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Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - One of only a few approved and available anabolic treatments for severe osteoporosis is daily injections of PTH (1-34). This drug has a specific dual...  相似文献   
Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella for swimming or pili for twitching. By contrast, gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages to move on solid surfaces. Flavobacterium johnsoniae and other bacteria in the Bacteroidetes phylum use adhesins whose movement on the cell surface supports motility. In F. johnsoniae, secretion and helicoidal motion of the main adhesin SprB are intimately linked and depend on the type IX secretion system (T9SS). Both processes necessitate the proton motive force (PMF), which is thought to fuel a molecular motor that comprises the GldL and GldM cytoplasmic membrane proteins. Here, we show that F. johnsoniae gliding motility is powered by the pH gradient component of the PMF. We further delineate the interaction network between the GldLM transmembrane helices (TMHs) and show that conserved glutamate residues in GldL TMH2 are essential for gliding motility, although having distinct roles in SprB secretion and motion. We then demonstrate that the PMF and GldL trigger conformational changes in the GldM periplasmic domain. We finally show that multiple GldLM complexes are distributed in the membrane, suggesting that a network of motors may be present to move SprB along a helical path on the cell surface. Altogether, our results provide evidence that GldL and GldM assemble dynamic membrane channels that use the proton gradient to power both T9SS-dependent secretion of SprB and its motion at the cell surface.

Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella or pili, but gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages for their movement. This study shows that bacteria in the phylum Bacteroidetes use proton-dependent motors to power protein secretion and gliding motility.  相似文献   
The orange luminescence of α-Al2O3 under UV excitation is characterized by a 2.07-eV orange broadband emission that has not yet been elucidated. This emission is present in natural and synthetic crystals and powders, as well as in Be-treated samples. All orange-luminescent materials have low Fe concentration (mostly <1000 ppm) with traces of divalent cations, mostly Mg, or Be in Be-diffused material (dozens of ppm). Mg2+, Mn2+, and Be2+ cations substitute for trivalent Al. To accommodate the charge deficit, several defects are created, including oxygen vacancies also called F centers. Indeed, our excitation spectra revealed the presence of several different F centers (F, F+, and clustered F2, F2+, F22+) in those samples. However, the thermal stability and the measured luminescence lifetimes do not match with previously reported characteristics of isolated F centers. Based on our experiments, we suggest that a complex aggregate of two F centers (F22+) trapped at divalent cations is a major cause of this uncommon microsecond lifetime emission, even if a variety of other defects, including Cr3+, V3+, or interstitial Al3+, are present.  相似文献   
The delimitation of bioregions helps to understand historical and ecological drivers of species distribution. In this work, we performed a network analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of plants in south of France (Languedoc‐Roussillon and Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d'Azur) to analyze the biogeographical structure of the French Mediterranean flora at different scales. We used a network approach to identify and characterize biogeographical regions, based on a large database containing 2.5 million of geolocalized plant records corresponding to more than 3,500 plant species. This methodology is performed following five steps, from the biogeographical bipartite network construction to the identification of biogeographical regions under the form of spatial network communities, the analysis of their interactions, and the identification of clusters of plant species based on the species contribution to the biogeographical regions. First, we identified two sub‐networks that distinguish Mediterranean and temperate biota. Then, we separated eight statistically significant bioregions that present a complex spatial structure. Some of them are spatially well delimited and match with particular geological entities. On the other hand, fuzzy transitions arise between adjacent bioregions that share a common geological setting, but are spread along a climatic gradient. The proposed network approach illustrates the biogeographical structure of the flora in southern France and provides precise insights into the relationships between bioregions. This approach sheds light on ecological drivers shaping the distribution of Mediterranean biota: The interplay between a climatic gradient and geological substrate shapes biodiversity patterns. Finally, this work exemplifies why fragmented distributions are common in the Mediterranean region, isolating groups of species that share a similar eco‐evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Since the beginning of taxonomy, species have been described based on morphology, but the advent of using semio-chemicals and genetics has led to the discovery of cryptic species (i.e. morphologically similar species). When a new cryptic species is described, earlier type specimens have to be re-evaluated, although this process can be challenging as only nondestructive methods ought to be used in order to preserve the integrity of the type specimens. Methods should allow comparison with recently collected specimens clustered based on chemical, ethological and/or genetic traits with old specimens (i.e. type specimens) where only morphological traits are available. Here we develop a method based on geometric morphometric analyses of wing shape for a taxonomically challenging group of bumblebees, the subgenus Alpinobombus Skorikov. We consider nine monophyletic taxa (including several cryptic species) to assess the accuracy of this method to discriminate the taxa based on their wing shape and then to attribute type specimens using a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure. We show that, for these bees, wing shape is taxon-specific, except for two sister taxa for which the species status is still debated. Moreover, for most of the taxa, type specimens were correctly attributed with high posterior probabilities of attribution, except for a few type specimens corresponding to the same two sister taxa where taxa delimitation based on wing shape was previously the subject of discussion. Our study highlights the potential of geometric morphometric analyses to help in the re-attribution of type specimens when the existence of cryptic species is revealed.  相似文献   
Down-modulation of major histocompatibility class I (MHC-I) molecules is a viral strategy for survival in the host. Myxoma virus, a member of the Poxviridae family responsible for rabbit myxomatosis, can down-modulate the expression of MHC-I molecules, but the viral factor(s) has not been described. We cloned and characterized a gene coding for an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident protein containing an atypical zinc finger and two transmembrane domains, which we called myxoma virus leukemia-associated protein (MV-LAP). MV-LAP down-regulated surface MHC-I and Fas-CD95 molecules upon transfection; the mechanism probably involves an exacerbation of endocytosis and was lost when the ER retention signal was removed. In addition, the lytic activity of MHC-I-restricted antigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) against myxoma virus-infected antigen-presenting target cells was significantly reduced, revealing a strong correlation between MHC-I down-regulation by MV-LAP and CTL killing in vitro. In vivo experiments with a knockout virus showed that MV-LAP is a virulence factor, potentially involved in the immunosuppression characteristic of myxomatosis. Data bank analysis revealed that MV-LAP has homologs in herpesviruses and other poxviruses. We propose the name "scrapins" to define a new group of ER-resident surface cellular receptor abductor proteins. The down-regulation of cell surface molecules by scrapins probably helps protect infected cells during viral infections.  相似文献   
Body size latitudinal clines have been widley explained by the Bergmann's rule in homeothermic vertebrates. However, there is no general consensus in poikilotherms organisms in particular in insects that represent the large majority of wildlife. Among them, bees are a highly diverse pollinators group with high economic and ecological value. Nevertheless, no comprehensive studies of species assemblages at a phylogenetically larger scale have been carried out even if they could identify the traits and the ecological conditions that generate different patterns of latitudinal size variation. We aimed to test Bergmann's rule for wild bees by assessing relationships between body size and latitude at continental and community levels. We tested our hypotheses for bees showing different life history traits (i.e. sociality and nesting behaviour). We used 142 008 distribution records of 615 bee species at 50 × 50 km (CGRS) grids across the West Palearctic. We then applied generalized least squares fitted linear model (GLS) to assess the relationship between latitude and mean body size of bees, taking into account spatial autocorrelation. For all bee species grouped, mean body size increased with higher latitudes, and so followed Bergmann's rule. However, considering bee genera separately, four genera were consistent with Bergmann's rule, while three showed a converse trend, and three showed no significant cline. All life history traits used here (i.e. solitary, social and parasitic behaviour; ground and stem nesting behaviour) displayed a Bergmann's cline. In general there is a main trend for larger bees in colder habitats, which is likely to be related to their thermoregulatory abilities and partial endothermy, even if a ‘season length effect’ (i.e. shorter foraging season) is a potential driver of the converse Bergmann's cline particularly in bumblebees.  相似文献   
It is well recognized that feeding rate has a major influence on the amount of movement between microhabitats for many animals. However, the role of other extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and particularly how these factors may interact, is not well understood. This three-part study examines the movement decisions of a web-building spider, Latrodectus hesperus , by assessing microhabitat tenacity in established spiders and by testing how the presence of conspecific neighbours and the combined influence of individual feeding state (determined by prior feeding experience) and neighbour presence influence microhabitat residence time in unestablished spiders. The results show that naturally established spiders did not leave their microhabitats readily, emphasizing the importance of choosing a profitable location. Unestablished spiders stayed longer in microhabitats occupied by conspecifics than in unoccupied ones, and there was practically no cannibalism even though neighbours shared webs. Furthermore, feeding state and neighbour presence showed an interactive effect on microhabitat residence time. When spiders were housed alone, microhabitat residence time increased with feeding state. However, in the presence of conspecifics, spiders had a low propensity to move, regardless of feeding state. Together, these results demonstrate the combined importance of grouping dynamics and feeding state in shaping movement decisions.  相似文献   
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