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Ubiquinone Q(10) (coenzyme Q) is an important component of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and an antioxidant. The purpose of this work was to find out whether an increase in the level of coenzyme Q in the heart changes its maximal working capacity and resistance to oxidative stress. Male Wistar rats were treated with coenzyme Q (10 mg/kg body weight per day) for six weeks, and this increased its content in the myocardium by 63%. The myocardial content of malonic dialdehyde and activities of key antioxidant enzymes were unchanged, except nearly 2.5-fold decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase. The maximal working capacity of the isolated isovolumic heart did not change, but under conditions of oxidative stress induced by 45-min infusion of hydrogen peroxide (70 micro M) into coronary vessels the contractile function of these hearts decreased significantly more slowly. This was associated with less pronounced lesions in the ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes and lesser disorders in the oxidative metabolism of mitochondria that suggested increased antioxidant protection of the myocardium.  相似文献   
The model experiment with rats was undertaken to assess a reversibility of alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACMP). Certain features of ACMP were reproduced after 20 weeks of alcoholization. The following 6 weeks of abstinence were not enough for disappearance of structural alterations in the myocardium.  相似文献   
Immunochemical and electron microscopic characterization of rat myocardium was conducted 2 h and 3 weeks after a single injection of isoproterenol in rats. The relative content of several myospecific proteins (KRP – kinase-related protein, desmin), cytoskeletal proteins (tubulin, vinculin, myosin light chain kinase – MLCK) and extracellular matrix protein fibronectin was determined by immunoblotting. Two hours after injection of 50 mg/kg isoproterenol a destruction of some cardiomyocytes, contracture of myofibrils and mild edema of intercellular space was observed. The content of all the studied proteins except KRP decreased below control levels. This situation sustained 3 weeks after injection and paralleled alterations in cardiomyocyte ultrastructure. Areas of myofibrillar contracture and lysis were noted, glycogen granules were sparse; mitochondria contained arrow-like inclusions that are characteristic for calcium overload, also huge mitochondria contacting each other by specialized intermitochondrial contacts were detected. Clumps of unripe elastic fibers in enlarged intercellular space were combined with increased deposition of collagens type I and III forming areas of fibrosis. The smaller dosage of isoproterenol (10 mg/kg) rendered no significant damage in the acute postinjection period but 3 weeks later it induced the thickening of extracellular matrix around cardiac cells and the increase in KRP and tubulin content by 26 and 32%, correspondingly. MLCK levels remained depressed throughout the experiment. The rise in KRP expression was also observed after the addition of isoproterenol to cultured chicken embryo cardiomyocytes. Obtained results indicate that even a single injection of isoproterenol creates long lasting structural alterations in cardiac muscle accompanied by the increased expression of extracellular matrix proteins and several sarcoplasmic proteins apparently involved in hypertrophic response of cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   
Association of mitochondrial population to a mitochondrial reticulum is typical of many types of the healthy cells. This allows the cell to organize a united intracellular power-transmitting system. However, such an association can create some difficulties for the cell when a part of the reticulum is damaged or when mitochondria should migrate from one cell region to another. It is shown that in these cases decomposition of extended mitochondria to small roundish organelles takes place (the thread-grain transition). As an intermediate step of this process, formation of beads-like mitochondria occurs when several swollen parts of the mitochondrial filament are interconnected with thin thread-like mitochondrial structures. A hypothesis is put forward that the thread-grain transition is used as a mechanism to isolate a damaged part of the mitochondrial system from its intact parts. If the injury is not repaired, spherical mitochondrion originated from the damaged part of the reticulum is assumed to convert to a small ultracondensed and presumably dead mitochondrion (this process is called 'mitoptosis'). Then the dead mitochondrion is engulfed by an autophagosome. Sometimes, an ultracondensed mitoplast co-exists with a normal mitoplast, both of them being surrounded by a common outer mitochondrial membrane. During apoptosis, massive thread-grain transition is observed which, according to Youle et al. (S. Frank et al., Dev Cell 1: 515, 2002), is mediated by a dynamin-related protein and represents an obligatory step of the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. We found that there is a lag phase between addition of an apoptogenic agent and the thread-grain transition. When started, the transition occurs very fast. It is also found that this event precedes complete de-energization of mitochondria and cytochrome c release to cytosol. When formed, small mitochondria migrate to (and in certain rare cases even into) the nucleus. It is suggested that small mitochondria may serve as a transportable form of organelles ('cargo boats' transporting some apoptotic proteins to their nuclear targets).  相似文献   
The aim of the given study is to simulate viral myocarditis (VMC) experimentally and to reveal morphologic evidences of its transformations into the dilatation cardiomyopathy (DCMP). Syrian golden hamsters were infected with Coxsackie B2 virus. Optical and electron microscopic morphological changes of myocardium showed the possible transformation of VMC into DCMP.  相似文献   
Ultrastructure of myocardial capillaries of rats was studied in cases of chronic alcohol intoxication, experimental alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACM) and its correction with antioxidants (vitamin E, dibunol). Alterations in the microcirculatory bed were similar in all groups of animals irrespective of disturbances in cardiomyocytes. Cardiomyocyte ultrastructure was improved after treatment with antioxidants, but capillary bed was the same as in untreated animals. High dibunol doses caused the onset of perivascular sclerosis. Disturbances in the microcirculatory bed are, probably, the first step in the determination of ACM pathogenesis and therapy of ACM must be directed at the correction of both alterations of cardiomyocytes and capillary bed.  相似文献   
Two SH-groups per enzyme subunit have been identified in the native preparation of rabbit liver NAD kinase, using DTNB. The titration curve is biphasic; one SH-group is modified at each step. There is a strict correlation between the loss of the enzyme activity and the rate of modification of fast and slow SH-groups. Substrates afford only a partial protection of NAD kinase against the DTNB-induced inactivation. The data obtained suggest that two SH-groups of NAD kinase are essential for the enzyme activity; however, these groups are not directly involved in the active center formation.  相似文献   
Electron microscopy of cardiomyocytes of patients with hypertrophic and alcoholic cardiomyopathies revealed the presence of nuclei with mitochondria accumulated in their core. This was associated with chromatin displacement towards the core of the nucleus. No large-scale intermixing of the nuclear content with the cytosol was found, although in some sections there were disruptions in the nuclear envelop continuity. The entrance of mitochondria into the nucleus was modeled in rats that were given ethanol and the catalase inhibitor aminotriazole for 12 weeks. It is suggested that the entrance of mitochondria into the nucleus promotes both the attack of mitochondria by nuclear proteins and the attack of nuclear DNA and proteins by proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space.  相似文献   
A study was made of histo- and ultrastructure and of some electron-histochemical characteristics of the myocardium and liver of alcoholic rats. Experimental animals manifested alterations in the myocardium which were similar to those seen in alcoholic cardiomyopathy in humans. In controls, such alterations were either lacking or occurred in rare cases. Rats which received ethanol showed fatty dystrophy of the liver. The experimental animals differed from controls in some morphometric parameters (body and heart weight, diameter of cardiomyocytes) as well.  相似文献   
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