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Shape variations in the dentition and the cranium were analyzed for sevenSaguinus forms of the hairy-face tamarin by applying the factor analysis method. The results obtained for the dental and cranial measurements were almost consistent with each other. The magnitude of the difference in shape factors between theS. nigricollis group and theS. midas group is appreciably larger than that between the former group and theS. mystax group. If the ancestral geographic centre of origin is postulated as being within the region which is inhabited by the livingS. nigricollis group, the morphological distances between any pairs of groups correlate well with the geographic distances between them. Concerning the dental and cranial morphologies, the physical changes in the three species group probably took place in two directions; that is, from theS. nigricollis group to theS. mystax group, and from theS. nigricollis group to theS. midas group. The forms belonging to each species group are more closely related to each other, with the exception ofS. imperator in theS. mystax group. The uniqueness ofS. imperator was clearly demonstrated by factor analysis and distance analysis. In theS. mystax group, although still hypothetical,S. imperator may have been related only through the basic ancestral stock toS. labiatus andS. mystax.  相似文献   
Summary The antitumor effect of a synthetic lipid A analogue, DT-5461, was investigated using syngeneic tumor models in mice. Intravenous injection of DT-5461 into mice transplanted with solid tumors of MethA fibrosarcoma, MH134 hepatoma, MM46 mammary carcinoma, Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL), and colon adenocarcinomas 26 and 38 resulted in significant reductions in the weight of all tumors except Colon 26, with marked hemorrhagic necrosis of tumor tissues. Efficacy was almost equal to that of anEscherichia coli-type synthetic lipid A (compound 506), and also to those of some chemotherapeutics including Adriamycin, mitomycin C, fluorouracil and cisplatin. Furthermore, DT-5461 was more effective than other immunotherapeutics, including picibanil (OK-432) and lentinan. However, its antitumor effects were inferior to those of Adriamycin or OK-432 against the malignant ascites caused by intraperitoneal inoculation with MethA or with MH134 cells; life span was not prolonged by either intraperitoneal or intravenous administration. In addition, although DT-5461 showed direct inhibitory effects on the in vitro growth of MethA or MH134, these were much weaker than those of Adriamycin. These findings clearly indicated that DT-5461 with systemic administration is a highly effective antitumor agent on solid tumors, and suggest that the antitumor effect of DT-5461 with potent necrotizing activity might derive from indirect mechanisms related to the activation of host immune systems and not to the weak direct cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
Five evolutionarily significant dental traits were identified from a B-square distance analysis of nine crown characters recorded for several populations of East Asia and Oceania. Intergroup variation in these traits distinguishes three major divisions of the Mongoloid dental complex: sundadonty, sinodonty, and the dental pattern of Australian Aborigines. The Australian crown features may be characterized as having high frequencies of evolutionarily conservative characters. Negritos, one of the probable representatives of indigenous inhabitants of Southeast Asia who may have shared a common ancestor with Australians, possess the more derived sundadont dental pattern. As far as the five crown traits treated here are concerned, Australian dental features may be described as conforming to a "proto-sundadont" dental pattern, applying Turner's terminology. This pattern may represent a microevolutionary step prior to the emergence of the sundadont and sinodont patterns.  相似文献   
Abstract: Excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmitters may play a role in the pathophysiology of traumatic injury to the CNS. Although NMDA receptor antagonists have been reported to have therapeutic efficacy in animal models of brain injury, these compounds may have unacceptable toxicity for clinical use. One alternative approach is to inhibit the release of EAAs following traumatic injury. The present study examined the effects of administration of a novel sodium channel blocker and EAA release inhibitor, BW1003C87, or the NMDA receptor-associated ion channel blocker magnesium chloride on cerebral edema formation following experimental brain injury in the rat. Animals (n = 33) were subjected to fluid percussion brain injury of moderate severity (2.3 atm) over the left parietal cortex. Fifteen minutes after injury, the animals received a constant infusion of BW1003C87 (10 mg/kg, i.v.), magnesium chloride (300 µmol/kg, i.v.), or saline over 15 min (2.75 ml/kg/15 min). In all animals, regional tissue water content in brain was assessed at 48 h after injury, using the wet weight/dry weight technique. In saline-treated control animals, fluid percussion brain injury produced significant regional brain edema in injured left parietal cortex ( p < 0.001), the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.001), left hippocampus ( p < 0.001), and left thalamus ( p = 0.02) at 48 h after brain injury. Administration of BW1003C87 15 min postinjury significantly reduced focal brain edema in the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.02) and left hippocampus ( p < 0.01), whereas magnesium chloride attenuated edema in left hippocampus ( p = 0.02). These results suggest that excitatory neurotransmission may play an important role in the pathogenesis of posttraumatic brain edema and that pre- or post-synaptic blockade of glutamate receptor systems may attenuate part of the deleterious sequelae of traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   
The performance of fluidized-bed reactors utilizing a magnetic field was determined by the use of magnetite-containing beads of immobilized unease. The reactors showed similar or higher conversions in comparison with fixed-bed reactors, although some aggregation of the beads in the magnetic field was observed. No effusion of the beads occurred up to a flow rate of 24 cm/min.  相似文献   

The acyclic nucleosides 2 were treated with 2-chloro-3-methyl-1-oxa-3-aza-2-phosphacyclopentane (3) in the presence of diisopropylethylamine to give the corresponding phosphoramidite derivatives (4). The phosphoramidite intermediates (4) were oxidized with m-chloroperbenzoic acid to the phosphoramidate derivatives (5). Treatment of 5a,b with ZnBr2 in CH3NO2 gave the corresponding acyclic nucleoside cyclic phosphoramidates (6a,b). Attempts to desilylation of 5c by tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) resulted in opening of the phosphoramidate ring. The newly synthesized compounds were evaluated for antiviral and antitumor cell activity.  相似文献   
Taste effects of six newly synthesized ribonucleotide derivatives, i.e., disodium salts of 2-methyl-5′-inosinic acid · 6H2O, 2-ethyl-5′-inosinic acid · 1.5H2O, 2-N-methyl-5′-guanylic acid · 5.5H2O, 2-N-dimethyl-5′-guanylic acid · 2.5H2O, 2-methylthio-5′-inosinic acid · 6H2O and 2-ethylthio-5′-inosinic acid · 2H2O, were studied. Stimulus thresholds (detection thresholds) of these derivatives ranged from about 0.02 to 0.006 g/100ml. Flavor-enhancing activities of them were 2.3 to 8.0 times larger than that of disodium 5′-inosinate · 7.5H2O IMP) in the synergistic effect with monosodium glutamate. Furthermore, the quality of taste of all the derivatives was recognized to be the same kind to that of IMP.  相似文献   
To improve the metabolic stability of 3, which exhibited both in vitro antitumor activity and in vivo efficacy by both iv and po administration, we designed and synthesized new taxane analogues. Most of the synthetic compounds maintained excellent antitumor activity and were scarcely metabolized by human liver microsomes. And some compounds exhibited potent antitumor effects against B16 melanoma BL6 in vivo by both iv and po administration similarly to 3.  相似文献   
To synthesize new highly active taxoids, we designed and synthesized 9 beta-dihydro-9,10-acetal taxoids. In vitro study of these analogues clearly showed them to be more potent than docetaxel.  相似文献   
The paired helical filaments (PHF) found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain are composed mainly of the hyperphosphorylated form of microtubule-associated protein tau (PHF-tau). It is well known that tau is a good in vitro substrate for Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II). To establish the phosphorylation sites, the longest human tau (hTau40) was bacterially expressed and phosphorylated by CaM kinase II, followed by digestion with lysyl endoprotease. The digests were subjected to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. We found that 5 of 22 identified peptides were phosphorylated. From the tandem mass spectrometry, two phosphorylation sites (serines 262 and 356) were identified in the tubulin binding sites. When tau was phosphorylated by CaM kinase II, the binding of tau to taxol-stabilized microtubules was remarkably impaired. As both serines 262 and 356 are reportedly phosphorylated in PHF-tau, CaM kinase II may be involved in hyperphosphorylation of tau in AD brain.  相似文献   
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