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Three mires and a small lake in the Swiss and Austrian Alps were studied palynologically at high resolution, covering the last 1,000, 400, 50 and 1,200 years, respectively. Methodological lessons include: (1) Sub-decadal resolution in upper, little-decomposed peat layers reveals recurrent marked fluctuations in both percentages and influx of regional tree-pollen types, reflecting variations in pollen production rather than in plant-population sizes. (2) Intermittent, single-spectrum pollen maxima in samples of sub-decadal resolution indicate pollen transport in clumps. This type of pollen transport may remain unrecognized in sections with lower sampling resolution, which may then lead to inappropriate interpretation in terms of plant-population sizes. (3) The detection of short-lived phases of human impact in decomposed peat requires sampling intervals as close as 0.2 cm. (4) PAR (pollen influx) may reflect vegetation dynamics more faithfully than percentages. Reliable PAR, however, is difficult to achieve in Alpine mires due to past human impact on peat growth, even when complex depth–age modelling techniques are used. Critical comparison of PAR with percentages is therefore essential. (5) Careful consideration of spatial scales in pollen signals (local–regional and subdivisions) is essential for a realistic palaeo-ecological interpretation. Results in terms of past human impact on vegetation are summarized as follows: (1) Trends in pollen types reflecting regional human action are in general agreement with earlier findings for the western Swiss Alps, allowing for regional differences. (2) All mires in the Alps investigated here and in an earlier study experienced human impact during the last millennium. The studied small lake, lying in sub-alpine pasture, records forest dynamics at a lower elevation since a.d. 800.  相似文献   
Calli were initiated from flower buds, gynoecia and inflorescence segments of Haworthia magnifica v. Poelln. and subcultured on solid medium. Two liquid culture steps were necessary to prepare the calli for the isolation of protoplasts capable of sustained cell divisions. Plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calli. The influence of both the osmolality of the culture media and exudates on the viability of protoplasts and protoplast-derived cell colonies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Indole-3-ethanol (IEt) was extracted from Phycomyces blakesleeanus Bgff. and purified by TLC and HPLC. Identification was performed by mass spectrum. The HPLC-purified compound showed an UV-spectrum typical for indoles, with absorption maxima at 220 and 281 nm. The IEt content varied between 1.5 nmol (g fresh weight)−1 and 5.6 nmol (g fresh weight)−1. The observed variations were strongly correlated with certain developmental stages of the fungus. Furthermore, the decrease of IEt between 60 and 84 h of fungal development coincides with a high IEt oxidase activity. The product of the enzyme reaction was indole-3-acetaldehyde, which was identified by co-chromatography with an authentic standard in several TLC and HPLC systems and by chemical conversion to indole-3-acetaldoxime.  相似文献   
Summary An immunocytochemical study was undertaken in foetal, prepubertal and mature rats to determine the time of differentiation of various types of adenohypophyseal cells during development. Freshly dissociated pituitary cells from foetal (18–21 days postconception), neonatal (from birth up to 30 days) and adult rats (more than 8 weeks) were characterized using immunocytochemical methods. All types of hormone-producing cells were present at day 18 postconception, although only 20% of the cells were immunolabelled. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-secreting cells accounted for the highest number of hormone-positive cells. Growth hormone-secreting cells increased remarkably from day 18 postconception onwards. Prolactin-secreting cells were not seen in the foetal adenohypophysis and did not start to increase until 10 days after birth, whereas by that time the number of ACTH, thyrotropin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone-secreting cells had stopped increasing. By day 30 after birth, 80–95% of the cells were immunoreactive.  相似文献   
Populations of pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae were monitored on apparently healthy leaves, blossoms, and fruit from two apple orchards with known histories of blister bark and a pear orchard with a known history of blossom blast. Populations on blossoms and fruits were higher on pears than on apples. Yellow-pigmented, non-pathogenic bacteria might have suppressed or masked the presence of P. syringae pv. syringae on apple trees. Populations of P. syringae pv. syringae on apple and pear leaves fluctuated sharply but higher levels generally occurred during the 1984/85 growing season than during the drier 1983/84 season. This investigation indicates that the resident phase of P. syringae pv. syringae is probably a major source of inoculum for apple blister bark and pear blossom blast in South Africa.  相似文献   
Upon fractionation of a postmitochondrial supernatant from rat liver, the synthase phosphatase (EC activity (assayed at high tissue concentrations) was largely recovered in the glycogen fraction and to a minor extent in the cytosol. In contrast, the phosphorylase phosphatase (EC activity was approximately equally distributed between these two fractions, a lesser amount being recovered in the microsomal fraction. The phosphatase activities in the microsomal and glycogen fractions were almost completely inhibited by a preincubation with the modulator protein, a specific inhibitor of type-1 (ATP,Mg-dependent) protein phosphatases. In the cytosolic fraction, however, type-2A (polycation-stimulated) phosphatase(s) contributed significantly to the dephosphorylation of phosphorylase and of in vitro phosphorylated muscular synthase. Liver synthase b, used as substrate for the measurement of synthase phosphatase throughout this work, was only activated by modulator-sensitive phosphatases. Trypsin treatment of the subcellular fractions resulted in a dramatically increased (up to 1000-fold) sensitivity to modulator, a several-fold increase in phosphorylase phosphatase activity and a complete loss of synthase phosphatase activity. Similar changes occurred during dilution of the glycogen-bound enzyme. A preincubation with the deinhibitor protein, which is known to counteract the effects of inhibitor-1 and modulator, increased several-fold the phosphorylase phosphatase activity, but exclusively in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions. It did not affect the synthase phosphatase activity. Taken together, the results indicate the existence of distinct, multi-subunit type-1 phosphatases in the cytosolic, microsomal and glycogen fractions.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of glycogenolysis have been investigated in a comparative study with Wistar rats and gsd rats, which maintain a high glycogen concentration in the liver as a result of a genetic deficiency of phosphorylase kinase. In Wistar hepatocytes the rate of glycogenolysis, as modulated by glucagon and by glucose, was proportional to the concentration of phosphorylase a. In suspensions of gsd hepatocytes the rate of glycogenolysis was far too high as compared with the low level of phosphorylase a; in addition, only a minor fraction of the glycogen lost was recovered as glucose and lactate, owing to the accumulation of oligosaccharides. When the gsd hepatocytes were incubated in the presence of an inhibitor of alpha-amylase (BAY e 4609) glycogenolysis and the formation of oligosaccharides virtually ceased; the production of glucose plus lactate, already modest in the absence of BAY e 4609, was further decreased by 40%, owing to the suppression of a pathway for glucose production by the successive actions of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. Evidence was obtained that gsd hepatocytes are more fragile, and that amylolysis of glycogen occurred in damaged cells and/or in the extracellular medium. This may even occur in vivo, since quick-frozen liver samples from anesthetized gsd rats contained severalfold higher concentrations of oligosaccharides than did similar samples from Wistar rats. However, administration of a hepatotoxic agent (CCl4) caused hepatic glycogen depletion in Wistar rats, but not in gsd rats. The administration of phloridzin and of vinblastine, which have been proposed to induce glycogenolysis in the lysosomal system, did not decrease the hepatic glycogen level in gsd rats. Taken together, the data indicate that only the phosphorolytic degradation of glycogen is metabolically important, and that alpha-amylolysis is an indication of an increased fragility of gsd hepatocytes, which becomes prominent when these cells are incubated in vitro.  相似文献   
The characteristics of small unilamellar, large unilamellar and large multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and their interaction with α-lactalbumin are compared at pH 4. (1) By differential scanning calorimetry and from steady-state fluorescence anisotropy data of the lipophilic probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene it is shown that the transition characteristics of the phospholipids in the large unilamellar vesicles resemble more those of the multilamellar vesicles than of the small unilamellar vesicles. (2) The size and composition of the lipid-protein complex formed with α-lactalbumin around the transition temperature of the lipid are independent of the vesicle type used. Fluorescence anisotropy data indicate that in this complex the motions of the lipid molecules are strongly restricted in the presence of α-lactalbumin. (3) The previous data and a comparison of the enthalpy changes, ΔH, of the interaction of the three vesicle types with α-lactalbumin allow us to derive that the enthalpy state of the small unilamellar vesicles just below 24°C is about 24 kJ/mol lipid higher than the enthalpy state of both large vesicle types at the same temperature. The abrupt transition from endothermic to exothermic ΔH values around 24°C for large vesicles approximates the transition enthalpy of the pure phospholipid  相似文献   
Willy Humbert 《Zoomorphology》1974,78(1-2):93-109
Résumé Le mésentéron des Collemboles est riche en inclusions minérales appelées sphérites. L'étude de leur genèse nous montre qu'ils se forment dans les citernes du réticulum endoplasmique. Leur croissance et leur évolution se poursuivent dans les mêmes citernes par apport de matériel divers. Les sphérites sont formés de nucléi opaques aux électrons entourés de couches concentriques alternativement claires et sombres. Les critaux âgés sont souvent associés à des enroulements membranaires. Le rôle physiologique est discuté. Ces concrétions apparaissant dès l'éclosion, peuvent s'éliminer de differentes manières: par extrusion apocrine, par dégénérescence cellulaire et surtout par le renouvellement périodique de l'épithélium intestinal qui se fait à chaque mue. Ces sphérites peuvent représenter une voie d'excrétion par accumulation et semblent jouer le rôle des tubes de Malpighi qui font défaut chez les Collemboles.
Summary The mesenteron of Collembola is rich in mineral inclusions called spherites. The study of their genesis shows us that they are produced in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Their growing and evolution occur in the same cisternae by adduction of diverse material. The spherites are composed of dark nuclei surrounded by alternatively clear and dark concentric strata. The aged cristals are often connected with membraneous windings. The physiological role is discussed. These concretions which appear already after hatching, cancel out by apocrine extrusion, by cellular degeneration and especially by periodic renovation of the intestinal epithelium which occurs at each moulting. These spherites could reflect a process of excretion by accumulation and seem to have the same part as the Malpighian tubules which lack in Collembola.
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