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Zusammenfassung In einem gegen die natürliche Langwellenstrahlung abgeschirmten Versuchsraum wurde die Atmung von Mäuselebergewebe in künstlich erzeugten elektromagnetischen Feldern gemessen. Unter der Einwirkung von zyklonale Wetterlagen simulierenden Programmen (30–100 pulses sec–1, > 100 mV m–1, 10–100 kHz) ergab sich im Vergleich zu den Kontroll-QO2-Werten eine signifikante Dämpfung der Gewebeatmung um 42% ± 2,8% (p<0,001). Die Applikation eines H-Feld-Programms blieb ohne Wirkung. Programme mit Simulierung antizyklonaler Wetterlagen(1–3 pulses sec–1, <10 mV m–1, 10 kHz) hatten ebenfalls keinen Einfluss auf die Atmungsgeschwindigkeit der Mäuseleber.
In a room completely shielded against long wave radiation, liver tissue of mice in a Warburg apparatus was exposed to artificial electromagnetic radiation simulating cyclonic and anticyclonic weather. Under the influence of simulated cyclonic weather programs (30–100 pulses sec–1, > 100 mV m–1 10–100 kHz) a significant decrease (42% ± 2,8%) of the respiration rate of the liver tissue was found, compared with the control QO2 (p < 0,001). The application of a cyclonic weather H-field program had no effect. Simulated anticyclonic weather (1–3 pulses sec–1, < 10 mV m–1, 10 kHz) also failed to produce a demonstrable effect on the respiration rate of mouse liver tissue.

Resume Dans un local absolument protégé contre l'irradiation naturelle par ondes longues, des tissus de foie de souris ont été exposés, dans un appareil de Warburg, à des impulsions électromagnétiques artificielles, correspondant à celles de temps cyclonal et anticyclonal. Sous l'influence des programmes artificiels simulant le temps cyclonal(30–100 pulses sec–1, > 100 mV m–1, 10–100 kHz), il a été constaté une inhibitation significative de la respiration tissulaire de 42% ± 2,8% comparée aux valeurs du QO2 de contrôle (p < 0.001). L'application d'un temps cyclonal-"H-field"-programme séparé, est demeuré sans effet. De même. les signaux de temps anticyclonal(1–3 pulses sec–1, < 10 mV m–1, 10 kHz), n'ont eu aucune influence démonstrable sur la vitesse de respiration du fois de souris.
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of a vaginal mucus impedance meter for the detection of estrus in the dairy cow. In Experiment 1 the positioning of the probe within the vaginal tract was examined in dairy cows (n=6) by measuring mucus impedance at 5-cm intervals during probe withdrawal and comparing these fixed distance measurements with the depth within the vaginal tract at which the lowest impedance measurement was recorded. Measurements at 15 and 20 cm from the vulva were significantly lower than at other fixed depths, but did not show a reduction during estrus. The lowest recording upon withdrawal of the probe, which usually occurred between 15 and 20 cm from the vulva, was significantly lower than at any fixed depth recordings and was reduced proportionate during estrus to 0.14 of its non-estrus value. In Experiment 2 the accuracy of the probe to confirm estrus in cows exhibiting possible estrus signs was examined. Dairy cows (n=191) were inseminated either on the basis of herdsman observation of behavior alone (Treatment A) or on the basis of herdsman observation with cows exhibiting signs of estrous behaviour, but not standing to be mounted, being tested for vaginal mucus impedance (Treatment B). There were no significant treatment differences in the estrus detection rate, conception rate or other reproductive performance parameters. However, in 12% of cows in Treatment B, measurement of vaginal mucus impedance detected an extra estrous event, giving a theoretical increase in the estrus detection rate from 0.67 to 0.74 detected/predicted estrous events. It was concluded that when using a vaginal probe the lowest value in the vaginal tract should be sought, but that using the probe as an adjunct to herdsman's observation would not greatly increase estrus detection rate.  相似文献   
Summary Self-exchange of chloride and sulfate in dog and cat red cells has been measured under equilibrium conditions. The rates of efflux for these anions are approximately twofold higher in dog compared to cat red blood cells. Although the rates differ, the anion exchange systems of these two red cell types exhibit many common properties. The dependence of35SO4 efflux on the intracellular SO4 concentration, the pH dependence and the inhibition of35SO4 efflux by Cl and SITS are almost identical in dog and cat red cells. Nystatin treatment was used to study the dependence of36Cl efflux on internal Cl. Chloride efflux exhibits saturation in both cell types with dog red cells possessing a higherV max andK 1/2 than cat red cells. The number of anion transport sites was estimated by extrapolation to the number of molecules of dihydro DIDS (H2DIDS, where DIDS is 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2 stilbene-disulfonic acid) which were bound at 100% inhibition of transport. The results indicate that either the turnover numbers for anion transport differ in dog, cat, and human red cells or that there is heterogeneity in the function of the membrane components which bind H2DIDS.  相似文献   
The existence of one or several systems of microtubules, consisting of a central bundle that branches off towards the basal and distal ends of epidermal cells of Carausius morosus has been shown by indirect immuno-fluorescence microscopy using monospecific anti-tubulin. The pattern of microtubules coincides with the position of the ommochrome granules and their migration path during physiological colour change. The ommochrome granules stick to isolated bundles of microtubules. Small bundles of microtubules extend almost perpendicularly towards the apical cell membrane where they are attached. Distally they are covered by pore channels within the cuticle. Parallel to the basal cell membrane and in close contact with it, there are very small bundles of microtubules. These findings strongly support the idea that during physiological colour change the ommochrome granules migrate along a firmly fixed system of microtubules.  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III), a lipid-binding hemolymph protein from the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella, was determined by protein sequencing. The mature protein consists of 163 amino acid residues forming a protein of 18,075.5 Da. Its sequence is similar to apoLp-III from other Lepidopteran species, but remarkably different from the apoLp-IIIs of insects from other orders. As shown by mass spectrometric analysis, the protein carries no modifications. Thus, all of its known physiological functions, including its recently discovered immune response-stimulating activity, must reside in the protein itself.  相似文献   
Coiled-coil formation of four different oligopeptides was characterized in solution, on hydrogels, and on membranes by employing circular dichroism spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy, and ellipsometry. Peptide sequences rich in either glutamic acid (E: E3Cys, i-E3Cys) or lysine (K: K3Cys, i-K3Cys) were used to represent minimal mimics of eukaryotic SNARE motifs. Half of the peptides were synthesized in reverse sequence, so that parallel and antiparallel heptad coiled-coil structures were formed. Either E-peptides or K-peptides were attached covalently to phospholipid anchors via maleimide chemistry, and served as receptors for the recognition of the corresponding binding partners added to solution. Attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy of single bilayers confirmed the formation of coiled-coil complexes at the membrane interface. Coiled-coil formation in solution, as compared with association at the membrane surface, displays considerably larger binding constants that are largely attributed to loss of translational entropy at the interface. Finally, the fusogenicity of the various coiled-coil motifs was explored, and the results provide clear evidence that hemifusion followed by full fusion requires a parallel orientation of α-helices, whereas antiparallel oriented coiled-coil motifs display only docking.  相似文献   
Using sensitive radio-enzymatic assays, levels of plasma total catecholamines and norepinephrine in rats change dramatically with changes in body temperature. The decrease in plasma catecholamines induced by warming the animal is reflected in an apparent arterio-venous difference when arterial blood is obtained at room temperature and tail sampling is aided by heat induced vasodilation. Combined blockade of extraneuronal and neuronal uptake reduces this arterio-venous difference. Blood samples obtained from the decapitated trunk of the rat contain similar levels of plasma catecholamines as those obtained from indwelling carotid catheters. Blood levels of dopamine-betahydroxylase were similar whether obtained by venous sampling during heat-induced vasodilation, decapitation or indwelling arterial cannula.  相似文献   
While the concept of the Neurovascular Unit (NVU) is increasingly considered for exploring mechanisms of tissue damage in ischemic stroke, immunohistochemical analyses are of interest to specifically visualize constituents like the endothelium. Changes in immunoreactivity have also been discussed to reflect functional aspects, e.g., the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This study aimed to characterize the endothelial barrier antigen (EBA) as addressed by the antibody SMI-71 in a rat model of embolic stroke, considering FITC-albumin as BBB leakage marker and serum levels of BBB-associated matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to explore its functional significance. Five and 25 h after ischemia onset, regions with decreased BBB integrity exhibited a reduction in number and area of EBA-immunopositive vessels, while the stained area per vessel was not affected. Surprisingly, EBA content of remaining vessels tended to be increased in areas of BBB dysfunction. Analyses addressing this interrelation resulted in a significant and inverse correlation between the vessels’ EBA content and degree of BBB permeability. In conclusion, these data provide evidence for a functional relationship between EBA-immunoreactivity and BBB dysfunction in experimental ischemic stroke. Further studies are required to explore the underlying mechanisms of altered EBA-immunoreactivity, which might help to identify novel neuroprotective strategies.Key words: ischemic stroke, embolic model, EBA, blood-brain barrier, matrix metalloproteinase  相似文献   
For in vitro differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells/mesenchymal stromal cells into osteoblasts by 2-dimensional cell culture a variety of protocols have been used and evaluated in the past. Especially the external phosphate source used to induce mineralization varies considerably both in respect to chemical composition and concentration. In light of the recent findings that inorganic phosphate directs gene expression of genes crucial for bone development, the need for a standardized phosphate source in in vitro differentiation becomes apparent. We show that chemical composition (inorganic versus organic phosphate origin) and concentration of phosphate supplementation exert a severe impact on the results of gene expression for the genes commonly used as markers for osteoblast formation as well as on the composition of the mineral formed. Specifically, the intensity of gene expression does not necessarily correlate with a high quality mineralized matrix. Our study demonstrates advantages of using inorganic phosphate instead of β-glycerophosphate and propose colorimetric quantification methods for calcium and phosphate ions as cost- and time-effective alternatives to X-ray diffraction and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for determination of the calcium phosphate ratio and concentration of mineral matrix formed under in vitro-conditions. We critically discuss the different assays used to assess in vitro bone formation in respect to specificity and provide a detailed in vitro protocol that could help to avoid contradictory results due to variances in experimental design.  相似文献   
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