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The filamentous cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum wasobserved for the first time in Lake Kinneret in August 1994and formed a prominent bloom from September through October.Aphanizomenon ovalisporum reappeared in diminished amounts inthe summer and fall of 1995. These events are the first recordof significant quantities of a potentially toxic nitrogen-fixingcyanobacterium in this lake. No definite provenance of inoculumhas been identified, although A.ovalisporum was also observedin a newly reflooded area (Lake Agmon) in the catchment. Unusuallyhigh water temperatures and low wind inputs were observed priorto and during the A.ovalisporum bloom period. These, togetherwith possibly enhanced availability of phosphorus or other growthfactors, may have contributed to the cyanobacterium growth in1994. Phosphorus limi tation, as indicated by high cellularalkaline phosphatase activity, the onset of stormy conditionsand a fall in water temperatures led to the demise of the 1994bloom. Although the A. ovalisporum bloom in 1994 had no seriousdirect impact on water quality, the continued presence of apotentially toxic cyanobacterium in Lake Kinneret, a major nationalwater supply source, is a cause for serious concern.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll distribution in Lake Kinneret was estimated in aperiod of low chlorophyll-a concentrations (3–7 mg m–3)using remotely sensed data. The data set included high-spectral-resolutionradiometric measurements in the range 400–750 nm, chlorophylland suspended matter concentrations, Secchi disk transparencyand vertical attenuation coefficients at 20 stations. The spectroradiometricdata were used to create the algorithms suitable for quantitativedetermination of chlorophyll content. The present paper presentsexperimental field evidence showing that fluorescence can besuccessfully used for remote monitoring of chlorophyll-a content(with an estimation error <0.5 mg m–3) in productiveinland waters with a background of variable and relatively highsuspended matter concentration.  相似文献   
The frequency of interlocking bivalents at first meiotic metaphase of common wheat Triticum aestivum L., which is normally very low, is significantly increased by raising the dosage (from two to three, four and six) of the Ph1 gene, located on the long arm of chromosome 5B (5BL). In several cells more than three bivalents were interlocked in one chain configuration indicating involvement of non-homoeologous bivalents. Plants with reduced dose (one or zero) of Ph1 also exhibited an increased frequency of interlocking but to a lesser extent than those with high gene dosage. However, chains of more than three interlocked bivalents were never observed in these plants, suggesting that with one or zero doses of Ph1 interlocking is restricted to homoeologous bivalents only. Chromosomal arm 5BS affected interlocking in an opposite manner to 5BL; namely, two and four doses of 5BS markedly reduced interlocking frequency. The modification in the frequency of interlocking bivalents by these genetic manipulations represents the first successful attempt to affect interlocking by genetic means. The results are explained on the basis of the hypothesis that this gene system controls somatic and premeiotic association of both homologous and homoeologous chromosomes.  相似文献   
Pigment extracts of phototrophic bacteria isolated from Lake Kinneret (Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Thiocapsa roseopersicina, Prosthecochloris aestuaris andChlorobium phaeobacteroides) were studied by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). An absorption wavelength of 360 nm provided the best resolution among the pigments of the species tested and between them and chlorophylla. Signature pigments were identified for each of these species, and their presence was thereby monitored in lake water samples.C. phaeobacteroides, which was observed in the anaerobic hypolimnion and predominated in the metalimnion, was recognized by a characteristic cluster of major chlorophyllous pigment peaks. The spectral qualities of these pigments were close but not identical to published data on bacteriochlorophylle, presumably due to the use of different solvents for extraction. The intensity of these pigment peaks was employed to determine the depth of the greatest phototrophic bacterial biomass, which was not related to that of algae.  相似文献   
High-resolution reflectance spectra in the range of 400–850nm were obtained from Lake Kinneret during a period when densepopulations of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense dominatedthe phytoplankton. Chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations ranged from5.1 to 185 mg m–3 and from 2.4 to 187.5 mg m–3 inthe samples of two independent experiments. The most prominentfeatures of the reflectance spectra were: (i) a wide minimumfrom 400 to 500 nm; (ii) a maximum at 550–570 nm, whichdid not surpass 3% in samples with high Chl concentration (>20mgm–3), indicating a strong absorption by pigments in thegreen range of the spectrum; (iii) a minimum at 676 nm; thiswas {small tilde}1% and was almost insensitive to variationin Chl concentration >10 mg m–3; (iv) a maximum reflectanceshowed near 700 nm; its magnitude and position were highly dependenton chlorophyll concentration. High-spectral-resolution datawere used as a guideline for selection of the most suitablespectral bands for chlorophyll remote sensing. Models were devised,based on the calculation of the integrated area above the baselinefrom 670 to 850 nm and the reflectance maximal height withinthis range. Some algorithms already used m previous studieswere tested and showed a plausible degree of accuracy when appliedto the current data base. However, novel models devised in thisstudy improved substantially the accuracy of Chl estimationby remotely sensed data, by reducing the estimation error from>11 to 6.5 mg m–3 Those models were validated by anindependent data set where Chl concentration ranged over twoorders of magnitude. The use of three relatively narrow spectralbands was sufficient for Chl mapping in Lake Kinneret. Therefore,a relatively simple sensor, measuring only a few bands willbe employed in future applications for Chl monitoring in inlandwaters. Radiometric data were also used to simulate radiancesin the channels of TM Landsat and to find the algorithm forChl assessment. The ratio of channel 4 to channel 3 was usedand enabled Chl estimation with an error of <15mg m–3This algorithm was employed to map Chl in the entire area ofLake Kinneret with 10 gradations.  相似文献   
Carbon to chlorophyll a (C:Chl) ratios, assimilation numbers (A.N.) and turnover times of natural populations of individual species and taxonomic groups were extracted from a long-term database of phytoplankton wet-weight biomass, chlorophyll a concentrations, and primary production in Lake Kinneret, Israel. From a database spanning more than a decade, we selected data for samples dominated by a single species or taxonomic group. The overall average of C:Chl was highest for cyanophytes and lowest for diatoms, while chlorophytes and dinoflagellates showed intermediate values. When converting chlorophyll a to algal cellular carbon this variability should be taken into account. The variability in C:Chl within each phylum and species (when data were available) was high and the variability at any particular sampling date tended to be greater than the temporal variability. The average chlorophyll a-normalized rate of photosynthetic activity of cyanophytes was higher and that of the dinoflagellates lower than that of other phyla. Turnover time of phytoplankton, calculated using primary productivity data at the depth of maximal photosynthetic rate, was longest in dinoflagellates and shortest in cyanophytes, with diatoms and chlorophytes showing intermediate values. The more extreme C:Chl and turnover times of dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria in comparison with chlorophytes and diatoms should be taken into consideration when employed in ecological modeling.  相似文献   
We compared delayed fluorescence (DF) excitation spectrometry with radiocarbon (14C) technique using a monoalgal culture of Chlorella vulgaris grown under natural temperature and irradiance. This was done by monitoring the DF, in parallel to quantum efficiency (QE) and index of radiant energy utilization efficiency (Ψ) as calculated on the basis of carbon uptake measurements by radiocarbon technique. During the diurnal cycle, temperature, irradiance, and chlorophyll (Chl) contents were monitored in the algal culture that was kept in an open transparent plastic tank submerged at the surface of Lake Kinneret, Israel. The DF signal correlated with both the QE (r 2 = 0.869, p<0.01) and Ψ (r 2 = 0.977, p<0.01) during a diurnal cycle. We suggest that, besides the measurement of active Chl and phytoplankton population composition, the DF signal provides additional information on the QE and Ψ in phytoplankton population.  相似文献   
Two different phylogenetic groups of picophytoplankton, namelypicocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes, are represented in LakeKinneret. Three species were isolated from the lake and identifiedas the picoeukaryote Mychonastes homosphaera and two picocyanobacteria,Synechococcus sp. A and B. Picocyanobacterial and M. homosphaeracultures grew well at light intensities up to 330 and 700 µmolphotons m-2 s-1, respectively, but poorly below 10 µmolphotons m-2 s-1. Picocyanobacterial and M. homosphaera culturesphotoacclimated to low light by increasing their chlorophyllper cell through increase in photosynthetic unit (PSU) sizeand PSU numbers, respectively. Growth rates of SynechococcusA and B were higher at temperatures characteristic of summer–autumnin the epilimnion, when maximum abundances of picocyanobacteriaoccur. Growth rates of M. homosphaera were higher at 14°C,corresponding to lake water temperatures during their occurrencein winter–spring. Temperature is a dominant factor influencingthe seasonal dynamics of both picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotesin Lake Kinneret, while the vertical distribution is controlledby acclimation to different light conditions. Differences intemperature tolerance and photoacclimation suggest that SynechococcusA belongs to picocyanobacteria found in summer below surfacewaters, while Synechococcus B represents picocyanobacteria foundthroughout the year at all depths. Photoacclimation to highlight as shown in M. homosphaera cultures, may account for therelatively high abundance of picoeukaryotes in surface watersin Lake Kinneret.  相似文献   
Daily administration of phenobarbital, 75 mg/kg ip for 4 days, to adult male Sprague-Dawley rats produced a pronounced increase of prothrombin complex activity (PCA) in plasma, i.e. a decrease of the prothrombin time. This effect persisted for 4 to 5 days after the last dose of phenobarbital. The rate constant for the decline of PCA after administration of a PCA synthesis-blocking dose of warfarin was not affected by treatment with phenobarbital but the rate of synthesis of PCA was increased appreciably. Thus, the phenobarbital-induced increase of PCA was caused by increased synthesis of one or more clotting factors.  相似文献   
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