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When grown under a variety of stress conditions, cyanobacteria express the isiA gene, which encodes the IsiA pigment-protein complex. Overexpression of the isiA gene under iron-depletion stress conditions leads to the formation of large IsiA aggregates, which display remarkably short fluorescence lifetimes and thus a strong capacity to dissipate energy. In this work we investigate the underlying molecular mechanism responsible for chlorophyll fluorescence quenching. Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy allowed us to follow the process of energy dissipation in real time. The light energy harvested by chlorophyll pigments migrated within the system and eventually reaches a quenching site where the energy is transferred to a carotenoid-excited state, which dissipates it by decaying to the ground state. We compare these findings with those obtained for the main light-harvesting complex in green plants (light-harvesting complex II) and artificial light-harvesting antennas, and conclude that all of these systems show the same mechanism of energy dissipation, i.e., one or more carotenoids act as energy dissipators by accepting energy via low-lying singlet-excited S1 states and dissipating it as heat.  相似文献   
Functional analysis of pSM19035-derived replicons in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Cells of isolates of Thermus from hot springs in New Zealand were tested for the composition of peptidoglycan, the occurrence of respiratory quinones and the mean base composition of DNA. The DNA: DNA homology was tested by the filter hybridisation and spectrophotometric reassociation rate methods. Thermus filiformis and non-filamentous strains isolated from New Zealand hot springs show great homogeneity, and have low DNA: DNA homology with the species Thermus aquaticus , ' Thermus thermophilus' , and a new genospecies, Thermus brockianus .  相似文献   
Plasma concentrations of cGH, T3, and T4 were not different between dwarf and normal broiler breeders. Normal hens had a liver selenium content of 710±35 ng/g, and dwarf hens 656 ±nine ng/g (n=8). Following injections into a wing vein of different doses (1.5, 3, 6, 12, and 24 μg/kg) of the hypothalamic hormone TRH, GH was increased after 15 min. This effect seemed to last longer in dwarf chickens. Plasma concentrations of T3 increased significantly 1 h after TRH in normal hens, but TRH was ineffective in raising T3 levels in dwarf animals. The selenium content of livers obtained following decapitation after 2 h was also increased in normal hens up to 902±42 ng/g using the highest dose of TRH (24 μg/kg). This seemed not to be the case for dwarf animals. A much smaller. number of hepatic cGH receptors was also found in dwarf hens, whereas the affinity of the hepatic GH receptor was not influenced by the genotype. It is concluded that the sex-linked dwarf hens are unable to increase their hepatic T4 into T3 conversion following a TRH challenge probably because of a deficiency in hepatic GH receptors. The lower content of selenium in dwarfs and their inability to increase its uptake after TRH seem therefore to support the hypothesis that selenium has a direct role in the activity of the 5′-deiodinase complex.  相似文献   
The terminal region of barley chromosome 5HL controls malt extract, diastatic power, free amino acid nitrogen, alpha-amylase activity, seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting. Comparative analysis of the barley and rice maps has established that the terminal region of barley chromosome 5HL is syntenic to rice chromosome 3L near the telomere end. The rice BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) sequences covering the region of chromosome 3L were used to search barley expressed sequenced tags database. Thirty-three genes were amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) with the primers designed from barley ESTs (expressed sequence tag). Comparison of the sequences of the PCR generated DNA fragments revealed polymorphisms including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), insertions or deletions between the barley varieties. Seven new PCR based molecular markers were developed and mapped within 10 cM in three doubled haploid barley populations (Stirling × Harrington, Baudin × AC Metcalfe and Chebec × Harrington). The mapped genes maintain the micro-syntenic relationship between barley and rice. These gene specific markers provide simple and efficient tools for germplasm characterization and marker-assisted selection for barley malting quality, and ultimately lead to isolation and identification of the major gene(s) controlling multiple quality traits on barley chromosome 5HL.  相似文献   
The signaling pathways of mammalian Toll-like receptors (TLR) are well characterized, but the initial molecular mechanisms activated following ligand interactions with the receptors remain poorly defined. Here, we show a membrane controlling mechanism that is initiated by ligand binding to TLR-2, -3 and-4 to induce Neu1 sialidase activity within minutes in live primary bone marrow (BM) macrophage cells and macrophage and dendritic cell lines. Central to this process is that Neu1 and not Neu2,-3 and-4 forms a complex with TLR-2,-3 and-4 on the cell surface of naïve macrophage cells. Neuraminidase inhibitors BCX1827, 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (DANA), zanamivir and oseltamivir carboxylate have a limited significant inhibition of the LPS-induced sialidase activity in live BMC-2 macrophage cells but Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) completely blocks this activity. Tamiflu inhibits LPS-induced sialidase activity in live BMC-2 cells with an IC50 of 1.2?μM compared to an IC50 of 1015?μM for its hydrolytic metabolite oseltamivir carboxylate. Tamiflu blockage of LPS-induced Neu1 sialidase activity is not affected in BMC-2 cells pretreated with anticarboxylesterase agent clopidogrel. Endotoxin LPS binding to TLR4 induces Neu1 with subsequent activation of NFκB and the production of nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory IL-6 and TNFα cytokines in primary and macrophage cell lines. Hypomorphic cathepsin A mice with a secondary Neu1 deficiency respond poorly to LPS-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines compared to the wild-type or hypomorphic cathepsin A with normal Neu1 mice. Our findings establish an unprecedented mechanism for pathogen molecule-induced TLR activation and cell function, which is critically dependent on Neu1 sialidase activity associated with TLR ligand treated live primary macrophage cells and macrophage and dendritic cell lines.  相似文献   
Video observation has shown that feeding-current-producing calanoid copepods modulate their feeding currents by displaying a sequence of different swimming behaviours during a time period of up to tens of seconds. In order to understand the feeding-current modulation process, we numerically modelled the steady feeding currents for different modes of observed copepod motion behaviours (i.e. free sinking, partial sinking, hovering, vertical swimming upward and horizontal swimming backward or forward). Based on observational data, we also reproduced numerically a modulated feeding current associated with an unsteadily swimming copepod. We found that: (i) by changing its propulsive force, a copepod can switch between different swimming behaviours, leading to completely different flow-field patterns in self-generated surrounding flow; (ii) by exerting a time-varying propulsive force, a copepod can modulate temporally the basic flow modes to create an unsteady feeding current which manipulates precisely the trajectories of entrained food particles over a long time period; (iii) the modulation process may be energetically more efficient than exerting a constant propulsive force onto water to create a constant feeding current of a wider entrainment range. A probable reason is that the modulated unsteady flow entrains those water parcels containing food particles and leaves behind those without valuable food in them.  相似文献   
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