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Chlorate-resistant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (cv Viviani) mutants were found to be deficient in the nitrate reductase apoprotein (NRnia). Because they could not grow with nitrate as sole nitrogen source, they were cultivated as graftings on wild-type Nicotiana tabacum plants. The grafts of mutant plants were chlorotic compared to the grafts of wild type. Mutant leaves did not accumulate nitrogen and nitrate but contained less malate and more glutamine than wild leaves. They exhibited a slight increase of the proportion of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complexes and a lowering of the efficiency of energy transfer between these complexes and the active centers. After a 3 second 14CO2 pulse, the total 14C incorporation of the mutant leaves was approximately 20% of that of the control. The 14C was essentially recovered in ribulose bisphosphate in these plants. It was consistent with a decline of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity observed in the mutant. After a 3 second 14CO2 pulse followed by a 60 second chase with normal CO2, 14C was mainly accumulated in starch which was labeled more in the mutant than in the wild type. These results confirm the observation that in the nitrate reductase deficient leaves, chloroplasts were loaded with large starch inclusions preceding disorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
In tobacco, the two enzymes of nitrogen metabolism, cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1; E.C. and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; E.C., are induced during leaf senescence, whereas the chloroplastic glutamine synthetase (GS2; E.C. and nitrate reductase (NR; E.C. are repressed in the course of ageing. In this report, we showed in discs of fully expanded Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi leaves that sucrose (Suc) and amino acids were involved in the regulation of the expression of GS1 and GDH genes. Suc induced the expression of GS1 and repressed that of GDH. Therefore, we concluded that in response to Suc, GS1 behaved as an early Senescence Associated Gene (SAG), whereas GDH behaved as a late SAG. Moreover, amino acids induced the expression of both genes. Among the amino acids tested as signal molecules, proline (Pro) and glutamate (Glu) were major inducers of GDH and GS1 expression, respectively. Interestingly, an opposite regulation of GS1 and GS2 by Pro and Glu was shown. The contrary effect of Suc on NIA (NR encoding gene) and GDH mRNA accumulation was also emphasized.  相似文献   
The terminal step of glutathione (GSH) synthesis is the condensation of γ-glutamyl-cysteine (γ-EC) with glycine. Relatively little information exists concerning the importance of photorespiratory glycine in determining the rate of conversion of γ-EC to GSH. Consequently, the effect of exogenous glycine and of illumination on foliar contents of γ-EC and GSH was studied in excised leaves and leaf discs from untransformed poplar ( Populus tremula × P. alba ) and poplar overexpressing γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS; EC Poplars strongly overexpressing γ-ECS (ggs28) had enhanced levels of γ-EC and GSH compared to untransformed poplars. The relationship between γ-EC and GSH contents in ggs28 was light dependent. In illuminated leaves, GSH contents were up to 50-fold higher than γ-EC. On darkening, γ-EC accumulated markedly and GSH declined, so that the GSH:γ-EC ratio was close to 1. These dark-induced changes were prevented by supplying glycine through the petiole or by incubation of leaf discs on glycine. Dark accumulation of γ-EC in leaf discs from untransformed poplar was also prevented by supplying glycine. Supplying cysteine in the dark to discs from untransformed poplar and ggs28 increased γ-EC levels markedly but GSH levels only slightly. Subsequent illumination caused γ-EC to decrease and GSH to increase. Supplying glycine in concert with cysteine had similar effects to illumination. The data suggest that photorespiratory glycine is essential for GSH synthesis, especially under stress conditions, where increased amounts of GSH are required.  相似文献   
To illustrate the development of the source-to-sink transition in maize leaves during the grain-filling period, an integrated physiological-agronomic approach is presented in this study. The evolution of physiological markers such as total leaf nitrogen (N), chlorophyll, soluble protein, amino acid and ammonium contents was monitored from silking to a period close to maturity in different leaf stages of three maize genotypes grown at high and low levels of N fertilization. In addition, the activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), two enzymes known to play a direct or an indirect role during leaf N remobilization, were measured. In the three genotypes examined, we found that a general decrease of most metabolic and enzyme markers occurred during leaf ageing and that this decrease was enhanced when plants were N starved. In contrast, such variations were not observed between different sections of a single leaf even at an advanced stage of leaf senescence. We found that there is a strong correlation between total N, chlorophyll, soluble protein and GS activity, which is not dependent upon the N fertilization level, which indicates the N status of the plant, either in a single leaf or during ageing. In contrast, ammonium, amino acids and GDH activity were not subject to such variations, thus suggesting that they are indicators of the metabolic activity of the whole plant in response to the level of N fertilization. The use of these markers to predict the N status of maize as a function of both plant development and N availability is discussed.  相似文献   
Glutathione (GSH), γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC) and major free amino acids were measured in darkened and illuminated leaves from untransformed poplars (Populus tremula × P. alba) and poplars expressing Escherichia coli genes for γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-ECS; EC and glutathione reductase (GR; EC In poplars overexpressing γ-ECS, foliar γ-EC contents and GSH contents were markedly enhanced compared to poplars lacking the bacterial gene for the enzyme. However, the quantitative relationship between the foliar pools of γ-EC and GSH in these transformants was markedly dependent on light. In the dark, GSH content was relatively low and γ-EC content high, the latter being higher than the foliar GSH contents of untransformed poplars in all conditions. Hence, this transformation appears to elevate γ-EC from the ranks of a trace metabolite to one of major quantitative importance. On illumination, however, γ-EC content decreased fourfold whereas GSH content doubled. Glutathione was also higher in the light in untransformed poplars and in those overexpressing GR. In these plants, γ-EC was negligible in the light but increased in the dark. Cysteine content was little affected by light in any of the poplar types. No light-dependent changes in the extractable activities of γ-ECS, glutathione synthetase (EC or GR were observed. In contrast, both the activation state and the maximum extractable activity of nitrate reductase (EC were increased by illumination. In all poplar types, glutamate and aspartate were the major amino acids. The most marked light-induced increases in individual amino acids were observed in the glutamine, asparagine, serine and glycine pools. Illumination of leaves from poplars overexpressing γ-ECS at elevated CO2 or low O2 largely abolished the inverse light-dependent changes in γ-EC and GSH. Low O2 did not affect foliar contents of cysteine or glutamate but prevented the light-induced increase in the glycine pool. It is concluded that light-dependent glycine formation through the photorespiratory pathway is required to support maximal rates of GSH synthesis, particularly under conditions where the capacity for γ-EC synthesis is augmented. Received: 17 December 1996 / Accepted: 28 January 1997  相似文献   
We studied the salt stress (100 mM NaCl) effects on the diurnal changes in N metabolism enzymes in tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Chibli F1) that were grown under high nitrogen (HN, 5 mM NO(3)(-)) or low nitrogen (LN, 0.1 mM NO(3)(-)). NaCl stress led to a decrease in plant DW production and leaf surface to higher extent in HN than in LN plants. Total leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content was decreased by salinity in HN plants, but unchanged in LN plants. Soluble protein content was decreased by salt in the leaves from HN and LN plants, but increased in the stems-petioles from LN plants. Nitrate reductase (NR, EC showed an activity peak during first part of the light period, but no diurnal changes were observed for the nitrite reductase (NiR, EC activity. Glutamine synthetase (GS, EC and glutamate synthase (Fd-GOGAT, EC activities increased in HN plant leaves during the second part of the light period, probably when enough ammonium is produced by nitrate reduction. NR and NiR activities in the leaves were more decreased by NaCl in LN than in HN plants, whereas the opposite response was obtained for the GS activity. Fd-GOGAT activity was inhibited by NaCl in HN plant leaves, while salinity did not shift the peak of the NR and Fd-GOGAT activities during a diurnal cycle. The induction by NaCl stress occurred for the NR and GS activities in the roots of both HN and LN plants. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC activity shifted from the deaminating activity to the aminating activity in all tissues of HN plants. In LN plants, both aminating and deaminating activities were increased by salinity in the leaves and roots. The differences in the sensitivity to NaCl between HN and LN plants are discussed in relation to the N metabolism status brought on by salt stress.  相似文献   
Glutamate (Glu) metabolism and amino acid translocation were investigated in the young and old leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) using [15N]ammonium and [2-15N]Glu tracers. Regardless of leaf age, [15N]ammonium assimilation occurred via glutamine synthetase (GS; EC and Glu synthase (ferredoxin [Fd]-GOGAT; EC; NADH-GOGAT; EC, both in the light and darkness, and it did not depend on Glu dehydrogenase (GDH; EC The [15N]ammonium and ammonium accumulation patterns support the role of GDH in the deamination of [2-15N]Glu to provide 2-oxoglutarate and [15N]ammonium. In the dark, excess [15N]ammonium was incorporated into asparagine that served as an additional detoxification molecule. The constant Glu levels in the phloem sap suggested that Glu was continuously synthesized and supplied into the phloem regardless of leaf age. Further study using transgenic tobacco lines, harboring the promoter of the GLU1 gene (encoding Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana] Fd-GOGAT) fused to a GUS reporter gene, revealed that the expression of Fd-GOGAT remained higher in young leaves compared to old leaves, and higher in the veins compared to the mesophyll. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy localized the Fd-GOGAT protein to the phloem companion cells-sieve element complex in the leaf veins. The results are consistent with a role of Fd-GOGAT in supplying Glu for the synthesis and transport of amino acids. Taken together, the data provide evidence that the GS-GOGAT pathway and GDH play distinct roles in the source-sink nitrogen cycle of tobacco leaves.  相似文献   
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