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Abstract: ‘Totanuslartetianus, Elorius paludicola and ‘Tringagracilis are the three scolopacid birds from the early Miocene of Saint‐Gérand‐le‐Puy described by the French palaeontologist Milne‐Edwards in the 19th century. Since then, no revision of these taxa has been performed. Our re‐examination revealed that not much of the material originally assigned to ‘Totanuslartetianus can be retained within the species. Presumably plesiomorphic features of the humerus – and potentially the coracoid we attributed to this taxon – indicate that it is misplaced in the extant scolopacid genus and may not even belong to the Scolopacidae (sandpipers and allies), and we therefore place it in the new genus Scolopacimilis. Comparisons of the material assigned to Elorius paludicola and ‘Tringagracilis show that they are morphologically similar, both exhibiting distinct scolopacid anatomical features. The latter, however, cannot be referred to the extant taxon Tringa and is classified into the new genus Parvelorius. We further introduce three new species, ?Elorius limosoides sp. nov., and ?Parvelorius calidris sp. nov., which we have tentatively assigned to the extinct scolopacid genera Elorius and Parvelorius, respectively, and Becassius charadriioides gen. et. sp. nov., which, together with Scolopacimilis, display a morphology uncharacteristic for extant Scolopaci. For the first time we have assigned skulls to some of the postcranial elements described in this study. The presence of at least six species of Scolopaci from the early Miocene considerably increases the number of members of the group known from this time.  相似文献   
Stripping off the epidermis of Sedum leaves is found to increasethe rate of water-loss by amounts of the order of 700 per cent.A high resistance of the pores of the stomatal epidermis tothe diffusion of water-vapour from the mesophyll is thus indicated. Stripping one surface of a leaf considerably increases the rateof transpiration from the other (untouched) surface. The explanationof this is under investigation. In conclusion, the writer wishes to thank Dr. F. M. Haines forsuggestions, interest and criticism. Thanks are also due tothe staff of the Chelsea Physic Garden and to Mr. I. R. McGregorfor his valuable technical assistance.  相似文献   
Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   
This study analyses the temporal and spatial changes in abundance and distribution of the warm water species round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the western Mediterranean over the last decades in relation to sea water temperature. In the western Mediterranean basin (1950–2003), a significant positive relationship was found between round sardinella landings and temperature anomalies. Along a latitudinal gradient off the Mediterranean Iberian coast (1989–2004), a gradual increase in species abundance was observed from south to north, with a certain time lag going northwards, associated with the increase in sea water temperature. The abundance of round sardinella in the two warmest and southernmost areas was positively and significantly correlated with sea surface temperature registered during the start of gonad maturation the previous year. In addition, the positive relationship established between water temperature and abundance of round sardinella in the coldest and northernmost study area demonstrates that there is a temperature limit for the distribution of this species in the western Mediterranean. In addition, this study analyses round sardinella larvae distribution and abundance in the summers of 2003 and 2004, and conducts a comparison with the situation 20 years ago (summer 1983). Results show a marked increase in larval abundance during the last decades and the present appearance of larvae in the northernmost study areas, where they did not occur 20 years ago. This indicates the successful reproduction of round sardinella in the northern part of the Mediterranean, where the species has expanded, confirming its establishment in the area.  相似文献   
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