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The present experiments show that the single gene for the lens-specific protein alpha A-crystallin of chickens and mice uses a different subset of cis- and trans-acting regulatory elements for expression in transfected embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells. A chicken alpha A-crystallin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) fusion gene required 162 base pairs whereas the murine alpha A-crystallin-CAT fusion gene required only 111 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequences for efficient tissue-specific expression in the transfected chicken lens cells. Gel retardation and competition experiments were performed using embryonic chicken lens nuclear extract and oligodeoxynucleotides identical to the 5'-flanking region of the chicken (-170/-111) and murine (-111/-88 and -88/-55) alpha A-crystallin gene. The results indicated that these homologous promoters use different nuclear factors for function. Methylation interference analysis identified a dyad of symmetry (CTGGTTCCCACCAG) at position -153 to -140 in the chicken alpha A-crystallin promoter which binds one or more lens nuclear factors. Gel mobility shift experiments using nuclear extracts of brain, reticulocytes, and muscle of embryonic chickens or HeLa cells suggested that the factor(s) binding to the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene promoter sequences are not lens specific. Despite differences in the functional and protein-binding properties of the alpha A-crystallin gene promoter of chickens and mice, expression of the chicken alpha A-crystallin-CAT fusion gene in transgenic mice was lens specific, consistent with a common underlying mechanism for expression of the alpha A-crystallin gene in chickens and mice.  相似文献   
alphaB-Crystallin, a major protein of lens fiber cells, is a stress-induced chaperone expressed at low levels in the lens epithelium and numerous other tissues, and its expression is enhanced in certain pathological conditions. However, the function of alphaB in these tissues is not known. Lenses of alphaB-/- mice develop degeneration of specific skeletal muscles but do not develop cataracts. Recent work in our laboratory indicates that primary cultures of alphaB-/- lens epithelial cells demonstrate genomic instability and undergo hyperproliferation at a frequency 4 orders of magnitude greater than that predicted by spontaneous immortalization of rodent cells. We now demonstrate that the hyperproliferative alphaB-/- lens epithelial cells undergo phenotypic changes that include the appearance of the p53 protein as shown by immunoblot analysis. Sequence analysis showed a lack of mutations in the p53 coding region of hyperproliferative alphaB-/- cells. However, the reentry of hyperproliferative alphaB-/- cells into S phase and mitosis after DNA damage by gamma-irradiation were consistent with impaired p53 checkpoint function in these cells. The results demonstrate that expression of functionally impaired p53 is one of the factors that promote immortalization of lens epithelial cells derived from alphaB-/- mice. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using probes prepared from centromere-specific mouse P1 clones of chromosomes 1 and 9 demonstrated that the hyperproliferative alphaB-/- cells were 30% diploid and 70% tetraploid, whereas wild type cells were 83% diploid. Further evidence of genomic instability was obtained when the hyperproliferative alphaB-/- cells were labeled with anti-beta-tubulin antibodies. Examination of the hyperproliferative alphaB-/- mitotic profiles revealed the presence of cells that failed to round up for mitosis, or arrested in cytokinesis, and binucleated cells in which nuclear division had occurred without cell division. These results suggest that the stress protein and molecular chaperone alphaB-crystallin protects cells from acquiring impaired p53 protein and genomic instability.  相似文献   
IL-1beta is a pro-inflammatory agent associated with angiogenesis and increased vascular permeability. To determine whether IL-1beta elicits these responses through an upregulation of VEGF, transgenic mice that overexpress IL-1beta in the lens were evaluated at various time points for the localization of VEGF, the location and extent of blood-retinal barrier (BRB) breakdown, and the origin and extent of neovascularization (NV). In homozygous and heterozygous transgenic mice, but not controls, intense VEGF immunoreactivity was scattered throughout the retina at postnatal days 5-7 (P5-7), just after the onset of inflammatory cell infiltration. VEGF staining in the retina remained widespread, but weak from P9-15. Beginning at P15, the intensity of VEGF immunoreactivity achieved a second peak, which it maintained through adulthood. This peak coincided with significant retinal destruction due to massive inflammation. The onset of BRB breakdown coincided with the upregulation of VEGF (P5-7) and widespread BRB breakdown was demonstrated from about P9. From P9-12, aggregates of cells positive for Griffonia simplicifolia isolectin-B4, a marker for vascular endothelial cells, formed on the retinal surface. These cells migrated into the retina at P12-15 with the more superficial cells forming a network of vessels and the deeper cells remaining in small clusters, thus demonstrating that NV occurs much later than BRB breakdown. Non-transgenic FVB/N mice, which undergo retinal degeneration beginning at about P9, also demonstrate the latter peak of VEGF upregulation and the accompanying BRB breakdown, but not the early upregulation. VEGF immunostaining of transgenic and non-transgenic mouse retinas was eliminated by pre-incubation of the VEGF antibodies with VEGF peptide. The data suggest that the early peak of VEGF upregulation (P5-7) and its accompanying BRB breakdown is due to IL-1beta expression and is likely to be dependent on inflammatory cell infiltration. The latter peak appears to be related to retinal destruction.  相似文献   
Transgenic (Tg) mice expressing a foreign Ag, hen egg lysozyme (HEL), under control of the alphaA-crystallin promoter ("HEL-Tg" mice) develop immunotolerance to HEL attributed to the expression of HEL in their thymus. In this paper we analyzed the immune response in double (Dbl)-Tg mice generated by mating the HEL-Tg mice with Tg mice that express HEL Abs on their B cells ("Ig-Tg" mice). The B cell compartment of the Dbl-Tg mice was unaffected by the HEL presence and was essentially identical to that of the Ig-Tg mice. A partial breakdown of tolerance was seen in the T cell response to HEL of the Dbl-Tg mice, i.e., their lymphocyte proliferative response against HEL was remarkably higher than that of the HEL-Tg mice. T-lymphocytes of both Dbl-Tg and Ig-Tg mice responded to HEL at concentrations drastically lower than those found stimulatory to lymphocytes of the wild-type controls. Cell mixing experiments demonstrated that 1) the lymphocyte response against low concentrations of HEL is due to the exceedingly efficient Ag presenting capacity of the Ab expressing B cells and 2) breakdown of tolerance in Dbl-Tg mice can also be attributed to the APC capacity of B cells, that sensitize in vivo and stimulate in vitro populations of T cells with low affinity toward HEL, assumed to be escapees of thymic deletion. These results thus indicate that T cell tolerance can be partially overcome by the highly potent Ag presenting capacity of Ab expressing B cells.  相似文献   
Salivary gland duct ligation is an alternative to gland excision for treating sialorrhea or reducing salivary gland size prior to tumor excision. Duct ligation also is used as an approach to study salivary gland aging, regeneration, radiotherapy, sialolithiasis and sialadenitis. Reports conflict about the contribution of each salivary cell population to gland size reduction after ductal ligation. Certain cell populations, especially acini, reportedly undergo atrophy, apoptosis and proliferation during reduction of gland size. Acini also have been reported to de-differentiate into ducts. These contradictory results have been attributed to different animal or salivary gland models, or to methods of ligation. We report here a bilateral double ligature technique for rabbit parotid glands with histologic observations at 1, 7, 14, 30, 60 days after ligation. A large battery of special stains and immunohistochemical procedures was employed to define the cell populations. Four stages with overlapping features were observed that led to progressive shutdown of gland activities: 1) marked atrophy of the acinar cells occurred by 14 days, 2) response to and removal of the secretory material trapped in the acinar and ductal lumens mainly between 30 and 60 days, 3) reduction in the number of parenchymal (mostly acinar) cells by apoptosis that occurred mainly between 14–30 days, and 4) maintenance of steady-state at 60 days with a low rate of fluid, protein, and glycoprotein secretion, which greatly decreased the number of leukocytes engaged in the removal of the luminal contents. The main post- ligation characteristics were dilation of ductal and acinar lumens, massive transient infiltration of mostly heterophils (rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes), acinar atrophy, and apoptosis of both acinar and ductal cells. Proliferation was uncommon except in the larger ducts. By 30 days, the distribution of myoepithelial cells had spread from exclusively investing the intercalated ducts pre-ligation to surrounding a majority of the residual duct-like structures, many of which clearly were atrophic acini. Thus, both atrophy and apoptosis made major contributions to the post-ligation reduction in gland size. Structures also occurred with both ductal and acinar markers that suggested acini differentiating into ducts. Overall, the reaction to duct ligation proceeded at a considerably slower pace in the rabbit parotid glands than has been reported for the salivary glands of the rat.  相似文献   
The abundantly expressed small molecular weight proteins, CRYAB and HSPB2, have been implicated in cardioprotection ex vivo. However, the biological roles of CRYAB/HSPB2 coexpression for either ischemic preconditioning and/or protection in situ remain poorly defined. Wild-type (WT) and age-matched ( approximately 5-9 mo) CRYAB/HSPB2 double knockout (DKO) mice were subjected either to 30 min of coronary occlusion and 24 h of reperfusion in situ or preconditioned with a 4-min coronary occlusion/4-min reperfusion x 6, before similar ischemic challenge (ischemic preconditioning). Additionally, WT and DKO mice were subjected to 30 min of global ischemia in isolated hearts ex vivo. All experimental groups were assessed for area at risk and infarct size. Mitochondrial respiration was analyzed in isolated permeabilized cardiac skinned fibers. As a result, DKO mice modestly altered heat shock protein expression. Surprisingly, infarct size in situ was reduced by 35% in hearts of DKO compared with WT mice (38.8 +/- 17.9 vs. 59.8 +/- 10.6% area at risk, P < 0.05). In DKO mice, ischemic preconditioning was additive to its infarct-sparing phenotype. Similarly, infarct size after ischemia and reperfusion ex vivo was decreased and the production of superoxide and creatine kinase release was decreased in DKO compared with WT mice (P < 0.05). In permeabilized fibers, ADP-stimulated respiration rates were modestly reduced and calcium-dependent ATP synthesis was abrogated in DKO compared with WT mice. In conclusion, contrary to expectation, our findings demonstrate that CRYAB and HSPB2 deficiency induces profound adaptations that are related to 1) a reduction in calcium-dependent metabolism/respiration, including ATP production, and 2) decreased superoxide production during reperfusion. We discuss the implications of these disparate results in the context of phenotypic responses reported for CRYAB/HSPB2-deficient mice to different ischemic challenges.  相似文献   
Subpopulations of pathogenic or nonpathogenic Th17 cells were reported to develop when presensitized CD4 cells were activated with their target Ag during polarization by either IL-23 or IL-6 and TGF-β, respectively. In this study, we generated two Th17 subpopulations by using a system in which naive CD4 cells from TCR transgenic mice specific to hen egg lysozyme (HEL) are polarized with IL-6/TGF-β and, concurrently, are activated either with HEL presented by APCs, or with anti-CD3/CD28 Abs. Only the former cells were pathogenic, inducing inflammation in eyes expressing HEL. Naive CD4 cells activated by the anti-CD3/CD28 Abs acquired pathogenicity, however, when cocultured with HEL/APC. Importantly, the naive CD4 cells did not acquire pathogenicity when cocultured with APCs stimulated with LPS or when separated from the HEL-presenting cells by a semipermeable membrane. Unlike with presensitized Th17, soluble IL-23 does not participate in pathogenicity acquisition by naive CD4 cells; no pathogenicity was induced by adding IL-23 to cultures activated with anti-CD3/CD28 Abs. Furthermore, Abs against IL-23 or IL-23R did not inhibit acquisition of pathogenicity in cultures of naive CD4 cells activated by HEL/APC. Our data thus show that, unlike presensitized CD4 cells, naive CD4 cells polarized toward Th17 phenotype acquire pathogenicity only by direct interaction with APCs presenting the Ag, with no apparent involvement of soluble IL-23. We suggest that the Th17 lymphocytes derived from naive CD4 cells participate in pathogenic and other immune processes, along with the IL-23-dependent Th17 cells.  相似文献   
The role of Th17 lymphocytes in immunopathogenic processes has been well established, but little is known about their basic cell features. In this study, we compared polarized Th1 and Th17 for key biological activities related to pathogenicity and trafficking. Th1 and Th17 lineages were derived from TCR-transgenic CD4 murine cells specific against hen egg lysozyme. When adoptively transferred into mice expressing hen egg lysozyme in their eyes, both Th1 and Th17 induced ocular inflammation but with slight differences in histological pathology. PCR analysis revealed selective expression of IFN-gamma or IL-17 in eyes of Th1 or Th17 recipients, respectively. Additionally, Th1 and Th17 were found to differ in three other key activities: 1) Th17 cells were inferior to Th1 cells in their capacity to trigger massive lymphoid expansion and splenomegaly; 2) the proportion of Th1 cells among infiltrating cells in inflamed recipient eyes declined rapidly, becoming a minority by day 7, whereas Th17 cells remained in the majority throughout this period; and 3) remarkable differences were noted between Th1 and Th17 cells in their expression of certain surface markers. In particular, reactivated Th1 expressed higher levels of CD49d and alpha(4)beta(7) (mucosal homing) in vitro and higher levels of CXCR3 (Th1 trafficking) in vivo. Reactivated Th17, however, expressed higher levels of alpha(E)beta(7) (epithelial tissue homing) and CD38 (activation, maturation and trafficking) in vitro, but in vivo Th17 expressed higher levels of alpha(4)beta(7) and CCR6 (lymphocyte trafficking). These data reveal that Th1 and Th17 cells differ in several key biological activities influencing migration and pathogenic behavior during inflammatory disease.  相似文献   
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