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Alt  C.; Kage  H.; Stutzel  H. 《Annals of botany》2000,86(5):963-973
A model of nitrogen uptake and distribution is presented whichdescribes these processes in relation to the amount of availablesoil nitrate and the rate of plant growth. Nitrogen uptake iseither sink or source limited. Sink limitation is based on maximumN-concentrations of plant compartments. The N-uptake model iscombined with a photosynthesis model based on the productivity-nitrogenrelationship at the single-leaf level. The model is parameterizedusing cauliflower as an example crop. Applied to an independentdata set, the combined model was able to predict leaf, stemand inflorescence nitrogen concentrations with correlation coefficientsbetween predicted and simulated values of 0.89, 0.66 and 0.86,respectively. The influence of nitrogen supply and light intensityon leaf nitrate-N could also be predicted with good accuracy(r2 = 0.87). Dry matter production based on the productivity-Nrelationship and the partitioning into leaf, stem and inflorescencewas also reproduced satisfactorily (r2 = 0.91, 0.93 and 0.92,respectively). Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Brassica oleracea L. botrytis, cauliflower, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrogen supply, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen distribution, model  相似文献   
Abstract. Although the oesophageal appendages in the four enchytraeids Enchytrueus crypticus, Fredericia strinta, Buchholzia appendiculata , and Achaeta sp. are quite different from one another in shape and position, their histology and ultrastructure are basically the same. These are intestinal appendages, the lumina of which distally end blind and proximally open into the oesophagus. Almost all of the few cells in their single-layered epithelium have a microvillous, cilia-free border at the apex, facing towards the lumen, and basally comprise an extremely extensive labyrinth. The presence of the latter, composed of very thin cell processes, and of numerous mitochondria identifies the organs as energy-producing and -consuming, transport-active structures. Their possible function as a food-moistening organ or osmoregulatory organ is discussed, and they are compared with other intestinal appendages in enchytraeids and other oligochaetes.  相似文献   
Summary Fractionation of rabbit skeletal muscle cytosol on Aminohexyl-Sepharose has resulted in the identification of a latent ATP, Mg-dependent protein phosphatase whose catalytic subunit is in the active conformation, but is inhibited by the presence of more than one modulator unit. The partially purified enzyme is converted to an inactive, kinase FA-dependent form upon incubation at 30°C unless modulator-specific polyclonal antibodies are added to the preparation. The immunoglobulins also relieve the inhibition which is responsible for the low basal phosphatase activity of the enzyme, and they counteract all of the heat-stable inhibitor activity present in the preparation. Addition of free catalytic subunit abolishes the inhibition of the latent enzyme in a dose-dependent way, but cannot prevent the inactivation process. The inactivated phosphatase and the original latent enzyme exhibit the same apparent M r in sucrose density-gradient centrifugation (70 000) and in gel filtration (110 000).Abbreviations PMSF Phenylmethanesulphonyl Fluoride - TLCK L-l-chloro-3-(4-tosylamido)-7-amino2-heptanone-hydrochloride - TPCK L-l-chloro-3-(4-tosvlamido)-4-phenyl-2-butanone  相似文献   
Identification of gene function has often relied on isolation of mutant cells in which expression of the gene was inactivated. Gene targeting by homologous recombination in tissue culture now may provide a technology to rapidly and directly produce such mutant mammalian cells. We demonstrate that selection of embryonic stem and pre-B cell lines for expression of a promoterless construct containing murine N-myc genomic sequences fused to a gene encoding neomycin resistance allows highly efficient recovery of variants in which the endogenous N-myc gene is disrupted. The high frequency of N-myc gene disruption by this method should permit targeted disruption of both allelic N-myc copies in various cell lines to study N-myc function.  相似文献   
Summary Semi-thin sections of three-dimensional reaggregates from adult female rat pituitary, cultured in serum-free defined medium, were stained for prolactin, gonadotropin, thyrotropin, growth hormone and S-100, using the double immunolabelling technique. The frequency of juxtaposition between lactotrophs and gonadotrophs was enumerated and compared with the expected frequency at random distribution of polygonal cell profiles in a hexagonal configuration. The proportions of lactotrophs and gonadotrophs in the aggregate sections were determined using stereometrical analysis. The observed frequency of juxtaposition did not differ significantly from the expected frequency. Hence, no reason was found to assume a selective adhesion between lactotrophs and gonadotrophs in adult female rat pituitary reaggregates. A constant proportion of lactotrophs was found to meet the criteria of a cup-shaped morphology, and 70%±9% (mean ±S.D.) of these so-called cupshaped lactotrophs were found to be juxtaposed at their concave side to gonadotrophs. Administration of 0.01 nM 17-oestradiol to the culture medium resulted in a significant reduction of the proportion of cup-shaped lactotrophs but did not affect the selectivity of juxtaposition to gonadotrophs. The selectivity of juxtaposition between cup-shaped lactotrophs and gonadotrophs may be the morphological correlate of the functional relationship between these cells, which are known to be involved in an intra-pituitary paracrine communication system.  相似文献   
Guatteria, Guatteriopsis, Guatteriella andHeteropetalum share the same conspicuous pollen type which is new for theSpermatophyta. It is zonoaperturate with a folded aperture region and an extremely reduced exine. First chromosome counts and karyotype analyses forGuatteriopsis (4 species investigated) andGuatteriella (1 species) are identical with those ofGuatteria (19 species seen): 2n = 28. The genome is characterized by diploidization and partly telocentric chromosomes. Sequentially Giemsa C- and fluorochrome banded chromosomes and interphase nuclei are described. The cuticular folding pattern is distinct forHeteropetalum only. Growth forms and ecology are reported for many species. The evolutionary pattern of theGuatteria group is discussed and compared with other genera and families.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Die Vermehrungsrate ölabbauender Bakterien und die Intensität des Ölabbaus wird im Seewasser durch Zugabe anorganischer Stickstoff- und Phosphorsalze wesentlich gefördert. In unzureichenden Mengen stellen diese Salze einen sehr wirksamen limitierenden Faktor dar.2. In den daraufhin untersuchten Sedimenten findet keine Förderung des Ölabbaus durch Zufügung anorganischer Stickstoff- und Phosphorsalze statt, obwohl beträchtlich höhere Mengen dieser Salze als im Seewasser vorhanden waren. Vermutlich findet hier eine Begrenzung des Abbaues durch Sauerstoffmangel statt; jedenfalls deutet die Bildung von schwefelwasserstoffhaltigen Zonen auf eine derartige Möglichkeit hin.3. Die Zugabe von Anreicherungskulturen führte nicht generell zu einem verstärkten Ölabbau.4. Gleichzeitig vorhandene, leicht abbaubare organische Substanzen hemmen den Ölabbau sehr stark.5. Niedrige Wassertemperaturen haben einen stark verzögernden Einfluß auf den Ölabbau.6. In Heizöl-Wasser-Gemischen besiedeln die Bakterien fast ausschließlich die Grenzflächen Öl-Wasser.7. Bakterien sind in der Lage, in Petroleum-Wasser-Gemischen das Petroleum weitgehend zu emulgieren und dadurch die Abbauvorgänge zu beschleunigen.
Experimental-ecological investigations regarding the limiting factors of microbial oil degradation in the marine environment
This contribution deals with model experiments of bacterial oil degradation. It considers oils which are likely to pollute the marine environment. The amounts of different oils resisting bacterial degradation were determined quantitatively. Numbers of oil decomposing bacteria were counted using a MPN (most-probable-number) technique with mineral oils as the only carbon source. The influence of the following factors was determined: inorganic nitrogen- and phosphate salts, enrichment cultures, easily decomposable organic substances (other than oil), and temperature. In most experiments freshly sampled seawater with its natural content of marine bacteria was used. The special distribution of oil decomposing bacteria in oil-water mixtures was investigated. The possible influence of these factors on the degradation of mineral oils in the sea is discussed.
Summary The maintenance of a proper distribution of charged amino acid residues might be expected to be an important factor in protein evolution. We therefore compared the inferred changes in charge during the evolution of 43 protein families with the changes expected on the basis of random base substitutions. It was found that certain proteins, like the eye lens crystallins and most histones, display an extreme avoidance of changes in charge. Other proteins, like phospholipase A2 and ferredoxin, apparently have sustained more charged replacements than expected, suggesting a positive selection for changes in charge. Depending on function and structure of a protein, charged residues apparently can be important targets for selective forces in protein evolution. It appears that actual biased codon usage tends to decrease the proportion of charged amino acid replacements. The influence of nonrandomness of mutations is more equivocal. Genes that use the mitochondrial instead of the universal code lower the probability that charge changes will occur in the encoded proteins.  相似文献   
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