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Abstract The leaves of Berberis aquifolium (Pursh.) exhibit either diffuse or specular (shiny) reflection, depending on the variety, but in no case are the leaves obviously glaucous. The dull-surfaced leaves were less wettable than the glossy ones. Using scanning electron microscopy it was determined that the diffuse reflection was due to tubular crystals of wax 250 nm in diameter. The crystals were primarily composed of 19-nonacosanol, a 29-carbon secondary alcohol, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chemical constituents of the wax underlying the tubes appeared to be the same as those of the wax from glossy leaves, with 29-carbon and 31-carbon n-alkanes and n-heptacosanol as major constituents. The reflection spectra of dull-surfaced (diffuse reflection) or glossy (specular reflection) leaves were the same, as were those of leaves with different amounts of epicuticular wax. Removing the epicuticular wax with chloroform did not change the spectrum.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. By the use of 14C-labeled substrates it has been shown in Tetrahymena that proline is rapidly and completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and glutamate (65–70%), plus small amounts of aspartate and alanine (20%), the remainder being incorporated into macromolecular cell components. In comparison, acetate, glucose and glutamate are oxidized to a lesser extent (55%, 37% and 16%, respectively). Glucose and acetate are extensively incorporated into cell components (53% and 36%, respectively), while glutamate remains in the medium (76%). Thus proline is a source of readily available energy.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The sporulated oocysts of 12 species of Eimeria occurring in the ox Bos taurus in the United States are described and differentiated. They are E. alabamensis, E. auburnensis, E. bovis, E. brasiliensis, E. bukidnonensis, E. canadensis, E. cylindrica, E. ellipsoidalis, E. illinoisensis n. sp., E. subspherica, E. wyomingensis and E. zuernii. Two other species, not yet found in North America, which are recognized as valid are E. pellita and E. thianethi. The sporulated oocysts of E. illinoisensis n. sp. are ellipsoidal or slightly ovoid, 24–29 by 19–22 μ with a mean of 26.3 by 20.7 μ; their sporocysts are 13–16 by 6–7 μ with a mean of 15.3 by 6.5 μ. This species was found in 3 cattle from one farm in Illinois.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Pentrich ciliates attached to small stones from the beds of two streams, one large with hard water, the other small with soft water, were enumerated throughout an annual cycle. Throughout the year, Platycola was the dominant peritrich in both streams, except for a brief period during the spring when Vorticella and Carchesium predominated. Vorticella reached peak levels of 89 ciliates cm2 of stone surface, and up to 102 Platycola per cm2 of stone surface were found. Mean volumes of samples of the main species were calculated, and used to estimate the standing stock biomasses. using a standard value of dry weight per unit volume. Published values of the growth rates of representatives of the main genera were used to estimate production values, which totalled about 6.5 g dry weight of peritrich cytoplasm/m2 of stream bed per annum in the large stream (mean annual density = 8.3 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface), and 33 g dry weight/m2 of stream bed per annum in the small stream (mean annual density = 47 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface). Food supply, temperature and predation were the primary factors determining peritrich abundance  相似文献   
Three species of Corixidae (Hemiptera : Heteroptera) were studied in thirty montane, sub-alpine, and alpine ponds in Western Colorado. Callicorixa audeni Hung, had the widest altitudinal range (2800-3400 m). Cenocorixa bifida Hung, was most common in montane ponds. Arctocorisa lawsoni Hung, was found only above 3100 m. C. audeni was significantly associated with C. bifida and A. lawsoni. Habitat selection was studied in two montane (2900 m) and one alpine (3480 m) pond. C. audeni utilized both mud and emergent sedges as perching and feeding sites, occurring more frequently in the sedges in the montane ponds. C. bifida was confined to the mud. In the alpine pond, A. lawsoni was most abundant on the mud; C. audeni occurred equally on the mud and in the sedges. All three species preferred shallow water (less than 0·5 m). A. lawsoni occupied deeper water more often than C. audeni. In substrate selection experiments C. audeni occupied emergent sedges more than C. bifida, confirming field observations. C. bifida occurred in sedges in the aquaria, but not in the montane ponds, suggesting that an interspecific interaction may be excluding C. bifida from the sedges in nature.  相似文献   

In Anastrepha sp.2 aff. fraterculus, the egg-cell harbours a large population of endosymbionts. The bacteria were identified as belonging to genus Wolbachia by PCR assay using primers of the ftsZ gene followed by sequencing of the amplified band. Newly deposited eggs stained in toto by Hoechst show that the bacteria are unevenly dispersed throughout the egg-cell, with a higher accumulation at the posterior pole, and that the degree of infestation varies from egg to egg. Analysis by transmission electron microscopy shows that bacteria are present in the female germ line of embryonic and larval stages, as well as in the different cell types of the ovaries at the adult stage. Mature ova within the follicles harbour a large population of the symbionts. The results indicate the existence of a transovarian transmission of the endosymbionts in this fly.  相似文献   
Recent theoretical studies suggest that the distribution of species in space has important implications for the conservation of communities in fragmented landscapes. Facilitation and dispersal are the primary mechanisms responsible for the formation of spatial patterns. Furthermore, disruptions in the formation of patterns arise after degradation, which can serve as an early indicator of stress in plant communities. Spatial dispersal ability and pattern formation were evaluated in 53 linear transects of 500 m in length within 14 fragments of natural vegetation within a matrix of abandoned crop fields in Cabo de Gata National Park, Almería, Spain. Fragments were classified into three size classes (< 300, 300–900, and > 900 ha). Fragment connectivity was quantified using the distances between fragments. Spatial dispersal ability was quantified for the 187 species recorded in the study. Species with restricted dispersal had the highest degree of long‐range spatial autocorrelation and, species that disperse by biotic vectors (e.g. vertebrates), the lowest. In addition, species most susceptible to fragmentation are vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, which declined in abundance and was associated with loss of spatial organization in the smallest fragments. It is postulated that the positive feedback between abundance of recruitment and vertebrate visits influences the colonization and persistence of vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, explaining its abundance in large fragments. Indeed, fragments lower than a certain threshold reduced spatial organization not only in shrubs with biotic dispersal, but also in species with abiotic dispersal (mainly wind) and with restricted dispersal. Fragments lower than a certain threshold may be vulnerable to a cascade of species loss because of reduced recruitment, establishment and patch biomass as a result of natural senescence, finally breaking up facilitative plant interactions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 935–947.  相似文献   
Lead intoxication can interfere with haem synthesis and alter the concentration of haem precursors, such as the neurotoxin 5-aminolevulinic acid, in plasma and urine. The relationship between blood lead concentration (PbB), a biomarker of lead exposure, and 5-aminolevulinic acid concentration in urine (ALAU), a biomarker of the early biological effect of lead, was examined in lead-exposed children. ALAU was assayed by chemical derivatization and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The study subjects were 79 children with moderate to high lead exposure recruited from a lead-poisoning prevention clinic. Their urine had been previously analysed for creatinine (CR) concentration and the benzene metabolite trans,trans- muconic acid, and their blood had been analysed for lead. We found that ALAU was not correlated with PbB (Spearman r=0.088, p=0.44), but the ratio ALAU/CR was correlated with PbB (Spearman r=0.22, p=0.054). Creatinine and ALAU concentrations were higher in urine samples collected in the afternoon than those collected in the morning, a finding that is consistent with known diurnal variation. However the ratio ALAU/CR was not different in morning and afternoon urines, supporting the use of creatinine adjustment of ALAU analysis of spot urine samples. In view of the neurotoxic properties of ALA, future validation studies of biomarkers of lead exposure and effect in children should include ALAU or ALAU/CR as potential markers of lead effect.  相似文献   
Nontoxic toxins: the energetics of coevolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I propose that the relative productivity of an organism in its community importantly influences the kinds of predator defences that are most effective relative to their costs. Two classes of defence mechanisms are distinguished: those that give some energy to the predator (tribute defences) and those that do not (non-tribute defences). The pattern of distribution of these two types of defences both geographically and among different taxonomic groups of organisms support the hypothesis that the productivity of a species relative to others in its community is an important determinant of the type ol defence a species adopts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Studies performed with the basidiomycete Laccaria trullisata collected from the sandy beach at the Hempstead Lake State Park, Long Island, New York, during the growing seasons of 1979 and 1980, have demonstrated a carposphere (equivalent to rhizosphere) effect. This region exerts a positive influence on the population density of amoebae when numbers are compared with those obtained in the bare sand 5 cm away. Moreover, amoebae have been shown to exist in, and have been recovered from, internal tissue of the cap (72%) and stalk (91%) of these mushrooms. A partial characterization of three strains of amoebae isolated from the internal tissue of L. trullisata and established in clonal culture is presented.  相似文献   
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