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A single polypeptide chain containing two dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) sequences from Escherichia coli was constructed to determine if a repeat sequence fusion protein could be expressed in an active form. The possibility that intersequence interactions could play a significant role for this enzyme is suggested by the results of Hall and Frieden (1989, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 86, 3060-3064) who observed a substantial decrease in the yield of active enzyme when folded in the presence of a large C-terminal fragment. The fusion protein [DHFR(Cys152Glu)--Ile--DHFR (Met1Gln)] was efficiently expressed in E. coli cells and has an activity which is twice that of the wild-type enzyme in the standard assay. The Michaelis constants of the fusion protein for the substrate, dihydrofolate and the cofactor, NADPH, are essentially unchanged from those of the wild-type protein. The urea-induced in vitro unfolding reaction of the fusion protein at low concentrations was found to be fully reversible and follow a three state model, suggesting that the two domains unfold independently. At higher protein concentrations the unfolding transition broadened and shifted to a higher urea concentration. Size-exclusion chromatography results are consistent with the formation of aggregates at the higher protein concentration, even in the absence of denaturant.  相似文献   
Average doses to rat tissues from the ingestion of 2-[14C]thymidine were compared with those from methyl-[3H]thymidine or 6-[3H]thymidine. Among the three precursors, [14C]thymidine gave the highest dose to spleen and small intestine. The doses to other tissues from [14C]thymidine were almost the same or lower as compared with those from [3H]thymidine, irrespective of the 9 times higher beta-ray energy of 14C than that of 3H. In the case of [14C]thymidine, most of the dose was given by radioactivity incorporated into the organic tissue constituents (non-volatile radioactivity). In the case of [3H]thymidine, however, the dose contributions by non-volatile radioactivity were very small and the major contributions were rather from volatile radioactivity (3HHO), formed by degradation of [3H]thymidine. No significant difference in their total doses was found between the two [3H]precursors, but the dose from non-volatile radioactivity alone was 2-3 times higher with methyl-[3H]thymidine than with 6-[3H]thymidine. Estimates of the dose to cell nuclei in various tissues after the ingestion of [3H]thymidine were also made in order to predict more precisely possible radiation hazards.  相似文献   
Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) has been demonstrated to be a versatile "affinity handle" for expression of recombinant proteins. The DHFR "handle" has advantages not only in terms of efficiency of expressing the fusion protein as a soluble form but also in stabilizing unstable polypeptides and facilitating purification of the expressed protein by means of methotrexate-bound affinity chromatography and by making use of the enzyme activity. Fifteen genes encoding different lengths of polypeptides of 5 to 44 amino acids were chemically synthesized and introduced into expression vectors, pTP70-1 or its derivatives. All the polypeptide genes were efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli cells as fusion proteins which show DHFR activity. The respective fusion proteins were highly purified from cell-free extracts by monitoring the DHFR activity at each purification step. The use of methotrexate-bound affinity chromatography was very effective. In order to cut out the polypeptides, the purified fusion proteins were treated with either BrCN or site-specific protease according to the spacer sequence. The objective polypeptide was purified by means of a reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. Specific cleavage of the purified fusion protein actually yielded very few peptide fragments, so the assignment and isolation of the objective polypeptide were carried out without difficulty.  相似文献   
Dose-dependent induction of micronuclei with 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C) was clearly shown in CD-1 mouse peripheral blood reticulocytes (RETs) using an acridine orange (AO) supravital staining method, as well as in the conventional bone marrow assay. The maximum frequencies of micronucleated RETs (MNRETs) in peripheral blood and of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) in bone marrow were comparable, as shown in two laboratories independently. The maximum frequencies of MNRETs in peripheral blood lagged about 24 and 12 h behind those of MNPCEs in bone marrow in experiments with 24- and 12-h sampling intervals, respectively. The proportion of each type of RET was examined periodically after treatment with ara-C at doses ranging from 6.25 to 50.0 mg/kg. The proportion of type I RETs among total RETs decreased 24 or 48 h after treatment according to the dose level. This suggest that this ratio could be a good indicator of the bone marrow cell toxicity of test chemicals.  相似文献   
The native cysteine residues of green fluorescent protein (GFP) at positions 48 and 70 were replaced by non-thiolic amino acids, and new cysteine sites were introduced at specific, surface positions. Based on molecular modeling of the GFP structure, the sites chosen for mutagenesis to Cys were glutamic acid at position 6 and isoleucine at position 229. These new, unique cysteine sites provided reactive thiol groups suitable for site-specific chemical modification by eosin-based fluorescence labels. The new constructs were designed to serve as the basis of proof of principle for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) using an enzyme-activated (trypsin) intervening sequence between native and chemically conjugated fluorophores. These eosin moieties provided chemical FRET partners for the native GFP chromophore. On excitation, these GFP-eosin constructs exhibited strong intramolecular FRET, with quenching of the native GFP (511 nm) fluorophore emission and emission around 540 nm, corresponding to eosin. GFP mutants engineered with trypsin-sensitive sequences close to the eosin site, so that on trypsinolysis FRET was destroyed, the emission wavelength switching from that of the chemical FRET partner back to that of the native GFP fluorophore, providing efficient, ratio-based detection. This protein engineering provides the basis for novel bioprobes for enzymatic triggering using intramolecular FRET between GFP and carefully sited chemical labels.  相似文献   
The adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) complex is a heterotetramer involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cargo proteins from the plasma membrane in animal cells. The homologous genes of AP-2 subunits are present in the genomes of plants; however, their identities and roles in endocytic pathways are not clearly defined in plants. Here, we reveal the molecular composition of the AP-2 complex of Arabidopsis thaliana and its dynamics on the plasma membrane. We identified all of the α-, β-, σ-, and μ-subunits of the AP-2 complex and detected a weak interaction of the AP-2 complex with clathrin heavy chain. The μ-subunit protein fused to green fluorescent protein (AP2M-GFP) was localized to the plasma membrane and to the cytoplasm. Live-cell imaging using a variable-angle epifluorescence microscope revealed that AP2M-GFP transiently forms punctate structures on the plasma membrane. Homozygous ap2m mutant plants exhibited abnormal floral structures, including reduced stamen elongation and delayed anther dehiscence, which led to a failure of pollination and a subsequent reduction of fertility. Our study provides a molecular basis for understanding AP-2–dependent endocytic pathways in plants and their roles in floral organ development and plant reproduction.  相似文献   
Primary graft dysfunction (PGD) and bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality after lung transplantation. Reports from clinical and rodent models suggest the implication of IL-17A in either PGD or BO. We took advantage of the heterotopic trachea transplantation model in mice to study the direct role of IL-17A in post-transplant airway lesions. Across full MHC barrier, early lesions were controlled in IL-17A-/- or anti-IL17 treated recipients. In contrast, IL-17A deficiency did not prevent subsequent obliterative airway disease (OAD). Interestingly, this early protection occurred also in syngeneic grafts and was accompanied by a decrease in cellular stress, as attested by lower HSP70 mRNA levels, suggesting the involvement of IL-17A in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Furthermore, persistence of multipotent CK14+ epithelial stem cells underlined allograft protection afforded by IL-17A deficiency or neutralisation. Recipient-derived γδ+ and CD4+ T cells were the major source of IL-17A. However, lesions still occurred in the absence of each subset, suggesting a high redundancy between the innate and adaptive IL-17A producing cells. Notably, a double depletion significantly diminished lesions. In conclusion, this work implicated IL-17A as mediator of early post-transplant airway lesions and could be considered as a potential therapeutic target in clinical transplantation.  相似文献   
Animal populations are spatially structured in heterogeneous landscapes, in which local patches with differing vital rates are connected by dispersal of individuals to varying degrees. Although there is evidence that vital rates differ among local populations, much less is understood about how vital rates covary among local patches in spatially heterogeneous landscapes. In this study, we conducted a nine-year annual mark–recapture survey to characterize spatial covariation of survival and growth for two Japanese native salmonids, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus and red-spotted masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae, in a headwater stream network composed of distinctly different tributary and mainstem habitats. Spatial structure of survival and growth differed by species and age class, but results provided support for negative covariation between vital rates, where survival was higher in the tributary habitat but growth was higher in the mainstem habitat. Thus, neither habitat was apparently more important than the other, and local habitats with complementary vital rates may make this spatially structured population less vulnerable to environmental change (i.e. portfolio effect). Despite the spatial structure of vital rates and possibilities that fish can exploit spatially distributed resources, movement of fish was limited due partly to a series of low-head dams that prevented upstream movement of fish in the study area. This study shows that spatial structure of vital rates can be complex and depend on species and age class, and this knowledge is likely paramount to elucidating dynamics of spatially structured populations.  相似文献   
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