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Summary In order to determine the active site of penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli (PBP3), the serine residue at position 307 was replaced with alanine, threonine or cysteine by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. Since a unique BanII site exists at the position corresponding to serine-307, BanII digestion of the plasmid DNA after mutagenesis resulted in significant enrichment of the mutant plasmids. For mutagenesis, the gene coding for PBP3 (ftsI) was inserted into the expression cloning vector pIN-IIB. The hybrid protein produced was able to bind penicillin while mutant PBP3 in which serine-307 was replaced with either alanine or threonine did not lead to any detectable binding. However, contrary to the report of Broome-Smith et al. (1985) thiol-penicillin-binding protein 3, in which serine-307 was replaced with cysteine, was still able to bind penicillin. Replacement of serine-445 with an alanine residue had no effect on penicillin binding to PBP3.  相似文献   
Summary The mode of biosynthesis of penicillin-binding protein(PBP)-1 b in Escherichia coli was investigated by use of the plasmid carrying the ponB(PBP-1 b) gene region. Analyses of the products synthesized in minicells and in vitro showed that PBP-1 b was synthesized as two molecular species corresponding to the and components of PBP-1 b. The coding regions for the and components were located within the ca. 3.7 kb MluI-HincII fragment and transcribed in the direction from the HincII to the MluI site. The capacity for producing the component was abolished by a deletion extending to the MluI site ca. 0.7 kb inward from the HincII end of the ca. 3.7 kb fragment; the remaining 3.0 kb region with the MluI site at both ends directed the production of the component alone. The production of the component was enough to correct all the known defects caused by a ponB mutation. In addition to these results, the analyses for cross-reacting materials produced in correspondence to the various deletions indicated that the coding regions for the and components overlapped and that the N-terminal portion was responsible for the difference between the two components. The distal region about 0.7 kb long inward from the MluI end of the MluI-HincII fragment was dispensable for producing the functional PBP-1 b, although the PBP-1 b produced was curtailed. By a larger distal deletion reaching almost to the middle of the MluI-HincII fragment, the polypeptide produced for PBP-1 b lost the ability to bind penicillin and still retained a low but significant activity for glycan synthesis. We suggest, therefore, that the polypeptide portion required for transglycosylase activity resides on the N-terminal half of PBP-1 b, followed by the middle portion necessary for penicillin-binding and the C-terminal part dispensable for the function of PBP-1 b.  相似文献   
A cholera-like enterotoxin was purified from Vibrio cholerae O139 strain AI-1841 isolated from a diarrheal patient in Bangladesh. Its characteristics were compared with that of cholera toxins (CTs) of classical strain 569B and El Tor strain KT25. Al-1841 produced as much toxin as O1 strains. The toxins were indistinguishable in terms of their migration profiles in conventional polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing as well as their affinity for hydroxyapatite. The skin permeability factor activity and the fluid accumulation induced in rabbit ileal loops of the toxin of AI-1841 were identical to those of the CTs. Three toxins equally reacted against anti-569B CT antiserum in Western blotting, and their B subunits formed a precipitin line against any anti-B subunit antiserum by double gel immunodiffusion. Anti-569B CTB antibody neutralized the three toxins in their PF activities and enterotoxicities. The amino acid sequence of 1841 toxin B subunit was identical with that of KT25 CTB, corresponding to the DNA sequence of ctxB from El Tor strains of the seventh pandemic. We concluded 1841 toxin was identical to CT of the seventh pandemic El Tor vibrios.  相似文献   
Summary A DNA fragment containing the replication origin of the Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome was inserted in two orientations at either the BamHI or SalI site of pBR322 DNA. All the resulting hybrid plasmids were found to replicate in both polA and polA + cells, whereas pBR322 replicates only in polA + cells. This characteristic provided a method for assaying the autonomously replicating ability (Ori function) of the E. coli origin.In order to define the minimum DNA region (ori) that determines Ori function, deletions of various sizes were introduced from either side of the ori-containing segment in the hybrid plasmids by in vitro techniques, and the correlation between the Ori phenotype and nucleotide sequence of the deletion derivatives was analyzed. It was found that the left end of ori is between positions 23 and 35, and the right end is either position 266 or 267 in our nucleotide coordinate (Sugimoto et al., 1979). Therefore, ori is present within a region of minimum 232 base pairs and maximum 245 base pairs in length. The Ori+ and Ori- phenotypes were clearly resolved at both sides of these boundaries by the above assay procedure.To obtain information about the effect of mutations in the internal region of the defined ori stretch, short sequences were inserted or deleted in vitro in the vicinity of several restriction sites within ori on the hybrid plasmids. Most of these plasmids carrying modified sequences showed Ori- phenotype, suggesting that most parts of the ori stretch play important roles in Ori function.  相似文献   
The clinical application of cell transplantation for severe heart failure is a promising strategy to improve impaired cardiac function. Recently, an array of cell types, including bone marrow cells, endothelial progenitors, mesenchymal stem cells, resident cardiac stem cells, and embryonic stem cells, have become important candidates for cell sources for cardiac repair. In the present study, we focused on the placenta as a cell source. Cells from the chorionic plate in the fetal portion of the human placenta were obtained after delivery by the primary culture method, and the cells generated in this study had the Y sex chromosome, indicating that the cells were derived from the fetus. The cells potentially expressed 'working' cardiomyocyte-specific genes such as cardiac myosin heavy chain 7beta, atrial myosin light chain, cardiac alpha-actin by gene chip analysis, and Csx/Nkx2.5, GATA4 by RT-PCR, cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 by immunohistochemistry. These cells were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 displayed a discontinuous pattern of localization at intercellular contact sites after cardiomyogenic differentiation, suggesting that the chorionic mesoderm contained a large number of cells with cardiomyogenic potential. The cells began spontaneously beating 3 days after co-cultivation with murine fetal cardiomyocytes and the frequency of beating cells reached a maximum on day 10. The contraction of the cardiomyocytes was rhythmical and synchronous, suggesting the presence of electrical communication between the cells. Placenta-derived human fetal cells may be useful for patients who cannot supply bone marrow cells but want to receive stem cell-based cardiac therapy.  相似文献   
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