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A North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) genomic library was developed and screened with a (GATA)8 probe to identify tetranucleotide microsatellite loci. Sixteen characterized loci were polymorphic in North Atlantic and/or South Atlantic (Eubalaena australis) right whales, 12 being polymorphic in E. glacialis, and 15 in E. australis. Fourteen of these were combined with 21 other previously identified loci for a suite of 35 loci which can be used to increase resolution of genetic analyses of these species. Multiplex reactions were developed for genotyping samples at these loci, providing a method that is rapid, reliable and cost‐effective.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) mineralization rates and the temperature response patterns of mineral N production in surface (0–7.6 cm) soils were compared in laboratory incubation studies based on disturbed, composite samples. Seasonal variation in the field levels of mineral N, and mineralization potential of intact (7.6 × 5.6 cm diameter) soil cores, were also investigated. Ammonification proceeded rapidly in each soil. Nitrification did not occur in grassy forest (GF) soil but was active in both layered forest (LF) and mossy forest (MF) soils, especially the former. Total mineral N production was greatest in MF and least in LF. Ammonification in disturbed samples was maximal at 50°C in all three soils with a secondary peak at 10°C in LF soil. Nitrification in LF and MF soils was most rapid at 25°C. Several species of ammonifying bacteria with different temperature optima were isolated, indicating that the process of ammonification is a composite of the activities of a variety of decomposer microbes. Mean field levels of mineral N and NH4–N throughout the year were greatest in MF and least in LF. Seasonal fluctuations in NH4–N were evident, concentrations being universally low in mid-winter (about 1.5 μgg-1), increasing to a maximum in late summer (about 5 μg g-1 in LF: 16–18 μg g-1 in GF and MF). Field levels of NO3–N were more constant and never more than 5 μg g-1 in any community. Both total mineralization and ammonification in intact cores were greatest in MF and least in LF while nitrification was greatest in LF and almost negligible in GF, thus confirming the results obtained with disturbed samples. The potential for mineralization was large in mid-winter when the amount of mineral N was very low, and small in late summer when field levels were higher: this is interpreted as indicating that seasonal climatic factors regulate the availability of substrates for decomposers. Spatial variability in field levels of mineral N and mineral N production in the laboratory was evidenced by significant ‘sampling site’ effects in each community: however, at the sampling intensity used, the presence of bark mounds around Eucalyptus saligna trees could not be shown to affect these attributes. The inability of GF soil to nitrify when incubated in the laboratory could not be ascribed to a high C/N ratio, low pH, lack of substrate ammonium, or a low population of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria. No attempt was made to investigate the presence of allelopathic nitrification inhibitors. No evidence was obtained to support the view that nitrification is atypical of climax communities in situ. The most productive forest (LF) had the greatest capacity to nitrify and the least productive community (GF) the smallest capacity to do so.  相似文献   
In ovulo embryo culture followed by culture of excised immatureembryos produced interspecific hybrids between Trifolium repensL. (white clover) and autotetraploid T. hybridum L. (alsikeclover). Ovules containing hybrid embryos were excised 12–14 dafter pollination and cultured on Nitsch (1951) medium supplementedwith 15% young cucumber juice for 5–6 d. Embryos weresubsequently excised and transferred to hormone-free EG medium,a medium suitable for the culture of immature embryos. A total of 118 hybrid seedlings were obtained from 1978 reciprocalpollinations. All seedlings produced showed various chlorophylldeficiencies, either totally albino or albino with green sectors.Transmission electron microscope studies were carried out toinvestigate plastid development in embryos and seedlings. Someembryos produced only callus. Plants were regenerated from sevencalli. Two semi-albino plants survived transfer to soil, andone plant produced flowers. Backcrosses to T. repens producedone green plant. Hybridity is supported by analysis of morphological characters,karyotype and the gel electrophoretic separation of leaf isozymes. Pollen irradiated with 40 Gy of gamma rays was also used forpollinations. Results indicate that in certain cases ionizingradiation might be useful in overcoming hybrid inviability. Trifolium repens, Trifolium hybridum, clover, interspecific hybridization, in ovulo embryo culture, irradiation  相似文献   
DNA sequencing with arbitrary primer pairs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Detailed studies on the production of individual leaves, and the development of powdery mildew on them, were made in field plots of winter barley sown on different dates. The greater severity of the disease on early-sown than on later-sown seedlings during the autumn and winter can probably be explained mainly by changes in the abundance of inoculum and the suitability of the weather for infection. Results from glasshouse experiments suggest that the differences may be reinforced by direct effects of vernalisation on the susceptibility of seedlings to the disease. Contrary effects of sowing date on mildew severity during summer are probably due to the progressively greater resistance to mildew of the later-formed than of seedling leaves, and the earlier appearance of corresponding leaves on early-sown than on later-sown plants. Early sowing can also increase the total number of leaves produced per stem. Therefore, because resistance of the leaves increases progressively, the maximum degree of resistance expressed by the later-formed (e.g. flag) leaves will often be greater on early-sown than on later-sown plants.  相似文献   
In soil inoculated with Pythium ultimum or Pythium irregulare, seed treatment with either Apron 70 (=1 g metalaxyl and 1 g captan/kg seed) or thiram gave control of pre-emergence damping-off of Brussels sprout and cabbage seedlings. On cauliflower, Apron 70 was significantly more effective than thiram. No post-emergence damping-off occurred in either of these crops or in oil-seed rape following seed treatment with Apron 70 whilst post-emergence losses from untreated seed ranged from 10·2–19·4% and from thiram treated seed from 5·7-7·4%. Apron 70 gave complete control of Peronospora parasitica on cauliflower inoculated 10 days after sowing; thiram was ineffective. Following seed treatment with Apron 70, metalaxyl was detected in the cotyledons, true leaves and roots of cabbage seedlings up to 4 wk from sowing.  相似文献   
Populations of phorid flies on an experimental mushroom unit were sampled simultaneously in both spawn-running and mushroom cropping-houses by sticky traps. Comparison between these populations showed that each reached a maximum about August and that the rate of increase, as measured by the ratio between them, varied from 22 × (at the beginning of February and in mid-August to 115 × (at the beginning of June and the end of December). Population growth within a crop was assessed from the peaks plotted from weekly catches. Three such peaks could be seen, starting from initial numbers which were high, on average, at casing but with little increase after the seventh week of cropping. However, population growth within crops, found by pooling data for different seasons, showed logistic increases though slopes varied from low, for May to June-spawned crops, to high for October spawning. Wide variations occurred in the proportion of the total flies represented in the initial catches in the first wk after casing. Partial regressions were examined for the numbers caught in cropping-houses on those taken in spawn-running rooms throughout the year. Catches for crops spawned during June to September gave lower slopes for high cropping-house populations. Spawn-running room catches showed a linear relation with outdoor 9.00 a.m. B.S.T. temperature and cropping-house numbers a logistic relation, a better fit obtaining with temperatures at spawning rather than 5 wk later during cropping. Catches during spawn-running were correlated with those during subsequent cropping and these with catches made during the previous crop on the unit, irrespective of site. Since it was bimodal, rate of increase between spawn-running and cropping-houses did not correlate with outdoor temperature but revealed some very high catches in winter. Many flies were trapped in the cropping-houses early in the year when flies were absent from spawn-running rooms. Evidence for movements within farms is discussed, especially with respect to overwintering of the phorid, which validates routine trapping of both populations.  相似文献   
A method has been designed for the continuous culture of luminous bacteria. The control system for the culture uses a combination of luminescence and optical density as a light signal received by a photomultiplier. This combined signal operates pumps which exchange the growth medium. Using this method, a culture of brightly luminescing bacteria was maintained for periods up to 3 weeks.  相似文献   
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