrest of secondary plasmodesmal development by high invertase activity in the transgenic tobacco leaf may have prevented this type of trafficking and hence resulted in early leaf senescence. The results also indicate that the yeast acid invertase-expressing tobacco may provide an effective experimental system for the molecular characterization of cellular mechanisms that regulate the development, function, and possible turnover of secondary plasmodesmata.  相似文献   
噪声在环境中广泛存在,城市化的迅速发展也使野生动物接触到人为噪声的机会增大。越来越多的证据表明,人为噪声在许多方面影响着人类的健康以及野生动物的生存。对这些研究进行总结发现,噪声会改变动物的生理状态,使其处在较高的应激水平,进而影响动物的抗氧化能力和免疫能力,甚至使雏鸟的端粒缩短。人为噪声的存在还会影响动物的学习和认知能力,干扰动物觅食、交流等行为。这些因素累积就可能会降低动物后代的存活率,改变物种丰度,对动物的生存造成威胁。对人为噪声带来的非听觉影响的研究,有助于更全面地了解噪声的潜在危害,采取更为积极的缓解应对措施。  相似文献   
高压静电场处理沙棘插条生根状况的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用高压静电场处理沙棘插条研究生根状况,方法简便易于处理,该装置适于进行大规模的处理,从目前研究表明:高压静电场对沙棘插条有正刺激效应,并以电场强度为3.9kv/cm,时间为40分钟处理最佳。  相似文献   
本文记述长蝽科显脉长蝽属两新种。此属是一个小属,全世界已知20余种,过去在我国只记载一种,现又发现两个新种。文中所用长度单位为毫米。  相似文献   
The asexual nature of the first cortical reorganization of conjugation in Stylonychia was analyzed by comparing the effect of amputation performed at different stages of early conjugation to that performed on vegetative cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Amputation of vegetative cells delineated a point of commitment to binary fission at 0.51–0.57 of the cell cycle. Cells amputated before this point were induced to undergo the regenerative mode of asexual development, but those amputated after this point continued with binary fission. In parallel, during conjugation a similar commitment was made around the time of formation of tight mating-pairs: early conjugants amputated around this time might undergo regeneration, and those operated on after this stage continued with the first cortical reorganization as in typical conjugants. The two mates of a pair might differ in their response to amputation, suggesting that the timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization is not related to the events of conjugation, but rather is individually determined in the vegetative cycle of the cells before they pair up in mating. These observations provide support for the notion that the first cortical reorganization of conjugants is homologous to the asexual mode of cortical development in dividers, according to the theory of developmental heterochrony in the sexual reproduction of hypotrichs. The timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization was found to temporally correlate with the entrance of the micronuclei into meiosis. Since the first cortical reorganization can proceed without the micronucleus, this raises the possibility that initiation of micronuclear meiosis is closely coupled with, and may be determined by, the commitment to the first cortical reorganization.  相似文献   
黄甜  郭青海  邹凯  李达维  易海军 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7579-7588
乡村社会-生态系统的稳定和可持续发展为农业农村现代化的实现奠定着基础,在稳定社会经济发展、提高城乡居民福祉方面发挥着重要作用。服务性公共设施作为乡村社会-生态系统供给服务的重要组成部分,代表了乡村的发展水平与该地区居民生活质量水平。研究公共服务设施的空间分布特征和综合评价其供给服务可改善乡村社会-生态系统结构,为城乡居民提供高质量的社会生态系统服务。以厦门市岛外城市化乡村为研究对象,通过厦门市岛外POI数据和乡村社会经济统计数据,以公共服务设施为景感载体,分析其空间分布和测度其供给服务水平,采用核密度分析方法与熵值分析法,分析厦门市乡村社会-生态系统供给服务空间分布特征,结合人口、经济、距岛内核心区距离等指标对各村庄社会-生态系统供给服务能力进行皮尔逊相关性分析。研究发现厦门乡村公共设施供给服务能力表现为集美区 > 海沧区 > 同安区 > 翔安区;各村庄公共设施供给服务能力水平影响因素是多元且具有多样性的;提出从城乡居民的认知心理与物质需求出发对公共设施进行景感生态营造以提高村庄社会-生态系统供给服务能力,更好满足人们的需求。本文对公共服务设施的空间优化提出对策建议,研究结果可为乡村社会-生态系统供给服务提升和乡村可持续发展提供理论研究依据。  相似文献   
中国虫草一新记录种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】对一个寄生鳞翅目幼虫的虫草标本Dxhir140901进行分类鉴定。【方法】采用形态学比较和基于ITS1-5.8S-ITS2rDNA的系统发育与进化网络分析进行鉴定。【结果】形态学观察:标本的分离菌株形态显示其为典型的被毛孢属真菌,具有两型产孢结构:A型产孢细胞柱状,(1.8?6.3) μm×1.8 μm;B型产孢细胞锥形,基部柱状,向上逐渐变细无明显颈部,基部宽3?3.8 μm,长21?63 μm,颈部宽1.8?2.0 μm,菌丝末端可直接形成产孢细胞;孢子橘瓣形或卵形,(8.1?10.8) μm×(2.7?5.4) μm,具粘液,黏液层厚1.8?2.7 μm。系统发育分析结果显示该菌株与巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis聚为一支,支持率为98%,进化网络分析也支持上述结果。【结论】通过与O. macroacicularis的形态比较和分子系统学分析结果,Dxhir140901及其分离株Gzuifr-hir140901为巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis S. Ban, T. Sakane & Nakagiri的无性阶段,该种为中国新记录种。  相似文献   
构建生态安全格局是一种协调区域生态保护与经济发展关系的有效途径。由于生态系统服务供需差异,不同等级的行政区在生态安全格局构建中出现了空间结构错位脱节的问题。从整合视角出发,尝试整合伊犁河谷地区州级和县级两级尺度构建昭苏县生态安全格局。首先基于生态系统服务评价确定生态源地,再构建综合阻力面并采用电路理论模型识别生态廊道。研究结果显示,整合州级和县级两级尺度昭苏县共确定了24个生态源地,面积2504.47km2,主要分布于昭苏中部盆地以及北部、南部山区,土地利用类型主要为耕地、草地和林地;识别生态廊道50条,总长度200.17km。与单一尺度下生态安全格局构建相比,整合不同尺度构建生态安全格局能显著改善区域生境破碎化的问题,提高区域景观连通性。本研究提供了一种整合不同尺度下生态安全格局构建的技术框架,研究结果可为伊犁河谷地区国土空间格局优化提供有效参考。  相似文献   
建立近自然度评价体系对于修复森林生态功能、保障森林可持续发展有着重要的意义,然而近自然度尚未有统一的评价体系。祁连山地区的森林系统承担着我国西部重要的水源涵养功能,对其现存的人工林客观地开展基于水源涵养能力的近自然评价是亟需解决的问题。以祁连山东部金禅沟、塔尔沟小流域40个不同林分起源的云杉纯林、白桦纯林、云杉白桦混交林为对比研究样地,对涉及近自然度和水源涵养能力的指标进行敏感性分析,筛选出中高敏感度指标,通过欧氏距离法结合熵权法定量评价人工林近自然度,通过模糊物元法定量评价森林水源涵养能力,然后采用6种方法对近自然度和水源涵养得分分布进行拟合(R2>0.4),并利用K-means法建立了4个近自然度评价等级。研究表明祁连山东部地区大部分人工林近自然度评级处于半天然林阶段,通过改造纯林为针阔混交林可以同时提高其近自然度与水源涵养能力。研究旨在构建基于水源涵养能力的近自然度评价体系,为森林生态服务功能修复提供理论支持。  相似文献   
靳专  胥焘  黄应平  肖敏  张家璇  周爽爽  席颖  熊彪 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2464-2478
三峡库区蓄水后,其生态效应受到广泛关注。消落带植被固碳量作为衡量库区生态系统健康状态的重要指标,对库区碳循环与生态净化具有重要意义。针对消落带不同高程植被接受光照的时间有所差异,且受河流水位变化影响,传统的CASA模型在计算消落带植被固碳量时,存在对植物的光能利用率计算不够精确等问题。以三峡库区香溪河陡坡消落带为研究区域,提出了一种耦合RBFNN模型(Radial Basis Function Neural Network)与CASA模型(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach)的新方法(RBF-CASA)。基于RBFNN建立环境影响因子模型,借助高程数据及植被指数等特征计算适合消落带区域的环境影响因子。结合CASA模型中温度和水分胁迫因子,提高植被在像元尺度上的净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)的估算精度,并对反演结果进行验证。模型验证结果显示:RBF-CASA模型估算值与观测值的决定系数(Coefficient of determination, R2)为0.730(P<0.01, n=32)。对比原始CASA模型,平均绝对误差(Mean absolute error, MAE)降低10.991,均方根误差(Root mean square error, RMSE)降低了23.861,相对均方根误差(Relative root mean square error, RRMSE)降低5.10%,平均绝对百分误差(Mean absolute percentage error, MAPE)降低1.12%。使用提出的RBF-CASA模型在库区水位落干期(7-8月份)进行固碳量估算,结果表明:NPP月均值在66.234-134.144g C/m2之间,NPP随着高程的增加呈现起伏变化,其总量在150-155m之间达到峰值,均值在170m以上区域最高。在2021年9月植被NPP均值为35.883g C/m2,2022年9月植被NPP均值为25.964g C/m2,由于降雨量减少、长江水位下降,在2021-2022年间植被恢复情况较差。研究结果可为库区碳循环、生态净化及生态修复等决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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