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Release of corticosterone in hungry kittiwake chicks facilitates begging and allows them to restore depleted energy reserves by increasing parental food provisioning. However, in order to avoid detrimental effects of chronic elevation of corticosterone, chicks might suppress adrenocortical activity in response to prolonged food shortages. In this study we examined temporal dynamics of corticosterone release in red-legged kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris) chicks exposed to prolonged restrictions in energy content and/or nutritional quality (low versus high lipid content) of their food. Starting at the age of 15 days, chicks were fed either high- or low-lipid fish at 40%, 65%, and 100% of ad libitum energy intake. Body mass measurements and baseline plasma samples were taken on a weekly basis after beginning of the treatment. After 3 weeks of treatment, chicks were exposed to a standardized acute handling and restraint stress protocol, where in addition to a baseline sample, three plasma samples were taken at intervals up to 50 min. We found that food-restricted chicks had lower body mass, chronically (during 2-3 weeks) elevated baseline and higher acute stress-induced levels of corticosterone compared to chicks fed ad libitum. Low lipid content of food further exacerbated these effects. An increase in baseline levels of corticosterone was observed within a week after energy requirements of food-restricted chicks exceeded their daily energy intake. A tendency for suppression of adrenocortical activity was observed in treatments fed low-lipid diets only at the end of the experiment. We suggest that nest-bound chicks, if food-stressed, might suffer deleterious effects of chronic elevation of corticosterone.  相似文献   
We describe the development of DNA markers for the fungal pathogen of Eucalyptus, Cryphonectria cubensis. These markers originated from cloned intershort sequence repeat polymerase chain reactions, which enrich for medium to highly repetitive DNA sequences. In total, 10 markers were isolated, eight of which were polymorphic, and these can subsequently be applied to study populations of C. cubensis.  相似文献   
Plasmids in Leuconostoc oenos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new procedure was used to isolate 11 plasmids from eight Leuconostoc oenos strains. Plasmid DNA was not detected in 34 other strains of this species. Plasmid sizes ranged from 2.47 to 4.61 kilobase pairs. This is the first report of extrachromosomal elements in L. oenos.  相似文献   
The receptor-binding affinity of recombinant-derived interleukin-1 beta containing unprocessed N-terminal methionine (MAPV-) was 10-fold lower than protein containing the authentic N-terminal sequence (APV-). Structural analysis of the methionylated and non-methionylated proteins by NMR spectroscopy detected no (or minor) conformational differences. The differences in binding affinity, therefore, suggest that the additional N-terminal methionine causes a small, direct or indirect, perturbation of the receptor-binding region.  相似文献   
An aminopeptidase specific for methionine (peptidase M) has been purified from wild-type and mutant Salmonella typhimurium strains. Recombinant peptidase M was also purified from Escherichia coli. These preparations were characterized with respect to their physicochemical properties using analytical ultracentrifugation, SDS/PAGE, isoelectric focusing, titration curve analysis, amino acid analysis, N-and C-terminal sequencing and various spectroscopic methods. Peptidase M activity is stimulated by Co2+, in agreement with previous studies using crude extracts of Salmonella. The purified preparations did not contain significant amounts of any metal. Enzymically important metal is loosely associated and lost during enzyme purification. Peptidase M was shown to contain seven free sulphydryl residues none of which are involved in either intra-or inter-molecular disulphide bonds. Most appear solvent-accessible as evidenced by their reactivity under native conditions. Limited modification of the sulphydryl residues with either iodoacetamide or 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) led to inactivation. Several cysteines were shown to be labelled to various degrees by peptide mapping of inactivated S-[14C]carboxymethylated protein. Whether cysteine modification affects enzymic activity directly (blocking an active site) or indirectly (by causing conformational change) remains to be established.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy has been applied to a structural analysis of the reduced form of a recombinant human thioredoxin, a ubiquitous dithiol oxidoreductase recently isolated from an immunocompetent lymphoblastoid cell line. The sequential assignment of the spectrum, including all proline residues, has been accomplished by using experiments to demonstrate through-bond and through-space connectivities. The secondary structure has been determined by a qualitative interpretation of nuclear Overhauser effects, NH exchange data, and 3JHN alpha coupling constants. The secondary structure was found to be similar to that of the X-ray structure of Escherichia coli thioredoxin, consisting of a mixed five-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by four alpha-helices. The assignment and structural characterization of human thioredoxin was facilitated by the increased resolution and sensitivity afforded by a magnetic field strength of 600 MHz and required the use of two temperatures and two pH conditions to resolve ambiguities caused by a duplication of resonances. This duplication, extending from Phe-41 to Val-59, and including Lys-3-Ile-5, Val-24, Val-25, Asn-39, and Ile-101-Glu-103, appears to be due to heterogeneity arising from the presence or absence of the N-terminal methionine.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) Rev protein is thought to be involved in the export of unspliced or singly spliced viral mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This function is mediated by a sequence-specific interaction with a cis-acting RNA element, the Rev response element (RRE), present in these intron-containing RNAs. To identify possible host proteins involved in Rev function, we fractionated nuclear cell extracts with a Rev affinity column. A single, tightly associated Rev-binding protein was identified; this protein is the mammalian nucleolar protein B23. The interaction between HIV Rev and B23 is very specific, as it was observed in complex cell extracts. The complex is also very stable toward dissociation by high salt concentrations. Despite the stability of the Rev-B23 protein complex, the addition of RRE, but not control RNA, led to the displacement of B23 and the formation of a specific Rev-RRE complex. The mammalian nucleolar protein B23 or its amphibian counterpart No38 is believed to function as a shuttle receptor for the nuclear import of ribosomal proteins. B23 may also serve as a shuttle for the import of HIV Rev from the cytoplasm into the nucleus or nucleolus to allow further rounds of export of RRE-containing viral RNAs.  相似文献   
The gene coding for human interleukin-5 was synthesized and expressed in Escherichia coli under control of a heat-inducible promoter. High-level expression, 10-15% of total cellular protein, was achieved in E. coli. The protein was produced in an insoluble state. A simple extraction, renaturation and purification scheme is described. The recombinant protein was found to be a homodimer, similar to the natural murine-derived protein. Despite the lack of glycosylation, high specific activities were obtained in three 'in vitro' biological assays. Physical characterization of the protein showed it to be mostly alpha-helical, supporting the hypothesis that a conformational similarity exists among certain cytokines.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of testosterone (T) in territory establishment and maintenance in male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) by implanting exogenous T or pharmacological agents that block the action of T in nonterritorial floaters and territory owners. Floaters with artificially elevated plasma T levels were unable to obtain territories. Territory owners implanted with T did not expand their territories, although they engaged in more aggressive behavior than did control males. Flutamide, which binds to T receptors in target areas, had no effect on territoriality. However, most territory owners given a combination of flutamide and ATD, an aromatization blocker, lost portions of their territories even though they actively defended them. Our results 1) suggest that, although T influences aggressive behavior, elevated plasma levels alone are insufficient to overcome previously-established social relationships between territory owners or between owners and floaters; 2) indicate that impairing the action of T leads to reduced abilities of territory owners to maintain territories against vigorous challenges: and 3) support recent findings that T acts on reproductive behavior in birds through both androgenic and estrogenic metabolites.  相似文献   
In this study, food samples were intentionally contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7, and then DNA was isolated by using four commercial kits. The isolated DNA samples were compared by using real-time PCR detection of the Shiga toxin genes. The four kits tested worked similarly.  相似文献   
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