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Abstract This paper deals in detail with the morphology of the larva of Neopsylla specialis specialis Jordan, 1932. It may be distinguished from other larvae of 5 species or subspecies of Neopsylla by two fine setae lying on outside of each posterior long seta on the ventral plates of the first to third thoracic segments, ratio of the length and width of the egg burster, number and shape of mandibular teeth, number and length of the setae in the anterior and posterior row on dorsal side of head, and number of the setae of anal comb and the strut setae. The sense organs on the 10th tergite are discussed.  相似文献   
Yiming Qi 《Insect Science》1995,2(2):125-129
Abstract This paper deals with the morphology of the larvae of Cerutophyllus farreni chaoi Smit and Allen, 1955 and a comparison is made with the larvae of C. gallinue tribulis Jordan, 1926.
The diagnostic characters of the larvae of the two subspecies are the shape of egg burster, number of mandibular teeth, the relative positions of the sense organs and setae on the tergites of the thorax and abdomen and number of the setae of anal comb and the strut setae.  相似文献   
Calluses were induced from immature embryos of an indica type rice and finely dispersed cell suspension cultures were initiated from the callus using modified AA medium (S1 medium). The suspension cultures were maintained alternatively (1–2 passages in each medium) in S1 medium and S2 medium, the latter containing KNO3, NH4NO3, proline and glutamine as nitrogen source. Protoplasts of high quality were isolated form suspension cells cultured in S2 medium supplemented with ABA. Embedding the protoplasts in agarose blocks containing NH4NO3-free modified KM8P(PM1) medium and immersing the blocks in NH4NO3-containing modified KM8P(PM3) medium were most effective for obtaining protoplast division and callus formation. The protoplast-derived calluses were precultured in potato extract-aand/or ABA-containing N6(D1, D2 or D3) media and many embryo-like structures were formed. These structures developed into plantlets after being transferred to N6 differentiation (D4) medium. The regenerated plantlets grew into mature plants and beard seeds normally.Abbreviations AA medium amino acids based medium - ABA abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DF division frequency - IAA indoleacetic acid - KIN kinetin - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - PE planting efficiency  相似文献   
甲胎蛋白是一种癌胚相关蛋白,它在胎儿血清中含量每毫升数毫克之多,在正常人血清中低于25μg/ml,在原发性肝细胞癌者血清中甲胎蛋白的阳性率和滴度都很高,所以血清中甲胎蛋白的检测是诊断肝癌的特异指标。本方法采用双抗体夹心法原理,可定性及定量检测血清和血浆标本中甲胎蛋白含量,并配制AFP系列标准,为原发性肝癌的早期诊断及普查具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   
生长抑素(somatostatin, SST)作为一种抑制性多肽激素,在多种生物过程中发挥重要的功能。生长抑素受体2 (somatostatin receptor 2, SSTR2)作为生长抑素表达最广泛的受体在多种组织中表达,但其表达的具体细胞类型尚不清楚。本研究在小鼠不同发育阶段的多种组织中鉴定了SSTR2蛋白表达的细胞类型。通过多色免疫荧光在小鼠胚胎期15.5 d、出生后1 d、7 d、15 d、3个月和6个月的脑、骨、肺、肠道、皮肤、胃、脾和肾等组织中检测了Sstr2基因的表达。结果发现Sstr2在不同发育阶段的多种组织的特定细胞类型中表达,包括脑神经元和星形胶质细胞,骨的间充质基质细胞、造血细胞和B细胞,肺的巨噬细胞、Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞和气道纤毛细胞,肠道的上皮细胞和神经元,皮肤的毛囊细胞,胃体的上皮细胞,脾的造血干细胞、造血祖细胞和神经纤维,肾的肾小管上皮细胞等。本研究确定了小鼠多组织不同发育阶段Sstr2表达的细胞类型,为生长抑素与生长抑素受体2的生理功能研究提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
本文记述中国土厉螨属1新种,王氏土厉螨Ololaelepswangi,sp.nov,新种的模式标本保存在宁夏回族自治区地方病防治所。  相似文献   
本文用Leslie矩阵模型研究了高寒草甸生态系统牲畜种群结构及动态。模型考虑了更加精确的年龄组转移关系,出栏率是种群波动的主要因子。目前,牲畜种群结构不合理,种群数量不能保持平衡。  相似文献   
光敏掩蔽基团技术是通过运用一种由光子控制的光敏化合物,在光子激发后,被该化合物掩蔽处于惰性状态的生物活性分子重新被激活、释放以调节生理功能的化学生物学研究方法,它对生命活动的控制具有实时、原位、精确、快速的优势。该文综述了不同光敏基团的结构与功能,包括硝基苄基类、香豆素类、喹啉类、吲哚类、硝基二苯并呋喃类等,它们通过掩蔽神经递质、钙离子、蛋白质、缩氨酸、核苷酸、遗传物质等重要的生理活性物质来高选择性地调控不同的生物学过程。  相似文献   
颈髓损伤后线粒体系列酶活性变化与线粒体功能的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨颈髓损伤后颈髓线粒体系列酶活性变化与线粒体功能的关系,采用Alen法造成猫颈髓损伤,观察颈髓损伤后线粒体Ca2+,Mg2+-ATP酶、Na+,K+-ATP酶、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及线粒体呼吸功能的变化。结果显示:颈髓损伤后2h至72h,Ca2+,Mg2+-ATP酶、Na+,K+-ATP酶活性、SOD活性明显降低,而线粒体呼吸控制率(RCR)、磷氧比值(P/O)、氧化磷酸化效率(OPR)也明显下降。表明颈髓损伤后Ca2+,Mg2+-ATP酶、Na+,K+-ATP酶、SOD活性与线粒体功能密切相关,提示颈髓线粒体的病理生理改变在颈髓损伤后继发性损害过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   
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